10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - oldskool

You are quite welcome.
Check the Official Turbografx-16 download link here in this section of the forums.  It's got some diagnostic flow-charts which may help.

Good luck.
Oh good.  It should be readily available to pretty much anyone now.

It's pretty interesting!  I will be going back to that garage - want to see if some of the servers in there are NEC related.  Also going to look for the test jig.  Also - there were a ton of belts and electronic repair parts sorted in a large bin.  I am sure some of the belts must be for the TG16CD.  They do take belts right?  Maybe I can find some lasers too.

Will keep everyone updated if I find anything else.  I did not see the computer with the CDROM on top as I don't think they had that unit here in the states.
No problem.  I was wondering about that actually.  So my assumption is correct..  this should help troubleshooting problems for everyone!  I really think if someone took the time to look into the circuitry they might find a few new things as well.
I use Chrome and it works just fine for me.  For a reader I use FOXIT.  Is anyone else having issues with downloading?  If so I can move it to a different server.  Night - if you continue to have problems with it I will move it to another server.

Quote from: NightWolve on 01/22/2014, 03:18 AMI tried 2 different browsers and the file downloaded was corrupt or incomplete. Can you upload to a simpler file sharing site like www.mediafire.com or whatever ?
Here is the direct download link to the Official USA Turbografx-16 service manual.

Thank you RoyVegas for scanning it into the high resolution PDF format.

If anyone wants to modify it or make it user friendly and interactive some way be my guest.

Post your revised version in this thread if possible.

Here is the link.  Make sure to click the RECTANGULAR GRAY DOWNLOAD BUTTON and then enter the Captcha. 


Here it is everyone.  I didn't bother with formatting it or creating hyperlinks and things, but if anyone wants to spruce it up a bit that would be pretty cool.  I was thinking it would be neat to be able to click certain things (like on the table of contents for instance) and it link you to different areas of the manual.  Say there is a mention of a certain chip, you can click it and it will take you to the blow up schematic of that chip for example.  Maybe a "Back" button to take you back to the table of contents, etc etc.  If anyone wants to try that be my guest.  I was going to do it but if anyone else wants to undertake it and post a revised edition that would be awesome.

Anyways, here is the link to the direct download.  When you click the link click the RECTANGULAR GRAY DOWNLOAD BUTTON and then put your Captcha in. 


Hope you all enjoy!  Thanks RoyVegas for scanning them in such a high resolution.  It sure looks good.

I will also be starting another thread with a direct download link.  Hopefully that one can be stickied in here since it is of utmost importance to the community!!
That's exactly what we were thinking.  I think it will be useful to a lot of people actually.  Hopefully the community can learn something from it.  I think for modding it might be able to simplify things too. 

Gonna get that soon keep an eye out!
Hey everyone yes it was me that found this. 

I just about shit a brick when I picked it up in my hands.  Truly a miracle!  I was hoping that SOMEONE could possibly learn something new from this manual, whether it's for modding, repairs, or programming.  I would like to think that the schematics are WAY better than anything else that was available before.

Rather than hoarding this and keeping it from the community we have decided to share it all with you.  It was a gift to Roy from me for Christmas.  As far as the scans go and the find is concerned - as long as Roy and I get credit for the find and posting it I think that would be sufficient for both of us.  As far as selling the original it's Roy's and if he is to ever get rid of it - it will go back to me for safe keeping so don't even think about it.   :-)

Oh and it's good to be back (kind of).  I'm sure some of you MIGHT remember me...  been here for a while but not in the past few years.  When the chat went away I pretty much did as well.  Good times.

Basically here's the deal - the stuff was found in an ex NEC technician employees garage 20+ years later.  There was SO much NEC stuff in that garage, this book is just the beginning.  I also found all sorts of other stuff..  new model 1 CD drives still in their white boxes.  A new Turbografx-16 console complete with foam blocks and everything (minus the outer box), 2 docking bases, 2 docking base AC Adapters, 2 system 2.0 cards, 2 brand new Turbosticks, hoards of other controllers and turbosticks, a turbo-booster, just only a couple games.  Found the manual, and other NEC repair manuals for various VHS players and NEC Laptops.

Get this also found BRAND new NEC Multispeed HD laptop.  Look it up, quite interesting and powerful for the time.  It runs on MS DOS 3.2 and has a built in 20MB HD - and a backlit screen - this was all very advanced in 1987.  It came with every manual and I even got the technicians manuals for it as well. 

The place is still CHOCK full so the test jig just MAY still be in there.  I am still welcome to the place to see what else I can find any time.  It's like the biggest NEC find in general ever. 

I know off topic, but also got an NEC VHS Camcorder - thing sits on top of your shoulders, came in the box with the foam blocks and everything also - but dead battery.  Also can't figure out how to make the thing rw/ff/pause/play/rec.  Nothing seems to make the tape respond.  Is there some kind of copy protection on the VHS tapes or something I tried using? 

I can go on and on - found so many other technical manuals - a C64 technicians diagnostic data sheet, bins and bins full of drive belts and other old electronics repair parts, etc etc.

I don't want to make this too long of a story and not bragging but everything was FREE.  Just wanted it all out of his garage.

Should I go back?  I seemt to recall boxes and boxes of old computer parts, several server looking cases with motherboards in them (maybe Turbografx development computers?), etc etc. 

Roy thats great that you got pictures up!  Were you able to get it scanned?  I was hoping we could maybe get some clean scans of it.  I personally wanted to assemble the images into a PDF file and then will probably have Roy upload it to esteban's site or wherever you all think it fits best.  If anyone is good at assembling images into a PDF file with hyperlinks (so you can skip around using the table of contents for example) then fire away some tips on that. 

ok back to some Lords of Thunder..
I am one of 3 that voted for Robo Aleste.  Why am I starting to notice a trend here?  LOL
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/10/2013, 10:23 AMThe voters that selected 'Kick to the family jewels' clearly have no balls.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
MERCS is by far the better game.
As much as I love Soldier Blade - I do believe that Axelay is a better game.  And yes this is going to be a biased poll around here.  Would be better to post it somewhere like Digital Press.
I'll take one if it's not too expensive.  I can finally play my copy of Sapphire then.  :-)

Been sitting on the shelf begging for some playtime..
Are there any more of these left?  I would be greatly interested in this as I am a big fan of the classic JRPG.
TURBO FOREVER!!!   I actually don't own this game - and I happen to love it!
Off-Topic / Re: 365th Post Thread
08/18/2011, 11:25 PM
No one will, because it will get lost in the thread black hole.  And you can't bump it either cause then you would be breaking your rules.

Oh shit..
Windy give me a call if some of those DS games don't sell.  I might be interested in a few of them.
Quote from: OldRover on 01/12/2011, 08:26 AM
Quote from: oldskool on 01/12/2011, 01:36 AMWhile I do agree that the few of us that actually had faith in them do deserve "extras"
Emphasis mine. Never put faith in anything. Ever. EVER. And that goes for everything.

And furthermore, that statement is arrogant and self-serving, which is really what people are opposed to. I don't see any homebrew-slamming in this thread at ALL. Do you even know what homebrew-slamming looks like? No one's ragging on the game because it's homebrew, it's because of the ultimately idiotic things that some of the dev staff and die-hard zealots are saying. It's no different than when people (although this happens in the magnitude of MILLIONS, not just dozens) rag on Blizzard for whatever they fucked up this week. If it was homebrew-slamming, it would involve people making half-assed comparisons to commercial games, saying that this game sucks because it wasn't made by a licensed third party, etc etc etc.
Yada Yada Yada.  Thanks for the attack calling me arrogant and self-serving.  Because that is SO me.  I appreciate it.  Can't ever even get a word in this fucking place without people fucking attacking you.
My Pier Solar US edition has been working flawlessly for me in BOTH my CDX, and my X'Eye.  Not sure if I am lucky, or if people just have worn out hardware. 

And to those who have not played it yet, I assure you, it's an AWESOME game.  And I am not even a big fan of Japnese style RPG's.  It has some unique features in the game that I have yet to see in other RPG's.  Not to mention the graphics and the sounds are amazing.

Did anyone here post a link to an official ISO copy of the original disc?  If not I can dupe mine.  And if it doesn't work in your hardware, then maybe it does have something to do with worn out lasers - since I know mine works great.

As one of those people that "patiently waited" for over 2 years - I do have to agree that it kind of sucks for the people that are still interested in it to have to pay more and get less.  But it is what it is.  And what it is, is an awesome Genesis game for $45 (Shipped).

While I do agree that the few of us that actually had faith in them do deserve "extras", I don't believe that we should have got that many extras to those buyers of the second print.  I think the omision of the color manal is no big deal really.  But I do think that everyone deserves the enchanced CD.  It is nice that you still have the option to burn one off if you want to experience it, but I also do agree.

I do think that some people are going a bit overboard about the whole situation too, that's for sure. 

I think there is WAY too much homebrew slamming around here, it's pretty pathetic really.
I think the first shooter that I recall playing was either Defender on the 2600, or Vanguard in the arcade.

Yup, it's all your fault Roy.  Fucking prick.
Well I can say that I was order 687, and that was in October or November of 2008 I believe.  They basically finally sold out earlier this year, so that means that for over a year after I got mine they were still selling them.  Now mind you, I did get mine not long after the pre-order was open, so there was probably that initial surge in the first few months, but - I wouldn't be surprised if they sold 1500 copies total.  Probably 500 US, 500 JPN, and 500 EURO. 

Beggar Prince finally sold out after 4 years of multiple runs.  SFT sold 1500 copies of Beggar Prince. 

Legend of Wukong is back and in stock and you can buy it right now if you so wish to do.  I would if the money wasn't tight as I've heard that it's better than Beggar Prince.

Now SFT has another unreleased RPG coming out for the Genesis called Star Odyssey. 

And let's not forget the free Sonic Mega MIX Sega CD ISO that anyone can download.  It's too bad that the Turbo doesn't get the homebrew releases like the Genesis does.  It's a shame really, considering how awesome the Turbo is.

Free Insanity?  Shit I guess I missed out since I have not frequented the forums much lately.  :(  I would still be willing to purchase it really, if I was not so broke all the time.
Well, from what the authors have said in the past.  They did everything in their power to encrypt it so that any dumping device that's around couldn't do it.  And even if someone did figure out a way to dump it, no emulator will be able to support it either because of some things they've done to keep that from happening.  Not sure what they did, but they basically mentioned that it would take A LOT to get it to be dumped and working on an emulator.  Basically someone would have to make a custom dumping device that decrypts the data, AND program a special emulator just to run it.  Not only that, but what emulator can play a ROM and an ISO at the same time.

Quote from: guest on 12/14/2010, 09:02 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/14/2010, 07:06 PMI don't care if my game has a second edition sticker, I just wanna play it.

Game looks great, but the developers really dropped the ball on this.  I assumed they would want many people to play the game and experience their hard work, but apparently they'd rather just see me have to spend an unfortunate amount on their game.

If anyone had a lead on getting a copy, please lt me know!
I didnt bother preordering because the project was delayed like crazy, in true Lunar-inspired fashion....

now that its out, its scarce.  Lame.

Oh well.   Someone will dump the rom probably so that theres enough for everyone.
Quote from: guest on 12/14/2010, 09:02 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/14/2010, 07:06 PMI don't care if my game has a second edition sticker, I just wanna play it.

Game looks great, but the developers really dropped the ball on this.  I assumed they would want many people to play the game and experience their hard work, but apparently they'd rather just see me have to spend an unfortunate amount on their game.

If anyone had a lead on getting a copy, please lt me know!
I didnt bother preordering because the project was delayed like crazy, in true Lunar-inspired fashion....

now that its out, its scarce.  Lame.

Oh well.   Someone will dump the rom probably so that theres enough for everyone.
I hope they make some sort of a change in their second batch, so the people like me that have waited for over 2 years have something unique and special for their patience.  Even if it's just a sticker that says version 2 or something like that on the box.
YAY it's been shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I've been waiting YEARS for this.  Have a USA copy coming!  Got my CDX all hooked up and ready to go.
Hi Kevin welcome to PCEngineFX.  I actually met you at CGE, might not remember, was talking to you about CTCW and Game Gavel before the show actually started, and I was the guy behind the booth running the Game Stations.  Anyways, good luck with the sales.
That game is really not that good at all.
I like 3DO.
Naaa..  not really a desperation move.  You'll probably get more for it there than you would have here.

Honestly, if I had an import adapter, I would have been very interested in this.
Sweet, so where's the list of Sega stuff for trade?  For a particular NES game.
Well both were canceled because "we could not find the games in stock, we are sorry"..   figures.

Quote from: oldskool on 06/08/2010, 05:06 AMNo pics yet, because I have not received them yet, but I am pretty excited about it.

I picked up 2 copies of Lucienne's Quest for the 3DO for 12.99 each.  Had to have been a typo, I hope they don't cancel my order.
Received the X'Eye + Shmup lot, everything is great thanks!

If anyone has any doubts, Opethian goes through with his promises, is quick to deliver, packs well, and is good on his word.

Off-Topic / Re: I hate Ebay
06/12/2010, 02:01 PM
No way, I couldn't survive without the internetz.
Off-Topic / I hate Ebay
06/12/2010, 04:24 AM
All it does it make me stay up late at night and buy stuff I really don't need.  :-"
Off-Topic / Re: Just got screwed on Ebay
06/12/2010, 04:23 AM
This just happened to me TWICE on Amazon.  Both sellers had a copy of Lucienne's Quest for the 3DO for 12.99 each.  BOTH cancelled my orders because "we're sorry but we cannot find the game you ordered, we have issued a refund and your credit card was not charged".   Bullshit, you know it'll be back up within a month for $150
All your Sega are belong to us.  Except for Radiant Silvergun.   :(
I notice you got a few PM's for the same request over at Digital Press.  Did you find some cool stuff?
No pics yet, because I have not received them yet, but I am pretty excited about it.

I picked up 2 copies of Lucienne's Quest for the 3DO for 12.99 each.  Had to have been a typo, I hope they don't cancel my order.
I am missing a manual for my New Adventure Island.

RF sucks.

I only have 5 games:  Splatterhouse, Nightmare Creatures, JJ&Jeff, New Adventure Island, and Kieth Courage.  I want more, but I don't want to spend a lot on them.  I know there are a bunch of games out there that are not too expensive.

I prefer them to be in the proper jewel case with a manual and sleeve.  But if the price is right a loosie is ok.  Tell me what you have?  I'm talking cheap stuff - but good, like Final Lap Twin, Ninja Spirit, etc, Blazing Lasers, etc.
I wonder who got it the second time it sold.
I was playing some Wirehead last night, that game is kinda cool I thought.

Quote from: blueraven on 06/01/2010, 05:04 AMREVISED LIST 2.0

Adds Astyanax to List;
Wirehead (Sega CD) I don't normally advocate using games as kindling.
Dick Tracy (NES - I had to call the fucking Nintendo Power hotline to find Al Pacino in 1989. ONLY TIME EVAR. It was B4 teh internetz)
Texas: Ground Zero (Sega CD) - Game was so easy I almost fell asleep during the end boss. If you can aim he takes about 7 seconds.
Joe & Mac: Leave it to the SNES to Butcher Caveman Ninja.
I smell a bunch of bull shit.
I picked up a model 1 on Craigslist recently for $25 with 4 games, a hardshell carrying case, two controllers, and the hookups - I thought it was a pretty good deal.

Have already replaced the battery (every console should have a save battery this easy to replace!), and I've also recently picked up Nights into Dreams and Panzer Dragoon 1.  I recommend both of those games, they are really great.  Also I got Virtua Fighter 2 with the console and I must say, it's QUITE beautiful, and TONS better than the first.

I am thinking about region switching it too - I cannot believe how easy it is to do.  The Japanese games are to die for! 

Only major gripe I have is that I cannot save no more than 2 or 3 games on the internal battery, that is just weak.  I am gonna have to pick me up a RAM cart.
Yeah I suppose you could do that.  But think of it this way, the extra set could be used as backups.  They way the boxed ones are not getting all scratched up, used, and abused.

I dunno, I'm just trying to come up with reasons to justify an extra collection..   :-"
It makes some sense really.  Keep the boxed set put away with the games inside.  Keep the new set to use as the ones to play.  That way you are not in and out of your boxes all of the time to play a game.
Grats Roy! 

I'll buy that Magical Chase off ya for $5.
After Roy and I played and beat Riot Zone recently, I'd have to add that to the list.

It was so boring we were practically falling asleep while playing it.

Hell Roy was half asleep and just button mashing and beat the last guy.
PM me a price for Wings of Wor, Raiden, Thunderforce 2, Air Buster, and Twin Hawk - shipped in the US.  Thanks.
Does that come with the proper AC Adapter?

Also, are you willing to break up some of the games?  I love a good shooter.