Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - NecroPhile

Clear #91 - Renny Blaster


This one gets more hate that it deserves, likely because it's teh rarez/pricey and because it's an obvious rip-off of Dracula X.  There's no question that it's flawed, but I've played far worse games.

The Good:  Cool art in cutscenes; nicely animated sprites and detailed background tiles; good (if short) music; two different characters, four different endings, and several different special moves to earn and use, increasing the replay value; and a more 'adult' setting and visuals than what's often seen.

The Bad:  It's pretty easy; cutscenes are static and rather boring, with some of the characters being oddly proportioned and looking amateurish; the backgrounds are rarely animated and lack depth; music tracks are short and loop too often - in the case of the ending credits, the track ends half way through and leaves you in silence; it loads much too often; and the platforming (jumping and stair climbing) is clunky.

The Ugly:  Questionable hit detection and more often than not you'll end up turning around and taking a hit in the back instead of blocking.
Looks fun.  I hope y'all had a good time.


That's one happy guy.  :mrgreen:
Clear #90 - Space Adventure Cobra II


More out of this world weirdness.  :mrgreen:

It's very similar to the first game, so I'll mostly cover what's changed -

The Good:  visuals are improved, with larger images (often full screen) and more animation, and more interactivity with timed events and turn based battles.

The Bad:  even more ugly flicker and rapid color cycling, and there's a couple annoying sequences that you have to play through with an alarm braying.

The Ugly:  NA
Quote from: TailChao on 03/03/2018, 09:41 AMIMG
I won't pretend to understand any of what you guys are talking about, but this gif is awesome.  :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: Print is Forever
02/20/2018, 09:28 AM
Clear #89 - Space Adventure Cobra


This is one weird game.  Ever been chased by a t-rex, hatched a baby dragon, and been eaten by a giant shark shaped spaceship and pooped back out in an escape pod?  It's all in a day's work for our hero.

The Good:  it's filled with crazy scenarios and freaky people, all of which are nicely drawn, detailed, and colorful; the scenes are mostly static, but they change regularly so you're not stuck looking at the same pic for long; lots of scantily clad ladies, some even topless; mostly good tunes, particularly the end credits track (it coulda been an Exile tune); 'tis fairly linear and easy to make progress in even if you don't read moonrunes, though I had to hit up Duomazov for the one numeric code sequence; and it's impossible to get a game over, letting you get through each clinch point using trial and error.

The Bad:  a few tunes are bland and/or grating; the pictures don't do as good of a job telling the story as some other digi-comics, so I didn't follow the story very well; and there's a couple seizure inducing flicker shit screens right near the end.

The Ugly:  some of the scary peeps you meet.
Here's one to tide you over 'til someone posts something good:


It's not new and it's not MS Paint, but it's from a similarly primitive utility.  :mrgreen:
I bought one of these last year, with the box, docs, etc. but not the game or case:

Because I'm autistic, I had to get 'em both and make it a complete set again.  :mrgreen:

The case is okay and will keep the dust out, but it's a lot thicker than I was expecting it to be.  I also don't think it'd protect all that well (for a hard case) and would collapse along the zipper if it ever got squished.
Clear #88 - Exile: Wicked Phenomenon


Another good action RPG, but this time you definitely will want the un-worked designs patch to play in English but with the original (rather easy) difficulty level.  The normal US version is too frustrating to be fun.

The Good:  more great tunes and competent voice acting; even better cinemas and backgrounds; multiple characters to switch between for good replay, though I mostly stick to Sadler and his broad sword swing; funky diorama manual art with the added bonus of the JP version art on the back cover; less ridiculously long maze/door/hallway sequences; and Rumi lives!

The Bad:  just as short as the first; more WD "wit" (poopy boy, really?); all caps in text boxes; iffy hit detection and screen scroll is much too close to the screen edge, leading to no reaction time and cheap hits; loss of the overworld map, making the game even more linear than the first; and beginning is spelled with three n's - you got it right in the first game, dammit.

The Ugly:  It's only ugly without the patch, where you'll be hacking away at every enemy for far too long.
One to go with rofl's x-mas pairing:

Clear #87 - Exile


A fun action RPG that's often overlooked but is well worth playing, especially since there's so few RPGs in English.  There's also an un-worked designs patch if you'd rather play the translation without the various stats changes, though I found the regular USA version to play just fine as is.

The Good:  sweet tunes and better than average voice work; Valis, Exile 2, and Cosmic Fantasy references, including a Yuko cameo and wardrobe change; colorful and often nicely detailed scenery with gruesome and more 'adult' themes and a cool host of enemies; and an island (Lesbos?) full of nekkid girlies!

The Bad:  kinda short; lame WD-isms, such as a dude being burned at the stake and proclaiming "I hate mesquite!"; annoying maze like dungeons with waaay too many doors, doors that would have to work like teleporters rather than actual doors; and a sad fate for poor Rumi.  :|

The Ugly:  NA

Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
12/28/2017, 09:55 AM
Quote from: Ѕarumaru on 12/26/2017, 04:39 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/26/2017, 03:52 PMHe's in chat quite a bit and flies south for the winter.
That tells me PEWP!
It's le goose, silly.

Quote from: johnnykonami on 12/27/2017, 09:22 PMI know my Santa was Canadian, could use more hints though!
He had help from Maria.

Here's a before/after pic of mine with the closest thing I have to an x-mas tree:


I love the fancy Yuki wrap job.  Thanks, Black Tiger!  :mrgreen:
Clear #86 - Deep Blue


Are you a sadistic bastard that's always wanted to dive deep under the waves and kill hordes of lil fishies for no damn good reason?  Now's your chance!

The Good:  half of the tunes are okay; the scenery looks nice and there's even a little parallax, but there's not much variety within stages; lots of different enemies and big bosses; and you can rebuild health when not attacking.

The Bad:  the other half of the tunes are grating; only four levels; and no real ending, it just loops.

The Ugly:  cheep difficulty level where collisions are often unavoidable, making the only way to win to tuck your tail and run away as much as possible.  It's a shewty where you're not supposed to shewt.... who the fuck thought that was a good idea?!?
I think I got all the ones that posted scores.

I'm gonna work on a legit score this weekend (my best so far is just under 100k), but for now you can have a lulzery cheatin' score:

Here's mine:


From top: with dust jacket, without dust jacket, cut out page front/back and disc holder (heavy chip board with plastic film cover and hub), and finally what I assume is a registration card.

(also likes cormholing)
Clear #85 - J Thunder


This is surely the smuttiest PCE game I've played (easily outdoing Steam Hearts and Basted anyway), but it's sadly not all that fun.

The Good:  the tunes are okay if rather elevator music-y; nice artwork and cool robots; "good" ADPCM moans and pants of the ladies getting the business; and quite a bit of tits and (censored) ass.

The Bad:  at maybe a half hour in length, it's extremely short; the pedo-esque title screen pic doesn't really fit the rest of the game; there's nearly zero interactivity; and the cut scenes are almost entirely static (see below) and do a poor job of relaying the story, making it far harder for me to follow along and understand the plot compared to other digi-comics.

The Ugly:  stupid crotch pixelization, which is oddly animated while nothing else is.
Off-Topic / Secret Santa 2017
10/02/2017, 03:32 PM
Secret Santa is here again!  Here's the rules:

1.  Don't sign up if you can't / won't follow through.
2.  Sign ups are open until the first(ish) of November, at which time everyone'll be matched up and wish lists will be sent out to their respective Santa.
3.  Due to an unfortunate issue last year, no noobs allowed.  Santas must have a minimum of 50 posts or have a long timer vouch for them.
4.  To make life easier for me, please fill in the form below when sending me your info.  Keep in mind that the more options your Santa has, the better the chances of him (or her) finding a good deal in the time allotted.  Please don't ask Santa for relatively rare games that sell once every 90 days on ebay for reasonable prices; he's on a schedule and can't wait months for a deal to come along.
5.  Value of your gift(s) should be in the $30-40 range - real value and not bloated, unsold BIN pricing.
6.  Gifts should be mailed by December 9th to give the PO two full weeks.  If for some reason you won't be able to meet that time frame, please let me know as early as possible so that alternate plans can be made and nobody ends up with nothing but tears and empty dreams under their festivus pole.
7.  Also related to last year's issue, make sure your gift is sent with tracking.  If at all possible, it's strongly suggested that you have Santa send your gift to a secure location (work, PO box, a neighbor that's home, or held at the PO); if tracking says it was delivered but your package was stolen off your porch, it's not Santa's problem.
8.  This is important and bears repeating: don't sign up if you won't follow through; you f*ck this up and I'll ban your ass.
9.  The most important rule is to have fun!

For extra holiday cheer, one random Santa will be selected to receive 'coal in their stocking and another will get a copy of the Turbo Legacy Poster.  If you don't want (or already have) either of these goodies, please note accordingly on the form below.

Also, let me know if you don't want to shop for me since it won't exactly be secret.

Sign up sheet format for when you PM me your list -

Forum Alias:
Shipping Name/Address:
Condition (i.e. - complete, boxed, mint, loose, etc.):
Wish List:
Entered in the poster drawing? (yes/no):
Entered in the Magicoal drawing? (yes/no):
Clear #84 - Coryoon


A great shewty.  If you like Air Zonk, ya gotta give this close relative a try.

The Good:  super cute lil dragon; nice voices sprinkled about and goodish tunes; a motley group of silly looking enemies, some of which can get pretty aggressive; tons of parallax and oodles of sprites, yet flicker and slowdown are rarely an issue; and it has timed score modes for extra fun.

The Bad:  it's awfully easy with tons of weapon pickups (which let you take a hit) and extra lives handed out (though they max out at 9); while never ugly, the backgrounds lack the variety and detail found in Air Zonk; the fruit can get annoying (but can be disabled with a code), blocking your view of incoming bullets and weapons you might not want; it's not terrible, but it's unfortunate that they blew up the end game screen (above) to big clunky pixels instead of redrawing it to the correct resolution.

The Ugly:  NA
Quote from: TheOldMan on 09/13/2017, 06:35 PMNope. Retrocade was a bunch of simple games (pong, tron lightcycles, and something else)  to test
the card circuit, and raise money to make the abCards. Yes it came out; I *think* there were 15
copies made. I'd love to know how many still work :)
That was Protocade.  I'll check mine tonight and see if it's working:

(the FU was for Ark)

Quote from: TheOldMan on 09/13/2017, 06:35 PMProbably not.
Uh-oh.  :shock:

I've investigated a few games for similar pics but so far come up with nothing.  They either simply disable the option of starting a 2+ player game or have a single pad controlling all players.
Quote from: Digi.k on 09/09/2017, 08:23 AMWARNING BIG FILE!

Dorayaki and Hatakosen lemonade anyone?

Doraemon time!
Ha!  I love this one.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
09/08/2017, 01:27 PM
That site has some good lulz.


<< insert joke about railing her here >>
These things don't have a proper back insert thingy, so I made my own.





You can also see my translated spines for the other games too.  When I figure out how to make a pdf of Yuna and not have the quality go to complete shit, I'll share with y'all.  :mrgreen:

Okay, I figured it out:
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 08/06/2017, 11:09 PMsomeone do an Atlantean one, I'm lazy.

I thought this thread was for cityscapes not shittyscapes.  :P


They look better in movement (dat parallax!), but they still look nice in still pics.  My favorite is the busted down NYC.
Time to practice a little thread necromancey:


(Thread.... get it?  It's a double joke...... even if neither are all that good.)


One is technically a beer and the other technically a shewty, but neither is particularly pleasing, offers much depth, or leaves you satisfied.  :mrgreen:
Quote from: compil3r on 07/21/2017, 07:36 PM*edit* Found these on EvilBay:
That's kinda neat - gotta link?  I assume it's a tray insert thing, meant to fit within the back half of a normal jewel case.
Sure, buddy.  I'm sure you're huge, married to a super model, and living in a mansion.  :roll:

Get on topic or lock the thread.

Quote from: CrackTiger on 07/19/2017, 09:39 PMLots of people who enjoy classic gaming never got a chance to enjoy one of these because of people buying them up at retail strictly to flip:
Even better is when he "Cancelled after I payed and relisted because they want more money."  :lol:

Quote from: NoSexGex on 07/19/2017, 05:29 PMA similar case happened to a user DreamTR awhile ago, and Luckie replied to his thread

Yeah, that sounds like horseshit.  Mistakes happen and things get lost, sure, but it takes malice and forethought to claim that a package arrived damaged but they couldn't be bothered to report it to the carrier and refuse delivery.
Clear #83 - Tenchi Muyo!


The Good:  Cute girlies vying for your attention, sometimes in the buff (there's a lot of T&A for a game that's not Dragon Knight, Hi Leg, etc.); jaunty chip tunes and tons of voice acting; colorful, nicely detailed scenes; several humorous bits; you never get a real game over screen - you're just admonished for fucking up and sent back to the beginning of whatever scene you failed; and it's not completely linear, with branching paths and at least two different endings (see below) for good replayability.

The Bad:  The scenes are mostly static and overlayed with talking heads, making it harder to follow the story for a dumb round eye like me; a few scenes look kind of weird, with detailed and subtly shaded background art but flat shaded / black outlined foreground art; and all the voice acting means lots of loading.

The Ugly:  NA

You're given separate scores for 'achievement', 'display', and 'voice' rates (translations from google translate).  My last known scores were 29%, 30%, and 18% (respectively), but you sadly don't get a final score at the game's end and the last save opportunity is quite a ways before the credits roll; I'm sure I didn't end higher than 50% in any score, though, so there's lots more to see.

I got this ending:
, but there's also this ending:
.  The latter has a fancier sequence at the end, perhaps HuVideo?
Quote from: guest on 06/27/2017, 06:25 PMIMG
Ugh, that is nauseating.  Lemme guess, the pic was originally posted on nintendo age and everyone gave the OP high fives?
Quote from: crazydean on 06/16/2017, 09:14 AMWhich two games are so good that they're worth keeping the console all these years?
Panic Bomber, Neo Bomberman, and/or Kabuki Klash.


The bee knows.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: Atlantean
06/13/2017, 05:04 PM
Description says Turbob.


Who's man enough to beat the shark?  :mrgreen:
Quote from: NoSexGex on 06/10/2017, 07:36 PMHere's my NA magnus opus (so far)

Isn't the point of a forum to discuss things? And exactly, it was 100% civil. Just because there was minor conflict, the whole topic gets locked. It's the year 2017 everyone, the year everyones offended by everything. You can't even bring up something as simple as raffling or else they'll delete the entire thread, guess they're still very butt hurt about that story.
Ha! Did the thread devolve into name calling or did they just not want people questioning mods at all?

Either way, the irony is delicious.

Let's hear emerald and zero defend this one.  :lol:
Quote from: esteban on 05/22/2017, 05:49 PMI wish we could MERGE these threads.

Clear #82 - Bomberman

( Good thing you're a robot, eh?  She's touching your eyeball! )

Though '93 and '94 sport better tunes, more enemies, better level layouts, etc., the basic goodness is all here.  It feels primitive by comparison, sure, but nothing is particularly offensive.

The Good:  neat unfolding title screen logo, short but sweet opening and closing cut scenes, cute enemy sprites, okay tunes, multiplayer and 'Express link modes, and tricksy enemies like the bastard Boyons and the final boss battle against the Black Bomberman and his friends.

The Bad:  very little variety in the scenery or enemies, boring rectangular stage layouts, and the only way to use the save/password function is to die.

The Ugly:  NA
Quote from: crazydean on 05/15/2017, 12:30 PMAh yes, the ole "sacrifice a goat to appease the gods" method. This has gotten me out of more situations than I care to mention right now.
Never underestimate the Lamia.

Quote from: Psycho Punch on 05/02/2017, 05:43 PMWould be funny to start chaining those.

"Receipt of a receipt of a receipt of an original NES purchase receipt. Includes the receipt of the receipt. $25 shipped".
Yesterday's mail brought me some PC-FX goodies (Anime Freak Vol. 3, Detective Ladies, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna trial version, Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem, and a Cocktail Pack), a Pia Carrot art book/guide thingy, and Trails of Cold Steel II for the Vita.


Cold Steel II came from Amazon, but the book, PC-FX awesomeness, and candy were from good guy xelement.  Thanks, buddy!