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Messages - NecroPhile

Off-Topic / Re: 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/17/2018, 12:39 PM
Not much interest, eh?  I hate to trash 'em, so find me on discord if anyone is interested.
I've played through this one too.  'Tis a great game and plenty long; you'll be getting your money's worth.  :mrgreen:
Damn, Digi.K.  You ain't messing around.  :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/04/2018, 02:06 PM
Anybody have any use for this stuff?  I've got 30 floppies that appear to be new/unused and 2 x 256mb PC2-4200, 4 x 512mb PC2-4200, 2 x 512mb PC2-5300, and 1 x 4gb PC3-12800.
Heh, neat.  How's it compare to the Turbob version?
Not pronouncing the h isn't exactly a new thing, and it's actually more correct; the word's origins (latin and old french) do not have a hard h.  We pronounce the h in herbivore and herbicide, though, so yeah......

When are you brits gonna start using a hard h on hour, heir, and honor?  :mrgreen:
'Tis cute but isn't what I'd want.  I've no interest in playing on a cramped tabletop cab, so it'd be a needlessly bulky (and pricier) console with only one controller port.  The game list ain't bad (only about half vs fighters), though I'd love to see some Nightmare in the Dark, Bomberman, Magical Drop, and Puzzle Bobble.
Quote from: EmperorIng on 05/03/2018, 11:12 PMDid you at least enjoy it with an officially sponsored and licensed Renny Fruit Blaster Soft Drink, just for the love of it?
Ha!  For the love of it, I burned a CDR.  :mrgreen:
I've honestly not put that much time into it.  Maybe I'd actually like it (or not hate it) if I tried harder, kinda like I've done with Energy and Darkwing Duck.
Hahahahaha!  It can't be that bad!

It's better than Night Creatures and Impossamole, so there's that.  :mrgreen:
At least ya tried it, mathius.  It's not great, but there's enough good things in it to be worth burning a cdr and playing through at least once.

Dooo eeeet, rofl and esty!
Clear #91 - Renny Blaster


This one gets more hate that it deserves, likely because it's teh rarez/pricey and because it's an obvious rip-off of Dracula X.  There's no question that it's flawed, but I've played far worse games.

The Good:  Cool art in cutscenes; nicely animated sprites and detailed background tiles; good (if short) music; two different characters, four different endings, and several different special moves to earn and use, increasing the replay value; and a more 'adult' setting and visuals than what's often seen.

The Bad:  It's pretty easy; cutscenes are static and rather boring, with some of the characters being oddly proportioned and looking amateurish; the backgrounds are rarely animated and lack depth; music tracks are short and loop too often - in the case of the ending credits, the track ends half way through and leaves you in silence; it loads much too often; and the platforming (jumping and stair climbing) is clunky.

The Ugly:  Questionable hit detection and more often than not you'll end up turning around and taking a hit in the back instead of blocking.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
05/02/2018, 05:45 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 05/02/2018, 05:26 PMI have no problem with "hoop jumping" if someone actually HAS a copy for sale. That isn't the problem. Geise, who threw out the hoop, definitely, 110% does NOT have a copy of Super Air Zonk for sale. Don't throw out the hoop if you don't have a copy, and pretty much no one on the forums has a copy. That's just noob-baiting for no reason.
Or here's a crazy thought: maybe goosey was stating the obvious, that it's simple forum etiquette to introduce yourself.  Only a forum hating ax grinder like yourself thought it was a veiled promise.
No - the bug comments are since it went live and have been officially acknowledged by NISA as being worked on.  There's problems with the monitor resolutions and vsync, poor frame rates, controller recognition and input errors, object shadows not working correctly, stuttering audio, flickering visuals, text box display problems, and crashing.  Some of 'em have improved in the last two weeks, but they're not all fixed yet and it's pathetic that it was delayed for more than half a year and STILL had so many issues.
Maybe peeps want to start off easy, knowing Alien Crush won't require hours and hours of practice to get a good feel for the game.
Anyone been paying attention to the PC release?  Even though they delayed the hell out of it, the game is still a buggy piece of junk.

NISA sucks.  I hope Falcom blackballs 'em.
Quote from: crazydean on 05/01/2018, 03:42 PMSo I can't see the poll in Tapatalk. What was the result?
Alien Crush!
Should you choose to accept it: your mission tonight:

1) Find TED.
2) Play Nantatetetetette Engine.
3) Brush, floss, go to bed.
4) Dream PCE dreams.
I've not bought any of that shit; it makes no sense to me to pay someone $25 for something I can make myself for $5.  Even if you don't own such a printer, you only have to do four or five before you've paid for the printer and come out ahead.
D u o p h i l e . c o m is whatchoo want.  I don't think Nulltard has PC-FX stuffs, but that doesn't mean he can't/won't add them.  Same with esteban, though; I'm sure he'd add whatever he could get.
Quote from: NightWolve on 04/26/2018, 10:25 PMI didn't complete Magical Chase though come to think of it...beating it on normal results in being sent back to the title screen after only 4 levels or something and being told you must beat it on the maximum difficulty (to face all 6 levels ??), so that shooter is still on the ole backlog... :/
It defaults to easy (breeze) difficulty.  You can play the whole game on normal and hard difficulties (bumpy and rough, respectively).
DK only agrees with me because I'm a moderator.  He always agrees with me.

Those bomberman plush things are awesome.  :mrgreen:
Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMThen by all means continue to do what you're doing.
Thanks, bro, I'll do that!

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMSpeaking for the project, it's not at all about the merits of what you said, which actually is open for healthy debate, instead that as a mod - you hold a position of authority which makes your comments hold sway above and beyond that of a standard forum member, and by using this forum / platform to comment, you express bias that potentially could prevent other members who might have otherwise been open to expressing a counterpoint from engaging in meaningful discussion.
What is a fact, is to see smack talking directly from the mods shows that there's a serious lack of professionalism going on. The only thing seemingly idealistic on my side is the expectation that a popular forum mod would have some integrity.
The only reason I posted here is because as card-carrying PCE fan and member of this forum, I don't think the mods should be expressing bias that would prevent fair discussion from occurring. Which is what you're getting flack from me personally for.
You keep claiming I'm biased and lack integrity, yet nothing I've said is dishonest, unethical, dishonorable, or unfair; it's based entirely on what we (the general public) have seen in official statements.  What you're really claiming is that a mod shouldn't opine about anything, and that's simply horseshit.  I can't think of a single fan forum that requires or even expects their mods to never comment on anything (positive or negative) in fear that everyone else will follow suit.

Let's get real here: if I was being 100% positive about the polymega, you'd think I was the best mod evah! and doing god's work.  We both know you're not on douphile berating Nulltard for being a amoral, biased jerk.  :lol:

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMIt's not surprising that many of the people who have seen / played / vouched for and reported back to this forum their experiences using the system are no longer around.
Your (willful?) ignorance is showing again.  It's not because of me that Nulltard and friends are gone.

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMAs a PCEFX forum member, I will happily debate the merits of what you actually said from an informed insider position, but it's so far off, it's not really even worth the time and effort.
Since you can't debate facts, you're going to stick to telling us how this forum should be run?  Understood.  :lol:

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMMisquoted me. I said I've heard rumors that the op situation here was bad, not that it was or wasn't fact.
Yep, sorry about that.  I went back and removed my unintentionally added words.

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:49 PMIt's not our policy to engage "legitimate concerns" on forums that are not ours as it directs traffic to sites other than our own. The team answers every thread that is posted on Polymega's forums.
Yes, but like I said, you answer it with "just wait, it'll be awesome, trust us!"
Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 10:12 AMThe only failure I see is a forum mod, who should be impartial and unbiased....
Nowhere in my job description does it say that I can't express my opinions.  My job is to approve new registrations, move misplaced threads, and enforce the rules; anything else you think I should be doing is your own ignorant bias and wishful thinking.

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 10:12 AM.... making an authoritative-sounding accusation (including profanity) in an attempt to discredit a project which they admittedly do not have the experience or background to discredit.
Nobody needs direct personal experience to see what's been happening and recognize poor marketing.  It's a fact that you've been secretive about what the hardware is and what exactly it does (hybrid emulation, lulz), it's a fact that you've officially announced and missed several reveal dates and pre-order openings, and it's a fact that you went nearly a year without any news on your official site.  There's plenty of the same points being made on your own forum for crying out loud.

I understand the reason for being quiet (protecting yourself from potential competitors and having investors instead of crowdfunding), but that doesn't change the fact that you've left your audience hanging in the wind for over a year with nothing but "just wait, it'll be great, trust us!".  It's not hard to see why people are skeptical about it ever coming out, as there's little difference between the way you're acting and what was seen with various vaporware systems.

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 10:12 AMI've heard rumors that the mods here have really gotten bad here but to see it myself is a different story. At least on Atari-Age the hater brigade are just regular members and the mods largely stay out of it.
Yeah, no doubt the recent chatter about bad mods is all about me and not a certain canine.  :lol:

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 10:12 AMFull disclosure, I lead the Polymega team and have been a PCEFX member here since before the project started (and in PCEFX infancy on a separate account).
Good for you.  Maybe you'd have more support and less skepticism if you'd actually engage with us instead of dismissing legitimate concerns as 'trolling'.

Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 10:59 AMBecause when the referee starts throwing punches, you know the fight is fixed. So whats the point of trying to have a fair discussion in the first place? The actions of those in charge represent and warrant the credibility of the forum as a whole, and as someone who has used this forum as a source of good information and community for collecting over the years, its pretty sad to see this type of mud-slinging from someone in a position of power and authority. So I've called it out where normally I would pay such accusations no mind.
This isn't your forum.  I don't delete posts and threaten bans because of dissenting opinions and simple complaints.
Quote from: dangdang on 04/26/2018, 01:44 AMYeah, if only Polymega was as good at building and marketing game consoles as PCEFX Forum Moderator Necromancer. Tsk.  [-(
That's the thing: I'm not building or marketing anything but they are.

Maybe it's better to try but fail (because at least you tried), but that doesn't change the fact that you've failed.
Quote from: geise on 04/25/2018, 01:22 PMLOL! So far I'm the only one that voted Splash Lake.
Splash Lake is a goody, especially with a friend.  Some of the later maps are almost impossible by yourself.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WNTD Hu6260 Chip
04/25/2018, 02:27 PM
Paging Dr. Steve.  Dr. Steve to the white courtesy phone please.
Well... that's disgusting.  :-&
They might overpay thinking it's okay because the extra money is going to a good cause, but they're asking for trouble if they're taking a deduction.  That's tax evasion.
Same here - I'm cool to play any (all) of 'em.  I ended up voting for Aoi Blink because I don't have Hellfire S and am lazy.

Downloading and burning is soooo hard!
I've played a lot of Alien Crush and Dungeon Explorer over the years, and I've played enough Splash Lake to beat it (... though it's been a while), so I'm torn between Aoi Blink and Hellfire S.  I've not played much of Hellfire S, but shewties are always fun; and I've tried to beat Aoi Blink but got stuck trying to find keys, so it'd be good as a group play if y'all can gimme some help.
Quote from: TaoPaiPai on 04/24/2018, 10:44 AMI'm not super up to date on my TG-16 game rarity, but is there something in this lot that is super rare?!
Parasol Stars is the priciest one of the bunch, but even it's not that expensive (~$75).
They're shit at building and maintaining interest.  Don't put out a bunch of slick (but empty) hype, then miss multiple self-imposed deadlines for updates and reveals while you sit around telling everyone how busy you are with "finishing it up" for a year+.
I got mine Saturday.  I've not gotten very far (because I suck), but what I've seen so far looks quite nice and mostly polished.
I can scan mine for ya, fernan, but it'll take me a couple days.

Quote from: ButtsniffMcNipplegrinder on 04/20/2018, 08:43 PMHi

Yes, button for make the attack.

Thanks you.
Stick to Fighting Street threads, troll.
Off-Topic / Re: The internet is for...
04/23/2018, 09:33 AM

Sex porn, food porn, lolcats porn, collectard porn, etc.
Funny.... except for the 'innocent' bit.

Welcome aboard!

There's lots of smart peeps here with loads of experience fixing stuff, so hopefully they can help get 'er going.  Good luck!
Off-Topic / Re: Stan Lee Abuse?
04/20/2018, 09:47 AM
Elder abuse is always disgusting.  They're all a bunch of greedy assholes.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
04/19/2018, 05:15 PM
"fuck you and fuck yo' cricket!"  - frog probably
Terra Cresta II is on the list already, but it's mistakenly under CDs.

edit - and Madou is under hueys.  Flip 'em soop!
Siracha brought that up in chat and I gotta agree ya both, though the control panel in front looks like it angles off too much.  Maybe it's a tease and that's a separate stick in front of a monitor?
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
04/19/2018, 12:35 PM
Are any of their games actually in stock nowadays or are they all "in manufacturing / will ship in two weeks to eight months"?
Neo Geo Classic!  Hopefully it's better than the X.
There's a decent looking PCE Blue Chicago Blues up on ebay.  I'd like to have a copy, but $800 = shit fire!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: A few games
04/18/2018, 03:48 PM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 04/18/2018, 02:25 PMHave you contacted Jodi from Turbo Reproductions? You can probably get some sweet reproduction discs for a fraction of the actual cost.
Or burn your own CDR and save the $20 each.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey it's Lent
04/18/2018, 12:37 PM
Some friends go to a church with two hour services with a half hour "intermission" for coffee and donuts right in the middle.  I love me some donuts, but damn... two hours?!?

Still, I almost feel cheated only getting a little cracker.  :mrgreen:
Man, that's messed up.  The broken game makes it even worse.
Dafuq?  Is that Hoganja's Alley or Cheebaman II?