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What PC-FX game are you currently playing?

Started by Arkhan Asylum, 11/01/2011, 02:47 PM

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Arkhan Asylum

This part of the forum needs moar love.

Last time I played PC-FX (before school started :( ), I was playing through Dragon Knight IV.

So, you other 5 owners of PC-FX.  What's your poison.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Zeroigar. It's not the greatest shmup I've ever played, but it does have some interesting features and I do like the presentation. Zeroigar is generally the first game I pop in whenever I play PC-FX.


last played zenki
played it all the way through.
than got a second controller, for cooperative play, and played some more.


Sadly, I no longer own a PC-FX...  Im such a loser....


@bernielindell There's always emulation. :)

Last I played is still Minimum Nanonic. I'm eying Sparkling Feather as my next one.


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I am in the middle of, and currently stuck in, Angelique: Requiem of the Heavens.

I've been stuck in the same spot for months (although I haven't been actively playing all this time), and I'm not sure if I'm just gonna give up or try to push on further.

It's been a fun RPG so far, so it'd be a shame to abandon it completely, however there is but one single page on the game (in Japanese) that has only proven to provide more questions than answers.
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Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: filler on 11/01/2011, 06:11 PM@bernielindell There's always emulation. :)

Last I played is still Minimum Nanonic. I'm eying Sparkling Feather as my next one.
Sparkling Feather is amazing.  Oh man.

As for Angelique:  I Never did finish that game, but I played a good chunk, before where you are stuck.  Maybe if I get free time before you get unstuck, I will give it a go.

First, I need to finish PCFX too.... Its almost all content filled, sans screenshots.  But there is at least descriptions for every game, and thumbnails.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I've been playing Farland Story FX a bit, mostly because it's the only PC-FX game I have that doesn't require too deep of a knowledge of Japanese >_>
I wish I could play Albarea no Otome more :(
Just a couple more shots desu.


Right now I'm playing Chip Chan Kick. Soon I plan to go on to Last Imperial Prince. I'm learning Japanese so hopefully I can play a lot more games for the pc-fx.


I just tried out a couple games. (EDIT:Sparkling) Feather was different from what I was expecting. I don't know what I think of the game-play so far. It feels a little random. Your characters frequently don't do what you want them to. I also tried some Megami Tengoku II which seems pretty cool. I like that there is a big town to explore. It reminds me of Fire Woman, only I like this environment even more. It's larger and more engaging. I like the passing of time, night/day thing too but I don't like the pace of time; it goes to fast. I'm also not really sure what I'm trying to accomplish. I think I need to try it again and pay closer attention to the dialog or maybe check a FAQ/capture.

The one I've played for a couple of nights however is Blue Breaker. This one has grabbed my attention. It's novel and interesting. It will do nothing to lessen the stigma of the system as a dating simulator since it's basically an RPG whose sole purpose is that of serving as the engine for a dating simulation. From what I can tell, your goal is to 1. Find a bride, and 2. Rid the world of the 4 dark/demon lords which you yourself seem to have been manipulated into releasing. This appears unforgivably selfish on the part of some characters, but I may be missing something. At any rate, from what I can tell you then proceed to find and recruit various girls into your party whom you then share an adventure with over time. I have to say it seems well done and really unique. I'll be playing some more of this. Not right now though because I just got Skyrim. :)


I've been playing some PC-FX again. I started First Kiss Story which I am enjoying quite a bit. I can follow the Japanese quite well in this, maybe due to the reading level, or perhaps it's just so similar to Welcome to Pia Carrot. I wasn't sure what to expect from this exactly. I don't like the character designs right from the start. I feel the stylized forehead proportions draw too much attention and make the girls look like Frankenstein. Not one to judge a book by it's cover though, I find everything else about the game so far charming and endearing. In fact I was quite impressed with a scene I'd like to describe though it will spoil it:

You may uncover a scene where you can do karaoke with a girl. She started singing and my impression was to maybe stop and listen to her whole song but I was like "whatever" and kept going with the dialog. Then she asks you if you liked her singing. I said "Yeah, it was great!" (it was not) and she called me a liar and said she saw me not paying attention. Curious I reloaded and this time listened to her whole song and chose it again and she appreciated the complement.

This is the kind of thing that turns your expectations on ear and shows some real creativity and willingness to experiment on the part of the developers. Perhaps it's just the relatively small number of ADV games I've played, but I've never encountered this before and it was refreshing. I'm interested in playing some more and finding out what else the game has in store.

I also am interested in playing some more Megami Tengoku II. My issue before was that I was not sure what the goal was. I've since read that you are trying to win hearts and minds to get people on your side over a period of time (like 6 months or a year or something). I'm not sure exactly how you do this, or how you can tell how well your doing, but I'm interested in giving it another shot. I did read that wearing various outfits can help and I ran across a somewhat disturbing term Burusera shop which is where you can buy one of your outfits from. I think the reference in the game context is purely comical, but it's still a little creepy. At any rate I'm interested to check out a little more of the game. I'll try to do some more videos sometime soon.


Time to bring this bad boy to the top, so BUMP!

I've got me a PC-FX and some games on the way in the mail so I have been messing around with some games with emulation to see what might interest me. Played me some Zeroigar, Last Imperial Prince, and Farland Story. Toyed with Return to Zork, Nergends, and Blue Breaker as well. A couple of the games I do have coming, but wanted to see what I can expect when they arrive.

I can already tell I didn't make a mistake in getting me one! PC-FX is awesome! :dance:


I'm actually playing Chip Chan Kick in anticipation of trying it two-player with a buddy who is coming to visit next week. I like it quite a lot.


I've been playing a little of Team Innocent. The FMV cutscenes are great and alot of the menus and such are in english, so its not hard to play at all. Of course, all the text/dialog is in japanese, so I dont understand the storyline or plot too much
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To Nat...what part of Angelique are you stuck? I have at least two walkthru books here published when the game first came out. Happy to help. If you are really into the game, it's ok if I send you the books as long as I get 'em back...not going to attempt a fan page/walkthru for some time on this one.
later gamers
Neofan's PC-FX Hints and Walkthrus
"it's enough to get you started"

Take the awesome PC-FX quiz!


the pc-fx games I'm playing...
finally played all the way thru Boundary Gate! Been trying to beat it since the day it came out and started it at least 5 times. This time seemed easy and I understood the whole game :)

I play thru Blue Chicago Blues every year...I have played the English version and have so many notes I cannot resist (if you could only hear the English voice track). I'm on the final day interrogating all the suspects.

not sure if I want to finish my walkthru for Power Dolls FX next or polish up my Miraculum walkthru. There's NO love for Power Dolls (and it's so fun), and some online stuff to help out for Miraculum already...

later gamers
Neofan's PC-FX Hints and Walkthrus
"it's enough to get you started"

Take the awesome PC-FX quiz!

Arkhan Asylum

Last game I was playing again was Boundary Gate again because I got into another dungeon crawler kick.

I ended up stopping to play Wizardry on PS3.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Just received my PC-FX system today. Played some Last Imperial Prince to test out the system. Need to figure out the menus and items in the game, but it definitely doesn't fail to impress. Just wish I knew what was going on story wise. :-k  :)


the lack of story will get you stuck


Got the english text version of Pia Carrot in the mail yesterday... if I have some time today I'm gonna pop that in the PC-FX and check it out
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

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Aggie Tsubi

Hmm, the last PC-FX game I messed around with was Tenchi Muyo! Ryououki FX, I think, but I still haven't played one to completion since Last Imperial Prince.



Quote from: thesteve on 11/04/2012, 05:06 PMjust completed Ruruli Ra Rura
Your joking!

Last time I touched my FX I was playing Nirgends. I was totally set on finishing it, but then got to a really cheap part where it kills you quickly after having to do a long-ass battle... then I said screw it.


Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: kazekirifx on 11/05/2012, 01:23 AM
Quote from: thesteve on 11/04/2012, 05:06 PMjust completed Ruruli Ra Rura
Your joking!

Last time I touched my FX I was playing Nirgends. I was totally set on finishing it, but then got to a really cheap part where it kills you quickly after having to do a long-ass battle... then I said screw it.

Thats the last thing I played too.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Started playing Tokimeki Card Paradise today, I gotta say the card games are pretty fun. The "Speed" game is challenging... so far its my favorite.

Also picked up Boundary Gate. If I have some spare time this weekend, I'll start this one as well. Looking forward to a PC-FX dungeon crawler!
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
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Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Aggie Tsubi

This topic could use a bump. :)

I've dabbled in Welcome to Pia Carrot before in Japanese, but now with the fan translation, I'm finally playing the game for real. It's been a really awesome experience so far, both because of the quality of the game itself and because of the fan translation. It was so cool to be able to rip my own official copy of the game, apply the patch, burn a disc, and pop it straight into my system. I must admit, I normally don't touch emulation much at all nor, in turn, fan translations. I just like playing the real deal, even if that means wading through Japanese text (when I know very little Japanese). Turning on the system, holding the official controller in my hands, and relaxing in front of the TV, that's how I like to game. But being able to enjoy games in that way AND use a fan translation, you can't beat that. It's the best of both worlds. It's almost as if the PC-FX was released in the US. So this is actually only the second time I've played through a game with a fan patch (the first time was just a few months ago), and this is the first time I've beaten a game for the first time with a fan patch (the previous game was a replay of an old favorite and I used the fan patch just for a change of pace).

Anyway, getting to the game itself, it's surprisingly tough. My first time through, I pretty much expected to fail at winning over a girl because I was just trying everything out, without any real focus. The second time, though, I focused on Satomi, and yet I still failed to win her over. Kind of frustrating. But third time's a charm, and I finally got a good ending, this time with the focus on Shouko. Oddly enough, I'm still missing a few of her scenes. I know a couple pictures are for the alternate uniforms, but I have no explanation for the four others. Oh well. I think next I'll focus on Reika, since she seems all over Yusuke (the canon name of the main character; I named him "Yu Kino" since I couldn't fit "Yusuke Kinoshita") anyway. :P


Its pretty fun, huh... especially with the english translation. I would sit there for hours playing it when I first got it... and paid for that the next morning at work on more than one occasion :D

Shouko's ending is attainable even if you focus on another girl throughout the game. She's so into you that she doesnt care if you sleep around or don;t pay any attention to her for the most part. Alls you have to do is choose her in the hotel at the near-end and she's yours. Satomi is VERY hard to win over. So is Reika, even though she throws herself at you in the beginning. However, towards the middle and end of the game, she will... well, I'm not going to spoil that much.

If you're stuck at any particular part, or just want to obtain all the still shots, there was a link to a walkthrough in the post I started about the game. I had to reference it on more than one occasion. It's almost a necessity when trying to unlock one of the hidden characters. Don't know how anyone would have figured out how to do it otherwise.
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
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Aggie Tsubi

Yep, that's the main reason I went after Shouko, since I figured she'd be pretty easy. :P Too bad I don't care for her that much, though. Her voice is kind of irritating.

Yeah, I still have two greyed out girls in my CG collection menu. I know one must be Kaori Tachibana's daughter, but no luck meeting her so far. I'm guessing I'll have to focus on her mom a lot to get the opportunity. I'll probably go through the game on my own focusing on each girl one by one first, and then I'll consult an FAQ to fill in whatever gaps I have left at the end of that. Hopefully Shouko won't be the only one I can win over completely on my own, haha.

Aggie Tsubi

Argh, I totally blew it with Reika. I was doing everything perfectly, without even checking an FAQ, and I did successfully get her ending, BUT I TURNED DOWN GOING TO OKINAWA. ](*,) Man, what a boneheaded mistake, which cost me the last two scenes, and since I didn't have a save from before I made the choice, I'm going to have to repeat the entire game with her. For some reason, I stupidly assumed that she wasn't going on the trip, since in prior playthroughs I only saw the options to look for Satomi and Shouko. I figured that since she hadn't said anything about it and since she's older and not a high student she'd stay behind like Shiho. Blargh, so stupid of me.


Isn't it aggravating to miss one or two scenes and not have a complete set? I did something similar with Shiho... got her ending and all and restarted the game to play through with another girl, only to realize later if you let the credits play through, you get a few more scenes with her! DAMN IT!

There's another girl you get a few extra scenes with after the credits roll, and that's how I realized I must have missed them with Shiho. Still haven't played all the way through with her again to get those last few pictures...
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Aggie Tsubi

Well, at least with Shiho, it looks like you have to beat the game with her three times over anyway if you want to fully complete her album, since it looks like there are alternate versions of her ending picture. So you could always pick up those post-credits pictures on a replay to get the alternate endings. Looks like Yukiko also has to be done three times over. Kinda tedious. I don't mind the scenes that have alternate versions for Reika and Shouko since they're at the beginning of the game and can be picked up regardless of who you focus on, but I wish they didn't put scenes like those near the end.

Anyway, I have a few things about the game I'm curious about that maybe you or Filler or anybody else who's played the game can answer. For those who haven't, here's fair warning that it may be a bit spoiler-y.

Does anybody know what the whole "Milk" thing is about? Is this some kind of wordplay lost in translation? As best as I can tell, it sounds like they actually pronounce the English word "milk", and it doesn't seem like the Japanese word for "milk" is anything like "Rumi" anyway. I wonder if maybe it's a matter of the characters being backwards, like "miru"? And maybe the "ku" is from the honorific "kun"? Like "Miru-kun"?

Shiho says that she's seeing someone and that it's somebody the main character has already met, but that plot point seems to get completely dropped later. I mean, the only guys you've really met at that point are Daisuke and your dad. It's not Daisuke, and I hope Yusuke isn't getting his dad's sloppy seconds, haha. But I was thinking maybe she was actually talking about the restaurant itself? She compares the restaurant to a lover near the end of the game, so maybe she was just speaking figuratively.

And finally, does anybody know who Yukiko, Rumi, and Yusuke are dressed up as in Yukiko's ending? If the outfits aren't completely made up that is. Yukiko obviously dresses up as Haohmaru from Samurai Shodown in the game, and I'm guessing Rumi's Comiket cosplay is a reference to Darkstalkers. There's also a guy in the Comiket background that looks like Terry Bogard. So I figure the chances are decent that the ending is referencing something real too, and I could swear that Yukiko's outfit looks familiar. There's a focus on fighting game fandom mid-game, but I kind of doubt they're dressed up as fighting game characters in the ending since Yukiko says that Rumi is the princess and Yusuke is the hero. An RPG seems more likely.


Quote from: Aggie Tsubi on 02/19/2013, 05:06 PMDoes anybody know what the whole "Milk" thing is about? Is this some kind of wordplay lost in translation? As best as I can tell, it sounds like they actually pronounce the English word "milk", and it doesn't seem like the Japanese word for "milk" is anything like "Rumi" anyway. I wonder if maybe it's a matter of the characters being backwards, like "miru"? And maybe the "ku" is from the honorific "kun"? Like "Miru-kun"?
I can help you out with the Milk question, or at least this guy can. He did a little video on WtPC and just happened to choose the dialog option where this tidbit is explained.

As for the others... I'm not sure either. :(

Aggie Tsubi

Yeah, I've actually seen that bit of dialogue already, but it still left me a little confused as to why Rumi was making the mistake.


Ah, ok. It may have to do with the tendency (at least in anime) of kids and cute characters to refer to themselves in the third person. I've thought of it like that, combined with the tendency for kids to find at least one thing to assign the wrong word (or name) to. The closest thing I can think of is that I said "brefgist" unstead of "breakfast" until I was probably 3 or 4.

So you have her calling herself "Rumi" instead of using the personal pronoun "I", only she doesn't even get that right. She wrongly says "Milk", probably one of her first words that she confused with her own name. It might even play into the fact that it's a foreign word since she might not have as much context for understanding what it should mean when people said it to her. Nihonjin use English words in unexpected ways anyway.

So it all combines to be a cute mistake she made when she was little, and you as her brother have picked up the habit of calling her by her (now unremembered) childhood self-nickname. That's been my take on it, though it *is* a little hard to imagine her chiding him for it for 10 years straight. ;)

EDIT: Totally awesome to see you playing and enjoying the game btw!


Filler, I don't think I properly thanked you for the real copy you sent me of this game. Besides the last few weeks, I didn't frequent this site much since November... but one day around the holidays the game suddenly showed up in my mailbox! I had forgotten all about how you said you were going to mail it to me, so it was a nice surprise when it showed up.

Anyway, thanks again!
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate


Quote from: tpivette on 02/25/2013, 07:28 PMFiller, I don't think I properly thanked you for the real copy you sent me of this game. Besides the last few weeks, I didn't frequent this site much since November... but one day around the holidays the game suddenly showed up in my mailbox! I had forgotten all about how you said you were going to mail it to me, so it was a nice surprise when it showed up.

Anyway, thanks again!
You are most welcome. I enjoyed reading your account of playing the game and I couldn't help but reciprocate. I'm glad it made it to you in one piece!

Aggie Tsubi

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. :) I guess, in Rumi's mind, something like "Want some milk?" turned into "Want some, Milk?" Is it common for the Japanese to use the English word "milk" rather than the native Japanese word for milk, or is that just a quirk of this game? Although I guess it would make sense to use a foreign word, since from what I've heard, Asians aren't traditionally that big on dairy products, what with the high rates of lactose intolerance and all.

Oh, and thanks so much for your work on the fan patch. I'm definitely having a blast with the game. :D


IMG I couldn't help it. :)

There is a Japanese word for milk, gyuunyuu (cow's milk specifically [EDIT: Mother's milk is bonyuu]). I'm going to say it's a peculiarity of the game.

My pleasure on the patch. David did a great job. I'm glad people are enjoying it.


I've played through and got two of the ending. I haven't played on the FX for a while, but planning on pulling it back out and try to get the others. I too gotta thank you for the kick ass patch. Game is pretty good when you know what's going on. :lol:


Going to mess around with Shangai a bit later tonight, great fun to waste a few hours on once in a while.

Aggie Tsubi

I'm getting back into Welcome to Pia Carrot after setting it aside for a few weeks. I beat the game with the last few girls I had yet to go after. Now I just have a couple scenes I missed and then all the alternate versions of scenes with the different uniforms, which I'll probably put off until down the road as I've kinda had my fill for now. I'm rushing through the game to get the last Reika scenes that I stupidly screwed up on before, but I'm going nuts trying to get a Shouko scene I'm missing. I'm missing the last three pictures on her first page, the ones that come after the set of three of her falling on her butt and dumping a tray all over herself. I assume the three pictures are all of a single scene, with alternate versions. I have no freakin' idea where this scene is. I thought it had to do with the karaoke date on 8/5 since I hadn't explored all options with that and the FAQ on the Saturn version says that part has a scene. Well, I guess that version must have some different scenes from the PC-FX version because I got squat there. Looking through the PC-FX FAQ, nothing jumps out at me as something I missed, but it's really hard to tell because it only lists the commands you should pick, not where there are special scenes and events.

So can anybody help me out? I'd prefer to nab Shouko's scene in the middle of this Reika replay if at all possible, so I don't really want to follow the FAQ from beginning to end. Just knowing what the picture is of would help a lot, but if anybody can also tell me where and how to get the scene, that would be more awesome yet. [-o<


It's been a few days since you posted...don't know if you've gotten the elusive photos or not, but I can fire up my FX and see which ones you're mentioning and let you know where/when they can be found
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Aggie Tsubi

Nope, still haven't found them. I also contacted the author of the PC-FX Pia Carrot FAQ, and surprisingly, he never managed to find them either. I did find this site with all the pictures, though:

(NSFW obviously)

It seems like I'm missing the ones where it looks like Shouko's leaning over the player, and going by the dark background with what looks like pipework, I'm guessing it's maybe the stockroom? But, yeah, if you got those pictures and remember how, it would be wonderful if you could help me out. :)


Ok, so I checked my photos and I do have the one in question (although only in one version of the uniform). I believe that occurs on 8/16, but I'm not 100% sure. Also, I don't think you can generate that scene while trying to win another girl over (as you mentioned trying to do while chasing Reika). I believe you have to go through a certain chain of events in Shouko's playthrough to unlock that scene. If I remember correctly, she breaks down while you are performing your stock room duties for the day (you have to make sure thats your job on this day) and thus the photo unlocks. I'm not positive though.

Ahhh, damn it. I was planning on playing Pandora's Tower tonight, but now I'm curious about this scene and want to see if I'm right.
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Aggie Tsubi

Thanks, man, I really appreciate the info. :) I wonder if maybe it has something to do with the light going out in the stock room? I can't recall which week it was, but I remember Shiho asking the protagonist to work in the stock room a lot one week, and when I'd do so, I'd get one scene where the light flickers out, and then another on a following day where they go out again and the protagonist says something about how he should tell Shiho about it. I've never gotten anything past that, not even any dialogue related to it when going to Shiho. It just seems like an odd dangling plot thread.

Aggie Tsubi

Thanks again for the tips regarding my missing Shouko photo, tpivette. I finally got around to getting my last couple missing scenes (not counting all the alternate costume stuff). Between your info and my hunch about the scenes in which the lights go out, I got it. I picked it up on 8/11 myself, but I'm guessing it can happen any time that week after the first two days of the lights going out. Seems like having high affection with Shouko is what makes all the difference, since I got the first two scenes lots of times without Shouko appearing on the third day. Luckily enough, though, I was still able to get the scene while two-timing with Reika, haha. I guess both of them are too obsessed with the protagonist to care, although once I got the Shouko scene, I dropped her like a bag of rocks and focused on Reika. :P

Anyway, other than finishing up Pia Carrot, I recently bought and played a little Sparkling Feather. I've gotta admit that I'm a little disappointed that the game isn't a more traditional strategy RPG like Shining Force or Fire Emblem. Maybe I'm just being dumb here, but I honestly can't figure out what's going on with the battle system. There's just about a bajillion battle options, all in kanji, and it seems like there's no consistency between what I pick and what happens. Is there some level of AI going on here, preventing me from having full control? This game is either going to take some research or some more trial and error before I figure out what exactly is going on.


Nice! I didn't think you could win Reika over while chasing another girl, but I guess that's not the case. The first time I played the game, I tried to be quite the player and persue all the girls at once, and in the end I payed for it... none of them wanted me haha. So after that I just focused on one at a time per playthrough to make sure I got all the unlocked photos with that particular girl.

Have you unlocked all the photos yet? I still have to get most of the alternate uniforms, and Shiho's final photos have eluded me (I didn't watch her ending after the credits).

Are there any other "Shining Force" style RPGs for the system? It's been awhile since I've messed with my FX, and maybe these games are the ticket to get me back into it. I've just been spending too much time with my PS3 and 3DS as of late.
Original owner of a TG-16 since 1989!

Vita - Conception 2
PS3 - Tales of Graces f
Wii U - Monster Hunter 3 Ulltimate

Aggie Tsubi

Nah, it's too much of a pain to get every alternate costume scene, so I'm saving that for down the road, whenever I feel up for replaying the game some. I tried to get as many of the alternate scenes as I could while playing through all the girls, but the game is kind of annoying how it saves some of the alternate costume scenes for the very end of the game. Satomi and Shiho literally have uniform scenes as their endings, and Yukiko has two scenes in her uniform that come so late in the game that it may as well be her ending (well, that would be a terrible scene to end the game on :P ). So that's 6 more replays for me. The Shouko scene that I just got is the only one I could cut corners on since I hopefully could get the alternate versions while going after one of those other three girls. I've collected all the other alternate versions of scenes since they come much earlier in the game and don't require total focus on one girl. Hopefully there's nothing I'm missing out on by not unlocking every single picture, but I doubt it since getting the ending with every girl already unlocked the final girl (Rumi in the succubus outfit) in CG mode with the bonus pictures and "sex mode" (or whatever it should be called since the fan patch actually missed it so it's still in kanji).

As for PC-FX strategy RPGs, Farland Story FX is pretty traditional and straightforward. It's got side-scrolling attack cutscenes like in Fire Emblem, and you can upgrade your class at level 10 or 20 or something like in Shining Force. And it's got the usual grid-based movement and all. Power Dolls FX seems pretty traditional too, although more like Super Robot Taisen than Shining Force and the like. I still need to play that one more. Arubarea's Maiden seems like a combination of Angelique and fairly traditional strategy RPG battles, but I haven't played a ton of that one either. The strategy RPG I personally am most looking forward to putting more time into is Der Langrisser FX, although that's not quite traditional. The Langrisser series has its own unique system where a single unit on the map usually represents a group of soldiers rather than a single individual. I've been meaning to buy and play Warsong on Genesis, which is the only Langrisser to get an official English localization (it's also the first Langrisser; Der is a remake of the second), so I can get a better feel for the system before I dive into Der Langrisser in Japanese (although it didn't seem that confusing from what I did play).