
NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 Games/Consoles => PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion => Topic started by: Wrathverge on 09/08/2001, 09:38 PM

Title: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: Wrathverge on 09/08/2001, 09:38 PM
Can the Duo play burned games without and mods?
I need to get this game VERY BADLY!!! I would settle for a burned copy, hell, I'll buy one. Does anyone here have a copy or original I can buy?
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: NFERNO68 on 09/09/2001, 07:04 AM
Yes, the Turbo will play copies without any modifications. I won't part with my original, but I'll make you a copy if you want one.
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: kyosuke75 on 09/14/2001, 12:07 AM
How do you make copies of Turbo/PC Engine games...i have Double Dragon II SCD and was trying to burn it to back it up since its getting old now?

I tried cdrwin and nero...to no avail :(

Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: NFERNO68 on 09/16/2001, 12:55 PM
The only program that works for those, is clonecd. Check the bottom boxes for read and write.
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: Twilightknight on 09/29/2001, 10:22 AM
Hey, i was wondering if maybe you could make me a copy of dracula-x?  I want the game reallly badly but i can't see myself dishing out $150 for a game i've never  played or even seen in action.
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: Brasilpce on 09/29/2001, 07:18 PM
Hi, there

Just a little comment over yours, NFERNO68... though CloneCD is, by far, the best program to copy PCE games, there are others which work really great, even with Dracula X and Double Dragon II: Nero, Fireburner, CDRWin and Diskjuggler.

And, kyosuke75, maybe your problem might be related with your burner. It's well known that some burners don't work well with PCE CD's. Some good ones are certainly Samsung (which I own), Sony, Plextor (probably the best) and Yamaha, among a few others...  I'm telling you that because, as mentioned above, Nero worked perfectly for me with every single PCE-CD I've own... and I do have lots of games!!  ;-)

Take care,



Edited by: Brasilpce  at: 9/29/01 7:24:32 pm
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: NotBlaine on 09/30/2001, 12:25 PM
Not that I condone copying games, software pirates should die...but I use copies rather than subject my originals to the rigors of play.

There is, believe it or not, an actual method to the burning for most games. There are websited documenting what you have to do. 99% of the time...you just can't burn it like an audio CD.
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: NFERNO68 on 10/05/2001, 05:56 PM
What are you talking about "rigors of play"? I've had and used original discs for many years, some more than ten, and never damaged it in the slightest. So many people claim to use backups to "protect" their originals, but they're full of it. Whos going to copy something they already have?
Title: Definition of Rigors Of Play
Post by: NotBlaine on 10/05/2001, 07:33 PM
Well. I DO own Dracula X, I'll take a picture of it if you'd like.

By Rigors of Play I mean this:

My copy of DracX is is like BRAND NEW...and I want it to stay that way.

Using a game, even by protecting it and being very careful, it's still very possible to get light scratches on it.

This coupled by the fact that I still have the original cellophane/spine card, which is slowly deteriorating, and would split open if I constantly was removing the case (and even MORE so when I put the case back in the celo). Could I just leave it in the cellophane?? NO I want to play it. By playing a CD-R I can leave it on the shelve, nice, pretty and new.

I use back-ups to play for all of my games.

"Who's going to copy something they already have?"

Someone who wishes to keep what they have nice.
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: none on 11/10/2001, 04:13 PM
Hey, NFerno68 can I get a copy of Dracula-X from you?
E-mail Tigert99@aol.com
Title: Dracula X
Post by: rwtg on 11/12/2001, 04:39 PM
NFERNO68 can you make a copy for me?  How much would you ask for?  
Title: Re: Dracula X
Post by: akumajyo on 11/16/2001, 10:48 AM
25$ shipping include for dracula x pce copy. paypal ok :)

Title: dx
Post by: elbryan42 on 11/19/2001, 12:48 PM
um, i'm usually not around here, but just found this thread. i was wondering if i could have a copy too? i have high speed and i'd be willing to trade for anything i have. i have lots of cartoons and anime. :)

i did get the iso/mp3 version, but the tracks are out of sync, and the game locks up when i beat it with maria. i'm looking for a cd image of the entire game. thanks in advance.

if anyone would like to help, can you email me at elbryan42@hotmail.com ?
Title: Uh...
Post by: rpgkingDWL on 11/30/2001, 03:48 PM
Isn't it illegal to sell copied games?
Title: TurboDuo Cds
Post by: snowdog on 12/27/2001, 04:26 AM
I just picked up a TurboDuo with the 3 in 1 cd that includes Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Gate of Thunder, and Bomberman.  I would be willing to trade copies for other Duo games.  I use quality cdrs and do NOT burn discs at fast speeds.  You can e-mail me at snowdog@kufta.com
Title: Re: TurboDuo Cds
Post by: TrûMisery on 12/28/2001, 06:50 AM
if someone actually pays $25.00 for a backup copy of Dracula X, you have some serious issues.  There are many people around that offer a backup service for just about any game for between $5.00 and $7.00.  If people want names, I can send you to my website, and you can look around the message board where people buy/sell/trade PCE games as well as games for just about every other system.

And also, if you have a high speed internet connection, why not visit my site as well, look at the message board under FTP's and choose a RIGG server, and download your copy of Dracula X (in bin/cue format) for free!

There are several ways to go about getting a game.  I also offer a backup service at my website.

wayback://fotozplus.com/tru.html /madfairy.gif (https://web.archive.org/web/20010604232954if_/http://www.fotozplus.com/tru.html)
Title: Re: TurboDuo Cds
Post by: Brasilpce on 12/28/2001, 06:54 PM
I totally agree with Trû. US$25.00 for a backup service doesn't sound pretty clever.

I don't use RIGG, because of my slow 56K connection, but it's certainly a heck of an option for those with faster connections.
Title: re cdr's
Post by: nec man on 01/05/2002, 06:31 PM
The only real reason to get dracula x for pc engine is for your collection and I find it hard to believe you would want a cdr in your collection. If you really want the game why not get it for saturn or play station then you can have a 32 version instead.  
Title: Re: re cdr's
Post by: TrûMisery on 01/06/2002, 03:15 AM
Both the Saturn and the PSX Versions of Dracula X are very different than the PC Engine version, as is the SNES Version.

Dracula X for the PC Engine, is the best version of Dracula X that there is, plain and simple.  If you ask people, most will say that it is the best Castlevania game ever made by Konami.

wayback://fotozplus.com/tru.html /madfairy.gif (https://web.archive.org/web/20010604232954if_/http://www.fotozplus.com/tru.html)
Title: re dracula x
Post by: nec man on 01/06/2002, 08:11 PM
Wow. And I was thinking of replacing DX with a 32 bit update. Does anyone know anything about the cotton games specifically boomerang for saturn or psx. I have the original cotton for pce. Is it worth the buy?  Thanks
Title: Drac X
Post by: Kris on 01/22/2002, 07:22 AM

Dracula X on PCE is completely different from the PSX game. The PSX game is the sequel to the PC Engine game, and although there are some similarites in the graphics department, gameplay wise + Story-wise they couldn't be more different.

Title: RIGG
Post by: GigaShadow on 01/25/2002, 06:05 AM
I can never seem to find a RIGG FTP that works...  I have heard much about them and have tried many times to connect to one only to find the FTP dead or deleted.  I have used your message board Tru and still can't find a good link to one. :(
Title: RIGG
Post by: yoshi on 01/25/2002, 06:22 AM
that'll be because RIGG has Moved..

It Can Now be Found at www.rigg.info

Title: Re: Drac X
Post by: Manitow on 02/14/2002, 09:20 PM
Well I have Cotton for the PC Engine, PSX and both Saturn ones. What do you want to know about them?
Title: re
Post by: SUPERSAIYAN9 on 04/14/2002, 04:19 PM
i found tthe dam thing.
in 89 files the iso of draculax.
but i got to the 10 file and now the dowwnload.
just wont work anymore=[[

who would make me a copy of dracula x rondo of blood???*A REAL COPY!!! NOT JUST THE MP3s!!! if you cant copy it please don't send me juck.lol 've had this happen 4 times!!!!!=/*

i've looked for 2 years for this game.
i all most think im going to have it=] but never get it=[.

so if anbody can make a copy forr me that *works*
that would be great=]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


thx for an help=]]]
Title: Re: Dracula-X........sigh.......
Post by: TrûMisery on 04/14/2002, 08:33 PM
Looking for RIGG Releases?

Go here:

www.rigg.info/cgi-bin/iko...index.html (http://www.rigg.info/cgi-bin/ikonboard/index.html)

And then click on the "RIGG FTP Forums"

wayback://fotozplus.com/tru.html /madfairy.gif (https://web.archive.org/web/20010604232954if_/http://www.fotozplus.com/tru.html)