
Other Discussions => Fighting Street => Topic started by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/26/2016, 11:38 PM

Title: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/26/2016, 11:38 PM
Facebook is basically a fucking cesspool of fuckboy collectards.  They're ruining everything.

It was funny at first to watch them talk of their asses, but, they seem to have run unchecked for far too long.


A good majority of us that are into/good at keeping their bullshit in line don't use Facebook.   They don't come to forums because they're too stupid for that, and it has no "like" system or easy way to post photos, so they can't get their retarded ego-masturbation.

I think we need to fix that.  Even if it's just to make accounts specifically to join and lay waste to idiots in the Turbo groups.

They're damaging the scene.  While I don't particularly care if they fuck up the SNES/MD/etc. regions of life, I hate seeing what they are doing to the PCE scene.

We've lost people either due to literally losing them (dead), or they just said "fuck this" and bailed.

now we have...

prices going full tits
people parading around profiteering off of bootlegging
people parading around making fun of the actual community members who do work
people talking out of their asses

It's all a shitshow.  What happened.  Who are these fuckups?   They shouldn't be allowed to fuck everything up.

They think they're the PCE scene now, all because they photograph their purchases and post pics of title screens like a bunch of cunts.


gettin real sick of this shit.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 12/26/2016, 11:47 PM
While I get that there are a few beginner "collectwats" and shelf jockeys on FB, I don't really think that community or this community are all that different.  We have regulars here that offer up repro carts just like on FB.  Fuck , even long before most people joined all the Turbo groups on social netwerks...

I still am in favor of guys that just want shelf trophies buying up reproductions vs. having legit copies rotting away on display.


Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 12:11 AM
If you don't think the FB crowds in the Turbo FB groups are different, you need to dialup your "douche-radar" settings.

We've got people high fiving each other while making fun of people who do things for the scene, and then those people wave their dicks around like they are in charge.

Fuck those people.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: jtucci31 on 12/27/2016, 12:24 AM
Yeah I would check the FB groups for awhile because they were pretty funny but it's pretty god awful now. Haven't checked in probably months, there aren't even good deals to look out for and it's not like there's some cool conversations about stuff going on.

It's usually:
"AM I DOING IT RITE?" *picture of Bonks Adventure level 1*



Honestly though, aside from them selling shit for crazy stupid prices, I don't mind them staying there. Then they, for the most part, don't gum up the forum. Though, I think with something like Facebook they're more inclined to post the most inanely stupid shit possible without thinking. Whereas on the forum, early on I remember thinking hard on my posts and trying to contribute good stuff, or at least start to participate in more conversations and interact with lots of people.

Even when I call people out on FB and say their prices are way too much and I even provide eBay links, it's like the have the damn wool pulled over their eyes.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 12:50 AM
The problem is we need people preaching the good word of our lord and savior Turbob in the hopes that they stop being so goddamn stupid, or that they fuck off back to SNESland or whatever douchepit they crawled out of.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: the haze on 12/27/2016, 12:55 AM
I used to hang out in forums, a lot, and still do from time to time.  Forums require a lot of time and devotion to keep up with everything so you don't look like a dick. BUT, I do like them. I am just lazy.

Remember Turbolist? Back in like 1993-1996 or some shit? It was great. Fuck, everything else. CrackTiger? Set it back up please.  :dance:
Were you on that ARK? No, you weren't born yet. FIGHT ME.  :D   

My point being, one could make a similar argument comparing turbolist to the PCE forums. (could but would be totally wrong) Guess what though? I do recall some dumb ass on there too.

Forums, IRC, and my website (which is mostly HTML4.0) it's all so 1999.

Speaking of which, I broke the BBS on my website, and I lost my account to this place back like forever ago, so I needed to make a new account in 2008.

What the hell is my point?  Not really sure. I am not going to pool a group of people that use one interface and call them all retarded, snobby know it all fan boys, elitists or whatever, because it's not 100% true or fair.

I agree with Ark a bit on his last points. There are some people raping the scene.  :evil:
This has just happened, because all the kids that made fun of me for having the TG16 in 1989 now realize that it was cool.  :mrgreen:

What do I do to combat what I don't like about the scene? 
I just try to make it more awesome and educate people a bit along the way.
I made my own Facebook group. It's a useful tool to provide an outlet to keep people updated on my projects, and availability of said projects.
I got no secrets about what I am doing, or hidden intentions.
I am not suddenly jumping into the PCE scene, I been a part of this since 1989. I wouldn't do anything that I do unless I had the love for the games.

I think a true PCE fan (new or old) should be able to smell someone's bullshit  and just head the other direction.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 12:59 AM
Quote from: the haze on 12/27/2016, 12:55 AMWhat do I do to combat what I don't like about the scene? 
I just try to make it more awesome and educate people a bit along the way.
Yes, but then you notice the Facebook phenomenon where... people just ignore education and instead act like morons.   That's far too rampant on FB, because it's more easily accessible.   

QuoteI think a true PCE fan (new or old) should be able to smell someone's bullshit  and just head the other direction.
Yeah.  The problem lies in the fact that lots of real PCE fans don't bother, so it's a circle jerk of poseurs.

.. and they then go and misrepresent the entire community.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: OldMan on 12/27/2016, 01:03 AM
QuoteRemember Turbolist? Back in like 1993-1996 or some shit? It was great. Fuck, everything else. Black Tiger? Set it back up please.  :dance:
Were you on that ARK?
No, but I was.

QuoteMy point being, one could make a similar argument comparing turbolist to the PCE forums. (could but would be totally wrong) Guess what though? I do recall some dumb ass on there too.
Agreed. I wonder how many of them moved here, later.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: the haze on 12/27/2016, 01:04 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/27/2016, 12:50 AMThe problem is we need people preaching the good word of our lord and savior Turbob in the hopes that they stop being so goddamn stupid, or that they fuck off back to SNESland or whatever douchepit they crawled out of.
From this day forth, Ark will be now known as TURBO JESUS.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: TheClash603 on 12/27/2016, 01:50 AM
Someone should share a few screen shots of the worst of Facebook, I have never used that site so I don't understand the venting which is happening here.  Someone enlighten me so I can join in on the hate.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: the haze on 12/27/2016, 02:17 AM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 12/27/2016, 01:50 AMSomeone should share a few screen shots of the worst of Facebook, I have never used that site so I don't understand the venting which is happening here.  Someone enlighten me so I can join in on the hate.
Oh I am sure "Turbo Jesus" will find one and post it for your enjoyment.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: technozombie on 12/27/2016, 04:14 AM
I have Facebook, but i rarely look at it. Some worst of Faceboom screen caps could be good for a laugh.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:10 AM
I can try to find some that I may have saved.

One problem there is, the people tend to delete their posts or block people, and then you lose them.

It's a real shitshow.

Makes it easy for idiots to come in and perpetuate idiocy.    They block anyone that tries to help them out.

Tatsujin should have some funny ones.  Maybe elabit, too.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:23 AM
Heres some idiot from a long time ago that was kicking and banning PCEFXers from his group for pointing out stupid shit they were saying/doing.

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Android77/Pwned2-1.png) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Android77/media/Pwned2-1.png.html)

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Android77/pwned1.png) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Android77/media/pwned1.png.html)

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Android77/pwned1.png) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Android77/media/pwned1.png.html)

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/Android77/lolpwned.png) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Android77/media/lolpwned.png.html)
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:25 AM
I can't find some of the other gems that are floating around in my folders.  Some of them blur and post like shit because I'm retarded and posted vertically.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:29 AM

Here's one.  It should load and be viewable if you zoom in.

I forgot to click "see more" on some of mine to expand them.  Oh well. 

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:31 AM

This one was a real gem, too.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: TheClash603 on 12/27/2016, 08:31 AM
Meh, Facebook seems shitty.  My girlfriend is always on there looking at pictures her coworkers post of their kids and pets and all of them are things that only the poster would ever care about.  Yet besides that fact, they share these personal things to the world and assume people will love them just as they do.  That's the reason I never signed up, people become even more self promoting than real life, which I have no interest in.

I think it is just better to live in a walled off world, where Facebook doesn't exist.  I've been doing it for a decade and I think other than missing a shitty party invite or forgetting to say happy bday a few times, I am better off because of it.

...plus, I don't want fat chicks from college messaging me.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 08:41 AM
I only use it to bombard the hapless assholes who friended me with music they don't like, and to keep in touch with people who moved or are overseas and shit.

... and to go into these gaming groups and watch the downfall of humanity.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: CGQuarterly on 12/27/2016, 09:19 AM
I just don't give enough of a shit.  Facebook is a cesspool.  Better that those waterheads should stick to FB than come here and tard this place up.  Honestly, Reddit isn't much better.  Whoever made the "Am I doing this right" comment earlier in this thread hit it on the fucking head.  Fucking asshats posting pics of their entire collection, that they dropped a couple grand on, carefully laid out on the floor.  "Just started last month.  Am I doing this right?"  Christmas day, the retrogaming-themed subreddits were nothing but "Best girlfriend/wife ever?" posts, accompanied by pictures of whatever AAA Super Nintendo or N64 games that they got.  I'm all for the re-introduction of forced sterilization.

I swear, at this point there are more collectards in society than there are people who legitimately want to play and enjoy older games.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Otaking on 12/27/2016, 09:23 AM
The retro game facebook groups are like Nintendo Age on crack. They're stuffed full of R-Tards just endless posting of latest pick ups and pics of game rooms and no discussion of playing the games.

The strange thing is I go on some music facebook groups of genres I'm interested in and they're really cool, people posting tracks they like and people discussing it in comments.

It's just something about retro games and facebook, it's like a magnet to the R-Tarded.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 09:34 AM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/27/2016, 09:19 AMI just don't give enough of a shit.  Facebook is a cesspool.  Better that those waterheads should stick to FB than come here and tard this place up.  Honestly, Reddit isn't much better.  Whoever made the "Am I doing this right" comment earlier in this thread hit it on the fucking head.  Fucking asshats posting pics of their entire collection, that they dropped a couple grand on, carefully laid out on the floor.  "Just started last month.  Am I doing this right?"  Christmas day, the retrogaming-themed subreddits were nothing but "Best girlfriend/wife ever?" posts, accompanied by pictures of whatever AAA Super Nintendo or N64 games that they got.  I'm all for the re-introduction of forced sterilization.

I swear, at this point there are more collectards in society than there are people who legitimately want to play and enjoy older games.
the problem is that their retardation impacts things, even if we don't interact with them.

We need more people basically telling them "you're an adult.  noone gives a fuck what stupid shit your wife got you today, and nobody gives a fuck what your TV/setup looks like.  Its a goddamn TV, with a console, and wires and shit.   Its not new".

This is like people showing their dinner they made, and it's a fuckin hotpocket.

We know what it looks like

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NecroPhile on 12/27/2016, 10:11 AM
Meh, fuck facebook.  There's no way to really fight those fucktards, as they'll block you and/or delete any comments that threaten their collectard way of life.  Even if you managed to convince someone to not be an uneducated drone buying shit for the sole purposes of masturbatory unboxing videos and collecting 'likes', there's three more goons just waiting to take their place in the parade of assholes.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: deubeul on 12/27/2016, 10:32 AM
Had to google Shadowland to figure out what the hell he was talking about.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: jlued686 on 12/27/2016, 11:56 AM
Facebook, as you said, is a cesspool. It's a virus that will worm its way into your brain and convince you to argue with idiots and make you hate people you once thought you liked. To fight against it, you can only do one thing: deactivate your account. I did that several years ago and felt as though a weight had been lifted. I've never returned.

Stay here at the PCEngineFX forums, where all is right with the Turbob world. Idiots are either chased out hastily, or they stick around and either eventually assimilate or are disregarded as fools. But, most of all, the work you do, and the work other Turbo developers do, is appreciated and praised.

Glory, glory...hallelujah. Amen.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NecroPhile on 12/27/2016, 12:06 PM
King Drool speaks truth.  Don't descend into a pit of vipers and expect them to stop being vipers.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 03:13 PM

My struggle in this thread...
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gredler on 12/27/2016, 03:28 PM
Honestly though this should not impact any of us.

I imagine it can be said they are affecting game prices, but buying physical games is a collectarded endeavor anyways so it's quite hypocritical to criticise these people for their tendencies.

Set them to ignore take a deep breath and move on with your life.

What is happening here is the fact Facebook is giving a voice to groups of people you and I disagree with, but trying to change them is a pointless endeavor. Let them enjoy themselves as they see fit, as I honestly just see a group of people trying to have fun in a way that I cannot relate to; like a group of people at a opera or country concert, or soccor fans.

They are a separate sub culture that should just be ignored if you don't agree, this doesn't bother me too much because turn a blissfully ignorant blind eye
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 03:39 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 12/27/2016, 03:35 PMLol @ DickfaceTAS pretending like he has a "don't be a dick" button. :D :lol:
Dude, I've got one, its just got a thick layer of dust covering it!!!

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Sarumaru on 12/27/2016, 03:41 PM
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: bob on 12/27/2016, 03:45 PM
Quote from: Gredler on 12/27/2016, 03:28 PM...have fun in a way that I cannot relate to; like a group of people at a opera or country concert, or soccor fans.
dude... hockey is soccer on ice.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gredler on 12/27/2016, 05:36 PM
If only I could relate and enjoy it -)
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 06:10 PM
It kind of does affect us when they're cunts to people who then turn around and go "I don't feel like doing PCE projects anymore."

We have PCEWorks apologists prancing around saying they're awesome.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NecroPhile on 12/27/2016, 06:41 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 07/31/2014, 07:12 PMfbowser.webp
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 07/31/2014, 06:10 PMfbpart2.png
I shouldn't say facebook is entirely useless.  It's good for some lulz.

Tool tags and hatters gonna hat!  :lol:
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 07:08 PM
OH yeah, I remember that now.  lol

I think that dude thought I was being serious though.  He didn't pick up on "all caps is not serious" and "sarcasm".

I like when people ask who made Atlantean, and I say "some fuckin homo.  dont buy things from him, hes an idiot".

and they never realize I'm the one who made it...

sometimes they figure it out and go "wait what"

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 09:34 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/27/2016, 07:08 PMI like when people ask who made Atlantean, and I say "some fuckin homo.  dont buy things from him, hes an idiot".
In fairness, you are telling the truth.  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: ToyMachine78 on 12/27/2016, 09:50 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 03:13 PMBe-a-Dick.jpg
My struggle in this thread...
Isn't this your struggle in every thread? [emoji13]
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/27/2016, 10:05 PM
Replace be with "suck", and maybe.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gredler on 12/27/2016, 10:50 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/27/2016, 06:10 PMIt kind of does affect us when they're cunts to people who then turn around and go "I don't feel like doing PCE projects anymore."

We have PCEWorks apologists prancing around saying they're awesome.
My low IQ and ignorance is fucking me up here again, so please feel free to rambroast me about this, but can you more specifically explane what happened and to who?

I saw someone positing about getting Bonknuts MegaMan,  and that soured me; but I just chopped it up to those dudes doing their madness.

Thick skin and accepting of piracy is something I have grown, but my IQ/ignorance helps with that I think
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: technozombie on 12/27/2016, 11:22 PM
I used to regularly check the Texas Retro Gamer page and then it turned into nothing but, buy my shit or look what shit I bought. I think there is just something wrong with society, look at the NES Classic. It's still being manufactured, WTF are people thinking.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 11:35 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/27/2016, 09:50 PMIsn't this your struggle in every thread? [emoji13]
Yeah, and what Psycho Arkhan said. The eternal struggle.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/28/2016, 01:27 AM
Quote from: Gredler on 12/27/2016, 10:50 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/27/2016, 06:10 PMIt kind of does affect us when they're cunts to people who then turn around and go "I don't feel like doing PCE projects anymore."

We have PCEWorks apologists prancing around saying they're awesome.
My low IQ and ignorance is fucking me up here again, so please feel free to rambroast me about this, but can you more specifically explane what happened and to who?

I saw someone positing about getting Bonknuts MegaMan,  and that soured me; but I just chopped it up to those dudes doing their madness.

Thick skin and accepting of piracy is something I have grown, but my IQ/ignorance helps with that I think
There exist idiots in FB groups that parade around talking about how great PCEWorks is, and how we shouldn't make fun of him.

...While simultaneously making fun of and ganging up on the people who worked on the things that  PCEWorks borrowed and profiteered off of without asking.   They are too stupid to realize that PCEWorks, and their bullshit, encourages people to NOT work on PCE stuff again.

More specifically, some cumbubble named Jordan Bayless was like ay dont talk shit about PCEWorks or ill punch you, and Bonknuts chimed in about how PCEworks lifted Bonknut's Megaman work to make money off of it.

Jordan Bayless turned around and basically said cry about it.   While high fiving his other friend.

They don't see the problem with PCEWorks, and are OK to tell everyone that PCEWorks is great, since free copies have been given out of all the bootlegs.

PCE Works is the equivalent of beating the shit out of Robin Hood, taking all the stuff he was going to give to the poor, and then reselling it.

There's nothing great about that.  Stealing the stuff back to redistribute correctly doesn't wash PCEWorks of his guilt/fuckups.

People need to stop talking about how cool he is.

He's a cocksucking piece of shit, and I hope he gets his dick stuck in a car door that speeds away.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NightWolve on 12/28/2016, 01:53 AM
Quote from: Nulltard on 12/27/2016, 03:35 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/27/2016, 03:13 PMBe-a-Dick.jpg
My struggle in this thread...
Lol @ DickfaceTAS pretending like he has a "don't be a dick" button. :D :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gredler on 12/28/2016, 02:23 AM
I wondered about that pce works mega man release.

What a shit show, as level headed and apologetic I try to be tobias's bullshit infuriates me. He is the problem, as much as the people supporting him. Is it the crack head or the dealer who should be blamed?

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: 780racer on 12/28/2016, 03:04 AM
Quote from: Gredler on 12/28/2016, 02:23 AMIs it the crack head or the dealer who should be blamed?

I agree its gottwn really bad, I am part of a local FB group for retro games in general and its all shit now. I cant stand FB much outside of meeping in touch with family and friends.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 03:47 AM
FB is a cesspool.

The furthest I've gone with this "social networking" thing is that I have a twitter acc, but that's mostly for bugging my local municipality for power outages. :p
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/28/2016, 04:11 AM
Quote from: Gredler on 12/28/2016, 02:23 AMI wondered about that pce works mega man release.

What a shit show, as level headed and apologetic I try to be tobias's bullshit infuriates me. He is the problem, as much as the people supporting him. Is it the crack head or the dealer who should be blamed?
You blame both.

The crack dealer (PCEWorks) stole the drugs from someone that was giving it for free
and the crackheads (Idiots on FB) just buy it from him instead because he put it in a package that tickles their need to have stupid shit on their shelves.

had Tobias been less of a disingenuous cunt, didn't steal shit, and didn't treat things as mostly profiteering, he'd receive less hate and would be more well received.

Instead, he never interacts with the scene. 

"For the love of it"

where?  He never participates in anything.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: 780racer on 12/28/2016, 06:22 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/28/2016, 04:11 AM"For the love of it"

where?  He never participates in anything.
He participates in taking the money for things he didn't make, for monies he doesn't deserve, for things that should be free.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: esteban on 12/28/2016, 09:09 AM
OVERALL: I agree with the spirit of Arkhan's post, since I felt that maybe I was being lazy by simply ignoring Facebook/YouTube/social media for years and years.

Then I realized that it is simply a tool/platform...and even if we can never *truly* clean up a cesspool, we can at least be "beacons of reason" ... I am *not* even talking about arguing with folks. That would be exhausting. I am simply suggesting that the reasonable PCE folks should have a presence on social media, too. EVEN IF WE FUNCTION SOLELY AS RELIABLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION.

Then again, I'll be honest: I don't want to actually have a Facebook account. Ha!

MY MANTRA: We won't save the scene, or even a person, from idiocy, but that does *not* mean we should sit on our hairy asses. Even a *trivial* effort, on our part, would be worthwhile, IMHO.

I might make a tongue-in-cheek PSA, if only for entertainment.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/28/2016, 11:57 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/28/2016, 01:27 AMThere's nothing great about that.  Stealing the stuff back to redistribute correctly doesn't wash PCEWorks of his guilt/fuckups.

People need to stop talking about how cool he is.

He's a cocksucking piece of shit, and I hope he gets his dick stuck in a car door that speeds away.
As far as villainous behavior goes, Tobias is quite good at it. Its a masterful stroke of evil, given that he's essentially gotten the community to split by giving away free shit.

On one hand, you've got the people who defend him now, because OMG FREE GAMEZ. These people don't give two shits about who he screws in the past, present OR future. 

On the other hand, you've got people that have been screwed by him, or support those who have been screwed by him. They see he's just a shyster.

So, he gets these two parts of the community to flame each other, rather than a united front against him. Sounds like shit the Joker would pull.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: sirhcman on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PM
to quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:39 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PMto quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
That guy is "famous"? I must have missed that. :P
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: sirhcman on 12/28/2016, 01:41 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:39 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PMto quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
That guy is "famous"? I must have missed that. :P
DarkKobold told me he was..
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:43 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:41 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:39 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PMto quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
That guy is "famous"? I must have missed that. :P
DarkKobold told me he was..
Well then, that's all that matters.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: JoshTurboTrollX on 12/28/2016, 02:09 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/28/2016, 11:57 AMSo, he gets these two parts of the community to flame each other, rather than a united front against him. Sounds like shit the Joker would pull.
Holy fuck this is happening!  O_O
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: DildoKKKobold on 12/28/2016, 02:18 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:41 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:39 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PMto quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
That guy is "famous"? I must have missed that. :P
DarkKobold told me he was..
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. (https://youtu.be/kxRX6LXDpWs)

I posted RGT ONCE to DoxPhile, mentioning that Gamester81 was promoting his videos.

Now Siracha won't leave me the $@#@%^# alone with this dude's ugly mug. He uses it like a rickroll on me. Drives me bananas. He's just... so ugly.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: mickcris on 12/28/2016, 03:02 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/28/2016, 01:39 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 01:30 PMto quote the famous youtuber rgt85 "can't we all just get along?"
That guy is "famous"? I must have missed that. :P
He was one of the idiots that fell for the Coleco Chameleon scam and though it was going to be real.  made a bunch of videos shilling the thing saying how awesome it was going to be.  i am guessing it was cause gamester81 was doing the same thing and he was trying to kiss his ass.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NecroPhile on 12/28/2016, 03:09 PM
I wouldn't say he's some sort of evil genius.  There is no one community that encompasses all Turbob players.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: 780racer on 12/28/2016, 05:23 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/28/2016, 03:09 PMI wouldn't say he's some sort of evil genius.  There is no one community that encompasses all Turbob players.
Sure thee re is, Its called pcefx. Then when people cant get into this community they run to FB, and call NecroPhile a meanie poopy face.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Sparky on 12/28/2016, 08:19 PM
There are a lot of tools on the Facebook groups but there are some decent folks as well, and there not hiding behind an avatar :P.
But seriously I do enjoy that the members on here still stand out and say it like it is in the groups and we all do the dog pile on a fool like we do here, we gots to keep them in check.

It's definitely a collectard world there with a sprinkle of gamers with a few cherries of forum peeps. It's a come and go for me, I am mostly in the turbo repro group selling my stickers as there are a couple chumps over there selling shitty repro shit for top dollar so it felt like the right thing to do.

This is still my hometown and my hugs and legs wraps are for you guys here, but
I am glad there are members from here over on facebook keeping those fuckers in Check 8)

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/28/2016, 08:30 PM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/28/2016, 02:09 PM
Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/28/2016, 11:57 AMSo, he gets these two parts of the community to flame each other, rather than a united front against him. Sounds like shit the Joker would pull.
Holy fuck this is happening!  O_O
yeah.  the new kids on the block are all retarded and want free shit, so they love the guy, and don't get the problem.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: ToyMachine78 on 12/28/2016, 08:32 PM
Quote from: 780racer on 12/28/2016, 05:23 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/28/2016, 03:09 PMI wouldn't say he's some sort of evil genius.  There is no one community that encompasses all Turbob players.
Sure thee re is, Its called pcefx. Then when people cant get into this community they run to FB, and call NecroPhile a meanie poopy face.
People call NecroPhile a meanie poopy face here. [emoji1] [emoji90]
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: 780racer on 12/29/2016, 05:53 AM
It can get annoying hearing some of the crap that is posted/slung on FB as I am one of the members who does battle the elements to keep a tab on some of those groups.

Glad ark is there to troll everyone. Also this post should have more collection pictures. Because FB and turbo means shelf candy pictures
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gypsy on 12/30/2016, 12:19 AM
Quote from: deubeul on 12/27/2016, 10:32 AMHad to google Shadowland to figure out what the hell he was talking about.
So did I and I never would have guessed it was Yokai Dochuki.

Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/27/2016, 10:11 AMMeh, fuck facebook.  There's no way to really fight those fucktards, as they'll block you and/or delete any comments that threaten their collectard way of life.  Even if you managed to convince someone to not be an uneducated drone buying shit for the sole purposes of masturbatory unboxing videos and collecting 'likes', there's three more goons just waiting to take their place in the parade of assholes.
Recently I came across a listing for a game for sale where the listing said bought for an unboxing video and never played. Like....what? It was the cheapest listing of the game but I just could not buy it on principle.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Arkhan Asylum on 12/30/2016, 12:20 AM
Quote from: 780racer on 12/29/2016, 05:53 AMIt can get annoying hearing some of the crap that is posted/slung on FB as I am one of the members who does battle the elements to keep a tab on some of those groups.

Glad ark is there to troll everyone. Also this post should have more collection pictures. Because FB and turbo means shelf candy pictures
It's pretty horrible.  The worst part is these people aren't like forum users.  They don't seem invested in conversation.

They seem to only want to show off and get attention, and then they fuck off at the sign of any discussion that doesn't amount to everyone 100% agreeing.

Facebook encourages the worst kind of gamer.

The fake kind.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gypsy on 12/30/2016, 12:23 AM
Quote from: KingDrool on 12/27/2016, 11:56 AMFacebook, as you said, is a cesspool. It's a virus that will worm its way into your brain and convince you to argue with idiots and make you hate people you once thought you liked. To fight against it, you can only do one thing: deactivate your account. I did that several years ago and felt as though a weight had been lifted. I've never returned.

Stay here at the PCEngineFX forums, where all is right with the Turbob world. Idiots are either chased out hastily, or they stick around and either eventually assimilate or are disregarded as fools. But, most of all, the work you do, and the work other Turbo developers do, is appreciated and praised.

Glory, glory...hallelujah. Amen.

This board does quality pi (poster intimidation) work. I dig it.

Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/27/2016, 06:41 PMI shouldn't say facebook is entirely useless.  It's good for some lulz.

Tool tags and hatters gonna hat!  :lol:
So many nuggets in those. Sooooo many.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: BigusSchmuck on 12/30/2016, 12:36 AM
Honestly, I don't even pay attention to Facebook groups other than the one Bernie created. Then again, been so busy with work haven't been paying attention to much of anything as of late...
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gypsy on 12/30/2016, 12:47 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 12/30/2016, 12:20 AM
Quote from: 780racer on 12/29/2016, 05:53 AMIt can get annoying hearing some of the crap that is posted/slung on FB as I am one of the members who does battle the elements to keep a tab on some of those groups.

Glad ark is there to troll everyone. Also this post should have more collection pictures. Because FB and turbo means shelf candy pictures
It's pretty horrible.  The worst part is these people aren't like forum users.  They don't seem invested in conversation.

They seem to only want to show off and get attention, and then they fuck off at the sign of any discussion that doesn't amount to everyone 100% agreeing.

Facebook encourages the worst kind of gamer.

The fake kind.
Conversation is a lost art for many. The first thing I try to do on CL and the like is get people on the phone. I find the success rate is considerably higher when I am able to have an actual conversation with someone.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: technozombie on 12/30/2016, 09:01 PM
A little poster intimiadtion is good. Such as coming down on someone to search the forum before asking a question. Even if your question doesn't get answered by the search you're more likely have a better, more informed question.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: PukeSter on 12/30/2016, 09:21 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 12/30/2016, 09:01 PMA little poster intimiadtion is good. Such as coming down on someone to search the forum before asking a question. Even if your question doesn't get answered by the search you're more likely have a better, more informed question.
Never understood this at all.

This is not as active a forum as it could be. This forum has stagnated over the years from a lot of poster intimidation, whether "good or bad". When posters chatize people for not using a search bar, it prevents further discussion. Any 1st time posts that aren't about sales, even if about the same old topic, should not be looked down upon.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NightWolve on 12/30/2016, 11:01 PM
PukeSter the peacemaker ?? Exceptions: BigusSchmuck...

Heh, but I actually kinda agree with him. The small, petty stuff doesn't bother me. I don't think newbs should get hazed all the time for polite questions, etc. But, everybody draws their own lines on what rises to the level of needing antagonism/chastising/attack/roasting/etc.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: technozombie on 12/31/2016, 06:43 AM
I wouldn't say I'm advocating hazing, just a casual hey go search a little bit and come back. There have actually been quite a few times where I wanted ask a question and then I thought I should search it before asking. Maybe, that's just me being afraid of looking like a dumbass lol.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: esteban on 12/31/2016, 07:33 AM
Quote from: technozombie on 12/31/2016, 06:43 AMI wouldn't say I'm advocating hazing, just a casual hey go search a little bit and come back. There have actually been quite a few times where I wanted ask a question and then I thought I should search it before asking. Maybe, that's just me being afraid of looking like a dumbass lol.
I know. I don't want to haze new folks, but even if they simply said: "I tried searching for ______, but couldn't find anything useful..." as a disclaimer, it would go a long way.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Bloufo on 12/31/2016, 07:39 AM
off-topic here, but @NightWolve, just curious, but are you perhaps of Greek origin?

Just something about the way I read your words sometimes. :)

ok folks, carry on...
Title: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: esteban on 12/31/2016, 08:06 AM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/31/2016, 07:39 AMoff-topic here, but @NightWolve, just curious, but are you perhaps of Greek origin?

Just something about the way I read your words sometimes. :)

ok folks, carry on...
Ha! He might be... or maybe you found kinship in the fact that he is currently  designing fonts (Cyrillic alphabet) for my SuperBlodiaExtreme homebrew...
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Gypsy on 12/31/2016, 05:05 PM
The people that really need (and definitely get) the hazing are people that come on here thinking it's a wonderful Turbo/PCE game emporium filled with cheap wares available in bulk to any and all that register.
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: NightWolve on 12/31/2016, 06:05 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/31/2016, 07:39 AMoff-topic here, but @NightWolve, just curious, but are you perhaps of Greek origin?

Just something about the way I read your words sometimes. :)
Was it from my writing or given that you're remembering I've mentioned it before ?

Yeah, both my parents migrated from Greece to Chicago and I attended a private Greek elementary school for about 7 years till I got tired of it and just wanted to concentrate on US schooling. Having to take 4 bus rides 2 days out of a week will do that. My other schools were either walking or biking distance, including the university I attended.

I did actually do part time work at the university, serving as a Greek to English translator for the medical staff when they needed me for Greek patients, but most of my employment there was Computer Lab Manager/Consultant (as I learned coding and tech support).

So yeah, I'm a bit bilingual, Greek being my 2nd language. I know a few things en Espanol as well, but not much. I have renters from Mexico that don't speak much English, and it's kind of the 2nd de facto language of Chicago, so it's pretty helpful to learn some if you can. ;)
Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: Bloufo on 01/01/2017, 01:16 AM
Quote from: NightWolve on 12/31/2016, 06:05 PM
Quote from: Bloufo on 12/31/2016, 07:39 AMoff-topic here, but @NightWolve, just curious, but are you perhaps of Greek origin?

Just something about the way I read your words sometimes. :)
Was it from my writing or given that you're remembering I've mentioned it before ?
I'm not going to lie and say that it totally might not be that, although now at this minute I don't quite recall having read where you have made mention of it.

It's kinda more like a few "nuances" I've picked up here and there. Where at times I've said to myself "do I recognize a bit of "call it like I see it" no filter, from the old country?" :p

Sometimes it's easier to spot certain "recognizable" traits.
If you had maybe somewhere mentioned that you light a cig before you enter the gym and one as soon as you get out. Then I would have had no doubts.  :P

I'm originally an "islander" myself. Born and raised in Vathi, Ithaki. Moved to SA in my middle teens.

Title: Re: Do we need a Turbob Call to Arms
Post by: blueraven on 01/03/2017, 05:53 PM
Thanks for posting these conversations. This is exactly why I have never interacted with the turbo communities on Facebook. Exactly stuff like this.

I appreciate you posting it for all of us to see, Arkhan. It confirms everything I have been hearing.

Quote from: DildoKKKobold on 12/28/2016, 11:57 AMSo, he gets these two parts of the community to flame each other, rather than a united front against him. Sounds like shit the Joker would pull.
Potent observation. This whole post is pure gold.

Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 08:19 PMThis is still my hometown
I feel the same way. Caw me oldschool.