
Other Discussions => Off-Topic => Topic started by: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PM

Title: Been gone a while, what did I Miss?
Post by: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PM
Been gone a while, what did I Miss?  I see the war room and Nulltard are gone.  Must of been a hell of a war.

 :boom: :bonkthis: :boom: :bonkthis: :boom: :bonkthis:
Title: Re: Been gone a while, what did I Miss?
Post by: NightWolve on 10/12/2018, 07:07 PM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:55 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 04/11/2018, 07:01 PMCool, that's 8 entrants so far, heh.

I found out today Nulltard recycled a defamatory dox job against me with a domain he bought, my day was a bit ruined shall we say, so I'm not quite in the mood to create my Falcom raffle, but I'll see, hopefully try tonight......
Man what did I miss while I was gone ?  He doxed me once too.  Must suck to be him these days he bitched about his life and his living situation.  You can take solace in the fact that he hates his life.
There was a genuine pattern of him being a DuoDildoDoxPhile  ?? He fully paid for the dox job himself this time  ?? He f*cked up my phone number worse than before, that's pretty confirmed for all the blocking options I've had to activate over the summer!! Hopefully somebody does it to him some day!!!!!

But wow, I didn't know about this! His psychotic friends covering for him for so many years does him no good which is what emboldened him I feel...

Short story is it's all about the PCEFX chatbox, it begins and ends there as bizarre as that is... Turns out we had worse clowns than Nintega and it was a destructive experiment...

Psycho John Nulltard/Bullity/Insanity/Doxxity saw it as a threat to his own chatbox, was bitter there wasn't a PCEFX+DuhPhile alliance, was bitter I didn't ask him to embed his chatbox here instead of the forum module you see now... Turns out he spammed Aaron with the idea 4 years prior, spammed me with the idea during the launch (I was stupid enough to ask him to come help test, NOT knowing how crazy obsessed he was to merge PCEFX/DuoPhile or destroy/poach the place if we didn't bend to his will...) playing it off as a joke, that if I can't fix the bugs I can embed his chat instead and also turns out roflmao had emboldened him with an iframe combine/merge page that did exactly that which they were using(I learned these things later)! So this is what they wanted me to do instead:


As such, he developed a daily obsession for my chatbox, so morning and night, some times as early as 7:30am, he'd grab his phone, go in it, spam DildoDoxPhile nearly 14 days straight! He incited his dumb gang/cult members to help too, first sirchman, then DarKKKobold, Punch, Desh, etc. I added a filter cause of his ass to rewrite it to DildoPhile or other jokes to see "how funny" does he think his pathetic behavior is now ?? Oh, but the pscyho got even MORE angrier and was looking to further escalate as I'll explain:

So in week 1 he brought his loser pal sirhcman to help (he would spy on me, then spam DoxPhile based on the context of what I was doing, THEY ARE THAT CRAZY!!!), then in week 2, he brought 2 more psychotic loser pals to spam it also, Vile Kyle Thomson, AKA DarKKKobold the White Supremacist (who should've been banned YEARS AGO! See my updates to his profile: He's a KKKRAZY super-stalker!!! He had a mental-breakdown for being banned, 3 YEARS OF ~DAILY STALKING of ALL my social media, wants DAILY access to my Twitter!) (and Psycho Punch/Burning Fight/Aleff Correa) who would both watch/spy on me intensely, write defamation about me, bait me, ask me crazy inquisitive questions, pin prick me, create conflict, all geared towards trying to drive me crazy, make me regret launching it AS IF I had personally attacked these psycho clowns, did something to warrant such behavior!!! They were letting us know our chat here would just be a stomping ground for them to sh-t on every time they visit on over from DoxPhile, etc.

Basically, he was using his own chatbox to wage war here, encouraging his dumb troll gang (in raid/incitement fashion) to come here and just act stupid as part of harassment to sabotage the effort... I remember most regulars were having a good time when the chatbox started, EXCEPT the DildoPhile gang! When they all showed up, it was nothing but bitterness, trolling, spam-mania, harassment, sour grapes, etc and it was always organized...

As I tried filters or manual deleting of their DildoPhile spamming, sirhcman played the "censorship" card and then Psycho ClodBusted stuck his face in it, picked up that talking point and moved the warring into Fighting Street to "fight censorship in the chatbox." I shouldn't have allowed that perhaps but I honored the FS principle and after the DildoPhile gang started making speeches in his defense, they antagonized me in there MORE than the aggravation they caused in the chatbox, so I spoke my mind on how disgusting they are, how pathetic this whole thing is!

Just as Nulltard remembered I got doxxed 2 years ago by an XSEED Games shill who started stalking me after Tom Lipschultz wrote his infamous NightWolve=Trump=Hitler unhinged rant, he also remembered TurboRip was getting false virus reports, so when somebody asked about it, he smeared me as intentionally putting a virus in it. So now it's 21 days into this bullshit with him and his psychotic troll gang, so I banned him and sirhcman for 14 days, equal time to the spam games they played in the chatbox...

Instead of Nulltard backing off after a temp 2 week ban, he wanted MORE escalation!! He decided to find that dox page written by an unhinged lying lunatic at a place that has caused REAL physical stalking by its members just like 4chan has done! He was extorting/blackmailing/intimidating me with my address, phone number, reminding me "he knows where I live" so I can't ban him for 2 weeks, no no no, "he's special" and he'll do whatever he wants to or on PCEFX, I'm supposed to absorb ANY and ALL manner of abuse by him and his f*cking DoxPhile troll gang! [emoji35] This was the final straw, I told him "He's DONE here, NEVER AGAIN!" so I deleted and permabanned him!!!!

Unfortunately, a ban/attack on him is a ban/attack on his psychotic loyal pals/gang who eventually started self-deleting, rage-quiting, and worse, the Joshua Turbo Troll way of vandalizing the forum further, sticking around for revenge, sabotage, harassment, etc.

Vandalizing at the behest of Joshua's proxy harassment thread on Facebook was done in posts (Joe Tucci the maddog spammer) and the PCEFX registration system! Nobody should ever let that troll set up shop on your forum knowing what he's capable of, "heart of gold" my ass! I caught one of his sock puppet accounts that he snuck back into the forum with in the process! He's got a dozen usernames since 2001!

That was the other thing, as more loons took Nulltard's side, they used PCE Facebook groups to wage war here, not just Nulltard's organizing in his chatbox or the discord chat that Psycho Detective Neurotic Necromancer hijacked who went batshit crazy by the end of this too!!!

So I had to ban some of the lunatics, equal amount of trolls self deleted versus had to be banned till their rage subsides or longer, I don't need to deal with their perpetual bitter butthurt if I don't have to and seeing their goal was just to sabotage the forum on the way out anyway...

Yes, it was a hell of a civil war, but here's the thing: Nulltard still has BFFs spying on this forum, so does Arkhan (who should've stayed banned years ago when GameSack Joe banned him); I may have more bans to deal with but they didn't overtly break any rules yet, try to spam, engage in outside warring that I spotted, so it's a waiting game till they try doing something stupid... Or face more self-deletions since many turned out to be more thin-skinned than I thought...

There are a few hecklers in that crowd that aren't gonna go away quietly and let the forum rebuild. In fact, some of them were hoping Aaron shuts the forum down to complete the sabotage goal and harvest the membership as Nulltard always wanted for his own disgusting PCE forum/chat built on harassing other PCE groups and using a dirty old fart pornstar as a mascot "to fight collectardism!!!!"

Anyway, the point is, it's way past time to move on from this, get back to talking about life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, gaming, obeying, homebrew, mods, whatever else!! Hence why I closed the subject, made Fighting Street invisible and so forth. I will restore Fighting Street as read only soon as sparky has been crying about not being able to see old Sinistron posts and if the forum regrows then worry about newer rules to prevent another Nulltard disaster!

Any other details you can PM me and be done with it!
Title: Re: Been gone a while, what did I Miss?
Post by: EvilEvoIX on 10/13/2018, 12:22 AM
Wow what a story!!!  I'm glad his basement floods with his neighbors shit (literally) and his girlfriends kids from another dude give him shit and zero respect.  His real life sucks, take comfort in that.
Title: Re: Been gone a while, what did I Miss?
Post by: majors on 10/15/2018, 10:08 AM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PMBeen gone a while, what did I Miss?
tldr, just forum drama elevated to N-G heights. So now we just have two forums to read to get our obey fix...

Evil -> Remember, two sides to every story. Taking joy is others misfortune could be bad karma, jus' saying.
Title: Re: Been gone a while, what did I Miss?
Post by: NightWolve on 10/15/2018, 07:52 PM
Quote from: majors on 10/15/2018, 10:08 AM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 10/12/2018, 01:56 PMBeen gone a while, what did I Miss?
Evil -> Remember, two sides to every story. Taking joy is others misfortune could be bad karma, jus' saying.
You're telling that to one of Nulltard's victims who he trolled on Facebook also (not just on PCEFX), so you're not gonna get much sympathy from him especially if he doxxed him in some way as he claims...

Remember Nulltard going to excessive/dedicated troll lengths to draw EvilEvolX as a big fat wrestler ?? I admit I laughed at the time because of how much it resembled Evil's face but at the same time it took quite a creepy obsession to draw him so accurately, it speaks to how far he's willing to go to troll his targets!