
PCE-FX Homebrew Development => Localizations, Games, Apps, Docs => Topic started by: dshadoff on 12/07/2018, 05:21 PM

Title: Translation patch – POST 3 – Print Function Modification
Post by: dshadoff on 12/07/2018, 05:21 PM
We left off with a commented disassembly of the print function, and some questions about how one would implement a modification for western languages.

Some hints from the disassembly and knowledge of the machine's hardware:
Tinkering around, we can modify the PRINTFLAGS (token=07) payload byte to adjust the amount of offset per character. I found that 'PRINTFLAGS=0x' (16 pix wide; 0 pix offset) worked well, and 'PRINTFLAGS=4x' (12 pix wide; 4 pix offset) also worked fine, but if I went one step further to 'PRINTFLAGS=8x' (8 pix wide), it didn't print well. Most other values also fail. So effectively, we realize that the appearance of being a very flexible print routine is only skin deep: since the original authors only believed that those two values were going to be needed, those appear to be the only values tested.  After digging into the print function, we realize that the sizes are hardcoded at various spots, so the design itself is deceptive.  This sort of thing happens a lot in "other peoples' code"; take nothing at face value, and take nothing for granted.

Previous Attempt at print function modification on Dead of the Brain

First, I need to give a bunch of credit to Tomaitheous (aka Bonknuts, aka Rich), who put a lot of effort into locating the print function, some initial disassembly, and working on a print function modification with very lofty goals. His goal was to create the first variable-width font (VWF) modification on the PC Engine, with a narrow font which could fit a lot of information into the box (compensating for the fact that English - and even more so French - uses more characters than Japanese to express the same thought). He also planned to use compression to squeeze it all into the small available space.

Without his effort I probably wouldn't have proceeded on the script extract. He accomplished a lot when the tools weren't really around to do much debugging.  Unfortunately, the initial text insertion revealed bugs in the print function, and while we worked together to try to identify and resolve these, ultimately we each became busy with jobs/life and progress stopped. One possible contributing factor is that the original print function has some weird quirks about tile allocation which I noticed during my own disassembly/patch efforts this past summer, (and I still don't completely understand some of the design decisions the original author made).

My Philosophy

When creating a print function modification, you can do it one of two ways:
...I'm not sure which approach the original print modification took, but it was ambitious. It may indeed have started as "minimum possible", but it likely ended up replacing existing code to some extent.

While I continue to have a great amount of respect for what Rich attempted (and EsperKnight later also looked into), I personally prefer to start with the "minimum possible" approach:
...So this is exactly what I did exactly did this past summer: I implemented a much simpler print function modification, touching as little of the existing print function as possible, and retaining the ability to print kanji.

I have attached all of my code here, including a repost of the print function disassembly, now including patch points for illustration purposes.

-> See printfunc_disasm.zip for files printfunc-disassembly.asm and printfunc-disassembly-ramuse.asm

What exactly do you mean by "PATCH POINT" ?

Of course, all the code resides at fixed locations in memory, and we want to add some code. As I mentioned before, we could replace the whole function... but that could have complications. So, we locate the exact step where we need to intervene and replace it with a 'jump' to our own code block. The 'jump' instruction takes up space, obliterating one or two operations which were previously there, so we also need to transplant those instructions in our routine, whether we execute new code, or 'short-circuit' back out to the original code.

Note:  those instructions might set flags which are examined later, so we will need to keep that in mind and tread carefully in order to preserve such flags.


First, I felt I had to understand the existing print function completely. I already had some disassembly notes from long ago, but they were actually only about 40% of what I wanted. Worse, I hadn't taken the time back then to completely document the print function's RAM usage – maybe I thought I could remember it... well, I couldn't.  Document the print function – your notes will be needed later (at some point).

Once I had the disassembly, there were a few key touchpoints:

The print function modification simply adds the following functionality:

A word about creating the font data:

You could put this together as a series of byte-definitions in assembler, but a graphic is easier to edit, review, and so on.  I have included a 1-bit BMP (careful, it's a relatively rare format; lots of editors try to bulk it out to more bit depth).  I used a free editor I found online called 'Pixelformer' which preserved bit-depth.

Based on the fact that the inserted script will be French, the font will need to include accented characters which aren't part of the standard ASCII set.  On the other hand, we aren't using all of the standard ASCII characters, so several of them have been replaced with accented characters.

Once the font is visually OK, the BMP can be converted into a binary file, which can then be inserted.  For this, I used a program called 'FEIDIAN' to do the bit conversion.

-> See font.zip for files DotBNewFont-8x12.bmp, NewFont8x12.bin, and GetFontBIN.bat which contains the FEIDIAN command-line parameters needed.  FEIDIAN is available separately on GitLab

Putting the print function modification together:

The best way to make even the simplest piece of assembler code is to use the assembler.  Of course, it can be done by hand (I've done it many times), and you may convince yourself that it's small enough... but sooner or later you'll miscalculate an offset, or you'll need to insert a line and need to adjust everything.

However, the PCEAS assembler only outputs to a new file; it doesn't directly patch an existing one.  So I had to write another program ('filepatch') to patch the base ISO file based on the PCEAS output (i.e. copy blocks of bytes from one file into the other file at a given location).  It's parameterized to allow entry of: {target file, target offset, patch file, patch offset, patch length}.
Then I wrote a shell script to sequentially patch each of the necessary blocks to be patched this way (it's a UNIX batch file, but should be trivial to switch to a Windows BAT file).

-> See dotb_printpatch.zip for files DotB1_patch_2018.asm, DotB1_patch_2018.lst, filepatch.c, and patch_dotb (shell script)

I think this provides a fair overview of what's needed in the patch, and I really hope that the comments in the code provide enough specific detail to give a programmer not just an overview of a print function modification, but a concrete example to learn from.

Please reply to this thread with any questions, follow-ups, comments, etc.

Next post:  Extracting the script

Continued: Part IV (?topic=23364.0)
Title: Re: Translation patch – POST 3 – Print Function Modification
Post by: dshadoff on 12/07/2018, 05:28 PM
It looks like ZIP files are not allowed on this board (in fact, most file types are not).
So I'll try to upload things as possible.
The print function disassembly files were changed to .TXT, and attached to the top post in this thread.

This post should contain the FONT-related files... but doesn't contain all of them.

In order to post, I had to change the BAT file to a TXT file, and I am unable to change the BIN file to anything usable... you'll just need to create it for yourself by running the BAT file with FEIDIAN against the BMP file.
Title: Re: Translation patch – POST 3 – Print Function Modification
Post by: dshadoff on 12/07/2018, 05:30 PM
And these are the patch-related files (added TXT file suffix to them to get past the board filter).