@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Topics - batmreload

Please forgive me if this is in the wrong section. I'm looking to adapt a Turbopad to usb for usage in emulators.

Ive seen a couple, recently this one came up, does anyone have any experience with it? I'm interested in it mainly because i have 2 turbopads that are missing their wires and I'd like to try to build it inside the gamepad itself:


Ive read that some of the adapters don't handle the turbo functions well, and would like some opinions on what others have tried.

The other two adapters I've found are either the USB RetroPad adapter:


Or the blissbox:


Can anyone shed light on how well these have worked for them, particularly the turbo functions?

In addation, can someone point me to a wiring diagram for the internal connector of the Turbopads? Both are different revisions, one marked VG-1001 and the other NEC PWD-624.

Finally got my ac-adapter for my base station, went to power it up with
a hu-card game (Double Dungeons)...

And nothing. No flicker on tv to show the tg-16 is even getting power. Ive previously
tested the TG-16 by itself and it worked fine. The adapter checks out, voltage and
polarity-wise (12v non-load, center negative)

I'm planning to open it up later, what should i be looking for?

I dont have the cd-rom itself, but ive been told the base should work without it, is this correct?

Looking to re-build my TG-16 collection (at least as much as I can currently afford )

Shoot me a PM with how much you are asking

Games wanted (Hu Card, Case, Manual)

Keith Courage
Bonk's Adventure
Bonk's Revenge
Double Dungeons

Also Needed: US Turbo Pad

I have a CD system clamshell case with broken latches up for trade if anyones interested
The case otherwise is in very good condition and i can take pics if needed

Finally got my second TG-16 after many years and managed to score
the cd base and hardshell case with it for $100

Was incredibly nervous powering it up as I discovered it had a plastic burn mark (Like
someone left a hot soldering iron on top)

VOILA! Double Dungeons! YAY!

I also noticed a slightly longer delay from my friends TG-16 (On the order of a half second) and was
wondering if this is a symptom of the caps deterioration or just differences in one model to the next.

Unfortunately, the 2 turbo pads didn't work, one was missing the metal end and the other's
D-pad was beyond repair (stripped screws in case and bad wiring) After trying for about
an hour to make 1 good one out of both of them I :evil: pulled a hulk and threw away the
wires.... #-o

I dont suppose anybody is selling the wire harness, is there? I'd love to have a controller
with a longer reach.

I'm also missing the power brick, which a search turned up this:


Since I never had the cd-base or the cd-rom itself, can i use it without the cd-rom?

One final question: The hard clamshell case i have is missing the buckles that keep it closed. Is it even
worth it to offer it up for trade/sale?

Thanks for your time!
Hi. Since Ive yet to acquire the above i was hoping someone
would be good enough to give me the physical dimensions
(not looking for 1/16" accuracy, just a rough idea of how much space i need
to allow for)

I'm modding an entertainment center with lots of sentimental value
to serve as my nostalgia gaming center

My already-overworked OCD complex thanks you from
its bottomless pit of insanity... :-"
Hi. New to the forum Here. I join here because i used to have and
love my TG-16. Sadly it died around 1998-2000 and I've been missing
it recently. I'd like to thank whatever admin approved my account
(I tried months ago but couldn't get my account approved)

I enjoy a bit of classic gaming and "vintage" computing. I'm on and
off forums, but my most recent one is over at VCF www.vintage-computer.com under username Salamontagne

Anyhow, I'll keep this short since it seems whenever a open my mouth to say something
I put my foot in so deep the water in my knee quenches my thirst... #-o