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Psycho Nulltard Banned

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136 (0.032 per day)
Custom title:
Ultima of Forum Destroyers
Personal text:
Psycho John "Null" Moriconi
Pittsburg, KS
The Bald IT Doxxing Stalker/CyberBully
Owner of the DildoDoxPhile "empire," ruler of the DildoKKKobolds.
The explosive Ultima of Forum Thieves/Destroyers! BAN ON SIGHT! DO NOT LET HIM IN YOUR FORUM/GROUP!!!! From the day that I launched the PCEFX chatbox in 2018, it's been NON-STOP SABOTAGE and HARASSMENT by this psychotic motherfucker and his equally psychotic shitstain gang of friends with DarkKobold at the top of the nutcase cyberbully list, followed by Joshua Jackass, Ryley "Gex" Reynolds, Punch, Desh, lukester, sirchman, etc!

The current broken state of PCEFX is ALL thanks to this asshole right here! BAN ON SIGHT!!!!!!! He thinks he's special, "unbannable" and NOBODY bans him and gets away with it! You know who else thinks like that, that they can never be banned without YEARS of relentless doxxing harassment/consequences/revenge-seeking ? Psycho Nintega Medina and DarkKobold 1000%!!!

375 lbs on the left, 245 lbs on the right, so now they call 'im "Slim..." :lol:

Quote from: Psycho Nulltard on 06/20/2013, 09:09 PMI guess it's about time I did this properly. My submission to the mugs thread. I went through an Antoine Dodson phase for a spell.


You're welcome.
❤ Interests:
A day that shall live in PCEFX infamy... PCEFX Catastrophy Day...
❤ Games:
Charging his JO crystal...
That's him alright (the fatso on the left covering up his bald head with a cap)... A motherfucker's motherfucker right there... He always wanted "DuoPhile" spammed, or rather "seared" into our PCEFX collective memory even if he had to LITERALLY burn the place down to do it, so on that goal, "Mission F'ing Accomplished 1000%" you vile piece of shit human being! Here's one last gift to you, a free display/plug for that cursed site/group you built which ultimately undid what came before! Attaboy!
❤ Quotes:
Quote from: Nulltard on 11/02/2014, 11:00 PMebola2.jpg
Quote from: Psycho Nulltard on 09/30/2014, 08:31 PMWho gets Ebola first.
I'm going to put money on Runyon. I hear he gives lots of hugs, and he is in Texasville.
❤ Random:
Quote from: Nulltard on 07/14/2016, 09:51 AMesteban_drama.webp
Quote from: grolt on 08/18/2015, 05:47 PMDoxPhile came here to SQL Error and chew max_questions, and it's all out of max_questions.
Quote from: Nulltard on 10/12/2014, 08:23 PMdarkkobold.webp
10/15/2012, 02:06 PM
Local Time:
05/13/2024, 05:11 AM
Last active:
01/29/2018, 09:50 PM
Last YouTube:
Psycho John Moriconi sabotaged/destroyed TWO PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook (Cuz Chris Runyon!), then the other by Aaron Nanto (Cuz Le NightWolve!)!!! John and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together mainly because he's also a PCE admin who worked VERY hard to poach members for HIS OWN site which has been an abysmal failure now marred by a legacy of utter mass destruction/harassment/doxxing alliances with KKKFarms . net even despite their involvement in Byuu/Near's suicide! BOTH times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (blackmail/extortion!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang of DildoKKKobolds!

If you suspect he & his gang of psycho cyber bully friends did it on purpose, thought it through to its logical conclusion, preplanned it years before (never let a good crisis go to waste & create it if need be!) and that the PCEFX chatbox launch was just a pretense, you'd be correct...

Feel free to reach out if you wish:
Like DarkKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol: