10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Psycho Punch Banned

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Custom title:
Obsessed Psycho Stalker/Harasser/Saboteur
Personal text:
DoxPhile.net by Adolf Correa
El Bozo de Brazil
Psycho Aleff Renan Pereira Corrêa of Ponta Grossa  - PR, South Brazil (Punchy Pedro/Pedo!)
Known emails: punchballmariobros@gmail.com, aleffrenan94@gmail.com, punch@gmail.com

He has more, and given the 6+ YEARS of stalking, harassment, defamation, hatred obsession, please spam them all out, this nutjob wants to play dirty for an extended lifelong period like Nintega & DarKKKobold, so it's gonna take some determination to help him break his autistic hate obsession and f-ck off with his own pathetic suicidal existence!

Quote from: Nulltard on 09/01/2014, 09:15 AMHeheh, Punch.  You know, if DildoPhile played a role (no matter how small) in helping to reignite Aaron's passion for the system and drive to revamp PCEFX, then it will have contributed more to the pce/tg16 scene than I ever dreamt possible. :D
:bomberwank: :roll: ](*,)

❤ Interests:
Spying for his new Alt PCE forum crew as well as for DoxPhile, incredibly deranged hate-obsessed trolling, almost creepy, and running a bizarre programmed script on PCEFX to scroll thru threads very quickly, exact purpose pirate/clone the forum per the master plan, but possibly related to his prior manual copying of tech threads for said Alt PCE forum or planning for mass spam sabotage... Permaban Achievement Unlocked!

❤ Games:
Keeps logging in, expecting different results (the very definition of insanity) to display his ban message... Last log in attempt was from Georgia/Florida IP ( address indicating he's looking for proxies to evade his ban (normally hails from Brazil/SA)... Psycho Nintega clone confirmed!

❤ Quotes:
Quote from: Psycho Punch/Burning Fight! on 12/18/2017, 09:40 AMI always found the Jap rule to be dumb. ... Now, the english language's word (pardon me for writing it) nigger is very strong and racially charged but that's mostly because it doesn't see much use elsewhere outside of a slur meant to offend, when in Portuguese the words "negro" (lit. dark) and "preto" (lit. black) can be used as a racial slur, but since "preto" is also the only word for "black" it doesn't carry that much weight and no one freaks out if you say "Pintei meu carro de preto" or something like that, much like "negro" which is ALSO used as a neutral term for "african descent" (ie.: you are a n--r ≠ você é negro).

Context is everything. It's quite obvious that the "JAP" in JAPJAC isn't meant to convey the same meaning as the phrase "bomb the japs" or something like that. I know that nowadays no one abbreviates Japan like that (usually "JP" or "JPN" is used) but faking outrage for something clearly not meant to be malicious doesn't get us anywhere.

Leading pioneer and expert in the field of linguistics, african & asian studies in PCEFX since day one' © 2001. Brazil resident & DoxPhile founder.
❤ Random:
I have banned many of his Brazil IP addresses SINCE 2018! This LOSER is a deranged, obsessed, psycho super-stalker and I don't think ANYBODY had ANY idea the crybully was ONE ban away from having a psychotic breakdown like his pal DarkKobold!!!

It's time to start logging his ban-evading, deranged/desperate spy/stalk visits to see what I'm doing here AS IF it's ANY of his business! He has telegraphed what a pathetic loser he is most especially throughout the COVID-19 disaster/pandemic as THIS is a HUGE reason the manlet wakes up for in the morning: "I HAVE TO SEE WHAT NIGHTWOLVE IS DOING/SAYING, I MUST KNOW, TELL ME, LET ME SEE NOW!!!!!!!!"

Imagine waking up EVERY DAY and wanting to stalk/see what NightWolve is doing! Imagine as the world crumbles all around, Brazil faces the next revolution or collapse, inflation, supply-shortages, toilet-paper bandits, lockdowns, masked-mayhem, riots, people dying, etc. yet THIS CLOWN cries to the world that the guy he's been stalking/harassing/defaming/blackmailing across 3 YEARS didn't publish a SECOND copy of his posts! A THIRD-WORLD PSYCHO WITH FIRST-WORLD PROBLEMS! HE'S A LOSER!!!! He's telegraphing just how pathetic his life is!

YES, it's a true story, Psycho Aleff Correa is crying on the Internet that I didn't publish/redistribute a SECOND copy of his posts AS IF I owed it to him (to set me up for a copyright strike, further harassment!), as if I'm supposed to pay a server/domain FOR HIM, and for DarKKKobold who also joined him to cry for the very same thing! HOW CRAZY do you have to be to actually think this way ??? WHY would I want ANYTHING to do with this third-world psycho after being stuck with him in a previous forum for years ?? You try to politely leave lunatics in the past with their own devices, and they keep coming around AGAIN AND AGAIN all unprovoked!

The nutjob actually reminds himself he has his own forum clone/fork, his own copy of his posts there, and technically it's thanks to the mistake I made in turning on Guest view which allowed their crawler to pirate/clone said forum without anyone's knowledge, their stated goal! So WHY THEN does the lunatic think I should publish him and DarKKKobold a SECOND TIME ??? WHO THE F*CK IS THIS GUY ??? You ain't owed shit you horse-f*cking as$$hole, let alone a 2nd copy of your posts! STFU and MOVE ON, you've had 3 YEARS TO NURSE YOUR BUTTHURT about YOUR ACTIONS with DildoPhile tearing the previous forum apart!!!

YOU ARE A LOSER! YOU HEAR ME ?? You're a pathetic no-life/no-family/no-sex loser if THIS is how you live your life 3 YEARS AND COUNTING! Stay on your own shit clone or Neo-Geo.com you autistic, obsessed clown! My activities or general PC Engine hobby is literally NONE of your business!

Quote from: Psycho Punch on 07/15/2016, 11:35 PMIMG
not even I know why I made this so don't ask
02/03/2013, 10:03 AM
Local Time:
02/09/2025, 12:15 PM
Last YouTube:
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This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!