PCE GT recapped but blank screen

Started by kisaku, 11/23/2016, 05:38 AM

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Hello, i have recapped my PCE GT , some acid were on it.... Recapped and cleaned but it remains in WHITE SCREEN when i power on....
can i do some more?

Keith Courage

it has a white screen? if there is a white screen it is most likely a bad 6280 processor chip. It could also be bent pins in the card slot but that's very unlikely.

Typically the sign of bad capacitors is a very very dark green screen.


Another point
Any sound?
No boot it white screen no sound


ill check tomorrow and let you know, thanks!


No boot , white screen, no audio



Maybe the pins are dirty in the hucard slot. Take an old credit card or one you don't like to use.

Then grab a lint free cloth like the ones that you get or use with your computer monitors. Soak the cloth in rubbing alcohol then fold it over the credit card. Push it into the slot back and forth a bit.

I have had systems that worked fine with the cd-rom but always showed a white screen with a hucard. Sometimes cleaning the slot was all it took.

Maybe this issues is similar?


ive had someone send 3 with bent card slot pins
his everdrive was the cause (he sent it with the last one)


Send... 3?

Anybody in the world has 3 GT? =:O


yep, 3 units (i have 3)
first sent 1, then broke his other 2 while i had the first


I've sent steve a few units at a time before.. It's not unheard of. 

MNKy, I've run into that issue a few times as well.