12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Topics - Keith Courage

PC-FX Discussion / Forum phone access
10/10/2018, 10:28 AM
Anyone else having trouble accessing the forums via their phone lately? I haven't been able to use my phone to get to them for the past week.
I have an extra Japanese PS2 console I'd like to sell. I don't keep up on the values of PS2 stuff so if anyone is interested just send me a reasonable offer. It's the console with power cable only and works great. I opened up and cleaned out the console as well. SCPH-50000 model. Does not have an internal hard drive or the hard drive adapter. Just a slot cover on the back.
I have a nice loose copy of Air Zonk that I would like to trade for a loose copy of Bomberman 93. Just send me a PM if interested.
So, I recently got myself a nintendo wii, got a component cable, and loaded up wiimednafen with a few TG16 games.

OMG does it look good and the emulation is so dam accurate! I can't really tell the difference over the real thing. I am using the 240P mode on a SD CRT so yes it has scanlines. I even think the picture is slightly better than component out of a real system. The only downfall might be that I think it has a minimal amount of lag but that could just be my imagination and the controller I am using. This is the most accurate TG16 emulation running 240P for an SD CRT I've ever seen.

Because of this it brings up these questions.

Why own real hardware?
Why own real games?
Why bother with a Super SD system 3 when a wii can emulate the CD drive perfectly.

Just curious if anyone else has seen/used the Tg16 wii emulation and possibly thought the same thing.
I thought this sounded familiar. I then listened closely and realized it's the exact same recording!!!
I'm surprised I didn't catch this before.

Shape Shifter Intro
Bud Light commercials
There are also other bud light commercials with partial versions of the song but the above samples are obvious.

Makes me wonder where the original music came from. Probably some classical piece I know nothing about.
I was wondering for others what games you don't like for the Turbo where most other people sings its praises.

For example. Forgotten Worlds

I don't know why but I just can't get into this game. So many talk about it like it's one of Capcoms best but it just doesn't do anything for me and I don't know why. It looks amazing, sounds amazing, but I get absolutely nothing out of it. Maybe it's because I didn't own this one on the Turbo growing up. I do like Side Arms though so it's not the style of shooter.

I have a complete gate of thunder 4 in 1 disc with manuals for sale. The gate of thunder manual is perfect. Both Bonk manuals just have some pressure spots where the CD case closes on them. Otherwise they are both in good condition.

The disc is in good shape as well with just some very minor scratches near the outer edge of the disc. They are very difficult to see unless you hold the disc at the correct angle under some light. Does not effect game play at all. It's difficult to get them to show up in pics but there are some included here where you can kind of see them.

The front of the case has a couple scratches on it.

Asking $68 shipped in the US.

I recently received this with some other Turbo Games I wanted but I already have this one. So here it is for sale.

Cosmetically the game itself looks good with just a couple minor scratches on it. The case is good other than the case label looks like it is missing a very small portion off of the top like it was stuck on there a little too high and someone then just cut the top off to compensate. The manual has a few wrinkles and creases but no tears. However some of the pages are yellowing.





Okay, I have 3 more left but I don't have any more manuals to go with them. So this would be for the loose hu card only. $5 each shipped in the U.S.
I noticed recently that the game Power Eleven has a great intro featuring a HU card and the pc engine itself.
I was wondering if anyone else knows if there are any other games that show off a pc engine in the main intro. Well besides Star Parodier and wrong CD system card screens.
Hey, I was wondering if any knew if there were any repros made of this map and or how to tell if you have an original one or not.

I have the original game with manual and a map but the map almost looks to be in too good of condition. The paper doesn't feel super glossy like photo paper or anything like that and it does have some fraying.
Well the title says it. I'm looking to replace a bunch of my U.S. collection game manuals with nicer ones if possible. They don't have to be mint. Some of the ones I currently have are torn, some have a few small mold spots(staples rusted), and others are super wrinkled.  Just thought I'd put this message up and see if anyone has any spares of anything that they would be willing to part with for a fare price. Just feel free to PM me. Thanks
Does anyone know who used to run the pcenginefan.blogspot site or if it is now hosted elsewhere ?

I really liked the rear case inserts that used to be hosted on that site. I have them for most of my US games that did not come with cases. However, I am short a few. I am hoping that someone might have them saved on their computer or something. This is what they looked like:


I need the rear inserts for Shockman, Falcon, Samurai Ghost, and World Sports competition. Thanks for any help in advance.
Hey guys, just looking for some input/suggestions on how to display and or store my collection. The reason I am asking is because recently I found that about 5-8% of my US game manuals have begun to get mold on them. Luckily it is just minimal spotting right now that are almost powdery in texture and I've been able to just wipe the manuals off with no ill effects.

Anyways, I've been keeping my games on a shelf. Much like this:

Because of this my games barely get any air. They are packed tight on the shelf and some of these games haven't even been pulled off of the shelf for the past 2 years. So I assume this didn't help things.

Also, these are not kept in a basement but on the main floor of my house and yes I do have air conditioning that I use. 

So here are the options I am considering.

1. Get some shelves with a much more open design.
2. Space games out much more on current shelf
3. Get plastic jewel case protector sleeves for each case as to keep each one from contaminating one another if indeed the mold could grow.
4. take all the manuals out of my cases and store them in a ziplock bag.
5. buy some CD racks since they are naturally designed to keep cases spaced apart.
6. Try to find some plastic sleeves for the manuals to where I can still have the manuals fit in their cases.
7. Stick to a turbo everdrive and CDRs, then sell off my entire collection to help me get a nicer car. lol

Just curious if anyone else has had to deal with this issue and what solutions others have tried.
Anyone happen to have a U.S. time cruise manual they wouldn't mind scanning for me? I can't find any scans of it online anywhere. I have a manual myself but a few of the pages have some rips/stains so I'd like to print out and paste over the bad parts. Then again, might be easier to print out a new manual all together. Anyways, thank you in advance to anyone who can help.
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Obey!!!
10/31/2016, 10:34 PM
In the Halloween spirit Donald Trump says everyone must "obey" the pc engine.


lost/found: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1333331783358402
Fix to get a newer V2.4 everdrive to work with this region mod http://www.mmmonkey.co.uk/multi-region-pc-engine-turbo-grafx-16/

This is the region mod I use for most of the systems I work on. Because of this I was able to test on 4 different systems. A pc engine DUO, DUO-R, core grafx, and Turbo Express were all tested doing this fix and all worked. The original symptom was that the everdrive would not even boot to the menu screen. 

It's actually very simple. Instead of using 5V from the voltage regulator to power the region mod, one must simply tap the AC adapter voltage from somewhere on the board instead. So that would be 9V for DUO-R/RX, 10V for regular DUO, 9V pc engine or coregrafx, Express or GT 7V etc....

I checked the chips data sheet and the chips are supposed to be able to handle up to 18V. So there hopefully won't be any long term damage to the region mod by doing this.

Original thread was brought to my attention by ovalfastlx and can be found here. krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=3733.0 I probably wouldn't tap the power directly from the fuse holder like this guy did but whatever.

I can also confirm that a 8PDT switch is compatible with the newer V2.4 everdrive as well. Tested this with a US TG16, DUO-R, and regular pc engine DUO.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB. various manuals
03/04/2016, 05:58 AM
Just looking to replace some beat up manuals if possible.

Blazing Lazers.

Let me know if you have a spare you would be willing to sell or trade for. Thanks.
so, I've been trying to figure out a solution to the audio buzz that seems to affect all of these consoles when installing RGB. I've tried all kinds of different grounds to the scart cable, tested many different amp placements, I've tried much higher quality shielded cables, and I've even run separate audio wires from the scart cable directly to the headphone jack and still audio buzz persists.

So does everyone have a hum/buzz in their audio with RGB? Anyone out there that does not?

Wondering if this is this just a byproduct of the RGB amped signal. the same audio buzz exists with 3 different RGB amp styles that I've tested over time as well.



If you think I just put a PC engine inside here then guess again.

I hacked a DUO motherboard in half!

Why would I do that you say? I have no idea. I always wondered what it would look like since the DUO casing always looked to me as if two halves of a system were thrown together.

The original DUO had so many problems it was not worth fixing them. Someone prior to me receiving this broken DUO had tried to repair a bunch of stuff and mucked it all up. Not to mention the original case had melted warped/burn marks all over it. I was able to cut the bad parts of the casing out. I was hoping to leave the text that says pad on the controller port hole but things didn't line up well case wise to where I could keep it. I wanted the cut in the casing to not be noticeable from up above and that part turned out great.

Also, I feel I should mention that even prior to me lopping the motherboard in half, a turbo everdrive would not work. No clue why. Checked the connection to all the hu card pins and all seemed fine. So I wanted to install a nice looking region switch instead, but the board would not work with any chip based region switch I tried either. I tested two styles that I normally use but neither would work.

Anyways, because of this I went with an older style 8pdt switch for the region switch and it works great. I've tried at least 20 hu cards on it so far with no issues whatsoever. I had to mount it just above the hu card slot due to lack of space.

Not sure if I'll ever do this again because it was a lot of work. I had to re wire/solder up parts of the controller port due to lack of size and how small I wanted to cut down the original board. It was also very difficult to cut down the casing the way I wanted in order to line up screws holes/shape etc...
Had some time to play some video games for the first time in 3 months. Decided on playing the English translated Wonder Boy since I had never played it. I am a big fan of dragons curse so I felt the need to give the first installment of this series a go.

Overall I think it's a great game. Once I figured out that I could continue by pressing up and run together. That time limit stuff is really annoying. Other then that I enjoyed the game quite a bit. The first two stages were kind of bland but after that things really seemed to get going. Did not beat it so I'll have to get back to it again when I have more time.

Today my left thumb is absolutely killing me when I bend it. I think I played the game for about 2 hours yesterday. Used a regular style pc engine game pad. Never had this problem before but maybe I'm getting old. Hah

May have to resort to a Joystick for future game play.
Someone sent this to me to get some work done on it. This switch is freakin ridiculous.

screenshot windows
I'm looking to fill in a couple holes in my US collection . I would like the games to be complete in case. no box is needed

please send me a PM if you happen to have a spare.

Space Harrier
Tiger Road
chew man fu
sonic spike
super star soldier
Anyone ever tried this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/SCART-TO-COMPONENT-RGB-AND-S-VIDEO-NEW-/161587654302?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item259f5fee9e#

Also, anyone have any recommendations of a good RGB to component converter or possibly a good RGB to HDMI converter? Just want to be able to run RGB to a US television.
I just finished refurbishing this PC engine DUO and it now works great. Cosmetically it is really nice for its age other than missing the hu card cover. It has been completely recapped and has an added s-video port. The CD drive has also been cleaned, re-greased, and fine tuned. System will include one controller, AV cable, and 3rd party AC adapter.

Asking $225 Plus shipping.

I will gladly take off $15 if a controller is not wanted.

I can add a region switch for an extra fee if wanted.

I regularly have these briefcase setups for sale which include 1 controller, Super CD 3.0 system card, Power cable, and AV cable. Price for this would be $220 plus shipping. All CD drives have new gearing installed as well as other regular maintenance done to them. I also have some that come with Core Grafx systems instead of a white PCE. Will give a $20 discount if you don't need a controller. I can also give a $20 discount if the Super System CD card is not needed. This would be true for those of you who plan to use your Turboeverdrive as the system card.

I also have refurbished PC engine DUOs on hand for sale as well but not as often.
A regular PC Engine DUO base price is $215. All Duos I sell are completely recapped and include an AV cable, and power cable. NO CONTROLLER INCLUDED in this price. I can however add one for an extra $20.

I can add other modifications to these as needed

S-Video $29
Region switch $55 or $65 depending on the type of system being modified. 
RGB Mod $65. Does not include scart cable. $20 extra for a cable.
Component video modification
Led modifications

Also, if money is an issue I sometimes have DUO systems missing a hu card cover or PC engine CD setups missing the briefcase lid in which case I'd discount.

Example pictures

windows 7 print screen
print screen windows xp

free image host

Even though I re-whiten these systems I have not been able to get some of the CD drives to be quite as white as the pc engines themselves but they are very very close.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Blazing Lazers case
04/11/2014, 08:42 PM
I am looking for anyone who might happen to have an extra blazing lazers case. Mine is all beat up and I would like one that's at least in average condition.
Anyone know of any good import game websites for pc engine games that are not crazy expensive? I used to order every now and again from a store that sold through http://global.rakuten.com/en/ but the store there that I used to order from no longer ships to the U.S. and what is left on Rakuten is very minimal at best.

If I can't find anything I may give one of those buy the item in japan and then ship it to you sites.
I have a complete pc engine CD briefcase setup for sale. I am asking $260 plus shipping for it. The pc engine has a region switch installed as well as an S-video port and a 3.5mm audio jack. Of course if you are using the entire setup together the 3.5mm jack will not need to be used since there are RCA audio jacks on the IFU docking station itself. Cosmetically the system looks really good for its age and any signs of yellowing cannot be seen with the naked eye. However the case lid lock tabs are a little discolored. There is one minor tiny crack in the plastic on the pc engine itself(shown in pictures and circled in red so you can see it better)Right next to the region switch. There is also some minor pitting along the back gray edge. I am also listing this on ebay but I'd rather sell this to someone here.

Everything included is as follows

PC Engine system
CD drive
Briefcase IFU docking station with lid
3.0 CD system card
1 game pad
3rd party AC adapter
RCA AV cable

No s-video cable is included but any will work just fine if you choose to use it.

I have an extra copy of this game that I do not need. Includes game, case, and manual. The manual has some rippling due to water damage but all pages still look pretty good.

Asking $14 plus shipping.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Sinistron for sale
12/03/2013, 12:32 AM
I have and extra copy of the game sinistron. comes in case with manual. Asking 18 plus shipping.

Loom was sold to Toymachine78
I'm working on a turbo expressed that has no red coloring in the screen. could this be the screen or a bad broken Trace
 somewhere? This is the first I've seen just one color missing on any pc engine system.
I am working on a DUO that originally had a blown fuse. I replaced the fuse and now the CD drive motor does not move. Meaning when I hit run the CD drive does nothing. I checked and there is no power going to the CD drive motor. Anyone encounter this problem before?
I have a broken DUO where the CD drive spins and the CD lens turns on without hitting run on the controller. It is also on even when playing HU card games. Has anyone encountered this problem before?
I have 5 PC Engine briefcase systems up for grabs. Both the pcengine itself and CD drives are still very white for their age. Some CD drives are not quite as white as the pc engines but definitely not yellow or off white. I am asking 185 plus shipping costs. They will also include a 3.0 super system card, converted TG16 controller pad, 3rd party ac adapter and AV cable. I will also remove the original RF ports and add the S-video/audio mod to the systems for an extra $15.

All CD drives have been repaired by me and have been thoroughly tested to ensure functionality. Will post some pics shortly. I will gladly cut some off the price if you don't need a controller or 3.0 system card.

Systems on hold for

1. Bernie
2. SeymorOnion
3. jeffhlewis       Shipped
4. Rosser           Shipped
5. jperryss         Shipped

Here are a couple pics. All of the systems I have look equally as good.


Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Neutopia manual
03/03/2013, 04:21 PM
The title says it. I am looking for a Neutopia manual.
Off-Topic / Other retro gaming forums
02/19/2013, 05:17 AM
Does anyone know of some other good Retro gaming forums? Are there any that kind of deal with them all as opposed to say just genesis or just snes etc...  Also, it would be cool to see what other forums people here belong to as well.
In the next few weeks I will start having finished Re-capped PC Engine DUOs for sale. I have 4 right now and will be getting another one or two in the mail within the next month if you miss out on these. The price for one is $190+shipping. I just looked through them and they all look pretty good so no worries on getting a nicer looking one over someone else. There are a few small scuffs here and there but if I had to grade the cosmetic condition I'd give them all a B+. All will be re-capped and include a pc engine controller(type will vary) and a 3rd party AC adapter and AV cable.  I will also offer a region switch mod for an extra $35 and an S-video mod for $10. Send me a PM if you would like me to put one on hold for you and also what mods or extras you want added to it if any. Also, I will give a $5 credit to anyone who pays via a personal check or money order instead of using paypal.

So Far I have one on hold for

Nec.Game.head     shipped
criddo91 -            shipped
compil3r               shipped
I can no longer use these guns since I don't have a T.V. that will work with them. Guns still work perfect with most CRT TVs.
SOLD!!!!!!! I have a bunch of loose CD games that I have no use for. Most are scratch free but some do have a few. All play perfectly. If no one buys these in the next couple weeks I will raffle them off.

Megami Paradise
Super Schwarzschild II
Sherlock Holmes
Dragon Half
Quiz Avenue
Mahjong Lemon Angel
Cal II
Might and Magic III
Post your opinions. What would you do? I'm only thinking about getting the loose one just cause I kind of like the idea of owning real games. Seems whenever I play a rom no matter what the game is I loose interest in it.
Buy/Sell/Trade / SOLD
01/13/2013, 08:47 PM
Sold!!! I have a complete Turbo Grafx CD setup for sale. Meaning this would include the Turbo grafx system, CD drive, Docking station, U.S 2.0 system card, controller, AV cable, and 3rd party AC adapter. I replaced the CD drive gearing so no worries of ever having an issue with that. Everything works great and I will guarantee it to work as such. I prefer payment via personal check or money order. Trying to stay away from paypal right now.

Shipping will most likely run from $17-$25 in the U.S. depending on the location.

I will gladly toss in a few loose games to sweeten the deal. Just let me know what type of games you are interested in and I will let you know what I have.
I was wondering..... Are most people in here out to own a copy of Every U.S. released Turbo Grafx game or do most of you just buy the good games that you enjoy and forget or sell off the lousy ones?
Not sure if this topic has been covered before. Here is a cheap way to get replacement gears for the Large Gray PC engine Super CD rom Drive. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-SONY-KSS-213Q-KSS-213Q-LASER-LENS-mechansim-deck-DENON-NAD-Optical-pick-up-/251170430932?pt=US_CD_Players_Recorders&hash=item3a7aec9fd4

The lens isn't the same but the gears are.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Games for sale Updated
12/11/2012, 11:52 PM
FREE U.S. SHIPPING!!! if payment is made as a personal gift through paypal or a mailed personal check/money order.

$40 PC Denjin (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game)
$18 Blood Gear (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game) Sold
$14 Image Fight (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game)
$18 Rabio Lepus Special (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game) ON HOLD
$16 Kabuki ITORYODAN -Requires Arcade Card- (Includes game, case, and manual. However, the manual has some water damage)
$14 Neutopia II (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game) Sold
$7 World Sports Competition (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game)
$18 Flash Hiders (Perfect condition with case, manual, and game)
$10 Wizardry 1&2(Game and manual in great shape. Case front/top has a crack down the middle but the case is still held together).

      Loose Games
$10 Veigues Tactical Gladiator (Loose Hu card in Perfect condition)
$14 Violent Soldier (Loose Hu card in Perfect condition)