RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by elartur77 - 07/23/2024, 05:29 PM
Thanks, Ill try that site to post there the chart..
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by Tak-MK - 07/22/2024, 05:03 AM
Quote from: elartur77 on 07/21/2024, 03:09 PMFor anyone interested I already did a complete recap to the AMP-30 and documented the caps values needed, quantity and locations..

Dont know where else I can put this, if there is a specific place, please let me know...
Nice! :D Someday I'll buy one for myself to document it too on my website (not only caps).
For now I only can thing of maybe NFG? maybe? :-k
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by elartur77 - 07/21/2024, 03:09 PM
For anyone interested I already did a complete recap to the AMP-30 and documented the caps values needed, quantity and locations..

Dont know where else I can put this, if there is a specific place, please let me know...

Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by elartur77 - 07/19/2024, 12:29 PM
Quote from: Tak-MK on 07/19/2024, 06:45 AM
Quote from: elartur77 on 07/18/2024, 05:57 PMI was lucky to get one at a very good price, even if it didnt come with the speakers and accesories, but it looks great, I have a normal DUO and Im thinking painting the amp black (dark gray) so they match color with the black speakers too and I think they are going to look good.. or maybe not because Im a fan to keeps things original..aa decisions!

If you try to paint that amp I'm going to appear at your home and steal it to protect it before you notice  :rollin

Haha ok ok.. You are right better to keep it original..
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by Tak-MK - 07/19/2024, 06:45 AM
Quote from: elartur77 on 07/18/2024, 05:57 PMI was lucky to get one at a very good price, even if it didnt come with the speakers and accesories, but it looks great, I have a normal DUO and Im thinking painting the amp black (dark gray) so they match color with the black speakers too and I think they are going to look good.. or maybe not because Im a fan to keeps things original..aa decisions!

If you try to paint that amp I'm going to appear at your home and steal it to protect it before you notice  :rollin
Quote from: Tak-MK on 07/18/2024, 06:19 AMDefinitely no idea... sadly I fixed only two of them and their issue was mostly the low audio level at start.

 I don't know what's going on, maybe I did a bad job with the capacitors.
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by elartur77 - 07/18/2024, 05:57 PM
I was lucky to get one at a very good price, even if it didnt come with the speakers and accesories, but it looks great, I have a normal DUO and Im thinking painting the amp black (dark gray) so they match color with the black speakers too and I think they are going to look good.. or maybe not because Im a fan to keeps things original..aa decisions!

Definitely no idea... sadly I fixed only two of them and their issue was mostly the low audio level at start.
Console Repair/Mod Center / Re: AMP-30 restoration
Last post by Tak-MK - 07/18/2024, 06:18 AM
Nice unit! I'd like to get one of those some day too...
I'd say that 3d print is probably the way to go for the dials... I don't think there are going to be replacements ever hahaha
The new laser arrived, I already replaced and now read a little better no skipping but the loading times are still very long.

Tested with original Cd music..loads ok and plays ok no skipping but still some noise, not as bad as before but still there.

Tested with backup CD loads and plays ok, no skipping but lot of crackling noises.

Tested with original SuperCD.. It loads ok but every time that needs to load is a loooong wait but after that the game goes like normal, never crash or something like that.. and still crackling noise..

Tested with original CD game.. Same as SuperCD games, goes ok but long loading times and some crackling noises.

Tested with backup SuperCD games.. Try to load the game the please wait screen goes to black and it seems to load but just stays there trying to load but nothing, no crashing nothing..

So does someone knows what does this behavior means?.. why I'm having long load times even with the new laser?