Localization Legend "Supper the Subtitler" has "joined the club" in being targeted for CD-pressings by bootleg master Tobias/PCEWorks! His projects like Private Eyedol, Galaxy Fräulein Yuna 1 & 2, etc. are now being sold on Chinese factory-pressed CDROMs...
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Messages - gameblabla

CascadeFX-title.webp cascadefx_scr2.webp

Cascade FX

Here's a 3D sofware rendered puzzle (Tetris) game for the PC-FX (and also Casio Loopy but i won't say too much about it :P) !
This is an early alpha build with only arcade mode and a mostly empty "Puzzle" mode that will get more content later.
Press A to rotate the piece and dpad to move it around.
All of the puzzle pieces are actual 3D models, nothing is being faked or prerendered !


Video comparing the two versions (PC-FX and Casio Loopy)


On real hardware you have two options :
- Burn it on CDR with imgburn. (make sure you use gold rated CDRs and a decent burner)
- David Shadoff's dev cartridge (In which case, you won't get any CDDA music)

0.3 (PC-FX only)
- Fix game breaking bugs
- Fix puzzles and added more
- Minor enhancements

0.2 (PC-FX only)
- Improve rendering of 3D models (still not quite perfect for cube at titlescreen though)
- Improve speed for Cube at titlescreen
- Improve text rendering (not using VDC fonts anymore)
- Improve speed during ingame
- Forcing Vsync (not that the game exceeded 60 FPS but it's good to have)

Anarch is a raycasted fps by drummyfish and ported to many platforms.
Capitalism has taken over the world and destroyed everything on earth.
It's up to you to save the world !

This PC-FX has music and sound effects. There's also a version for the fxuploader if you own one.

Download link

NSFW : Do not play this in a public room

The PC-FX was sorely missing a new NSFW game... thus this wrong has been addressed.
It is a short PC-FX visual novel game, done in the same fashion as PC-98/PC-FX games.

Dark Pit and Pit fight each other but unfortunately, Pit loses the battle and is taken to Dark Pit's lair.
Dark Pit decided he shouldn't just lock him up, he should... "have fun" with him.

How to run this
Burn this on a CD-R with ImgBurn or play it on an emulator like Mednafen.
The game has been confirmed to work on real hardware but note that i was not able to confirm if it works on a PCFX-GA.

The game supports both the mouse and the FXpad.

Technical details
The game was made with liberis/v810-gcc.
I also had to extend it to add support for ADPCM samples, CD-DA and minor things (thanks Optimus for the timer code).
There's quite a lot of voice samples streamed from the CD and plenty of backgrounds that use the 16 millions color mode.
The 256 colors/4 colors mode are parsely used here and there as well.

There were quite a lot of technical hurdles as well, with most of my time spent on SCSI bugs and behaviour... and some bugs within liberis also that needed workarounds.

Download link
It was really sad seeing the PC-FX with not a single homebrew working on real hardware.
trap15 then released liberis but it still is much work-in-progress but it can be used for text-based games.

So i worked on my very simple game and i thought my game was going to be the first working homebrew game for PCFX. I later learned that matej did it first with Soviet Union 2010 (Also see: http://matejhorvat.si/en/pcfx/index.htm). Yeah... But it's still the first homebrew game programmed in ANSI C for PCFX ! lol

Simple Battle FX is a RPG but without towns, shops or anything like that, just the fightings.
There's a DUEL mode, where you just fight a regular enemy with standard stats.
Then, there's the SURVIVAL mode, where you try to go as far as you can until you lose.

Like i said, it's very simple.



Updated:  8/21/2021
Download link

My next goal is to make a Tetris clone using the text mode
with some PSG music. (i hope)