The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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MNKyDeth Roz Erback

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I am MNKyDeth...
I have been playing video games since around 1979. All the way from Tandy 64k color computer and Atari 2600 to current stuff.

I enjoy most RPG's, especially FROM Software games lately. I am mostly a classic gamer primarily TG16/PCE however I have various systems where I can feed my need.

Overall I am striving to get better and just enjoy myself as I am not a pro-gamer. I do however occasionally min/max in certain games if I have the desire.
Quote from: MNKyDeth on 06/12/2016, 12:36 AMA bit of self promotion for myself with my new website. If you need something and it's not on PCEFX, check...
IMG !!!

I will be getting stuff hopefully all the time that people want and hopefully at reasonable prices. The main focus of the site is for repairs and modding but I decided to go the entire way and make parts, mods, cables, systems and games available.

I plan on having more content later on with supporting homebrews and any relevant TG16/PCE news. If you need/want something and it is not on the site hardware wise let me know and I will see what I can do for you. Software/Games I will post as I get more available.

Also, if you are outside of the US and are interested in anything please email me at

I need to mention, it has come to my attention that the site has a very poor layout for mobile devices. I will be trying to figure out how I can make it better when I have free time to do so.
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02/25/2015, 10:40 AM
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05/12/2024, 06:40 PM
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01/09/2019, 07:56 PM
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