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Messages - rag-time4

Off-Topic / Re: Post something lovely!
03/11/2008, 02:40 PM

Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/30/2008, 08:26 PMIMG
Off-Topic / Re: Assistance requested.
01/27/2008, 03:03 AM
Quote from: turbo D on 01/26/2008, 10:58 PMI made you some flags Esteban. I did them based off of the pcedaisukasen ones using photoshop. I hope you like them.

Turbo D, one of those flags is South Korea, not Japan.
Mustache party??? HAHAHAHA That's actually a party I might have fun with!! When I was younger I had a mustache and even a goatee for a while.

I'm on the right, this was a celebration of my roommates bday. Yours truly made the cake  :wink:
Me at golden gate park in San Francisco
Wide view, I'm the tall one.
Me playing some rag-time in Locke, California, on my birthday 2007. Locke is the first town in America founded by Chinese people for Chinese people, but due to racist laws, the Chinese people were not allowed to own the land until just recently. I took some of my family for a guided tour from a long-time Chinese resident: Connie King
Another pic of me in Locke. That's Scott Joplin on the shirt  :-({|=
Quote from: nat on 12/20/2007, 03:42 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 12/20/2007, 02:07 PMReally, this matchup, for me, is a matchup of 2 mediocre games
Please sit still while I slap some sense into you.
Quote from: turbo D on 12/19/2007, 06:04 PMSo I found this thing on ebay, haha. It seems to be a beefy memory base 128. What do you dudes know about it? Here is a link to the one I saw:
I actually asked this seller to find me one of these a few months ago, and he said he'd check his "warehouse"

I don't know if he found it specifically for me or not, but the fact I asked for it may have something to do with the price.

Quote from: D-Lite on 12/19/2007, 06:56 PMHoly crap, $70 for that?  Then I have about $700 worth of those.  Anyone needs one let me know.  Cheap.
Dean, actually I've wanted one of these for quite some time.

I saw you also have Nobunaga-no Yabou Zenkokuban on your big sale list, but without a spine card. Toshi of DreamStarsJapan told me that originally the save-kun unit was available with Nobunaga Zenkokuban....

I've noticed that the spine card for my Nobunaga-no Yabou Bushoufuunroku has no barcode on it, so that may have been sold with save kun as well.


Anyway, I'm interested. How much do you want for a save kun? (I want the koei save kun and not a NEC mb-128, as I'm a Koei geek)
Quote from: elnino on 12/19/2007, 11:07 AMEnter elnino, I'll post my high score this evening IMG
UH-OH... I think my reign is about over... :shock: :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: what's your avatar and..
12/02/2007, 10:41 PM
Quote from: Kitsunexus on 12/02/2007, 10:25 PMDid Capcom actually license the TV western Gunsmoke, or was it just a similarly named game?
I think it was just similarly named. As Joe stated, there's a period in there. Maybe it's just engrish?

To me, the main character reminds me a lot of tv bounty hunter Josh Randall, Steve McQueen's character in the show Wanted: Dead or Alive:

Off-Topic / Re: Ebay at its finest.
11/19/2007, 03:45 PM
Quote from: Kitsunexus on 11/19/2007, 02:54 PM
Quote from: rag-time4 on 11/19/2007, 02:43 PMAnyway, I always got a kick out of the China stage when I was a kid... I always wondered whose picture that was on the wall above the playfield.
It could either be Hu Yaobang or Zhao Ziyang, I think.  :-k
It's Mao Tse Tung.

If you look at the background next to Mao's photo, you'll see that it is actually the famous tiananmen square photo. Notice the Chinese text to the left and right of Mao's photo. Also, notice the little gateways that are seen just above the playfield.

Here is a random photo I found online of the real photo IMG

Here is a video walkthrough where you can see the China stage

China shows up at 5:07
Quote from: watchman on 11/01/2007, 02:14 PMhi to you all!!! sorry i skipped my introduction:

i'm a singer / guitarist (heavy metal) from Rome, many the interests:music, retrogaming, body building(due to my job i'm just maintaining me to an athletic shape, sigh), japan robots collection, all things that make my money fly away, and stomach aches hard to stand(due to the lack of things to eat!! spending for hobbies:))
cho _ aniki your italian is very good, and you are right necromancer, no offenses all good things(girls too;))

this topics may be in the Off Topic section i think , so cme back to the point: well buying usa/eu hud cards may be the fastest way to have games , but in fact its not so easy as japanese.. but i'm asking all to be "inside" the pc engine way to be, i always knew that console but never touched it before, no i have it and i want to appreciate every aspect
Like Nat said, the system cards are only used for making CD games run. If you have a TurboGrafx, you will need to buy the CD-ROM drive and the connector. Here is a picture:

Also, you will need a system card in order for the CD games to work. If you are using a TurboGrafx, then you must have a USA system card, but you can used CD games from any region.

Only the HuCard games require a converter or system modification.

If you want to play Arcade CD Rom games, you will need a Japanese Arcade Card Pro for your TurboGrafx. The Japanese system cards require a converter or system modification to work on a TurboGrafx.

If you want info about what games to buy, check out runinruder's useless thoughts thread. He has reviews for many games and other board members chip in and share there thoughts as well.

For a nice review site that also has pictures, check out Laurent Kermel's He's based in France, so don't hesitate to send him an email. He may know good places to find PC-Engine stuff in Europe.

If you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask!

I'm going to break this up by difficulty level, I hope that's ok. Please make a note about whether you used auto shot, turbo, or neither and I'll make a note of it next to your score. Non auto/turbo scores go to the top of the list!

Image Fight Recruit Class
#1 472,000 - Obfuscate (auto shot)
#2 270,900 - bust3dstr8 (auto shot)
#3 249,100 - Rag-time4 (auto shot)
#4 218,700 - PCEngineHell (auto shot)
#5 195,700 - Turbo D (auto shot)
#6 174,600 - nat (auto shot)
#7 156,500 - thesteve (auto shot)
#8   43,600 - chop5 (auto shot)

Image Fight Leader Class
#1 136,800 - Rag-time4 (auto shot)

Image Fight Captain Class

Image Fight CP Staff
#1 108,500 - Rag-time4 (auto shot)
Quote from: ceti alpha on 09/08/2007, 02:12 PMCool  :) So you're a SF 1 purist. You have to have the 2 button controls. Neat. hehe  8) I'd love to see what they look like.  :)
Here is the top view... the sticker/paint work around the joysticks is worn away


Here is what looks to be the spot where you need to attach the air hose. When you press the button, you can feel air being pushed out through the opening. Note that the button is spring loaded. The white plastic part is solid and is a housing for the moving parts of the button.


Finally, here is a bottom view. There is also a hole here that you can feel air coming out of. However, this may be just an auxiliary air release to prevent overload (it's the middle of the five hole group)


In the future, I'd like to have 1 6 button machine and 1 2 button  :-({|=
Quote from: ceti alpha on 09/07/2007, 05:20 PM:( Crappy. Was worth a shot though. By the way, is that a model/toy of a Battledroid or Mech by your TV?
Here is a live action shot of the robot protecting my video games:


My games are guarded by ED-209 from the movie Robocop. That's right.... don't get too close to my stuff without asking!  :twisted:
Here's a pic of my Fighting Street locking up on me... I just got back from having the disc buffed and while audio track 3 (country select music) will play on my car CD player, that track does still skip and the game locks up when I try to play.