@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - NecroPhile


Weak ass scores but they're my weak ass scores!  :mrgreen:
Clear #61 - Alzadick: Summer Carnival '92


Easiest clear evah?  :mrgreen:

The Good: multiple gameplay options (more than just the regular 2 and 5 minute modes anyway), good tunes, nice parallax areas in the background, and a well varied group of enemies.

The Bad: the backgrounds are mostly blandly colored and repetitive, limited weapon system, and the story mode is so short on actual story that it's almost embarrassing.

The Ugly: the bland one page intro and success pages of story mode.  It would've been so much better had they made it one story with two 'stages' and added a couple little cut scenes and credit roll.
Clear #60 - Boxy Boy


A fun puzzler with a weird stage layout, where you must beat the first 100 levels to 'win' and unlock the second set, which you must then beat to unlock the final 50 levels.

The Good: it automatically saves progress and uses real words for passwords (good if you can't save); lots and lots o' puzzles, which get quite tricksy as the game progresses; handy 'rewind' button for when you make a mistake; no time limit; and the tunes are quite nice.

The Bad: The scenery isn't exactly bad, but it's very bland and changes little between countries; I'm not a fan of the fake endings, preferring that they just offered a difficulty selector from the title screen; and there's no reward for beating the complete game, instead showing you the same ending three times.

The Ugly: NA
The mailman and a delayed x-mas gathering brought me a few goodies over the long new year's weekend.  :mrgreen:

I bought myself a copy of Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (no pic because its not cool enough) and some nice bazzy mousepads -


For x-mas, I got Walking Dead Season 2 for the vita and some Simpsons Legos -


And I got a Lego TARDIS! -


.... which is bigger on the inside, of course. -

From that funny Sonic Spike auction:

QuoteCleaned, tested, and verified working!  What you see is what you get!
You sure about that, bruh?


85% New?
Quote from: johnnykonami on 12/26/2015, 12:01 PMNecro!  I went to my Mom's house last night and look what she got me:


New!   Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen a sealed in box GB game, like since when I was a kid.  Don't worry though, I'm gonna open er' up.  There's a nice little faux "VGA graded" box on the outside (it's just thin plastic) but I am gonna keep the box in there after opening and playing it.  I should get some of these for my other boxes, so cool!
Sweet!  Let us know what you think of it once you've had a chance to play for a bit.
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2015
12/28/2015, 09:47 AM




Santa Caws was very good to me.  Thanks so much, le bleu!!!  The mouse works dandy, but I'm surprised it sports only two buttons (no Run and Select buttons like the PCE mouse), and I played enough DK4 to see some tittehs.  :mrgreen:

Also, don't y'all just love the lil smiley face on the PC-FX controller connectors?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: please delete
12/21/2015, 11:30 AM
Welcome aboard!

The only one I recall seeing is hoob's custom beeyotch overlay on a Hudson Joycard Sansui NES pad converted to OBEY -

Quote from: hoobs88 on 11/19/2015, 12:51 PMIMG
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/18/2015, 05:31 PM
Estebanjo lives!  IMG
Clear #59 - Mine Sweeper


It's just Mine Sweeper, but it's a surprisingly good port considering it's from Pack-In-Video.  It goes well beyond what you'll find in the Windows game (play and edit modes are analogous to the original), including both The Voyage and Cook's Quest modes for more depth.  The former is 210 maps spread over 10 progressively larger and more treacherous maps at each of 7 battle sites and 3 centuries; the latter is a much shorter adventure where you lead cute little Cook through a trap laden cave, looking for eggs to make an omelette.

The Good: the above mentioned play style variety; decent and well varied muzak (see below); nicely done static intermission screens showing naval scenes; and quick and easy controls.

The Bad: no mouse support; 210 stages for The Voyage is overkill; and while the tunes are pleasant, there's only one song for each century of The Voyage, meaning you'll listen to one song for hours (not including the short little map success and failure tunes).

The Ugly: Accidentally hitting both Run and Select when you haven't been writing down the passwords.  :evil:
Quote from: guest on 11/20/2015, 06:57 AMSpeaking of weird sodas.... I found these at the beach this year


Neither were very good, but interesting.
That reminds me of the bacon soda my nephew had.  It was predictably terrible, like drinking carbonated bacon grease.
Clear #58 - Star Parodier


The Good: fantastically cute, colorful, and well varied set of enemies and scenery; three different ships with their own sets of armaments, making for good replay value; charming intermission screens; and a nice and jaunty soundtrack.

The Bad: it's almost too cute, making me feel sorry for beating up on some of the enemies; it hands out extra lives like candy on halloween, making a not terribly difficult shewty downright easy (at least on 'normal'); and most of the voices sound shrill and crackly.

The Ugly: NA
Clear #57 - Beyond Shadowgate


As good as Loom is, Beyond Shadowgate has it beat.  For point-n-click games, you'd be hard pressed to find a better one.

The Good: colorful, detailed, hand-painted looking backgrounds of well varied locations; very nicely animated sprites of strange and sundry creatures; fantastic, atmospheric tunes and pretty good voice acting; non-linear game play with several puzzles to figure out, most with more than one solution; multiple endings for replayability; and dying has never been more fun, with dozens of humorous and unexpected ways to meet your demise (save often).

The Bad: no mouse support; though the bats are pretty awesome ("I'm a bat! I'm a bat!"), the backgrounds are mostly static; the battles are pretty tedius; and there's no real 'the end' screen.

The Ugly: NA
Quote from: Marto_Jo-ing on 11/06/2015, 05:07 PM..... his mom walked thru the door holding the Turbo...... we completely lost our shit.

Story checks out.  Carry on.  :mrgreen:
5,343,081 after milking the Stage 3 boss:


And when I finally bit the dust later in Stage 6, I was a bit too slow and didn't catch it 'til it started to fade out.  Methinks it's 5,525,879:

Clear #56 - Loom


'Tis an entertaining point-n-click adventure, well worth playing for any fan of the genre.

The Good: it's humorous, the tunes are great (even if they cut out and/or fail to loop consistently), Bobbin is a right smart-ass, the colored pencil-esque scenery is usually lovely, and the puzzles are quite nice if simple.

The Bad: it's rather short, Bobbin is one slow mo-fo, it loads entirely too often, there's no mouse support, and some of the backgrounds suffer from a low color count, looking like they forgot to tweak the art after running the PC version through an automatic converter utility.

The Ugly: seizure inducing, flickering cursor

It's not good enough for first, but second is okay.  Sorry, grolt.  :mrgreen:
Here's a couple other signs:


Sorry for the blurry ugliness.  I stole it from youtube, but I think it's good enough for you sharp folks to recognize.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/11/2015, 02:48 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 10/09/2015, 07:33 AMlove that new leaf scent

Did tanuki just smoke a blunt?
Pardon my pic post whoring:


Since it was a freebie, it's worth mentioning twice.  :mrgreen:
A nice freebie from Jordan:


When things get settled for ya sometime down the road, I hope to repay the favor.  Thanks, buddy!  :mrgreen:
Clear #55 - Galaga '90


The Good: jaunty tunes, fast action, a well varied mix of baddies with differing attack patterns, pretty (if basic) backgrounds, excellent controls, and great replayability with multiple paths to follow and endings to see.  In short, everything is damn near perfect.

The Bad: Nothing is particularly unpleasant, but the game is rather primitive compared to something like Soldier Blade.  I can't really fault it for that, though, seeing as it's a part of its arcade game heritage.

The Ugly: NA

P.S. - What's the trick to triggering the red capsule?  I've only snagged it a handful of times over the years, and luckily this playthrough was one of 'em.  'Twas a real life saver getting back the big ship for 'free' just before the final boss.
Fuck, how'd I forget this sweet piece of swag?!?


It ain't NEC official, but it's officially awesome.
Clear #54 - Dungeon Master: Theron's Quest


This one's a bit of a mixed bag, where many of the good things are balanced by a few related flaws.

The Good: good tunes (I particularly like the harpsichord number of the last level); decent opening and closing cinemas, though the ending could've used a voiced narrative like the intro; different baddies for each level, some of which are pretty creepy looking and sounding; the puzzles can get pretty tricksy; and it controls very well if you learn to use the d-pad for movement and not the on-screen arrows.

The Bad: the bland water dripping 'atmospheric' tune that plays far too often; there's no cut scenes for each stage, just a little text blurb and a still photo; the baddies aren't very well animated; and you don't get to keep any goodies from one dungeon to the next, making it more like seven mini-games to beat instead of one cohesive whole.

The Ugly: every once in a while, you'll hit a glitch that makes one of your characters max out the load they're carrying (even if you strip 'em to nothing), which makes you move slower and forces you to rest repeatedly.  The alternative is to let the fucker die, as everything goes back to normal upon resurrection.
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/26/2015, 11:30 PMIMG

Nice pickups!  Some day I'll get around to playing Gulliver Boy for realz, but so far I've mostly just enjoyed the HuVideo.  :mrgreen:
There are bootie hueys of Magical Chase.  Here's mine:

Quote from: ccovell on 09/21/2015, 10:13 AM1st post updated with 1 picture.

Nice one.  I wish more games were that creative with their syscard error screens.
Welcome aboard!

Quote from: EvilTG16 on 09/16/2015, 03:20 PMAs a kid I always wanted a turbo but my parents only allowed me to chose one system (a snes).
Clear #53 - Magicoal


A lovely adventure rpg that requires more strategy than most such games, mostly in the form of teamwork.  As much fun as it was to play through, though, it'd be even better if I knew more of the story and how all the different magics work; that's not to say it's unplayable sans moonrune skillz, but a translation would sure be nice.

The Good: two player; cute as hell; lots of colorful, well animated, and usually humorous cut scenes; nicely detail and varied environments to traverse; loads of different enemies and bosses with sundry modes of attack; several secrets to find and magics to master; and it's a bit naughty, with plenty of panty flashing and betitted statues and magic idols.

The Bad: the AI controlling the second player is often retarded, forcing you to switch players and manually pull them away from shooting at an enemy they can't reach or disabling their attack spells altogether so they're forced to heel.

The Ugly: Melvy's hands in a couple cut scenes.  She's got man hands, Jerry!
Quote from: guest on 09/02/2015, 10:22 AMTHIS THING!


I spent like 2 hours already working on this kid's kitchen set for my daughter; opening the boxes, making sure I had all the parts, and getting to step 5 out of 30 in assembly.   :-&

Pretty sure I'm going to be building this for the rest of the weeknights...
It'll be worth it when your daughter is happily making fake food and letting you play with your picos is peace.... for two minutes at a stretch between her asking you if liked your 'sandwich'.  :mrgreen:

$50 from perennial good guy BMW.  :mrgreen:
Clear #52 - Sylphia


The Good: Cool techy tunes, a veritable smorgasbord of different enemies and sweet looking bosses, a bit naughty (harpie tittehs!), nice looking cut scenes and intermission screens, and some of the backgrounds are very well done (I particularly like the second half of the underwater level and being inside the tower).

The Bad: Some of the backgrounds are rather bland, and it's pricey.

The Ugly: NA
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 08/17/2015, 03:41 PMWhat years were the quarters in the bucket?

Off-Topic / Re: Any Ys Collectors here?
08/14/2015, 03:24 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 08/14/2015, 01:26 PMIMG

Even your tablecloth/rug/whatever looks kinda Ys-y, like the screen border or something.  :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: $15 minimum wage
08/06/2015, 08:41 PM
Pure gold, Jibba.  :lol:

Anyways, back to refuting the notion that earning minimum wage means you're dead broke, living a horrible life, and no better than gulag prisoners.


According to this, minimum wage does keep you from living in a van down by the river if you're single.  It's not too terribly far off if you have one kid to support (and would've stayed above the line if minimum wage were tied to inflation), but it's not even close if you've more kids or are also married.  If both parents are in the picture and able to work, however, you're right back above the line unless you have five+ kids.

Exactly how much is enough for those arguing for a substantially higher minimum wage?  Is it staying above the $18k line for three mouths, or should it be $23k to keep those with four above it?  What if someone has three kids, which is certainly not unreasonable?

What's wrong with that?


Presumably onomatopoeia, so again nothing wrong.
The mouse logo is just too cute.  :mrgreen:

I started playing with a normal controller, then switched maybe a third the way through.  It's not at all hard to play with a normal controller, but the mouse is much quicker at moving the cursor around, and you do need a flat surface, just like you would for any mechanical (rubber ball) computer mouse.  As for the mini-games, there's one where you tap I to blow a whistle to direct the accident prone gray cat through some calisthenics, but it didn't seem to have any rules (just keep tapping 'til it's over); there's one where you had to tap I to keep a meter half filled to balance on a floating log; and there's the driving one that you can see in the ad.  You're always moving and must press the d-pad to change directions, which is pretty difficult to time when you're rolling a mouse; the first time I played with a normal controller and had no trouble beating all three stages, but I couldn't even beat the first stage when I went back and tried with the mouse.

P.S. - dig the bazzy table and stools.  IMG

Clear #51 - Nemurenu Yoru No Chiisana Ohanashi

(  Please excuse the unfortunate cursor placement.  I swear it wasn't intentional.  )

This super cute point-n-click adventure demonstrates just how well the genre works on the Turbob; it's too bad we didn't get more.  I highly recommend it to anyone that likes cute lil animals and wants to get some use out of their mouse.

The Good: nicely drawn art, very well animated scenes, great tunes, often funny sound effects (you're dead inside if you don't get a chuckle out of the snail), mouse support, minimal and unobtrusive load times, and plentiful humorous bits.

The Bad: there's not much challenge, but I can't complain much, seeing as it's meant for kids.

The Ugly: the aforementioned mouse support is much quicker and more responsive at moving the cursor around, but it makes the car mini-game nigh unplayable.

40 peeps puss out before they even see the shark.  FORTY!

Quote from: wildfruit on 07/26/2015, 10:57 PM60usd is only 38gbp. Perfectly reasonable for a new game. Whoapays suck
Yarr.  Plus, it's not like the price was a secret.
Clear #50 - Travel Eple


Here's a surprisingly fun one.  Add it to the rotation for something somewhat different between bouts of Bomberman and Battle Lode Runner.

The Good:  it's super cute, there's lots and lots of short but humorous (if basic) cut scenes, it saves your progress as you play so you don't have to finish it in one go, and there's a good variety of enemies, environments, and bosses.  And did I say it's cute?  It's almost too cute.

The Bad (or maybe The Meh):  the tunes are rather forgettable, and the variety of different maps you play on is nice but none of 'em are particularly well detailed or pretty.

The Ugly: NA