OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - PixyJunket

A few things from the eBay, another haul of (relatively) cheapies before I get the stones to start picking off some Compile games.

I ordered these a month ago and they finally arrived.

Quote from: esteban on 05/21/2014, 01:19 AMComrade, you have a nice bunch of games. You will be happy exploring this stuff.

If you like shoot-em-ups, you have a bunch of decent ones  :pcgs:

PsychoChaser is a nice oddball title (vertical shooter, but it isn't). Mr. Heli and Rabio Lepus are quirky, too.

Anyway, welcome. IMG
I do love shoot 'em ups, I haven't actively picked any up yet since they're generally a little pricier, so I figured I'd pump up my numbers with a few oddball RPGs first (the second and third pictures are my recent purchases).

From my stack, I've been enjoying the occasional round of Burning Angels, it's even got a strage, fake "tate" mode.
I never (rarely?) do introduction threads on forums, but I figure a collection of people still passionate about the TurboGrafx-16 and PC-Engine are probably a pretty tight group, so here I am.

I don't remember the exact circumstances (birthday, paper route, etc.), but I got a TurboGrafx-16 pretty soon after it came out. I remember cutting an enlarged photo of a Pac-Man multi-vitamin from one of my mom's magazines and taping it to the system like a sticker. I also remember playing the few games I had for it OBSESSIVELY. One of my current best friends, our friendship is owed to this. I met him through a mutual friend, and he had just bought Namco Museum vol. 4 for some other system thing. I asked for a turn on Pac-Land and proceeded to show him deep, dark, evil secrets of the game from putting hundreds of hours into it on the Turbo. His floor fell to the ground and it was (bro) love at first site.

Keith Courage, Double Dungeons, Parasol Stars, Galaga '90, Dragon's Curse, Final Lap Twin, Legendary Axe, Bonk's Adventure, Neutopia, Alien Crush, Devil's Crush, these are some of the other games I had and played when I was a kid.

I am also fuzzy on how I got a CD-ROM and I don't think I had it long, but it introduced me to Ys, which is one of the best things ever (well, maybe the last two aren't so great, but that's another topic for another day).

Years later, I am obsessing, quite hard, over an arcade game called Wonder Boy in Monster Land. This led me to buying a Core-Grafx II and Bikkuriman World, which was the only decent home version of the game (until Sega and Westone put a previously unreleased English version of the arcade original on Wii in 2012*swoons*). I also bought Tower of Druaga, another game I love more than I should. Then I blind bought a big box of games from a Japanese auction (because it had Legend of Valkyrie in it).

So my roommate at this time, we had been talking about getting a TurboDuo for years, usually when we had had a few beers. One night (probably beer fueled) I aggressively called him (or us?) out on our big mouths and threw a couple of benjis at somebody over at Digital Press for a PC-Engine Duo-R with a region switch. I eagerly bought Popful Mail (dat Falcom) and Dynastic Hero (dat Westone), thinking they would be the first of HUNDREDS of awesome import CDs. Sadly, my ADD brain quickly shifted to something else and the dream of having an awesome PC-Engine library fluttered away as I furiously built up an NES collection.

But the bug bit me again. I just bought a house and one of the rooms is going to be for retro gaming. So much Duo-R is back out and I've been playing all those mystery games from the bix box years ago and I've been stumbling my way through Monster Maker wishing I had stuck with my Japanese studies so long ago. And I've been buying a lot of new CDs.

Anyway, I'm rambling because I only slept four hours last night (I was playing The Last Story online until 1:00 AM since the servers were shutting down), so this will be a fun thread to look back on once I've rested.

But yes, hello there. Now sell me some Japanese CD-ROMĀ²s.

PS: Konami is the devil.

PPS: Have some pictures.