OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - jetfire13

$1,400 is $200 over the highest eBay BIN price right now. That's steep!

I'll bite...

Please enter me in your raffle. You're warez are intriguing to me!

Count me in! I have some janky home made spine labels that need to be dealt with.

eBay user: reldredge
Off-Topic / Re: Whopper vs. Big Mac
12/19/2016, 05:27 PM
Just remembered how much I loved the Big King after reading this thread and found out that BK doesn't have it anymore. Maybe it was replaced by the Bacon King which is their version of Wendys Baconator. I'm so sad though. The Big King was awesome. My favorite from any restaurant right now is the Green Chili Double from Whataburger. Holy shit, is it good. Never knew what I was missing til I came out to AZ.
I just can't stand how these two assholes take themselves so seriously. They speak so authoritatively about all their topics, you would think they were talking about aerospace engineering and that both of them were the undisputed experts in the field.

These dirty looking turds spent an entire episode talking about how some poor sap got a repro Chrono Trigger from GameStop. They over analysed the shit out of the topic. Who the fuck cares?!?

Or the time they practically had kittens because some ancient collectard was showing off pictures of his unopened cases of sealed Stadium Events.


I'm gonna start a YouTube channel where I sit and talk to some asshole across the table from me with a lone everdrive on a shelf behind me. Internet stardom here I come!
Huge thanks to mickcris for helping me out!

Also, thank you for updating the thread with all the fixes that you did. Might help out some others having the same issues.

All of the interference is gone and the picture is pristine now.

Moral of the story: mickcris is the man and PLEASE avoid OGHugo and other jokers that offer their mod services on eBay. You will end up with issues and have to send your console to someone on these forums for repair.
Damn OGhugo!

I got hosed by that dude before I was on these forums and realized what a hack he was. I'm sending my PCE DUO to mickcris in the next few days for assessment and repair.

Shout out to mickcris for offering to help me out.
Lol! I love these forums.
Hey guys!

Thanks for the replies. I'm using the original Japanese AC adapter so hopefully that isn't the issue. It seems to be in good shape and from what I've read, a stepdown converter isn't necessary.

I got my cable from retro_console_accessories on eBay. Her stuff has always been pretty reliable but I'll hit up mickcris and see if he can sell me something better.

Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.
Hey guys!

I've got a weird issue with my RGB modded PCE DUO. I had my console modded and was then getting some faint jailbars. So I followed the tutorial to replace the C909 and C923 with the 4.7 uF replacement caps and the jailbars completely vanished.

Now I have this odd, faint diagonal scrolling interference rolling through the image on certain lighter colors. Grey seems to be the most effected color. It's super apparent in Cadash. I traded one issue for another. haha!

My soldering skills aren't superb but I was hoping they were at least serviceable in this case.

Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or cold point me in the right direction.

Thanks guys!
This shirt is awesome! Count me in for the raffle. A large shirt may just fit over my beer gut. I'd love to find out.
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 07/06/2016, 11:34 AMCollectard throws a bone (no pun intended) to game discussion to cover up his butter slathered search for turbo-pokemons.
I love these forums. Savage.
Got these in the mail yesterday and they are absolutely perfect! A+ Would buy again lol

Thanks for everything SeymorOnion!
Just ordered some of these. Hopefully they are still available. Looks like there hasn't been any action on this thread for a while.
Thanks guys! I appreciate the ideas.

Mickcris: this was all I could think about after your suggestion...
Someone more technically savvy than me needs to whip up some custom cables for us. I can't be the only one with this issue.

Thanks again dudes! I'll let you know if I come up with anything.
Hey guys!

I was wondering if any of you had or knew where to buy a 8 pin din to scart AV cable that had a right angle din connector. With the cable sticking out of the side of the DUO it just barely doesn't fit in my tv stand. A cable with a right angle connector that ran back along the side of the console would be awesome. I searched around online but didn't find anything.

Any info would be awesome! Thanks again.
After re-watching the video again, you're right. The capacitors are on the input side of the amp. That's my bad. I'm pretty sure that the amp is wrapped up in that tape.

It is a little sloppy but it gets the job done. haha! As long as nothing is shorting out and it works with my switch, then I'm good.

The guy that usually does my mods ( has been dragging his feet for months on getting his amp and install services up on his site and I really didn't want to wait around anymore.

Again, hopefully this will be of some help to anyone else having this issue with their scart switch.

Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the input.

EDIT: The original mod was a lot cleaner than what I ended up with. Here's the original video showing the system after the cap replacement, LED and RGB mod.
Apparently, a .1 uf cap on the RGB outputs from the amp was the solution.

Here's the video he made showing it working with the Shinybow switch.
Just wanted to follow up and let you guys know what happened in case any of you wanted to know.

I'm certainly not one of those "game room/collection" Youtube circle jerkers. I've been into retro gaming for a long time and have been building up my setup slowly over the years when I could afford it. It's not anything flashy but it's mine.

I suppose it's not that big of a deal if I have just one console that doesn't work through my switch but it would be nice if it did. I was hesitant to drop almost $200 on a quality scart switch and I guess I'm just bummed that after spending all that money plus the cost of modding my PCE Duo for RGB that it wouldn't work how I had hoped it would.

I was just looking to you guys for any info you might have as to why it wouldn't work since this forum seems to be the best resource for this type of thing.

Thanks for all the info guys.
Thanks for the reply Keith Courage!

I've been in contact with the modder and just sent my DUO and switch back to him for him to troubleshoot. I think he's going to try to amp the sync and maybe pull sync differently. He said I'd possibly lose the ability to use composite video but that's fine since I'm just going to be using the RGB signal with the Framemeister.

Not sure if anyone cares, but I'll update when I get them back and can test some more.

Thanks again!
Hello guys!

I'm new to the forums and I just wanted to start out by saying thanks for all the great info. You guys are kinda the who's who when it comes to Turbo tech info.

I recently purchased a PCE Duo from a local seller off of CL cheap and it was suffering from barely audible sound and flaky hu-card reading. I sent it off to get re-capped and RGB modded and it came back working great.

I have an issue with running it through my Shinybow SB5525 and then to my Framemeister. I get no picture or sound. The FM shows a video input light but the screen stays black.

The odd part is when I run the DUO straight into the FM and bypass the switch, it's fine. It also works if I use my old HAMA 100S switch between the DUO and the FM. I was thinking it might be a faulty Shinybow switch but it works just fine with my RGB modded NES top loader, N64, SNES, Saturn, and dreamcast through the Toro.

I've played with the sync levels on the FM to try to get a picture and it does nothing no matter how high or low I go.

This is the DUO mod service that I used: The circuit he uses looks like the one that's recommended. Seemed reputable.

Could it still be a sync issue? It's just weird that this is the only console that doesn't work through the Shinybow switch.

Any info would be awesome. I'm stumped.