10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - cireza

Quote from: Gypsy on 02/27/2018, 10:58 AMDevil's Crash is awesome it is one of my top 3 pinball video games.
Agreed. My favorite pinball games are Last Gladiators and Necronomicon on Sega Saturn.

Definitely check them out !
I have been playing on a regular basis and really enjoy the console.

Recently I spent quite a lot of time on the excellent Devil's Crash. I also played a lot of Dragon's Fury on MegaDrive, for the sake of comparing both versions, and because both are great.

It is pretty great to be able to use directly headphones with the console (same on MegaDrive). However even on the minimum setting the sound is pretty loud. Still a good thing though.

Also tried some other games. I played Chase HQ. on PCE it is a fine version. Very fast scrolling. Also played Chase HQ II on MegaDrive, pretty good game for the console.

After Burner II and Street Fighter 2 are very impressive ports. SFII displays some great palettes and plays just fine.
For 3D games, you can get significant upgrades through emulators, like a better internal resolution, texture packs etc... Of course it is better, but it requires quite a lot of tweaking.

It is also better than playing on CRT in 480i. Interlaced is very aggressive, with a lof of "blinking" (not sure if this is the correct word). But 240p is just perfect for our old consoles.

I know that you can output to RGB Scart through VGA adapter. You can build a setup with emulators this way. Might do this one day :)
Thanks for the advice but I am the kind of person who loves having fewer pixels and playing on a CRT TV  :D
Quote from: guest on 02/21/2018, 11:34 AMDawn of ys is probably the best overhead adventure game on the system except for the Xanadus
Is this the game that was translated to English ? I will try burning an ISO of it one of these days. But I would really like to get my hands on Ys I & II first, if possible.
Played some Neutopia today. I completed the first two dungeons. I did not expect the game to be so linear, but it was otherwise pretty fun.

And Altered Beast is indeed a strange beast. Always had a soft spot for this game, such a unique experience and game-design in the end. I wanted to see how this port would run, and the game was not expensive at all.
The key missing part arrived yesterday : the controller. After more than 3 weeks I finally got a chance to play the console, and I have been very impressed by what I have seen ! Emulators running on your computer never really come close to the real experience on the console, in RGB, with a good CRT TV.

I discovered that I had to boot the CD-ROM Bios 1.00 to make Altered Beast work. Glad that I picked up a Turbo Everdrive v2. By the way this Everdrive looks like it has a better build quality than my other Everdrives.

Altered Beast is a pretty great port seeing that it was released in 1989. Big sprites, good colors, good music and voices. The game runs fine, but it is very difficult. I could not get past the second boss, I find it a lot harder than on MegaDrive.

Then I played some Gotzendeiner, really liked what I played of the game. Scrolling is a bit choppy. I think that the game won't be a good contender at the most replayable game however. I got stuck in some sort of caves, I will have to give it another try.

I started Anearth Fantasy Stories just to see how it was, and I get the feeling that this will be a fantastic game. I simply need to get in the mood of playing a Japanese game. I will probably be printing an edited version of the guide that you linked me earlier in the thread, it will be much more comfortable playing it this way.

Finally, I spent a maybe an hour on Spriggan Mark 2, and loved the game instantly. I find the visuals absolutely fantastic. Several parallaxes, a lot of sprites, a great sense of depth. The game was crafted with a lot of passion. I played until stage 8 (game was not very difficult on Normal) and had a blast. I stopped because it was getting late.

I also booted my Turbo Everdrive and two or three roms to see if everything was working properly.

On the technical aspect of the machine, I am really blown away by how capable the console is, considering that it was released in 1987. The console simply blows away the MegaDrive in terms of colors, this is absolutely stunning. Emulators and youtube videos never do colors justice, you have to see if on the your TV to understand it.

It seems to me that the PCE is a lot less constraining. You can display almost all colors of the palette, and the Genesis has a big constraint because the 64 colors are divided in 4 palettes, and every tile or sprite can only use one palette at once. When I see how the colors are divided around the screen on PCE, it seems to me that you don't really have this kind of constraint. I am not an expert, but it seems obvious when you see the games.

The quantity of stuff that moves around the screen with no or minimal slowdown is also a pretty impressive thing. It can manage a big number of sprites at once, while even maintaining impressive parallaxes (which are also made with sprites). This is a very interesting approach and I can't wait to see other games.

I will definitely be buying some other games in the future !  :)
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/09/2018, 12:11 PMInvestment means buying with the intention of making money, to clear that up for you.
Well this is not what I meant... I am a guy that plays games, nothing more.

I can't wait to receive my first games by the way. I will post impressions when I finally get the chance to play them.
Coming back on the forum after a few days... and WTF happened here ? You guys are crazy...  :shock:

I was just saying that if I buy a game 100$ and like it, then that's great. If I don't like it, I can sell it and get back my 100$.

That's it...  :|

I don't "make money" on selling retro games. I have a job, that's how I make money  :dance:
I simply like to have the games I like "real", and not only a rom or a burned CD. Is this a bad thing ?

By the way, English is not my native language. Investment looked like the correct word but maybe I was wrong... I wanted to say that these games don't lose value. Sorry if I offended you. But again, this came as a surprise.
Quote from: turboswimbz on 02/05/2018, 03:13 PMEh I figured as much, but sometimes it's a nice option when you just can't or won't justify paying $$$4 for a game.
I almost never buy games that are more than 100$. And even buying something between 60 and 100$ is the exception.

With some patience, I am pretty sure that I can find some decent prices for most of the games I want, except for Rondo.

Finally, if I buy a game 200$, I can sell it one year later and it will still be worth 200$. The value never really goes down. So at least, retro video-games are not too bad an investment.
Quote from: turboswimbz on 02/05/2018, 02:55 PMYeah several of those games are quite pricey, but most of them are pretty awesome.  (you can always cheat and burn/emulate as well.)  Those four games should keep you busy with fun till you can swing some more though.
I don't really like using burned games on my consoles, but I will give it a try no worries.
Still waiting for my controller and Gotzen Deiner.

I managed to get a decent offer on 4 games that I am interested in from a seller I bought often from on ebay. So these will be my first batch of games, very excited to be finally able to try the console :o

These 4 games are Spriggan Mark 2, Gate of Thunder, Anearth Fantasy Story and Altered Beast.

There are other games that I definitely need to get someday : Spriggan, Rondo of Blood, Winds of Thunder and Ys I II US. Building this small collection of ~10 CD games might end up being a bit expensive  :?
Thanks again. Sorry I should have checked the forum, I am still getting used to this place  :oops:
Great, thanks. Is there an English translation in the works for this game ?
I clicked on the link in the first post to find a guide for Anearth Fantasy Story, but the result was not what I expected.

Somebody made a backup of the guide ?

The web archive has a backup :
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/01/2018, 12:48 PMI am stoked for those RPG fan translations.
Definitely the best thing around for retro gamers, with quality rom hacks and everdrive/sd based cartridges. Bless the community.

I played Shining Force III entirely translated on my Saturn on my CRT TV. Awesomeness. Hoping that Princess Crown's translation gets resumed !

I even made a humble romhack of Shining Force II "Gong Edition" (can be found on romhacking).
Quote from: turboswimbz on 02/01/2018, 11:51 AM
Quote from: cireza on 02/01/2018, 11:46 AMIs Tobias someone from the forum ?
Tobias is the lying *&^#^ #&@%^ who is/runs/owns/ PCEworks.
Understood. I did not get the meaning of the sentence correctly at first.

The repros seem to be very well done. Too bad he is doing this illegally and stealing people's work.
Quote from: tbone3969 on 02/01/2018, 10:52 AMHave any Sega Saturn games you want to trade?  I have some of the heavy hitter PC Engine CD games I would be willing to part with.  PM me if interested.
Would you be interested in 32X PAL games ? Because Saturn I am not really looking into getting rid of any game (love them all ! :) )

I also have one pretty expensive Neo Geo CD game I am willing to exchange if you wish. Maybe some Dreamcast games too.

Quote from: guest on 02/01/2018, 11:03 AMof 'em can still be bought from Tobias for far less.
Is Tobias someone from the forum ?
I am still looking at the games. For Hucard games, I will be getting an Everdrive. I am here for the fun.

Concerning CD games, the ones that seem interesting and are probably among the best on the system do look expensive. I am not too sure about what I am going to do about it, maybe I will buy a game once in a while, but I am definitely not going to buy 10 games at 100$ like this.

Anyway, I have seen two JRPGs that look really awesome : Seiya Monogatari and Xanadu II. Did not check the prices yet.

Also discovered a pretty good website called PC Engine Bible I think. Very useful place.

The very first CD games I would like to buy are Ys I & II in English and Spprigan. Both are already very expensive. I already picked Gotzendeiner, it was cheap and I will use it to test my console once I receive it  :o

I have also seen a number of "PCE WORKS" games. I don't understand why they are so expensive being repros. Retro video game market and prices are really becoming insane.

Glad I built my Sega Saturn collection when I was younger...
I started looking at the games you recommended, and also at all games available on CD and Super CD. Of course I have not been through the entire list yet...

Dynastic Hero
Rondo of Blood
Ys I & II
Gotzendiener (really liked what I saw on this one)
Gate of Thunder
Winds of Thunder
Valis Phantasm Soldier
Crest of Wolf
Spriggan Mark 2

I am also building a list of games I need to check some more.
Taking note of all the suggestions.

I had planned to get Lords of Thunder. I also want Castlevania, but the prices are high, despite the game not seeming rare as there are tenths of listings on ebay for example...
Quote from: guest on 01/29/2018, 03:53 PMThe only adapters I know of are for using PS1 controllers on PCE.
I prefer buying a controller than playing with a PS1 controller  :lol:

Quote from: turboswimbz on 01/29/2018, 04:46 PMCongrats. PCE passion never dulls unlike that Nintendo fanboy stuff.
I don't really know about Nintendo passion, never was a big fan, however my Sega passion is still going strong after all these years 8)

Thanks for the games list, I will check it out tomorrow.

Is Prince of Persia some kind of rolling gag around here ? :lol:
I watched some gameplay and it looked pretty good. Also, great music.

Why are there some switches above the I and II buttons on the controllers ? What a strange design. I believe most games only use two buttons anyway ?
Will take a look at Prince of Persia...

I will try games, thanks for the advice.

Any advice concerning controllers ? Do you know if there are adapters out there, to use a MegaDrive controller on PC-Engine for example ?
I finally decided and bought myself a PC-Engine. Wooooo  :dance:

A French seller was selling a RGB + recapped Duo, and I decided to get it. Price seemed decent, however there is no controller. I need to find one...

I will surely be getting recommendations from you for games in the future, probably in this thread if it suits you all. I understand that you are all veterans from this console, but still hope that you can share the passion ! Being a veteran gamer of Sega and Nintendo consoles (that I know very well), it becomes sometimes difficult after all these years to still feel and share the passion... But I am rambling, sorry about that :lol:

I am particularly interested in CD-Games that are easily playable (which means in English or no need to read Japanese, I will take a look at the pinned topic) and of course Hucard games. To make this clear I will probably be getting an everdrive, which does not exclude getting a few originals of course.
Hi again,

Upping my own topic for a short update !

This has been a year already :shock:

As you guessed, I was not able to get decided about getting a PC-Engine, but I have to admit that the idea has made some progress in my mind.

During the previous year, I decided to buy a Neo-Geo CDZ (in my first post, I was saying that I was not decided between investing in a PCE or a Neo-Geo).

I love my CDZ, I have a sweet spot for 16 bits consoles with CD-ROM games I have to admit (Sega-CD...). I only play real games on it by the way...

I will probably be looking at PC-Engine games again on youtube, trying games on emulators, and maybe decide to get the console ! You advised me to get a recapped and RGB modded Duo, so I am keeping this in mind and might ask around in the coming months :)

There is also a thing called Super SD System 3 or something like that, but I am not certain of the quality of the thing, and it is very expensive. I found what look like negative feedback on a forum recently, so I won't be investing in something like that.

See you later :dance:
Thank you for the great welcome, and advice, and sorry for this late answer.

I am still looking around at PC-Engine stuff on the internet, but still not decided yet.

See you around !
The problem here is converting graphics that were created with a huge color palette in mind (32000+) to a 512 color palette.

Obviously, you can't take the exact same graphic assets, and simply change the colors to ones of the smaller palette. If you do this, I believe that you will have some problems obtaining a satisfying result.

In fact, graphics should probably be modified taking into account the smaller palette (that does not allow such advanced color gradients), and make use of more dithering.

That's what I think  :o

I really like the color work in both SNES Castlevania games, but gameplay wise, I largely prefer Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines.
Quote from: crazydean on 12/25/2016, 10:10 PMI recommend getting a Duo which has already been recapped and RGB modded. mickcris on here might have one of you ask nicely.

Remember, the duo had the system 3.0 card built in which is something you will need to buy if you get a cd add on.
So this can play Rondo of Blood ? Or do I need another card ?

Thank you for the answers  :)
So I should look for a console + CD-Rom solution I guess. Or maybe, I can begin with only a console with cards, and later add a CD-Rom add-on ? Is this a bad solution, or too expensive solution ?

Can I get RGB out of any configuration ?
Thank you everyone, and Merry Christmas !

Is this topic the right place to ask any kind of questions I might have ?
Because I don't know much about the PC-Engine, and I am not sure if I want one. Sorry about this :)

I know a few games about the console, I am aware of the various versions (PCE, CD-Rom, Super CD, Arcade CD). And also the 16 bits one that only had a few games.

Games that I know of, and sometimes played, are the following ones :
Rondo of Blood (that's Super Cd if I am right)
Mega Bomberman on MegaDrive : this is a poor version of Bomberman 94, no ? Because the PCE version looks pretty great.
And I also saw a great video of Ghouls'n Ghosts : the port looks pretty great.
Also, Dragon's Trap on Master System/GG : there is a better version on PCE I believe ?

Outside of those games, I don't know much. There is a Zelda clone that I would eventually try, if you tell me that's good. I know that there are some fighting games ports (Street Fighter, Fatal Fury), but I think I can live without those.

So if you happen to have good suggestions on what I should look into, I will be happy to read them.

Also, if I ever happen to buy something using this forum, I will offer some trading. I have some pretty rare stuff, but not PCE related.

So I don't know if it get some attention, but at least it is better than simply asking "hey sell me your stuff". And I'd rather trade if possible, because this will allow me spreading a few words on things I love to :)

Also : are games in english ? I suppose that japanese games are in japanese. Should I be careful about games that cannot be played at all because they are in japanese ?

Thanks for your answers in advance.
Hi everyone.

Hope you like reading ! :dance:

In real life, my name is Fabien, I am from France and I am 31 years old. Married, two children  :wink:

I have been wandering on the internet for many years, wondering if the PC-Engine was a console that I should buy. I still haven't found the answer yet, but maybe you can help me :)
I actually have the same question about the Neo-Geo, and still don't know what to do either  :lol:

I heard good things about this place in a youtube video. This one here :
So I thought I would drop by, just to see how it is.

It has been 25 years since I started playing video-games. Started with a NES, then made the switch to Sega. I have also been working on a French website dedicated to Sega for maybe 10 years. Nowadays, I only give them a hand for a few reviews. It was too time consuming for me.

Of course I still play a lot, and I usually possess every recent consoles at one moment of my life, at least to try them a bit. Of course, there are some that I keep. Currently, I play on Vita/WiiU/XboxOne.

On the oldies side, I still have my NES, a MD, Sega-CD, 32X, Game Gear, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSOne, SNES etc... The list is pretty long, and I love playing old games. I particularly love the old pixel-art graphics that we had, for 240 lines resolutions, and always play on my precious CRT :)

I keep praying that it doesn't break  [-o<

I only play in the my best conditions possible. I have high exigence for the picture quality of my consoles. For me, it means a RGB/Scart output, on my CRT, only the real thing. I don't like emulators at all, but I admit they are useful to try things out.

For example, I find the output of the standard SNES a bit blurry. However, anything Sega is pretty much flawless : Master System, MegaDrive, Saturn or Dreamcast. Living in France, I had the luck to have true RGB cables with all my Sega consoles (because they were sold with it in fact. Nintendo or Sony never did this). Sadly, our games were 50Hz, which is a total mess and depending on the game, everything is slow, are only the gameplay etc... Awful situation for us.

I do have various Everdrive cartridges for convenience, but I also have a lot of real games. I am not a collector, but a player. I will only keep games that I like and know I will play often. That's still something like 60 games on Saturn for example  :lol:

Well, I guess that's it. I will take a look at the forum and see you around !  8)