RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Leviathan024

Yup I am aware it it's not the original but it's only been powered on 2 times by me. If anyone has the proper power adapter or wants to locate one this is a chance to get a good deal on a cdx. I'm not into collecting those systems and would much prefer trading towards a nec console.
NEC Console Resource / New member, Hi !
04/05/2017, 12:26 PM
Hello retro game loving folks. I am very interested to get into the NEC console and play everdrive and burned cd based games. I have been recommended to get a Japanese duo but I am not sure if they require those arcade/expansions cards ?  Is there a user that regularly stocks re capped and functioning systems with hookups and controllers?  Thanks for any input and I look forwards to being a member here.
Thanks for the heads up on the ever drive and turbo duo I have edited the post. Unfortunately that is the power supply that came with it and seems to be the one included in most ebay sales.  The cdx has been in my collection for a while collecting dust and I would prefer it goes to someone that has a better understanding  and appreciation of these sega items
Hello folks. New member here and I am eager to play some everdrive and burned discs on a PCE Duo.

For trade towards a re capped and clean system I have a Sega CDX for trade or + $.

The CDX is in good shape but is unfortunately missing the battery door cover.  The system plays cartridge games just fine and has played tomcat alley/sonic cd (the only cd games I own)
I do think the laser is getting weak as the odd time an FMV will "skip" for a brief second but audio cds have played just fine. The system has been dissembled and cleaned with no obvious capacitor/fuse problems. Includes a MK-2103 power adapter,AV cable and a smart-16 controller.
Message me for photos

Thanks for looking!