RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Retro-Nerd

Quote from: guest on 04/28/2009, 01:10 AM@RetroNerd

Butting in, I am...

I've been alive since the Atari 2600 was first released, so before the Amiga. And I played lots of games on my Apple II, and I like a lot of them, even the crappy ones. I do agree that the PCE version of SoB looks better than the Amiga version. That's my opinion. Sorry it contradicts yours. There are no truths in preferences, only opinions. Though if you don't start being more polite to people who disagree with you we might start labeling your opinions wrong...
Sorry, but CrackTiger was so obsessed about the Genesis version. The Turbo Duo graphics are indeed better, everybody can see this. And I was the first one who said that it is a matter of taste. BT said that other than the Amiga game graphics must be better and there "couldn't" be other opinions about it.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/28/2009, 12:51 AMstriking how the PCE and MD BG screens being as alike as two peas in a pod. I guess the bright difference comes more from the emu. the MD uses some slight dithering here and there. more PLZ :)
Exactly. The most games look brighter on real hardware, even with a RGB cable. The Dynastic Hero isn't that dim on my Sony CRT.
Sorry dude, you wasn't even alive once they released the most of the old consoles/computers. Makes me smile to read all your funny comments.

Beast 3 is indeed no milestone, but better than the dull predecessors. Agony is another great example for style over gameplay. And of course i own a Turbo Duo, Amiga, C64, PSX, Dreamcast etc. Don't blame the computers, if you aren't skilled enough to play games via joystick. What a silly comment.

btw: Composite AND S-Video sucks. I prefer RGB if it's possible. Much better.

About loading times: You never heard about WHDLoad as it seems? There's no need to load Amiga games from floppy disks. I've 1000+ games on my A1200 and can start them faster as you switch your console cartridges.

Amberstar is nice, but Ambermoon is the best Amiga RPG. Very atmospheric stuff from Thalion.

And now stop this shit. It's mild entertainment to read your posts. But i want to see more screenshot comparisons.

@Dynastic Hero vs Wonder Boy V:

No clear winner. Both game versions look nice. I prefer the Turbo Duo version anyway, the soundtrack rocks.
Some different colors and slightly different graphic details. The PCE wins, i don't like such big status screen displays as you can see in the MD version, this downscales the viewable game screen.
I don't understand why you talking about cropped Amiga games or GBA ports. I have no clue why the Amiga programmer mainly used a non full PAL screen for the games. Anyway, there are some neat games in PAL overscan for the miggy. Check The Settlers, Project X or Sensible World of Soccer with resolutions up to app. 360x284.

And if we are talking about the SotB details:

I still think that e.g. the clouds aren't well drawn in the Genesis/Mega Drive port. The black shaded edges around are way too thick. This gives you the impression that the game runs in a lower resolution as it really do. Later Mega Drive games like Flink look much better. Henk Nieborg is a graphic genius.

QuoteWe get this kind of pandering a lot from non-PCE fans. "The bright PCE colors are neat for cutesy PCE games like Bonk". No one ever says "PCE colors are fine for Legend of Xanadu games". SotB PCE isn't colored anything like a Bonk game or NAI.
Only a few examples. The most PCE games are really colorful and i mainly like it. No matter if it's a cute platformer, RGP or 2D shooter. But it doesn't suite SotB, that's my opinion. The Turbo Duo Beast doesn't look like Bonk, but i still prefer the Amiga graphics/colors.

And to be honest: There are indeed awful (over) colored PCE games like Cadash or The Legendary Axe. Both are great titles in respect of the gameplay, but i can't stand this horrible color palette.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/26/2009, 11:58 PMTo me, the palette of the Amiga version of SotB reminds me of the Atari Lynx for some reason.  Maybe due to being dim without having any real dark colors.
That's no surprise, the Atari Lynx is pretty close to the Amiga graphics hardware. RJ Mical was one of the Lynx designer. The developer kit was made on an Amiga. :wink:
Yes, post more please. Especially all shots of the Sega arcade ports for the PC Engine are pretty interesting. The most of these games look (and play) indeed much better on the NEC console.

QuoteI guess it's all up to personal taste...
That's what i've said all the time.  :)
That's true. The Amiga graphic has more depth, it looks imho better. We were talking about visuals, that's all we can do here with screenshots. And these more dim, pastel colors suits SotB much better. I like colorful PCE games like Bonk or New Adventure Island. They look great in this graphic style, but SotB not. That's my opinion, no more, no less.

The youtube videos aren't good enough for a comparasion too. You have to compare all the games/game versions for yourself on real hardware if you want real answers, that's a huge difference.

QuoteThe Amiga SotB just looks like a Gameboy Advance version of the Genesis game. Which is still nice, but not as good overall.
Ok, THIS comment makes me smile. This is obviously not true. Sounds more like you lack a proper argument. But i stop here. We guys are all retro game freaks. No need to fight over such details.
Sure, you can't produce the real TV RGB scanlines with emulator filters. But not even close isn't 100% true. The Amiga has pretty strong scanlines. Well, the Genesis/Turbo Duo RGB image is much brighter, that's indeed true. At least you can see more details in my screenshot comparison. This single-pixel emulator shots are too small to see all the details.
This is how it possibly looks on a real CRT TV with RGB. The Genesis version has more colors, but i wouldn't say that it looks better than the Amiga version. The prefer the Turbo Duo graphics over the Genesis port.



Genesis (JP)




Genesis (JP)




Genesis (JP)

I've expect an answer like that. I know that i'm on a US dominated board. At least Tatsujin is a bit more objective if it comes to any other than consoles. Sad but true. Fanboy? Who created this ugly word? I would really want to know it. Sounds more like kindergarden talk.

I've played computer and consolegames since the early 80s and i'm mainly objective. You will find hardcore fans of a specific gaming platform on any boards.

btw: Comparing games by watching screenshots or youtube videos is pretty fluffy. I've played the Genesis Beast version and Amiga version on real hardware. There's no clear winner, i.e. the parallax scrolling looks much better on the computer. On the other side: The PC-Engine Beast has a better/smoother running animation. 

QuoteYou may not be able to perceive your own attitude, like Cartman or Kanye West, but you're the one spouting "broad-brush" rabid fanboy comments. All but the first of your handful of comments on this forum over two and a half years have been computer game based. You contribution to PCE discussion consists mainly of this line tacked on to the end of a random console-fan-hating post: "And YES, i'm a huge PC-Engine fan too. No doubt!!!".

What fanboy comments i've made? I said that there are of course enough Amiga action games with decent controls.  I'm mainly reading here, that's ok. But these broad-brush rant comments about "shitty" computer game controls are pretty stupid. And i cleary said that i like the well balanced PCE-CD difficulty level and re-arranged CD soundtrack.

About the colors: A lot of people worldwide like the Psygnosis graphic style from the late 80s. I said it's a matter of taste and that i prefer it over the too much colored PCE, Genesis ports. That's all. It's OK if you like the brighter console graphic style, but there are other opinions too. Tolerate it or not.   
QuoteThat was just a side note, listed down below the actual review. The review itself sounded bang on (but it wasn't positive). Yet you only posted that comment and not only dismissed him as a "console freak", but even presume that he's an NES lover... before saying that he lacks an open mind (for criticizing those with different opinions perhaps?).
This wasn't just a side note. He wanted to rant about a disk based gaming platform. Pretty obvious. There's no place in reviews for this, if he claim the objectivity for himself.

The review itself wasn't that bad, at least i share his summary. This game is boring, with all the dull ememy formations.

Yes, i know that you US guys grown up with consoles and joypads. A bit more objectivity, THAT's what i've meant. I have no problem with joysticks or joypads. Peace?  :D
Ermh. The games were written for JOYSTICKS with "up" for jumping and worked very good for that time. Later Amiga games had Joypad support. Games like BC KID, Apidya or Turrican 3 works fine with it.

QuotePfft. The Amiga wasn't even powerful enough to handle proper game controls. Silly Amiga.
Sarcasm? If not it's a pretty stupid comment. As i've said, console biased. :wink:
Quote from: bust3dstr8 on 04/26/2009, 12:02 AM
Quote from: guest on 04/25/2009, 03:17 PMI forget. Was this Shadow of the Beast comparison video on YouTube posted here previously?
Seems like Psygnosis used the same arranged soundtrack on the Marty and PCE.
That's true. The FM Towns Marty game was released a few month before the Japanese PC-Engine CD version. They used the same soundtrack.

btw: There are so many incompetent web reviews about retro games which makes me sick. This is a good example, especially this passage:

QuoteGet this only if you are very nostalgic for your Amiga or if you have an Amiga and Shadow of the Beast and for some bizarre reason like playing it but don't want to torture yourself with the 5-minute floppy load times. I'll tell you what this game did for my Amiga nostalgia: it killed it, and only for a ridiculous floppy-based system and its owners who were really starving for arcade-quality games could a game like this have been touted as being something so great. God bless cartridges, and hard drives, and companies that realized how lame it was to try to play a game with nothing but a floppy drive.

He criticses that the game was on Amiga Disk only? On a COMPUTER? The Amiga version was released in 1989 and harddrives were very expensive, especially the SCSI ones. Only a few people could afford these useful hardware at that time.

Typical console freak reviews, probably the NES generation. Without an open mind for other machines than consoles. I love all the old computer and console games, but i wouldn't write such shitty reviews. Honestly. 

Today it's pretty easy to play the old Amiga games via IDE-CF card/harddrive. Just install WHDLoad and play the old classics.  And YES, i'm a huge PC-Engine fan too. No doubt!!!
Quote from: guest on 04/25/2009, 07:17 PMThe controls are awful on the Amiga.  Like most action games on the Amiga.
This is a NOT true. There are enough Amiga action games with decent controls. Too many to list them all. Sounds like a typical "console only" user, even if you said that you own an Amiga. I hate these broad-brush comments.

The PC-Engine CD version of Beast 1 has indeed a better playability, but no better graphics. Anyway, it's still a boring game. Beast III was the only good one in this series.

QuoteThere's a big difference between technically impressive and visually impressive. The Amiga SotB has drab boring colors mixed with worse art and shading style overall than the PCE, Gen and MD versions, various versions have improved details and the Amiga player sprite doesn't look nearly as nice as the SMS and PCE versions. I like the visuals of the PCE, Gen and MD more than the Amiga.
It's a matter of taste. I prefer the more "muddy" Amiga look over the bonbon PCE colors. It matches perfectly the great atmosphere of the Amiga version. The other version looks, sounds and plays different. That's normal.

The PCE-CD version has indeed a great playability (well balanced difficulty) and an awesome CD score. That's true.  :)
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/20/2009, 12:58 PMWhy hasn't this Tim guy done any music anywhere even close to the quality of Shadow of the Beast since then?
I like his title tune for Agony (Amiga). A really nice piano track.

youtube .com/watch?v=yX-SpbE1n9Q
Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/20/2009, 03:33 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/20/2009, 02:50 AMI am disappointed that the FM Towns version STOLE the music from the PCE version.  This angers me.  I am going to write my congressman about this! 
that's because, for both version tim wright was responsible. and he didn't want to re-compose it just for the lumpy towns version.
The FM-Towns version was first, probably released late in 1991. Then they recycled Tim's soundtrack for the PC-Engine CD port, released in March 1992.
Quote from: schnuth on 10/07/2007, 09:11 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 10/07/2007, 04:38 PMI found it else where,2 versions,1 for cd titles,1 for Hucards,you need to master google my friend.
I found them through Google too, but I'll actually include links.

CD catalog:

Hucard catalog:

     The CD catalog also has a few updates to the database, which might be helpful to those with an older version.  Very cool little programs!

Yep, uploaded the catalogues some month ago for a few german user.  :wink: