10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - Beld VanGuard

Push her into the corner with punches, then when shes against the wall, just keep pressing forward while punching, you'll pin her and slap her around like the hoe owes ya money and she'll go down in 2 seconds.

This works on the other female boss there even better if I recall
I'll ask the newb question, is powergate not a good game?

Hell for $5 bucks I'd take it just to have more games =p
Quote from: MurderDate on 03/03/2008, 08:18 AMShockman is a weird game.   I have been kind of on the fence about it but nat encouraged me to hang on to it.. I guess it makes sense.. I don't plan on getting an NES any time soon so I'll just play Shockman whenever that style mood strikes.  Actually the aztec boss with the crazy legs almost makes the game worth it alone.   Can anyone out there play this one without using the famous pause cheat to refill your life?  If so , you are a PRO !
I didn't even know there was a cheat. yes, I beat the game, no life code, playing Shockman, not Sonya back in like 1996 or so. Took me about 3 weeks. I love that game

I love your reply, and that fact that it is the only one, is even better.

Now do a write up for how to beat every boss Kit =p
I'm the one guy who voted for Shockman.

I spent TONS of time playing Airzonk (got em both the same day when I was little) but Shockman had me glued. Game was very difficult, lots of neat levels, I got into the plot, and it just wouldn't end. It was the best mega man-ish game I had played in forever, and it kinda stuck with me heh
Is there a write up somewhere on these guys? If I could go downstairs and stomp that third sissy in the blue kimono jumpsuit without getting my ass handed to me, I'd dance a jig in public heh
Splash Lake and Shapeshifter, as there the 2 newest games to arrive.
Just some random ones off the top of my head I own

Raiden - I've had this game since I was like 12 or something, and I've never seen the 5th level, and i'm pretty damn good at shooters. Once you die once, your basically fucked.

Legendary Axe - Between the limited continues, the 8 billion Castlevania-esque "jump & die" scenarios set up, and the fact that it's actually quite a long game for its breed, I just never ever finished this. I recall getting the full powered axe a small handful of times though.

China Warrior - I'm surprised no one has mentioned this. Another one of the first games I owned, every 6 months or so I come back and try to beat this after trying daily for years, and about the only time I ever see the Cave level, is when I do everything else perfect and get to the bosses prior to this level with like 10 life bars heh. The bosses go from retardedly easy to ya can't hit em to save your life. I must be missing something.
I'll give ya 2 bucks for Riot Zone =p
PM sent as well

Damn you people for selling stuff at reasonable prices, I'm gonna be broke till I own everything I want heh
Hrmm wtb Blaster control PST heh
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 02/26/2008, 10:25 PMBeld VanGuard, you forgot to list the bitch getting her face slapped in the "Pro" column.  :)
Rofl, as I said, I left the cutscene info out.

However, yes, that scene was gold. I was sitting there with 2 friends, and I had just said "man I hope he just slaps the hell out of her, too bad they don't do that kinda stuff in...WHOA HAHAHHA"
Quote from: Sinistron on 02/26/2008, 08:41 PMI beat final zone II back in the day- but since I no longer own it can't list it on pcedaiusuken (yeah I always mangle that site's name) as "cleared".   :cry:
is it really that bad?  It's been a while...
I must say though - some of these top ten lists are completely absurd- imo.  I get kicks out of absurdity though so don't consider me a complainer!  :D
For some random fresh views on Final Zone II, I just recently got the game from ebay (got it yesterday). I bought it purely based on the funny voice acting, and that I liked Commando, and it looked like Commando with Mecha-suits. Now, not counting the cut scenes, which are horrid, don't help the story one bit, but are endlessly entertaining....the game breaks down like this.

+Decent graphics
+Very fast moving character
+Multiple Character Choices
+Fast action

Now the problem is...


-Game is amazingly incredibly short (I beat it in 2 hours, only 7 lvls?)
-1 random horrid space shooter level
-Forced to play 2 characters several times and only getting 2 chances to play (imo) the 2 best characters
-Infuriating "explosive damage" mechanics
-Restrictive level designs
-Very easy once you get used to it

The few things the game does right, it shoots itself in the god damn foot on. Multiple characters that are (mostly) very different? Hell yes. Too bad were pigeon holed into playing the main character or his wife (who are almost the same) most of the game, and since the game is SO bloody short, there isn't even a chance to correct this. The action is nice and fast, but not being able to run and shoot takes away from the "Commando" experience. I have NEVER played a game of this style that forced me to shoot and move, it wasn't strategic, it was aggravating. Especially considering how many of the other level and enemy unit mechanics play out, particuarily some of the mini-boss routines, it hobbles your character, and thus fun factor, greatly. Plus in the short 7 levels, I can name several times where the game suddenly restricted where I could walk (again, mostly boss battles) forcing me to play a certain way not condusive to feel of the game (or sane strategy)

Again, voice acting/cutscenes aside, this is a game with a ton of potential that did everything it could to cut it's own nuts off, or cripple it's few original fun ideas. The game needed 12-24 levels, maybe a password feature if the levels remained as long as they are. It needed full access to all the characters, co-op mode, shooting while moving, more boss variety, and no random restrictions on your movement capabilities.

I'm not mad I bought it, I got it pretty cheap...but I wouldn't have paid what I did had I known. Final Zone II gets a 4/10, I had fun, but I had to fight for it, and when I finally won my fun, the game was long over.

Ya that can be in the top 10 worst CD's, if for nothing else, the missed opportunities.

Whew...rant over lol
Quote from: akaviolence on 02/25/2008, 12:50 AMYeah, there were definetly several surprises! I thought bonk3 would have went for more than it did, but its been years since I really watched them sell on ebay... I once sold bonk3 for $350 and super air zonk for $250 to someone outside of ebay, but that was also a few years back...
Thanks a bunch to all who bid!
Between the killing you made on Shadowgate, Exile II, Cotton, The video chicks cd's, Godzilla, and the RPG's, more than makes up for the "low" numbers on Bonk and Zonk heh. Grats on your new found riches sir, and thanks for the 2 games heh  :dance:
Alot of those games went for WAY more than I ever imagined. Akaviolence is gonna be a happy camper that's for sure.

I think he made about 3 grand on those sales.

I didn't win anything I really wanted, but I got 2 goodies, so i'm happy heh
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: $9,999.99
02/24/2008, 03:52 PM
Quote from: Kitsunexus on 02/24/2008, 02:30 PM
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!
Quote from: guest on 02/23/2008, 11:36 PM
Quote from: runinruder on 02/23/2008, 02:17 PMWasn't Lords of the Rising Sun released as Rising Sun in Japan?

I think Loom got a JP release as well. 
Shit!  Right on both counts, runinruder.  ](*,)
Welcome to 1984 =p
Quote from: BonksRevenge on 02/23/2008, 02:42 PMwow, a lot of shoot em up fans here
Turbo systems line did shooters better than anyone has ever, it's no surprise theres so many shooter fans who love the system  :)
Ah Ave 3 and 6, ok.

Those work with US systems I assume?
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB Duo Controller
02/23/2008, 02:28 PM
Title says it all. I'd like a standard Duo Controller, working obviously.

Gotta get 4 controls before DEII shows up =p

Appreciate the help, PM me with info.
So I acquired a copy of Forgotten Worlds and recently got around to playing it, and the control scheme is....well fecking awful to say the least.

I read somewhere that there is a 3 button controller that makes the game much easier to play? I also heard the Ave 6 controllers (which I think I have 2 of, I don't see that name printed on them tho, but it's the 6 buttons with slow mo etc) do not work with the game. I haven't bothered to test it yet as I prefer the old style controller.

Does anyone know anything about this magical 3 button controller? Or at the least, an easier way to cope with those controls?

Quote from: guest on 02/23/2008, 02:16 PM
Quote from: guyjin on 02/23/2008, 02:12 PMwow. I had no idea there were that many US exclusives. None of those were released in Japan?
I don't think so, but I've been wrong before.  Once back in the late '80s.
I like the cut of this man's gib.

Please keep in mind as I update this, that I have personally played very very few of these in both formats (it's under 10) so if I end up accidently typing out my ass about something, by all means, please correct me.
Ah maybe it's 4 HuCards that the US got, not games total. I know the #4 was important in there somewhere.

I'll go correct the mistakes I made and update the list with the new info.

Thanks much
From SanJose CA, but don't let that fool ya, I'm a nice guy I promise.

Currently residing in Mesa AZ since I can afford to live here and not in CA =p

I grew up playing TG-16 and CD in the demo kiosk at Toys R Us for hours until my mom physically had to pull me off of it. Asked for a TG-16 every birthday and Christmas since it came out, never got it. Hell I didn't get my NES till 1990 I think, my mom was not supportive of my 1 true love heh.

Anyways, right when TG-16 started to get rushed out of stores in the US, my aunt who totally forgot to get me something on my birthday was "forced' to get me something nice. I asked for a TG-16. She picked it up for $30 bucks, and I was happy as could be. Spent the next 2 years checking Game Hunters and Toys R Us-es for backstock, usually found in a small dust covered shoe box behind the game counter, for TG games and ordering from TZD with all of my allowance until I moved here. Then TZD died, now the great ebay hunt begins, sigh heh.

Nice to meet ya =p
Got the list started. I'm leaving out a few things that have been mentioned for 3 reasons

1: I need confirmation as I've heard conflicting reports.

2: I'd like a cleaner way to present it, still working on that for some.

3: I don't understand wtf it means (Someone explain the Crater Maze differences?  I've never played it)

Something I also need help on, is the whole Adventure Island series mess. Theres ALOT of games in the series in Japan from what I understand, Dynastic Hero, Dragon's Curse etc, and all the titles got moved around due to Adventure Island in the US. Can someone clarify this for me?

Also, the full titles of the Bonk games in Japanese, and the 4 games released in the US not in Japan (I forgot them all, I'm awesome, sigh  :cry: ) would help alot.

Thanks for the input, I'll keep on this.
I voted for Bloody Wolf. Some downhome arcade action, and even with minimal writing the story was halfway decent, I dug it.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 02/20/2008, 09:44 PMi'm kind of disappointed about how many of you don't appreciate the awesomeness of the 2nd to none R-Type :cry:
Oh I assure you, I love R-type to death. I think it, Raiden, 1942, and Skyshark were the first 4 shooters I spent forever on as a child.
However, Blazing Lazers has just so much batshit insane weaponry, it's hard not to love it. R-type was all about insane levels and the coolest bosses ever to grace the screen in 10 years. BL was all about the most insane weapons in any shooter ever. I have yet to meet a game that can equal the craziness of your weaponry in that.
Yeah see, we have info for this kinda stuff all over. The 3 examples I cited in my post, I have found reading this website and forum all over for info. Having a compiled area would be very helpful, be it a sticky post, a wiki, or whatever.
Again, I'm more than down to help with whatever, just wish I had some of the games heh.

On a side note, pointing out the Splatterhouse differences, When you beat the floating heads/cross/whatever, in the US version, there is a long musical scene with Rick standing in front of the exit of the cathedral room, wish 2 candles blowing. This scene plays 2 types of music, 1 happy, 1 scary, with a big gap in the middle, for a total of like 40 seconds. NOTHING is happening, I've assumed something massive was cut here for years, am I right? Or do I have some kinda wonky version?
Apologies if there is something like this already here, either in a forum post I have missed or a part of the main website I haven't seen yet, but I've seen some various posts about, full of some very useful information regarding differences big and small between Japanese and US games. I was thinking maybe we could compile a post or a website section dedicated to this information. Whether it be trying to save money on different versions like I was helped with (Cotton having English options in the Japanese version, as well as being much cheaper than the US release), in the game being completely different difficulty wise (Exile II) or even just minor things people want to know out of curiosity (The shopkeep not talking in the US version of Lords of Thunder) I think this would be a very helpful and popular section. Would also help people decide which version to buy, if not both, and knowing if a Japanese version is playable without much lost (Obviously RPG's have alot of text/voice acting but some games are not so obvious till you get them home)
Sadly I don't have any foreign games, so I don't think I personally (least for now) could help with this much, but I know we got some dedicated collectors and information hounds here, this could be a fun project. Worst case, I have a girlfriend who is learning Japanese, maybe she can translate some crap heh.

What do you all think? Again I apologize if there is something like this already on here, I looked before posting I promise heh.

*EDIT*  Clearly a work in progress. Gonna list the US titles and examples. I'll be cleaning this up as I collect more info or think of nicer ways to display it

Aero Blasters         
Air Zonk  - Title Change "PC Denjin",  Moo Moo the Cow has massive udders? The Charge up Bomb is a Coiled pile of Feces. Playable as an English speaker? Yes    
Alien Crush - Title difference "Alien Crash" Playable as an English speaker? Yes       
Andre Panza Kick Boxing - Title difference "Kick Boxing", no Andre Panza license in Japan. Playable as an English speaker? Yes   
Battle Royal     
Blazing Lazers  - Title difference "Gunhed", very different title screens. Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Bloody Wolf - Cinematic intro Street Fighter II style in Japanese version. Playable as an English speaker? Yes but some minor text will be missed.     
Bomberman '93     
Bonk's Adventure - Title change "PC Genjin", level names are present in Japanese, none in US. Stage 2 of meat transformation is very feminine/homosexual (makeup, flower) as opposed to angry/burnt in the US. Playable as an English speaker? Yes       
Bonk's Revenge - Title change "PC Genjin 2", Playable as an English speaker? Yes        
Bonk 3: Bonk's Big Adventure - Title change "PC Genjin 3",    Playable as an English speaker? Yes    
Cadash - Intro is in "Engrish" as opposed to English Playable as an English speaker? Yes but minor text will be missed. Talk to everyone.          
Champions Forever Boxing    
Chase H.Q.    
China Warrior           
Crater Maze    
Darkwing Duck - US Title Only!
Davis Cup    
Dead Moon    
Deep Blue    
Devils Crush    Title Difference "Devils Crash", Pentagram removed in US version, Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Double Dungeons     
Dragon Spirt     
Dragons Curse    
Drop Off    
Dungeon Explorer            
Falcon - US Title Only!   
Fantasy Zone        
Final Lap Twin     
Galaga `90 - Title Change 'Galaga '88 (Came out first in Japan) Playable as an English speaker? Yes    
Ghost Manor        
Gunboat - US Title Only!   
Hit the Ice    
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf        
Jack Chan's Action Kung-Fu        
JJ & Jeff  - Title change "Kato & Ken", lots of crude humor, farting attacks etc not present in US, No urinating. Character face artwork has been redone.    
Keith Courage - Title Change "Wataru", based off an anime in Japan, different title screen, and character art, related to anime. Playable as an English speaker? Yes         
King of Casino    
Legend of Hero Tonma    
Legendary Axe        
Legendary Axe II - Nudity (Boobs) in Japanese version. Playable as an English speaker? Yes               
Magical Chase              
Military Madness- Title difference. Nectaris in Japan. Playable as an English speaker? No        
Moto Roader    
Neutopia -   Playable as an English speaker? Maybe. Game Hints would be unreadable, resulting in possible confusion/getting stuck
Neutopia II -   Playable as an English speaker? Maybe. Game Hints would be unreadable, resulting in possible confusion/getting stuck
New Adventure Island    
Night Creatures     
Ninja Spirit-    Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Order of the Griffon -    US Title Only!
Parasol Stars     
Power golf        
Psychosis - Title difference "Paranoia", levels are switched between versions. Alien no longer tells you to "Fuck Off" (really? wow lol)   
R-Type - Game was released in 2 parts in Japan.  Both were finally released together in Japan on CD called R-type Final. Playable as an English speaker? Yes 
Samurai Ghost             
Silent Debuggers         
Sinistron - Title Change "Violent Soldier" Difficulty and routines of certain bosses/areas of levels have been changed. Difficulty between the 2 games fluctuates between versions for various reasons.  Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Soldier Blade    
Somer Assault- Title Change "Mesopotamia" All religious aspects of the game have been removed.  Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Sonic Spike    
Space Harrier          
Splatterhouse - Terror Mask is White and very Hockeymask-esqe instead of a purple voodoo mask. The green flying head is in it's original form as a gold inverted cross. Several small edits in gore and other religious icons (Specifics?) Golden Cleaver isn't gold in the Japanese version(can anyone confirm?) Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Super Star Soldier    
Super Volleyball            
Takin' it to the Hoop    
Tailspin - US Title Only!    
Tiger Road    
Time Cruise    
Tricky Kick    
TV Sports Basketball    
TV Sports Football    
TV Sports Hockey         
Veigues Tactical Gladiator    
Victory Run    
World Class Baseball    
World Court Tennis    
World Sports Competition    


Addam's Family
Bonk 3 - Bonk's Big Adventure - US Title (CD) only! Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Buster Brothers
Cosmic Fantasy 2 - Status Effects missing from Japanese version. Floppy Disc mini quest not present in US. Playable as an English speaker? No, RPG, Text and item heavy.
Exile - Playable as an English speaker? Maybe. If prices are memorized of items and you don't mind missing the story, it's playable. Buy the "price" of an item you want, and talk to everyone once to make sure you don't miss a plot point.
Fighting Street - Playable as an English speaker? Yes      
Final Zone 2 -   Playable as an English speaker? Yes. However you'll miss some of the "story" via cutscenes, and miss out on the 'awesome' US voice acting
It Came from the Desert - US Title Only!   
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf    
J.B. Harold Murder Club    
Last Alert    
Lords of the Rising Sun - US Title Only!        
Magical Dinosaur Tour    
Monster Lair
Sherlock Holmes Vol.1
Splash Lake
Valis 2        
Valis 3        
Y'S Book 1 & 2- Playable as an English speaker? Highly not recommended, as it is an RPG. Text heavy
Y's 3 Wanderers from Y'S- Playable as an English speaker? Highly not recommended, as it is an RPG. Text heavy


Beyond Shadowgate - US Title Only!
Bonk's Adventure (3 in 1)
Bonk's Revenge ( 3 in 1)
Camp California - US Title Only!
Cotton- Japanese version is drastically cheaper than US versions. Has text option to be in Japanese or English. Playable as an English speaker? Yes, especially since English text can be selected in options
Dragon Slayer: Legend of Heroes - Playable as an English speaker? No, RPG, text and item heavy.
Dungeon Explorer II - Playable as an English speaker? Yes, minor amounts of voice acting and text will be missed, game still playable, no major issues.
Dungeon Master Theron's Quest - Playable as an English speaker? No, RPG, text/item heavy
Dynastic Hero
Exile II: Wicked Phenomenon            
Forgotten Worlds - Enhanced Sound options in JPN version. Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Gate of Thunder - Playable as an English speaker? Yes    
John Madden Football - US Title Only!   
Loom - US Title Only!
Lords of Thunder - Title Change "Winds of Thunder", the shopkeeper talks and her lips move as opposed to static graphic and text. Intro is narrated. Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Might and Magic 3
Prince of Persia
Riot Zone - Title Change "Crest of Wolf" Playable as an English speaker? Yes but why would you want too?
Shadow of the Beast - Cutscenes are full screen instead of windowed in Japan's version, but the loading time is atrocious. Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Super Air Zonk
Syd Mead's Terraforming                
Shape Shifter - Character is wearing a shirt in Japanese version as opposed to topless. Playable as an English speaker? Yes
Sherlock Holmes Vol.2
Sim Earth           
Blazing Lazers/Gunhed got my vote

Was tough between that and Military Madness tho
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 02/18/2008, 07:21 PMDEII was definately the way to go, second I would look at Exile II, as it is a great game, with awesome voice acting and superb graphics.  Cotton, nothing against it, as it is an ok game, but I think you would be dissapointed with it.  I would rank that lower than Terraforming in my top SCD shmups.  Anything over $30 would be sickening to your wallet!
I've heard Terraforming is one of the best (and rarest) games for SCD. Is it not good? I know NOTHING about it.
Ok, the masses have spoken, DE II is in the mail as of tomorrow along with the other goodies.

Appreciate all the input and advice. I'm paying slightly over $100 for it, but all his prices are including shipping etc, so it's about right in the end.

Now if I can just win those auctions up for Cotton and Exile II i'll be good to go until someones suggests something else I should buy heh.
Wow, that is indeed a wonderful set.

I got some bids in, I'm sure you all can guess which games I'm bidding on =p
I've been telling my friends, co-workers, and fellow gamers for years (usually after they ask "what game system is THAT?") that the Turbo series of systems for it's time, was far and away, without arguement, the best system ever made. Then I'd proceed to pound them with info and facts and counterpoints till I won lol.

If these "experts" don't wish to cover this milestone is gaming technology, hell with em.

We need a show just dedicated to NEC's gaming....
Ah apologies, totally missed that post. Thanks
Ah I've wanted Cotton since I saw the video on Youtube, I do indeed love the style, and I heard it's actually a very hard shooter, and I tend to hate myself, so I must have it heh.

However he is asking quite a bit more than 60 bucks for it, so I'll have to pass on it for now, plus it sounds like I'd be just fine with the Japanese one. Now the problem is finding one (and not finding a ton of shirts and spools of cloth and cotton on ebay while searching for it heh)

I'm hearing some mixed stuff on Exile II now, price and rarity wise, and ebay isn't much help, only 1 copy in english up, and it's from some ripoff store so, that's very unhelpful heh. Probably gonna go with the masses and go for DEII. It's slightly over a C bill but that seems close to the normal, and that includes shipping, so, I should take my good fortune of finding a complete one and run with it I suppose. He has another copy with a photocopied manual he'll let go a bit cheaper, but the collector in me is telling me not to be a cheapskate and just get it heh.

So anyone got a Japanese copy of Cotton for sale? =p
Quote from: Kitsunexus on 02/16/2008, 01:35 AMYou should get China Warrior, it's cool.
I've had China Warrior since 1996 sir, way ahead of you lol.

I can't beat that damn game to save my life though. I remember there being some guy wearing a blue dress/shirt thing at the end of the third or fourth level, I beat him like....1 time, and only because I had like 4 life bars saved up lol. Saw the cave level once, and got owned by the second guy =(

Damn hard game
Oh, one more quick question.

I had heard Cotton and DEII were "very rare" games, although Rover from what I've been reading on the forums really knows his stuff.

Is there a post that has the titles separated into "rarity" categories? That could help me in the future before making anymore purchases.

Ah it's not a scam, he's a collector who watches all the turbo auctions going on, and saw me lose one for Vasteel that I was winning all week, and let me know he had one for sale. Sold it to me for a very nice price and has a bunch of custom pictures for stuff i've asked about. His ebay acct has a nigh flawless rating too, so no worries, I'm safe.

I've never played either of the Exile games (#1 is in the mail, and I've seen the youtube vid for it, looks very cool) and I've heard #2 was cool. He is asking a bit for them all, I'm not a crazy english only collector or anything, I just don't wanna miss anything, as has been pointed out by some of you.

So Cotton loses NOTHING in the Japanese version as opposed to the English one? Does it have a different title? I don't believe I have ever seen Cotton for sale anywhere, in either format.

The DE II is complete and in english, and from my research it seems like that one always fetches a high price tag.

Sounds like I should pick DE II for several reasons....anymore feedback is appreciated tho!

Thanks again
Hello, I recently found this site, and it's a great boon to know we Turbo fans have a community, I wish I found it sooner!

Anyways, I recently acquired my first Duo (been playing my T-16 for like 15 years though) so I'm beginning my collection of CD and SCD games.

A collector from evilbay recently contacted me, and he has some very rare titles in pristine condition, however the prices are a tad steep and I can only afford one.

So I was wondering from you more experienced gamers, especially those of you who own any of the following titles, which you would get if you could only have one and why. For the record, I enjoy all game types except sports games, so genre doesn't come into play with me really. I've been leaning toward more RPG's and Shooters tho.

Appreciate the input!

The titles are

Exile II
Dungeon Explorer II

Also one quick addition, how much does a good copy of Neutopia II with a case (I assume a repackage since it doesn't come with one) usually run?

Thanks again, and nice to meet you all
