10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - retromangia

Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
09/20/2014, 09:47 AM
Hey Joe, great show brotha man... I was thinking, how about an episode on PC-Engine only games.  I know you do left in Japan, but an episode dedicated to the pc-engine would be great. It would be great to see what you have to say about the games, showing games that are import friendly and don't require you to know Japanese.

thanks mang!
Howdy folks,

Just wondering if someone could recommend a few nice PC-Engine games that go for under a $10'er.  They don't need to be complete, bare card is fine.  Just looking for some descent games that won't break the bank

Yup, I'm a PC newb  #-o

Thanks guys!
ok awesome thanks for the help!

I didn't have time to work on it last night, but will tinker with it today..  I'll let you know how it turns out.

Thanks again,

Nat you are the man

well good news is i think you hit it right on the head.  The audio does indeed return when a new scene loads, a boss fight comes up etc.  I wish i had an original CD game to test it.  is there a way to tweak the laser?
Hey guys.

Retro here again with another TG-CD situation.  If i leave it sitting on my floor turned off for over an hour, it won't play any games. However, If i then leave it on for 15 minutes under a towel to warm up... The next time i turn it on it usually works. what do you think might be causing that issue?

another thing is that after I'm playing for 2-3 hours... the CD Audio will start to randomly drop out at any time.. The sound effects still work though. Also the load times start to become ridiculously long.

I must be honest and admit I'm using CD-R games.  ](*,)

Please tell me there's an easy solution to all this.. I have a feeling its.. Gulp, bad caps! duh duh duh!  :shock:

so what do you think guys?

alright thanks guys!  It's good to know i'm not the only one who notices this! =)  Sometimes i wish i didn't pay such close attention to detail.. would make life ALOT easier!  8)
sometimes during a game while loading a new scene...The unit will click after the laser has moved.  it almost sounds like this... (laser moving) rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrClick.    Right at the end after the lasers done moving.  but only a few times at the same spots during a game..

i've heard these drives are loud, so does that sound accurate to you guys?

yeah i bet it looks awesome in S-video... but the mods cost almost $100! so i think i'll stick with composite for now unless i can find that mod cheaper..

anyway,  my drive stopped working again today... i guess petroleum jelly isnt the best stuff.

so this time i had some gear grease lying around, and lubed that baby up again big time.

she purrs now! =) 

oh yeah, and sometimes during a game while loading a new scene...The unit will click after the laser has moved.  it almost sounds like this... (laser moving) rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrClick.    Right at the end after the lasers done moving.  but only a few times at the same spots during a game..

i've heard these drives are loud, so does that sound accurate to you guys?

-Retromanga  :-k
HOLY CRAP!!!..... I owe you guys a round of drinks...

SHE LIVES!!!!  =P~

I opened her up carefully... removing the ribbon cables was the hardest part as i didn't want to be to rough on them... I chose the needle nose pliers method, and was very careful not the rip them... I've learned the way of the wiggle =)  Also when i put them back in, i found it easier to use my fingers alone.

Once i was inside the beast... i tried to spin the gears with my finger.. and they would not budge!! So i said, bingo! there's the problem right there. I carefully unstuck the gears with my finger nail and got them cog's moving again.  After that i used a cue-tip with rubbing alcohol to first clean around the gear area, along with the 2 bar/screws that the laser moves back and forth on. Once those were cleaned up i applied a very small amount of petroleum jelly on them to help keep them running buttery smooth.  That laser has never been happier!

Fired her up with a music CD, and BAM! I could almost hear the CD unit saying Rooooaaarrr!!

Frank Sinatra never sounded so good =)

Thanks for all the help guys, it's very appreciated!!  I didn't think this was going to be so easy.   =P~

So where do i go from here???  you guys recommend getting that back up Hu-card right?  and in order to do that I'd have to get this bad boy region modded correct??  Do i really need that card.. is the save unit really that bad inside the system? 

If i did get it region modded, then i could use a nice cheap Japanese system 3.0 card right??  it's CRAZY how expensive the US version is!! i think i saw it for almost $200 alone the other day! RIDICULOUS!

and while I'm at it.. why not throw S-video in there!

what do you guys think!?

wow thanks for the generous amounts of reply's guys!

you guys really know your Shit! (can i say shit?) =)

kid_rondeau i will try your method today and get back to you

Lets hope this works!.... now where did i put those needle nose pliers?
hey guys, my first post here. this place rules...Such dedication! =)

anyhow, i recently acquired a broken TG-16 CD unit, and I'm pretty sure it's just the laser that needs replacing.  Here's the scoop:

1.)Turn the system on, the system disc 2.0 screen appears, I hit run.... Nothing =) on the cd unit iself t says "PC" with a game disc in, and a 0 when its an audio cd.
2.) I made sure both locks were locked, am using the original adapter, cleaned the lens with cue tips and alcohol, blew compressed are on the inside and on the docking station. I even tried it as a portable player with a music CD using the plain old TG-16 A/C adapter, and still a no go.
3.) However, The motor "kicks" for a split second when i first power it up from the docking station. Also, at that very same moment The laser makes a clicking noise and almost "jumps". They both kick up just once though. Plus in a dark room, I can see that the laser does indeed shoot a red laser. 
4.) All the above would lead me to believe that everything is working so to speak, except the laser.  Am I correct?

and finally, What's the safest way to replace a laser?  So far I've open the back and removed the 4 screws. unfortunately the Top is attached to the bottom by one small wire running to the headphone jack (the soldering spot looks kinda brown/discolored, should i worry about that?), so it's hard to work around in there.  Then I see there's one lonely screw in the middle of the main board, and he doesn't want to budge easy.  Now I didn't try too hard to take that screw out, as I'm wondering if thats the best way to get inside the unit and replace the laser and inspect the system's insides.

hope to hear from ya guys!

I know we can get this sucker workin'!  :-"