OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Miracle_Warrior

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Canadian Items
11/25/2017, 08:19 PM
Dug through my stuff and found these manuals to be all french.  I have the matching boxes as well, but sadly nothing on your wanted list :(

Quote from: guest on 07/10/2017, 10:10 AMNice score.  I didn't realize the Booster had canuck specific packaging; is the Turbob box (other than the sticker) regular US version or is it canuckler too?

Quote from: wiseau on 07/09/2017, 07:56 PMSo what was the bonus game that came with keith courage?
Yeah, what was it?  I assume it was one of the regular boxed games.
I believe it came with a mail away card where you were able to pick one from a small handful of games.  I think you're right, it was likely one of the games in the picture.
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 07/09/2017, 01:23 PMAwesome find! What may I ask did you end up paying for it?
I wound up paying 300 for the lot.
Purchased some Genesis games from a garage sale yesterday and I asked the man if he had any other gaming stuff. He mentioned that he had some Colecovision and turbografx 16 items, but didn't feel like fishing them out as it was the end of the day. He took my number and said he'd text me. This morning I wake up and he sends me a list of what he had and said if I wanted it, I could come grab it today. Here's what I came away with.  I thought the massive Christmas sale sticker on the face of the box was a definite upgrade over Zack Morris :)  The Keith Courage Comic too was a nice bonus.

Next in case buyer backs out.  Thanks.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
11/16/2016, 05:35 PM
Quote from: Killjoyy027 on 11/12/2016, 09:00 AMGet a Retro USB AVS and an NES everdrive and then play everything Nintendo ever made Instead of just 30 games. Avoid the hunt and the evil price gougers on eBay. I love mine and now I have no desire to own this thing anymore
This!  I received my AVS yesterday and fired my everdrive up and I am certain this is the way to go for you NES fans.  I have pretty much liquidated the majority of my game library and picked up everdrives for the Master System, Genesis, Turbo, NES and SNES.  I am feeling so liberated :)
Played through some Beyond Shadowgate last night and kept an open mind.  I know the game isn't for everyone, but I am actually enjoying it so far.  My son is getting a kick out solving the puzzles, so I think I am going to see this one through. 

Johnny, I'm hoping to get in to Ys IV at some point soon as well - how are you enjoying it?
Hey Jello, I'd be on board to order one of these.  If I grab the supergrafx one, would the design stop me from using it on a duo as well? 
Bernie, may not be an RPG, but have you play Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain yet?  It's an excellent game (slow loading times though), with a really engaging story.
Susie Scribbles was $119.99? Daaaaamn.
Quote from: sportbettor on 10/20/2015, 04:22 PM
Quote from: BlueBMW on 10/19/2015, 09:41 PMsportbettor.... that name sound so familiar.  Years ago I think I may have bought/traded with you for Megaman X2,X3,7 and Soccer CIB on That was quite a while ago.
Yeah lol, for whatever reason I just stopped collecting 10 years ago.  But I just cold turkey quit Destiny a month ago and decided to get out my old games and figured i might as well try and complete some of the collections that I'm close to done with.  Is gametz still active?  I might go back over there at some point.
No freaking way, sportbettor?  What the heck happened to you man?  You just fell off the face of the earth.  I dealt with you quite a bit if I recall, but that was like 10+ years ago through gametz.  Always liked you.  I think we should cut him some slack guys, I recall him always being extremely fair with fellow gamers.  He always had the best stuff.  I still have the river city ransom you dealt to me all those years ago :)  One of my most prized pieces.  Love that game.

I'd love to catch up, hear what you've been up to.  Hit me up here or on gametz and we can talk about those boxes you're looking for..
Congrats Bernie and many thanks to Sparky for raffling this off. 
Quote from: guest on 08/14/2015, 10:46 PMNulltard didn't realize that taking just one gerbil out of the wheel for a little "me" time would totally cut the power to his websever
Winner!!  :)
Those outer sleeves for Exile look fantastic Sparky, I can see them showing up too. 
Quote from: guest on 08/10/2015, 07:38 PMWell at least that is cleared up man, and we know who did it.
So again, it was never stated in the listing this was a repro?  My god it is right on it, shady mc-shades they are.
Nope, it wasn't mentioned at all.  Further, the prices the games were listed for on Ebay were just slightly better than other BINs.  Nothing lead me to believe that some of the contents were repros.  Like professor said, lesson learned.
And here are the pictures.  I feel like such an idiot.  This is a Sparky reproduction. 

Quote from: esteban on 08/10/2015, 03:43 PMI could actually say more, but I fear most folks won't even read 1/4 of my prior post.
I read your post and I concur, people are pussies :)
I will get photos of the map tonight for sure, but I am almost certain it looks just like the one in the sale that Tiger posted.
Quote from: guest on 08/10/2015, 01:31 PMi feel bad :(
Don't feel bad Sparky, not your fault at all.  Professor, thanks for remaining objective throughout this; I know you had your reservations at first, and rightfully so, but I'm glad the community is now aware at least and can be a little less ignorant than I was. 

I would file a Paypal claim, but I've already agreed to sell the Beyond Shadowgate to a member here.  At least he will be able to enjoy it at a discount :).  I still have M and M III.  Yes, I will take a loss in the end, but like you said, this isn't the stock market.  It's not about the money per se, it's the dishonesty that bothers me.  He could have just been upfront about it and I would have still bought them, just wouldn't have paid nearly as much as I did. 

A partial refund would be the best solution in my opinion, but I have zero hope that Ninja will follow through on something like that.  He had his chance to do so when this was just between him and I and chose to play the "I didn't know...and it's too late" card instead.  What a shame.

So Thewarriorsedgegaming is Ninja?  The plot thickens.
For a second there, I thought you might be from Edmonton with the 780 prefix.  Welcome to the community :).
Alright, here are the e-mails.  Most recent at the top.  He stopped responding after my last e-mail unfortunately.  As you can see, I paid $525 for BS and MMIII...I definitely wouldn't have paid that for 2 games that contained repro inserts. 

I'll draw your attention to where he claims he didn't know they were fake in his last e-mail to me, and suggested that he couldn't offer a refund because he would have no way of knowing that I didn't put the fake inserts in there myself.

Hi Allen,

Thanks for the reply, I do agree that the deal was decent, but I never once thought the items were not original.  It's an honest mistake on both our parts.  When I got the game, everything looked fine.  It was until I inspected it further that I realized something was fishy.  It's not all fake.  It's the poster and back insert only.  I can see how this slipped past you and myself as well, but comparing them to official copies of the game left me with a huge pit in my stomach, because despite getting a decent deal, I never would have bought shadowgate if I knew it was not authentic.

Might and Magic seems fine with the exception of the map, but I don't have another copy to compare it to. 

Beyond Shadowgate is the more coveted game of the two I bought, so I'm not sure what the next steps are.  I mean, I can send you shadowgate back if you like.  I can't sell it myself because I know it's not all complete.  Which means did have to sell it as case, cd and manual only which would won't likely be worth the effort. I'd still be the one losing out here. 

I agree that I did say I was happy with the items, but I honestly didn't inspect them as I should have. 

From: None None <thewarriorsedgegaming>
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 2:04:14 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Hi T,

   I was not aware that the inserts or the backing were not real. I get games in lots and only test them for functionality. You did see the photos on Ebay and chose to go outside Ebay for the sale. It has been 2+ months since we have made the deal so I am unsure as to what you would like me to to do? I do not do dirty business as you can see from my feedback. I do not check every little detail for originality as I would not have the time and that's why I list everything as acceptable. With that being said waiting 2 months to contact me on it makes it tough on me to determine that things were the same as when I sold them, not saying you did anything but this is why I do not like to go outside Ebay. I also contacted you shortly after the sale and you were more than happy about what you had received. You also got it for much less than I was asking to begin with and much less than copies that were not complete what so ever. Again I was not aware of the validity of the paper work. I look over prices on Ebay and list mine for a fair price that is most times lower than anyone else.


On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 11:32 AM, "TRF" <> wrote:

Hi Allen,
Just contacting you again, have you had a chance to review my last e-mail?

On Friday, May 29, 2015 9:57 AM, "TRF" < > wrote:

Allen, I am writing you in regards to my purchase of Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III.  I'm a bit torn about this, because I've just discovered that not everything in at least the Beyond Shadowgate game is legitimate.  The poster is a reprint and not the official one released with the game.  I don't know if you know this or not, but I have since done more research and even see another copy of the game to compare and the one you sent me definitely isn't legit.  I also suspect that the back insert is also not legit unfortunately.  I am going to check on Might and Magic III as well.  As far as I can tell, the manual and CDs are fine, it's the packaging. 


From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: April 22, 2015 6:57 AM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Awesome, glad to hear you got them ok.
On Wednesday, April 8, 2015 3:11 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
Hey there!  Just a heads-up that the games arrived yesterday and I am very happy with them.  Thank you very much!
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: April 04, 2015 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Just checking in T.
    Have you received the games yet?
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:00 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
As far as Turbografx goes, I'm pretty much right where I want to be.  The only real missing pieces are the games I had mention earlier.  Cotton, Super Air Zonk, Bonk's 3 and Magical Chase (US).  I do have a JP copy of Magical Chase, so that will be a good place holder until I find the US release.  I have the rest of the Hu Cards that were decent on the Turbografx, and the CDs as well.  Oh, Bomberman is one of the hu cards I wouldn't mind picking up. I do have Bomberman '94, but not the original Bomberman.  I see that you have a copy of it, but it's sealed.   
Here is a link to my collection:
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
How far along on your collection are you?
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:43 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
Thank you very much Allen!  Really excited.
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Ok it did not give me the option for tracking number but this is the label number and it said it has delivery confirmation.
Thanks again, I hope you enjoy them!!!
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:41 PM, None None <thewarriorsedgegaming24> wrote:
yeah, comes with all the goodies too.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:23 PM, "TRF" <> wrote:
Oh, I see the pictures on your Ebay page.  Really cool man. 
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
If you do it as a gift I can go 525. Otherwise the 550 covers ship and paypal fees. I am not making much on these games, nor is that my intention. I am into them for a bunch and I am looking to try and at least break even :-) If you are worried about gifting I understand but know I am not here to try and burn people, I would rather you come back and buy more :-) My Ebay feedback says a lot.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:03 PM, "TRF" <> wrote:
We're so close.  I was going to offer $500 shipped for the pair.
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
I do have a PCE with cd in box. some PCE games (commons) Sega and the like I am currently collecting myself.
Anyhow on to the task at hand. I know how to ship to Canada fairly cheap by using first class mail. If you want the 2 games I can do it for 550 shipped through paypal. First class takes a bit but it avoids the customs hold up so all in all faster than normal. If you are going to take them I will ship them out first thing in the morning for you.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:49 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
Nothing in particular, just thought it'd be nice to see what you've got.  I collect mainly for the Turbografx/PC Engine, Sega Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Saturn and Dreamcast.
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Was there something you were looking for?
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:19 PM, None None <thewarriorsedgegaming24> wrote:
No I do not :-(
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 3:54 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
That's too bad.  Do you have a website or something with your inventory?
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Wow you just missed me lol I had most of them at the start of this month.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:58 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
Works for me.  Aside from the games you've got listed, I am also looking for Cotton, Super Air Zonk and Bonk's 3 (CD).  Of course, Magical Chase is another game that continues to elude me, but I don't suppose you've got that kicking around. 
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
I do often get new stuff soI can keep an eye out if your looking for a boxed one.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:53 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
No worries man, it was worth a shot. 
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
No, unfortunately not, I sold my boxed one last month.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:46 PM, "TRF" < > wrote:
Is the duo boxed?
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Almost forgot. I have a region modded Duo also.
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:44 PM, None None <thewarriorsedgegaming24> wrote:
I have a ton of it.I am also getting in 25 more games this week and another system. I currently have 3 core systems loose, one almost brand new boxed system, a region modded cd system, controllers, taps, sticks you name it :-)
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:40 PM, "TRF" <> wrote:
Awesome, glad I guessed right .  Yes, I am interested in both games.  Do you have any other turbografx stuff?
From: None None [mailto:thewarriorsedgegaming24]
Sent: March 25, 2015 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III
Yes, I had to use yehaw lol Ebay will not allow for any mails with yahoo or any other known .com
So you are interested in both games if I read right?
On Wednesday, March 25, 2015 11:45 AM, "" < > wrote:
Hey there, thanks for getting back to me on Ebay.  I was inquiring about these two games.  Hope this email reaches you, as I've never heard of the Yehaw domain, so I thought perhaps you were trying to say Yahoo, so I've included both.

Also, the poster is much smaller than the original.   I only realized this when I compared it to an original poster much later.  When you compare what he sold me to an original it's so obvious that's it's fake it makes me sick to my stomach.
Quote from: bozo55 on 08/09/2015, 11:27 PM
Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 08/09/2015, 11:23 PM...the back insert looks real until you actually take it out of the case, then it's so bloody obvious that it's fake...
Ah, I get it now.  The paper was likely not glossy and smooth on the back side.  It probably had ink bleed too.
Quote from: Nulltard on 08/09/2015, 09:33 PMThe fuck are you talking about, boom? The MM3 he/you tried to sell me was on ebay with a fake map. I will post the PM thread when I get time if I need to, along with the ended auction link.

But thanks for stepping up and providing confirmation that this is NOT an isolated incident. I wanted to think that you were not involved in the deception, but now that I see your post and see the ebay auction for bootleg beyond shadowgate, my gut tells me I was a fool for believing you were not complicit in the scamming.

Is the seller a homie or do you get commission? Honest question.
Quote from: madboom0522 on 08/09/2015, 09:27 PMI am not sure at what point this seller ever listed his items as anything other than acceptable. Check his feedback and you will see many here have bought from him and been nothing but happy with their purchase. You should make sure that you have all the facts before you accuse someone of passing off (fakes) and being dishonest. He had clear pictures listed and did not try to hide anything. Not to mention the fact that he did not even sell this through e-bay. It was a private sale and the new seller had this and another game for almost two months before claiming that they were fake. Who would wait that long to raise such an issue? I suspect that you know who this buyer was and that is why you are raising this matter?  If I am going to buy something I would be sure to do my research and make sure I knew what I was getting. There were and are plenty of shadowgate games to compare to. I know this seller and he has done nothing but fair deals with people. If the person who wanted the game had a problem with it after he received numerous pics outside of e-bay before he bought then he should have said so.
   Does this mean that anytime someone sells a game with a case and label that did not come with one they should mention that in the sale? I am thinking that most do not.
At no point did he ever say or suggest that anything was fake.  Yes, it wasn't until much later that I realized that the posters were fake.  I honestly didn't know how to tell a real from a fake poster at first.  I had never owned Beyond Shadowgate or MMIII before this, so how was I to know.  I wound up snagging a second copy of Beyond Shadowgate as part of a larger deal, and it had a legit poster, and that's when everything came to light for me.  Also, the back insert looks real until you actually take it out of the case, then it's so bloody obvious that it's fake.  I didn't question the back insert of Beyond Shadowgate until I realized the poster was fake.  Do you guys normally take your cases apart and inspect inserts?  I have never thought to do this in the past. 

Timing doesn't mean anything in this case.  Stick up for him all you want Boom, but be was dishonest by not being up front about what he was selling.  So, because I didn't realize it right away, it's my fault?  Shady business if you ask me.  I contacted him when I finally realized what had happened and his response to me was "You got a good deal anyway, so it's OK."  He also suggested that he doesn't know if I was the one who swapped out fake stuff for new ones just to put one over on him.  THAT was a big ******** mistake.  Right there he incriminated himself.  He should have come forward right then and just admitted that he knew they were fake instead of deflecting this back on me.  I was totally professional and courteous with him the entire way; even after the discovery.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he just didn't know, like I was unaware. 

I got a decent deal if they were authentic (not a great deal by any stretch), but being that the posters are fake and the back insert of Beyond Shadowgate is fake, I got abused on the price.   

Quote from: bozo55 on 08/09/2015, 10:52 PM
Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 08/09/2015, 10:47 PMI will respond to this in more detail shortly, but this seller sold me fakes and refused to make it right with me.  MMIII and Beyond Shadowgate.  Claims he didn't know they contained repro posters and back inserts, but now I'm seeing he knew damn well they were fake. I want my money back, but I have no recourse because I purchased them away from eBay.  My fault, but he burned a bridge with me and I hope nobody ever buys from this guy.
Wow, that sucks.  What a douche. 

I don't know if it's appropriate to ask this, but could you post pics (for science)?
Absolutely, I will post pics.  Let me dig up the e-mails between me and thewarriorsedgegaming. 

I have the Beyond Shadowgate on Ebay right now.  Here it is:

I will respond to this in more detail shortly, but this seller sold me fakes and refused to make it right with me.  MMIII and Beyond Shadowgate.  Claims he didn't know they contained repro posters and back inserts, but now I'm seeing he knew damn well they were fake. I want my money back, but I have no recourse because I purchased them away from eBay.  My fault, but he burned a bridge with me and I hope nobody ever buys from this guy.
Quote from: esteban on 03/31/2015, 05:35 PM
Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 03/31/2015, 05:25 PMI purchased a small lot of turbo games, and Beyond Shadowgate was included.  The game is complete with the poster and everything.  CD is in very good condition.  I can post pictures later.

I already own the game though, so I was looking to trade it for something else.  In terms of Turbografx items, I am looking for Turrican (preferred with outer box).  I'd also be interested in Sega MD, Saturn or Dreamcast games.  JP or NTSC Sega items are fine.   Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know.
I've been trying to get a decent picture/scan of the poster. If you are willing to help, that would be awesome. Basically, I'm trying to create a comprehensive resource of Beyond Shadowgate info:
Of course, I'd be happy to provide you with whatever you need.
I purchased a small lot of turbo games, and Beyond Shadowgate was included.  The game is complete with the poster and everything.  CD is in very good condition.  I can post pictures later.

I already own the game though, so I was looking to trade it for something else.  In terms of Turbografx items, I am looking for Turrican (preferred with outer box).  I'd also be interested in Sega MD, Saturn or Dreamcast games.  JP or NTSC Sega items are fine.   Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know.
I'm guessing that between the release of Takin' to the Hoop and Super Real Basketball there was an internal memo that read "Alright folks, our latest market research indicates that the game of basketball is a sport predominantly played by African Americans.  We should strongly consider a bit more ethnic diversity in our next release if we want to move a few more units.  Also, we are moving our Clan meeting to Fridays at 2:00 pm.  See you all there."
Quote from: JapanTokei on 03/26/2015, 02:16 PMMiracle Warrior:  that's one impressive collection - now only if you had River City Ransom Monogatari and Spriggan WITH its Spine cards - I think you would need insurance policy ;)

that's a joke btw.. nice stash, man... but on a seriously note, with collection like that you can't manage to track down and complete copy of River City and Spriggran?  and yes, insurance with Fire/Flood might be wise, or just dump it in a bank lock box if it's cheaper...
Quote from: Miracle_Warrior on 03/26/2015, 08:50 AMMy wife has been talking a bit about insurance and such for my collection (should I be worried?), so we wound up taking pictures and cataloging yesterday night.  I thought I'd share the latest Turbo/PCE with you guys. 
haha, I will admit, it does bother me that I don't have the spine cards for those games, but I really wanted to play them and had the opportunity to buy them for a fair price, so I couldn't pass them up. 

Nulltard, I have a penchant for cardboard.  When nobody is looking, I like to smell the cardboard boxes.  Is that weird?
My wife has been talking a bit about insurance and such for my collection (should I be worried?), so we wound up taking pictures and cataloging yesterday night.  I thought I'd share the latest Turbo/PCE with you guys. 

Draw for this will happen tomorrow (Friday, March 27th) around 11 am EST.
Yeah, that's a first for me too.  I've got the hard carrying case for the TG-16, but definitely not the one for the Express.  Really cool man.
Compliments of Gredler, who was kind enough to send me a Ninja Spirit box in very nice condition, I am raffling off my old box.  This old box has had my Ninja Spirit jammed inside of it countless times.  Whether through the front or in from behind, this box was always willing take every square inch of Ninja Spirit, and now I am passing it on to you to insert your own brand of Ninja love. 

Anyone is welcome to enter, there is no (hard) post limit, but I will exercise some discretion as I have done with previous raffles.  I do ask that you not boil or otherwise destroy this box though, I'd rather it went to someone who won't erase from the face of the earth.

I will draw next Friday. 



Keith Courage

There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

    Keith Courage

Timestamp: 2015-03-27 14:18:29 UTC

Congrats TurboGrafx
Quote from: MNKyDeth on 03/17/2015, 01:25 PMThe most I ever paid was when Phantasy Star 4 came out at the local Electronics Boutique for $90. I had that game day one.
You probably couldn't have picked a better game to drop 90 bucks on at the time.  PS IV was incredible!  Imagine being one of the poor fools who picked up some lame N64 game for 90 bucks when it came out?  Superman 64 anyone?
The Kunio games for sure, particularly Nekketsu Jailbreak Kunio Tachi no Banka.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 03/12/2015, 02:55 AM<3

...But overall I don't have the same kind of gaming time as I used to.  Which is really sad since there are so many good games out there to play...

This is my problem as well.  I did play through Oblivion, Skyrim, Dragon Age 1 and 2, and Dishonored, but that took several years to accomplish.  I may not be looking hard enough, but there aren't many games that you can just pick up and play anymore, which is why I tend to play some of the older stuff instead.  Time is the biggest factor for me.  I have been trying to start Dragon Age 3 for months now, but haven't had a chance to and I know that each time I sit down to play it, I'll likely have to commit at least an hour to it in each sitting, possibly more.
Love this thread!

I was born in '81, so my first experience with video games would have been the Atari 2600.

1. Missile Command (Atari 2600)


Simple, but highly addictive.  My uncle purchased an Atari 2600 for us back in the early 80s and he brought two games with it, Missile Command and Pac Man.  I didn't care much for Pac Man myself, but Missile Command was a lot of fun.  I still remember the night we unpacked the Atari and spent the entire night taking turns with Missile Command; the adults were right in to it as well.  We had played other games on the console of course, the best of which being River Raid, Smurfs, Vanguard, Frogger, Spiderman and Bowling.  Nothing brings back fonder memories of the Atari though than Missile Command.

2. Black Belt (Sega Master System)


I could list so many games for this amazing system, but I want to go back to my absolute roots on the console, I can't look any further than Black Belt.  My parents purchased a Sega Master System for us shortly after it's release as a total surprise.  We were toothless (literally, I am pretty sure I was losing my teeth at the time), and we unboxed it early that Saturday morning. 

This particular version of the console came with Hang On and Safari Hunt, as well as a hidden Maze game, which was all we played on it for quite a while.  My parents did not have a lot of money, so we were just happy to have the console with a few games.  My cousins on the other hand were pretty spoiled and they too got a Master System, but with quite a few games.  My aunt was headed to the US for a shopping trip and before she left she came by with a Sega Master System catalogue and asked us to pick ANY game from it and she would bring it back for us.  My brother and I scrolled through it and we agreed on Black Belt, it just looked so cool, and we loved martial arts, so it was an obvious choice for us. 

She brought it back for us as promised and we played it endlessly.  It was my first experience with any from the Hakuto No Ken series, though I didn't know it was Hakuto No Ken at the time, but I loved it.  The boss fights where the sprites became much larger always got us excited.  Struggling to beat ONI and RITA is also something I'll never forget.  I still play through Black Belt often. 

From there we did acquire a couple of other games, Shinobi and Rastan.  To this day, the Sega Master System is right at the top of my list of most favorite consoles. 

3.  Revenge of Shinobi (Sega Genesis)


Our first experience on the Sega Genesis came in the form of Revenge of Shinobi, one of the early releases for the console.  We had owned Shinobi on the Master System, so Revenge of Shinobi was something familiar to us, but man, the graphics were incredible!  We were especially wowed by the appearance of Spiderman, Batman, Godzilla, and the Terminator.  We loved everything about this game.  We were definitely a Sega family.

4.  Search for the King (DOS)


A bit of a deviation from console gaming for a moment, but Search for the King was an Adventure game that I couldn't put down.  I was so intrigued by this game, along with Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest, King's Quest and Police Quest.  I had to settle on Search for the King though because it would be the game that first got me in to text/point-click type adventure games. 

5.  Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (Arcade)


This game basically took over my childhood.  I would spend countless hours playing Street Fighter II at a local Laundromat that had this machine and Mortal Kombat.  Mortal Kombat was fine, but I had always preferred Street Fighter II over it.  Street Fighter II Turbo/Hyperfighting is my favorite Street Fighter II game, but Champion Edition is probably the game that really got me in to Street Fighter.  I did often watch my brother play the original Street Fighter growing up, but I wasn't at an age were I could competently play it.  When Street Fighter II came out though, I practiced and practiced and practiced, and to this day, I would consider myself to be a very very good Street Fighter 2 player.  It wasn't until I started playing Street Fighter online through GGPO that I really blossomed as a player, but that's a story for another time. 

6.  Street Fighter II - Turbo (SNES)   

I know I know, I've already mentioned Street Fighter, but it's a game that had to appear twice on my list.  I never did own an SNES growing up, but my best friend did and I probably spent more money renting Street Fighter II - Turbo and taking it to his house to play than it would have cost me to buy the game three times over.  We would spend hours and hours on weekends playing this game, never getting bored of it.  I've got through many phases with street fighter, but I felt it was important to distinguish between the Arcade phase and then the console phase.

7.  Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen (PSX)


My experience with the PS1 started when I participated in Mortal Kombat 3 tournament, but I didn't actually acquire the console until much later.  I did however rent a PSX in order to practice for another tournament (Battle Arena Toshinden).  That rental came with three games that I could include for the week, so I grabbed some game I can't even recall at this point and Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain.  I knew nothing about the game, but it looked cool on the back of the case and the description seemed like something I would enjoy.  I was not prepared for what was to come with this game.  I didn't play the other two games.  I didn't care much for Battle Arena Toshinden and the other game I rented sucked, so Blood Omen was it.  Boy am I glad I got this, because the experience of playing through the game is one I will always remember.  The story was so engaging, the characters were badass!  Kain and Vorador in particular.  It was the first game I had played on the PSX that made me want to purchase the console.  I would eventually scrape together enough money to get one and play Soul Reaver when it came out. 

8. Phantasy Star - Sega Master System


Taking a step backwards in evolution, but it was definitely one of the better gaming decisions I've made.  At this point I had started my first part time job, and took up interest in collecting video games.  Call me a collectard if you will, but I didn't chase after any and every game there was.  I wanted to get those games that I had heard about growing up, but had never played or even saw.  Rumor had it that there was a game called Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System that was as good as any RPG that had been released to date, and being a Sega Master System fan, I was a little surprised that I had never played it.  As you can tell from my username, the only RPG I played on the Master System growing up was Miracle Warriors, and that game, while being really challenging (at least for me at the time), was apparently nothing compared to the mighty Phantasy Star.  I managed to track a copy of the game down, which also happened to be my very first online purchase.  I still remember going to the post office to get a money order to send to some person I had never met, in hopes they would send me Phantasy Star. 

Weeks later, it arrived, and that game now holds a very special place in my heart.  I spent the entire summer it seems playing through it.  It was really really tough, and although it was being played on a console that had been all but forgotten by most, it was better than any game you could purchase at the time, at least in my books.

9.  Shenmue (Dreamcast)


My list couldn't be complete without the Dreamcast being represented.  Shenmue was the one game I probably spent the most time with on the console, and it was deserving of every minute of it.  I felt like I was a professional fork lift driver after all was said and done, but aside from that, there was just SO much to do in the game.  I especially loved all the throw backs to the Sega days of old in the game that I really appreciated as a Sega fan.   

10. Ninja Gaiden (XBOX)


My brother purchased an Xbox for me while I was in University as a gift and got me Ninja Gaiden.  We had actually played Ninja Gaiden quite a bit on the NES, and I was really excited for this title.  In my opinion, Ninja Gaiden on the XBOX is as close to a perfect game as you can get it.  If you haven't played it, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot.
I was really hoping at some point you would just go all hulk mode and rip that box to shreds.
Congrats on the achievement.  I enjoy Ocarina of Time and the wrestling games on the N64, but there was never enough on the console to keep me interested.  I always did want to give Paper Mario a fair shake; maybe someday.
I would second Phantasy Star 5 (or third considering Black Tiger is on board too), and definitely a new game in the Legacy of Kain series!
Quote from: KGD on 03/04/2015, 12:48 PMI was wondering about Cadash, CIC copies... Is this an anomaly?

The only boxed copy that sold recently went for 250$..?!
Wow, that is crazy, I'd say that is definitely an anomaly.
Great offer!  These prices are straight out of the movie Falling Down :)
Quote from: Arjak on 02/28/2015, 11:21 PMThis is one of the greatest ideas I've heard in recent memory. I will definitely try my best to make a kickass Turbo commercial! Or two...maybe more. They won't be remakes of the old ones though; I'm too classy to do that. These will be totally original, with my own spin on how the system should've been marketed.

By the way, this contest...will there be prizes? :wink:
haha, I could put up a small prize on my end, not sure what it would be, maybe we can put a gift basket together. 

I expect that this will take quite a while.  I will likely work on this when I get a bit more downtime in the spring, and I think some folks might be in the same boat.  Perhaps we can set a hard deadline?  Say end of the year?
I will try :).  I am not all that experienced when it comes to stuff like this, but I'm thinking my kids and I would have a blast doing something like this.
Just had a thought the other day when watching an old Sega Master System commercial.  Old gaming commercials had a really terrifying aura about them.  Kids unrealistically spazzing out while appearing to flop in to an excitement induced epileptic seizure while playing Keith Courage or something always made me laugh.  The token father hogging the controller from his neglected kids while he tries to time warp back to a time where he actually knew what having fun meant. 

Anyway, there appears to be no shortage of comedians and videographers on this site, so why not put your talents to good use?  Let's have a contest where you produce your own vintage gaming commercial.  I think it'd be fun.  Anyone interested? 

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 02/23/2015, 01:30 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/23/2015, 01:54 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 02/23/2015, 01:42 AMI'd rather not post a list and call people out.
First, I want to say that Atlantean is awesome. Second, those on FB who "liked" your post but haven't responded yet, maybe contact them through FB messaging? That's all I got. I like this method of homebrewing, and it works for other consoles. Only other thing to do is just to bump people off who haven't paid after a certain time.
This is what I do, lol.   

Some of the ones I messaged/emailed haven't responded.   If no payment is hit by 3/1/2015, I think that was plenty of time, so I will just cancel those.

... and then I am sure people will suddenly reply.

You are too generous!  Us vultures are waiting to swoop in and snatch a copy for ourselves :).
You bet I do, I pee and brush my teeth in the shower.  I aim for the drain of course, but for the sake of time management, who WOULDN'T do this?