OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - albinoMithos

Quote from: Duo_R on 04/05/2009, 06:44 AMMithos - did you ever test the s-video performance on the TG-16?

Quote from: Mithos on 12/15/2008, 04:32 PMWe haven't tried out S-Video yet because no one felt like wiring up the jack at that time, but the component output was nice.  There was a very slight blur with the picture, but overall the quality was very nice.  I'll try to get pics of the quality out later tonight. 
I'm gonna be honest here, I'm never doing the S-Video thing.  It's more work than it's worth for me.
Quote from: guyjin on 04/07/2009, 07:17 PMyou are playing semantic games. "exists in someone's imagination" and "exists in the physical world" are not even remotely similar, and you are both trying to confuse the two to justify your mythology. I don't know if this is just how you justify it to yourselves, or if you're deliberately being dishonest, but either way, knock it off.
Like a boss!
Fighting Street / Re: $85 manual???
04/07/2009, 10:45 AM
Lame, but on the other hand oompa loompas are awesome!
Quote from: guest on 04/07/2009, 09:35 AM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/06/2009, 06:20 PMReally now?  Prove to me you exist then. By prove I mean provide me with sufficient evidence that you aren't a creation of someone's imagination or sufficient evidence that you don't.  A belief is a belief.  Existence isn't up to debate to you because you can't bring yourself to think why it is.  A dictionary is only one definition and isn't the thing that decides how all people define things.  It provides something which is accepted.  Metaphysical arguments are what my 'faith' (or lack there of) is based on.  If you didn't want to argue with that then you shouldn't have bothered responding to me at all.

Oh and I realized another way to state my argument.  A creation exists how you want it to exist be it in your imagination, someone's imagination, or another plane (including the imaginary one you create with your imagination).  I mean to say my goal isn't to prove god exists and has the influence people claim he/she/it has in the sense that people claim gods do, only that one exists somewhere. 
And now we're back to nonsensical and circular logic, capable of simultaneously 'proving' and 'disproving' anything and everything.  I can imagine that I exist, therefor I do; I can also imagine that I don't exist, therefor I don't.  Wow, heavy.  :roll:
And that's why we can't have thanksgiving ham anymore!~  8)
Honest question:  If you were in a situation where you had a chance to kill another person or if you were in a situation where you had to kill another to survive, would you do it?  Could you do it? I'll also state that there are no legal ramifications for doing so in this scenario.

I sure as hell could.  I have no problem with being able to end another's life, but I think I'd need a reason to first.  I'd probably also want things to be even, but only because I think if someone's life is gonna end by my hand I at least want them to have a fighting chance to save their own life.  In that situation if I lost and was killed then so be it, the stronger of us two won.  Now if things weren't like that and I needed to I'd definitely end their life.  Hell I wouldn't even lose sleep over it, but that's me.  Oh and if someone asked me personally to end their lives and they were content with their decision, I'd do it.

What do I consider a good reason to kill?  Depends on the situation really. 

What would you do?
I'm a Libertarian/Independent.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/06/2009, 07:49 PMI've always loved that recording.  It's great.  Fuck should be our national word, if there ever were such a thing.
Do you know where it originated from?  I first saw it on ebaum's world, but that guy (or guys) is good a stealing shit.
Quote from: guest on 04/06/2009, 05:49 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/06/2009, 01:57 PMI misspoke when I say real.  It's not circular and nonsensical otherwise. The ideal exists regardless, but the actual being exists if you define existence the way I do.
The definition of 'existence' is not open to debate; I can define 'banana' as 'carburetor', but does that make it so in any logical sense?  If you say that something exists, then you can not simultaneously say that it is a fabrication (fiction).

Quote from: Mithos on 04/06/2009, 01:57 PMI'll also point out that I'm not the only one who subscribes to this logic and I'm not the originator of the ideal.  That being said you can attack it all you'd like that's why I put it out there.  If you read it the way everyone else here has then it's circular, but if you sit down and think differently or at the very least try to see it the way I see it then it makes sense. 
Are you referring to the Ontological Argument, which relies on false logic and baseless assumptions?  Though it doesn't exactly fit, that's the closest oft used argument for God's existence that I can think of, and it's only valid if we arbitrarily agree that God is greater than anything imaginable and that real is superior to imagined.  By the way, this is a discussion not an attack.

I can imagine a amazingly intelligent, wealthy, four breasted beauty that loves playing Turbo games, is an excellent cook, has a nearly insatiable sex drive, and loves me dearly, but that doesn't mean that she exists anywhere outside of my dreams (unfortunately).  The only thing real about her is the concept.

Quote from: Mithos on 04/06/2009, 01:57 PMCome to think of it who's to say what is or isn't illusory? What is verified existence?  Can you say for sure that you exist?  Realness and existence are abstract in nature even in science.  Or at least that's the way I think.
Buy a dictionary.  There is nothing abstract about realness or existence in nature or science.  If you want to start some metaphysical argument about the color of your bellybutton lint and what the definition of 'is' is, then you're on your own.
Really now?  Prove to me you exist then. By prove I mean provide me with sufficient evidence that you aren't a creation of someone's imagination or sufficient evidence that you don't.  A belief is a belief.  Existence isn't up to debate to you because you can't bring yourself to think why it is.  A dictionary is only one definition and isn't the thing that decides how all people define things.  It provides something which is accepted.  Metaphysical arguments are what my 'faith' (or lack there of) is based on.  If you didn't want to argue with that then you shouldn't have bothered responding to me at all.

Oh and I realized another way to state my argument.  A creation exists how you want it to exist be it in your imagination, someone's imagination, or another plane (including the imaginary one you create with your imagination).  I mean to say my goal isn't to prove god exists and has the influence people claim he/she/it has in the sense that people claim gods do, only that one exists somewhere.
Quote from: guest on 04/06/2009, 12:54 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/05/2009, 06:58 PMYou half-way understand my argument.  I am in no way saying that they're real.  I'm saying gods exist in the same way the Loch-Ness monster or even the Flying Spaghetti monster exist.  They're fiction yes, but someone brought them into existence by making them.
You're argument remains circular and nonsensical, due to the invalid use of two terms.  By definition, if something is real, then it exists; and if something exists, then it must be real.

real: being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory
exist: to be; have existence; have being or reality

If someone believes in God, UFOs, Sasquatch, or whatever, then the concept of them exists, nothing more.
I misspoke when I say real.  It's not circular and nonsensical otherwise. The ideal exists regardless, but the actual being exists if you define existence the way I do.  I'll also point out that I'm not the only one who subscribes to this logic and I'm not the originator of the ideal.  That being said you can attack it all you'd like that's why I put it out there.  If you read it the way everyone else here has then it's circular, but if you sit down and think differently or at the very least try to see it the way I see it then it makes sense.   

Come to think of it who's to say what is or isn't illusory? What is verified existence?  Can you say for sure that you exist?  Realness and existence are abstract in nature even in science.  Or at least that's the way I think.  Now do I believe there's a supernatural being  governing the universe around me? Probably not, but I do have a different perspective on things.
Quote from: ceti alpha on 04/05/2009, 09:25 PMLook!! It's the hand of Apollo!!!!


...and here's even more evidence!! Star Trek pwns

Captain's Log, Stardate 9521.6: A giant hand made out of some sort of energy is flipping us off...... I've sent an expeditionary team to investigate it and possibly tell it to go fuck itself.
Quote from: ceti alpha on 04/05/2009, 07:04 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/05/2009, 06:58 PM
Quote from: OldRover on 04/05/2009, 04:48 PMMithos, your argument is circular and nonsensical. No one has ever seen the Loch-Ness Monster, yet its existence is still debated and argued. By your logic, it must exist because people talk about it. And what about the Flying Spaghetti Monster? How much argument and debate has that sparked in certain areas of the USA? So it must exist too, right? By your logic, it does.
You half-way understand my argument.  I am in no way saying that they're real.  I'm saying gods exist in the same way the Loch-Ness monster or even the Flying Spaghetti monster exist.  They're fiction yes, but someone brought them into existence by making them.  My logic is simple, people talk about them because they made them up at one point or another.  Some people believe evidence exists to prove it's real and others think it's bullshit.  It's the same way Superman exists or hell it's even the same way M'ldor V. Fakeness exists.  I just made them myself.  Now how they exist is up to you.  I see them as works of fiction. But I see them as existing in the sense that fictional characters do.  As I've said before you can worship them or you can't.  You're alive and have your own free will so do so.  Some people think gods are made up while some think they're able to interact with the world we're in.  All I'm saying is that if they didn't exist in some way, shape, or form then no one would've created the tale, no one would have communicated with it, no one would worship it, etc.

I'll say that I'm not one to believe in a god at all, but I do acknowledge that one exists because of the fact that people came up with the story, but I also know that Jean-Luc Picard exists because Mr. Roddenberry made him up as well.   Neither would exist if someone didn't think it up.  That's all I'm saying. 
Yes, and I would call anybody crazy who thinks Jean Luc Picard is actually real.
He's not real in the sense that you can meet him.  He's real in the sense that someone made him up.  Call me crazy, but Picard wouldn't exist if Roddenberry didn't make him up.  It's all up to your whole perspective how you think of their existence.  Be it in the fictional plane, the plane we exist on, or wherever.   The fact still remains that gods exist because we've imagined them.  Like I've said a million times you can worship them or not you have the ability to follow your own will.
Quote from: OldRover on 04/05/2009, 04:48 PMMithos, your argument is circular and nonsensical. No one has ever seen the Loch-Ness Monster, yet its existence is still debated and argued. By your logic, it must exist because people talk about it. And what about the Flying Spaghetti Monster? How much argument and debate has that sparked in certain areas of the USA? So it must exist too, right? By your logic, it does.
You half-way understand my argument.  I am in no way saying that they're real.  I'm saying gods exist in the same way the Loch-Ness monster or even the Flying Spaghetti monster exist.  They're fiction yes, but someone brought them into existence by making them.  My logic is simple, people talk about them because they made them up at one point or another.  Some people believe evidence exists to prove it's real and others think it's bullshit.  It's the same way Superman exists or hell it's even the same way M'ldor V. Fakeness exists.  I just made them myself.  Now how they exist is up to you.  I see them as works of fiction. But I see them as existing in the sense that fictional characters do.  As I've said before you can worship them or you can't.  You're alive and have your own free will so do so.  Some people think gods are made up while some think they're able to interact with the world we're in.  All I'm saying is that if they didn't exist in some way, shape, or form then no one would've created the tale, no one would have communicated with it, no one would worship it, etc.

I'll say that I'm not one to believe in a god at all, but I do acknowledge that one exists because of the fact that people came up with the story, but I also know that Jean-Luc Picard exists because Mr. Roddenberry made him up as well.   Neither would exist if someone didn't think it up.  That's all I'm saying.
Quote from: ceti alpha on 04/05/2009, 12:26 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/05/2009, 05:58 AM......the very fact that you can deny the existence of a god proves that said god exists.  Now whether or not you worship this god is up to you.....'nuff said.
OK, prove to me that the Moon isn't actually an egg that is holding Jesus. You can't? Then it's true.
I'm not.  I'm saying that even if you don't believe there's a supernatural being in the world that does all the things people say it does the very fact that you all are sitting down and arguing about it means it exists.  I mean even if it's fictional he/she/it now exists even if it's in the same capacity that bonk, star trek, etc. exists. Like I said before you can worship it or not, but if it didn't exist in some way shape or form you wouldn't be arguing about it.
......the very fact that you can deny the existence of a god proves that said god exists.  Now whether or not you worship this god is up to you.....'nuff said.
Quote from: guest on 04/02/2009, 11:09 AM
Quote from: Sinistron on 04/02/2009, 09:31 AMYour tastes just aren't developed.  It isn't manly to only like sweet foods- that's shit that babies like- sweet candy and sweet juices and sweet mush and mommy's sweet nipples.  You're just a liddle iddy biddy baby Zeon.  Baby Zeon likes his sweets- his candy flavored nuk.  Lick my sugary balls  :P
If I also like Zeon's mommy's sweet nipples, does that make me a baby, a pervert, or a perverted baby?
I've said it once and I'll say it many more times.  Zeon's mom has a nice rack.
Quote from: Zeon on 04/02/2009, 08:53 AM
Quote from: TheMilford on 04/01/2009, 04:16 PMZeon. Maybe it's because your mouth is a vagina and that is why you don't like the taste of spicy food... either that or you are a big girl... or a little girl... or you have a mangina.

Now grow some balls and has youself a big ol heaping bowl of this here spicy-as-fuck chili I juss made!
Nah the true pussies are the ones that can't handle sweetness in foods, often the ones who bitch about something being "too sweet". This also applies to those who cannot handle extreme sour. I don't it is anymore manly to enjoy shit tasting hot food, than it is to be able to handle extremes of other tastes. Fuck you want manly, try EXTREME bitter like chewable antibiotics. Now eating a bunch of those will put hair on your chest. You can claim you are manly for eating the worlds hottest whatever, but that pales in comparison to eating extremely bitter shit is large quantities.

It's also funny you associate eating spicy foods as "manly". I know plenty of women enjoy spicy shit just as much if not more than "manly" men. Not only a minority either. So claiming eating spicy food is a sign of manliness is downright ignorant. Seriously if you want to try to put up such an argument against my stance, I'm just gonna sit and laugh because you guys have no real reason to justify eating stuff that quite literally tastes like concentrated shit.

Anyways I will reiterate once more, the heat doesn't bother me. I will drink some habanero juice in front of anyone of you stubborn folks who won't listen and instead fall upon the old "You aren't man enough" argument. It's not that I can't physically handle it, it's just that it tastes gross as fuck. Think of your least favorite food ever. Why don't you eat it? Likely not because you physically can't or that it is physically hard to eat it, but because it tastes horrendous.

So do you guys really have no good response? Or, rather, are you guys not "manly" enough to come up with a better reason for your insanity?  :P
You know.........I can still kick your ass.  I'd say it's manly to do so, but I don't think it's very manly to beat up a 5yr old.  :P
Round 1: FIGHT.
Quote from: guyjin on 04/01/2009, 06:40 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 04/01/2009, 05:31 PMThere may not be a god but there is a great Goddess.  All glory to Lolth, the great Demon Queen of the Spiders!!!!!
Dragonlance was great, wunnit? but they had to go and fuck it up...
Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 11:08 AMThis is ACTA, no?  First off, the search of such devices without probable cause is already allowed by the Dept. of Homeland Security, so I find the provision forcing ISPs to provide info. without warrants far more disturbing.  Secondly, this was negotiated by most countries in the developed world, not just the US.  Finally, this agreement was made during the Bush administration and isn't something that the US could easily back out of now.

But hey, don't let the facts keep anyone from jumping on the Fuck Obama train.
I know about all that, however, I have never supported Obama. I think he has been full of shit since he jumped in the race.  I don't think he's as bad as Bush who I really hate for the warrantless wiretapping and all that other jazz.  Also I thought the search of devices was allowed by the DoH only when crossing a boarder? Doesn't this change it to include domestic areas too?  I mean I'm sure Obama is nice for some, but I really really wish Ron Paul had gotten elected.  He was the only politician that has been making any kind of sense....
There may not be a god but there is a great Goddess.  All glory to Lolth, the great Demon Queen of the Spiders!!!!!
Fighting Street / Re: Randomness
04/01/2009, 05:27 PM
Quote from: Arjak on 04/01/2009, 02:47 PMLol, I love Full Life Consequences! Here is the epic movie adaption:

And don't miss the theatrical trailer:
I prefer these two:
Fighting Street / Randomness
04/01/2009, 06:19 AM
"Half-Life: Full-life Consequences

John Freeman who was Gordon Freemans brother was one day in an office typing on a computer. He got an email from his brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking his place and aksed him for help so he went.

John Freeman got his computer shut down and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the building where he left his motorcycle and normal people close because he was in his office lab coat. John Freeman got on his motorcycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences" so he had to go.

John Freeman ramped off the building and did a backflip and landed. He kept driving down the road and made sure there was no zombies around because he ddint have weapon.

The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for John Freemans quest to help his brother where he was. John Freeman looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother to defeat the enemys".

John Freeman was late so he had to drive really fast. A cop car was hiden near by so when John Freeman went by the cops came and wanted to give him a ticket. Here John Freeman saw the first monster because the cop was posessed and had headcrabs.

"I cant give you my lisense officer" John Freeman said

"Why not?" said the headcrab oficer back to John Freeman.

"Because you are headcrab zombie" so John Freeman shot the oficer in the head and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster.

John Freeman had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Gordon needed him where he was. John Freeman looked at road signs and saw "Ravenholm" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so John Freeman almost turned around but heard screaming like Gordon so he went faster again.

John Freeman drove in and did another flip n jumped off his motorbike and the motor bike took out some headcrab zombies infront of John Freeman. John Freeman smiled and walked fast. John Freeman then looked on the ground and found wepon so he pickd it up and fired fast at zombie goasts in front of a house.

John Freeman said "Zombie goasts leave this place" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our house" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts so he blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

Then John Freeman herd another scream from his brother so he kept walking really faster to get where he was. Ravenholdm was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from headcrabs.

When John Freeman got to where the screaming was started from he found his brother Gorden Freeman fightin the final bosss and Gordon said "John Freeman! Over here!" so John Freeman went there to where Gordon Freeman was fighting. John Freeman fired his bullet from teh gun really fast and the bullets went and shot the final boss in the eyes and the final boss couldnt see.

Gordon Freeman said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fell. John Freeman said "thanks i could help, bro" and Gordon Freeman said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed.

The laughed overed quickly though because John Freeman yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Gordon Freeman looked up and said "NOO! John Freeman run out of here fast as you can!" and John Freeman walked real fast out.

John Freeman loked back and saw Gordon get steppd on by the next boss and he was mad and angry.

"I'll get you back evil boss!" John Freeman yelled at the top of lungs.

to be continued..?

Half-Life: Full-life Consequences 2: What Has Tobe Done

John Freeman walked like speed of light back to his motorcycl and left behind the bad place behind him. John Freeman had to ride his motorcycle really fast back to the office but John Freemans gas ran out. John Freeman jumped fast off the motorcycle and landed on dead peoples hands.

"Gordon Freeman is now these hands... i must kill the next boss and live up to full-life consequences!" John Freeman said out loud.

John Freeman picked up a laser gun and aimed it at trees to see if he could. John Freeman shot and tree fell down in front of him. John Freeman seen eggs fall out of the tree and he put them back home safe.

"These birds dont have to see Gordon Freeman yet. its not time." John Freeman said to him.

John Freeman had to walked faster and was back at his office work and on a computer. He looked on the internet and found the next boss.

"I know his weakness now" John Freeman said. And after that he got emails from someone. John Freeman opened up the emails and read them.

"Dear John Freeman, how are you? I miss you at home come home safe and soon with Gordon Freeman for thanksgiving dinner. Love mom." John Freeman looked at it and got sad and yelled "I WILL KILL THE BOSS AND GORDON FREEMAN WILL BE HAPPY SOUL!" then he turned on off the computer and wet on the platform again down to his other more faster motorcycle that had gas in it this time.

John Freeman put the laser gun on his motorcycle and his machine gun and his rocket gun that he found on the side of the motorcycle. He went through traffic and went fast like litning to back to Ravenholm and back to the bad place where Gordon Freeman was. John Freeman went off road and did backflips and landed on back wheels but kept going too.

John Freeman went really fast again like before and was soon back again at Ravenholm but saw more zombie goasts. John Freeman said to them "Zombie goasts i have killed your friends at the old house and i dont want to shoot your heads. move near the countrysides and you will be friends of John Freeman." The zombie goasts said that "no we will kill you" and walked fast to John Freemans motorcycle. John Freeman waited until they were in front of his motorcycle and backflipped off his bars and shot heads below and landed and walked fast to where the next boss was.

"you will be one of us!" yelled the dead zombie goasts. John Freeman laughed and shot a rocket at them.

John Freeman saw the next boss far down the road and walked slow this time. He walked really slow like a turtle and sat down on a rock and watched the next boss near the dead last boss and where the place that Gordon Freeman was. The next boss was laughing at John Freeman so John Freeman said "YOU WILL NOT LAUGH AT ME!" and shot a rocket at him since that was his weakness.

The next boss died and John Freeman was happy. He walked over to the dead bosses and put them under the ground and planted pants on them so instead of messy dirt and dark there was pretty things there now to be happy.

John Freeman walked to where Gordon Freeman was lying dead and crushed from the next bosss feet and looked down. A tear droped out of John Freemans eye and landed on Gordon Freeman.

"You are dead bro and i killed the evil boss." John Freeman told Gordon Freeman

Then John Freeman saw something bad. A headcrab was on Gordon Freeman! Gordon Freeman standed up and said "John Freeman... you got here slow and now i am zombie goast. you will pay..."

to be continued...? "
Quote from: esteban on 03/31/2009, 07:24 PMI don't understand how folks can get worked up over weights and measures.

Getting upset over someone's refusal to appreciate Wonderboy III: Monster Lair or Gomola Speed, that I can understand.

But weights and measures?
I didn't care for Gomola Speed, but I did like Wonderboy III.  In any case I don't really care to argue about it anymore.  It's honestly was all in fun, but I do take it seriously and I realize that NecroPhile has his own opinions on the matter and I have mine. I'll leave it at that because we can argue about this for days and not get anywhere because he sounds like he's just as stubborn as I am.
It may sound bad to some, but honestly I think abortions are up to the people who want them.  It's not the state's business to interfere unless it endangers the welfare of the country.  Save the moral high ground bullshit for other more important things, not unborn globs of cells or hell humans.  It's just not important.
I'm for abortions as long as captain falcon is allowed to falcon punch repeat offenders as a way of aborting the kid.
Quote from: Zeon on 03/30/2009, 05:43 PM
Quote from: Keranu on 03/28/2009, 10:57 PMMario 64 was great back in the day and is still great now.
But WHAT actually made it so great, I always hear people talk about how great mario 64 was then and how great it still is, but they never explain why?

Let's see what you have to look forward to in Super Mario 64:

Horrible, often glitchy as hell camera
Ass looking typical early 3d polygontastic graphics, so bad they are distracting (not Virtua Fighter 1 bad but bad enough to give you the same effect)
Shitty and sloppy controls, and no this isn't just a controller issue, I'm pretty damn sure the controls would suck on any controller.
Fucking glitch city, some of which can and will fuck you over.
Level design might have been clever in some cases, however the shitty camera, controls, and graphics ruin any possibility of fun there
Collecting gold stars! Oh boy George it's like kindergarten all over again!!!!

Seriously people give me a REAL reason for this game's supposed "greatness". Not, "oh I love that game", "it has aged well", "it was just fun" or any such "it just is" bullshit.

I guess people can't because there are no real reasons it is any good, they are just brainwashed by nostalgia or something...
I haven't run into the problems you've run into for Mario 64.  And talking about the game's objective is pointless because many games out there can be simplified to the lowest common denominator.  Also it's a bit hypocritical of you to complain about graphics when you say you don't care about graphics.  You talk about how bad the graphics are, but there are far far far worse games out there graphically when it comes to early 3D gaming. As for the controls, they worked for the game.  I don't know what your problems with them were but run and jump works for Mario.  He had a punch and grab in the game which you used, but nothing about it was shitty.  You want to know why the game was great?  It gave off a great atmosphere, it had awesome levels, great music, and at the time it was something new for the series and people loved it and still do love the game.  I am a bit tired of that style of play and would like them to make a game based of the platforming stages of Mario Sunshine, but I don't see that happening anytime soon so I'll just enjoy 64 for the time being.  I honestly think your problem is more with 3D than anything and your luck with controllers in general seems to be crap because you've complained about keyboard controls before and I know damn well they work fine.
Quote from: rag-time4 on 03/30/2009, 06:03 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/27/2009, 04:56 PMResident Evil 1 was awesome.  I don't know why people complain about the tank controls.
Ahem... maybe because your character isn't a tank and therefore shouldn't move around and control like one??
And yet it still worked.  The controls added to the whole B-rated movie feel of the game.  That's my take on it.
Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 06:12 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 05:44 PMI take this seriously because it's something I strongly believe in.  Take or leave it.
I think I'll leave it, considering that I can (and do) work with both sets of units without problems.  You've picked an interesting horse for tilting at windmills, considering that nobody here has control over which units are the US standard.
That's not entirely true.  Your representatives in the government work for you.  I know they don't always act like it, but it's up to their constituents to kick their asses into gear. And seeing as how they have the power to control these types of things I'd say that any American here has the power to change thing like this.  I can use imperial units just fine, but that doesn't mean I like to or think it's efficient to.  I see where you're coming from on your argument, but like I said before, metric something I strongly believe in using.
Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 05:31 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 05:04 PMAhem.  I could care less about correct comma usage read the sentence how you will, but it doesn't change my stance on things..  My point is that moving a decimal place is easier and faster than doing multiplication.  When I say I can do all the conversions in my head I am talking about metric.  I don't watch and never will watch Red Dwarf so you can go fuck off.  I don't suck at my profession, and I do happen to use metric daily.  And you ask who gives a shitty fuck if it imperial adds costs to things? Please people care about cost, and if things aren't in imperial to begin with then they aren't.  Again like I've said before memorizing conversions is all fine and good but why?
Ahem.  You're taking this far to seriously.  Try to recognize the tone of threads, remember what forum you're in, and get a fucking sense of humor.  :P

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 05:04 PMHonestly I don't understand your hatred of metric.  Imperial is outdated, and utterly useless to the world.  I want standards here and easy ones at that.  Imperial doesn't provide that so I'm against it. 
I can see where you're coming from, but I honestly don't understand your hatred of imperial units (if working with non-base10 units were my most difficult and time consuming challenge, I'd piss down both legs with glee).  Anyway, it's simply amazing how many millions of products have been successfully engineered and built using such an outdated and utterly useless construct.
I take this seriously because it's something I strongly believe in.  Take or leave it.  I have a sense of humor, but this is seriously something I wish were changed.  I "hate" imperial because of what I've said before memorizing conversion tables, non-standard units, deriving new units, the fact that it doesn't seem natural to me at all.  I mean couple that with the fact that like it or not, we collaborate with the rest of the world in a lot of scientific endeavors.  I like the fact that NASA, for example, is working with the rest of the world to get us into space faster and effectively.  There have been instances there where using imperial has cost them some big money, like the Mars Climate Orbiter in 99.  I fight for metric because of stuff like that and it's really not that hard of a change to make.  Like I've said before the biggest thing people will need to get used to are the new associated ranges of whatever they're measuring.  That's a small leap and one I'm sure quite a few people wouldn't mind making.  Though I do know that there is quite a few that would oppose it, but those are the ones who usually complain about change anyways.
Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 03:34 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMIt's not just about the rest of the world using metric.  That's not the point.  Imperial is just inefficient. 
So what is your point?  Smart people can multiply and divide by 16/12/whatever just as quickly as they can by 10; they are equally capable of memorizing a handful of conversion factors.  At least you're not afraid to admit your failings.

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMYou try being a physicist, chemist, engineer, etc. using imperial and get back to me.
My career does happen to fall under etc., yet I have no problem working in imperial units.  Maybe it's because I don't suck.

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMMusic couldn't go with extra notes because, as or right now, the notes don't exist.
Red Dwarf reference recognition fail.  You suck.

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMHell imperial conversions tend to add cost to things because it's so ass to convert to.
Who gives a shitty fuck?  They should have started in imperial units to begin with.

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMAlso why the fuck would I want to buy a calculator when I could be doing all the converting I need in my head?  That's stupid to do unnecessary work.
You obviously can't do all the converting in your head, else you wouldn't be bitching.  Many calculators are capable of doing all sorts of conversions with just the touch of a button, so maybe you should get one of those or move to metric loving France with all the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Quote from: Mithos on 03/30/2009, 02:15 PMDimensional analysis or not using imperial is retarded.
Agreed.  Not using imperial units is retarded.   Correct comma usage is for suckers!
Ahem.  I could care less about correct comma usage read the sentence how you will, but it doesn't change my stance on things..  My point is that moving a decimal place is easier and faster than doing multiplication.  When I say I can do all the conversions in my head I am talking about metric.  I don't watch and never will watch Red Dwarf so you can go fuck off.  I don't suck at my profession, and I do happen to use metric daily.  And you ask who gives a shitty fuck if it imperial adds costs to things? Please people care about cost, and if things aren't in imperial to begin with then they aren't.  Again like I've said before memorizing conversions is all fine and good but why? Honestly I don't understand your hatred of metric.  Imperial is outdated, and utterly useless to the world.  I want standards here and easy ones at that.  Imperial doesn't provide that so I'm against it.
Quote from: guest on 03/30/2009, 11:42 AM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/29/2009, 10:19 PMBlah, blah, blah.  Oh noes!  The rest of the world uses the metric system.  Why can't the US conform?  Blah, blah, blah.
Quitcherbitchen.  What's next; should we decimalize music, adding H and J (Do Re Mi Fa So La Wo Bo Ti Do)?  Fuck the rest of the world and fuck you if you can't do simple math.  Buy a calculator or go audit a third grade math class and get up to speed.  :P
It's not just about the rest of the world using metric.  That's not the point.  Imperial is just inefficient.  You try being a physicist, chemist, engineer, etc. using imperial and get back to me.  Music couldn't go with extra notes because, as or right now, the notes don't exist.  Hell imperial conversions tend to add cost to things because it's so ass to convert to.  Also why the fuck would I want to buy a calculator when I could be doing all the converting I need in my head?  That's stupid to do unnecessary work.  Dimensional analysis or not using imperial is retarded.
He is a fucktard AND I am racist so boy I really don't know what to do with myself!!!!

And I use the term racist loosely because I fuckin' hate all races.  Seriously they can all go fuck off.  Also Obama is and has always been full of shit.
Quote from: Sinistron on 03/30/2009, 01:24 AMI liked Missa- and I felt true sympathy when she said she needed a nebulizer and couldn't afford one- I even offered to buy her one- within reasonable price.  I balked when for some strange reason she wouldn't find one for me to purchase- but insisted that I use my own time to search for the correct one- which seemed to be ridiculously specific yet she couldn't recall the name- only would know it was the right one if she saw it.  Her reasoning behind her not being able to look for it herself had something to do with limited server time issues or whatever- which made very little sense to me as she was always on shout.  I found the whole thing ridiculous after a bit and refused to continue searching for the damn thing myself after offering to pay for it- and looking back on it now and hearing about the suspected Munchausen proxy I find it POSSIBLE that she never needed the thing in the first place- probably why she never showed me the specific machine herself that she needed- and why she'd constantly say "no- this isn't the one- but it's close" each time I thought I found the damn thing.  I really hope that wasn't the case- for I really felt sympathetic and I'd hate to think I was a victim of a play for sympathy.
I can explain the limited server time thing.  What she was referring to was her cellphone internet.  It had a small bandwidth cap on it which was filled rather quickly depending on where she was surfing.  The shoutbox took up little resources as opposed to going to lots of websites because the shoutbox was only sending smaller chunks of data since it was, for the most part, text only.  If she was surfing media heavy sites then that'd be taxing on her bandwidth.  That's where that situation came from.  The other stuff I can't comment on since I don't know enough about/remember enough about the situation.
Quote from: Tom on 03/29/2009, 09:32 PMnooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Search your feelings you know it be true!!  Join me and embrace the full power of the metric side of the force!!!!

Obviously because I've mastered the ancient art of masturbating in public.
Quote from: geise on 03/28/2009, 09:05 PMWell add to the fact that Yuji Naka hasn't made a Sonic game for a very long time since he formed Prope.  That's like a Mario game being made without Miyamoto.  I still want to see what a Mario game without his input would be like.  Sonic gets a bad rap.
That still doesn't change the fact that Sonic didn't have as good of a transition into 3D as Mario.  The end result is what matters.  Also even with Miyamoto on a project that doesn't make it good.  Just look at Zelda: Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy.  Without Miyamoto at the helm games have been able to turn out well.  Like Zelda Minish Cap.  Sonic gets a bad rap because they've chugged out nothing but crap after Sonic Adventure 2 save for the handheld Sonic games.  They're not even trying to make a decent Sonic game whatsoever.  I like Sonic and all but I know damn well when it needed to stop and that was with the death of the Dreamcast.
QuoteI think Sonic made the jump to 3D much more gracefully than Mario...
WTF!?!?!?  No man.  The camera in Sonic Adventure was mega ass.  Don't believe me?  Go play Sky Deck on Sonic's scenario?  Then they had the nerve to add voices.   Sonic Adventure 2 was fun but they nerfed Tails bigtime and there hasn't been a good 3D Sonic game since.  So far Mario 3D has made a better and longer lasting transition. 

Obama full of shit!?!?!? Say it ain't so!!!!  :roll:
Quote from: Mithos on 03/27/2009, 04:56 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/27/2009, 02:02 AM
QuoteIn 4th grade my grama gave me two options from the toy catalog

Do you want an N64 or a Playstation?

I looked at the catalog and saw FFVII and CD games and went "Playstation. The n64 is for retards"
Haha did you actually say that to your Gramma?  That would rule.
Mario 64 doesnt count, because that games trash.
Oh you can go to the lowest levels of hell for that one man.  Mario 64 is awesome.  Especially when you get to the upper levels of the castle.

Resident Evil 1 was awesome.  I don't know why people complain about the tank controls.  You simply don't need to run and gun in that game.  The way they made the game to resemble a b-grade movie works.  I will say that the best version is the Director's Cut version on the PSX.  Also Goldeneye was only alright.  They f*cked up royally with the control scheme.  That little red crosshair still pisses me off till this day.   I swear this place is the only place I've encountered such N64 hate.  I'm still glad I got one over a Saturn back when it first came out.  If I didn't I would've missed my favorite Zelda game OoT. 
I preferred Spyro gex and crash over mario in 3d.... ._.

and, ... that run/shoot in MGS is awesome.  Maybe now I can beat it in 1:10 instead of 1:15, lol
See I liked Spyro, Gex, and Crash in addition to Mario in 3D.  Though Crash and Spyro died out after Naughty Dog sold those franchises off.  Also CTR sucked ass.  Crash Bandicoot started sucking after the 3rd one and the same with Spyro.  And while I love Gex I found it nowhere near as fun as Mario 64.  Still a great game though.
Quote from: Keranu on 03/28/2009, 02:04 AMGenerally I prefer metric too and wish we all used the same system, BUT I do prefer Farenheight when used for weather.
I think people prefer Fahrenheit because they've been conditioned to the range of temps to expect.  To me Centigrade and Kalvin make more sense and I think with enough time the general populace can be conditioned to use these scales as well.
Quote from: guest on 03/27/2009, 11:11 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/27/2009, 04:38 PMBullshit you.  Mythos is the Hilander way of spelling Mithos.  Mithos is the way it's spelled in Tales of Symphonia which is one of the places I based my name on.  Both of these are so much more awesome than U-land.
stick your spelling up your ass mithos... i spell mitho with a in Fuck You :P <<hugs>>
You can shove your U up your ass and then sprinkle it with pieces of that cheap toilet paper you call a maple leaf.
Quote from: guyjin on 03/27/2009, 11:33 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/27/2009, 10:05 PMWanna change from pounds to ounces?  Well I hope you have a conversion chart or the internet available because you're not doin' it otherwise.  Seriously fuck imperial.
Uh, you can multiply by 16, right? It's obviously not as easy as metric, but it's not THAT complicated.
Again pointless.  Not that complicated doesn't matter.  Since we use a base-10 system it makes more sense to change units based on a base-10 conversion system.  Imperial isn't consistent with these conversions.  Even if we moved to a base-16 system even changing 1 fluid ounce to 1 pint which are both imperial units is stupid.  Hell I'm not even sure why the fuck it took NASA so long to change to metric but I'm glad they did.
Oh it's not just that everyone else is using SI units.  No, imperial units make no fucking sense.  Especially when you want to convert from one unit to another.  Wanna go from grams to kilograms?  Well guess what all you have to do is move a decimal place and BAM job done!  Wanna change from pounds to ounces?  Well I hope you have a conversion chart or the internet available because you're not doin' it otherwise.  Seriously fuck imperial.
FUCKIN' RIGHT! I'm tired of this shit too!  Fuck whoever came out with that imperial bullshit!!! It's grams, liters, and meters NOT ounces, pints, and miles.  Fuck that shit!!!!
Quote from: geise on 03/27/2009, 06:56 PM
Quote from: Mithos on 03/27/2009, 04:56 PMI'm still glad I got one over a Saturn back when it first came out.  If I didn't I would've missed my favorite Zelda game OoT. 
...and what the fuck is wrong with the Saturn?  I never understood what the deal was with Zelda...especially on the N64.  I like the original Zelda, not a huge fan of link, couldn't get into the 3d ones, and I still have yet to play through the Wii Zelda that I got from my wife for xmas.  Saturn is one of the best 32bit systems as far as I'm concerned.  N64 was in a league of it's own, since it was the only "true" shity 64-bit system for it's time.
There's nothing wrong with the Saturn.  Never said there was.  The Wii Zelda was bullshit.  Saturn died out around the time the N64 came out. At the time paying the price for a Saturn during it's death throes would've been stupid as fuck.  And for what?  A few US releases I had little to no hope of getting until much later?  Fuck that.  I enjoyed my system then and I do now.
Quote from: guest on 03/27/2009, 05:09 PM
Quote from: turbo D on 03/27/2009, 02:31 PMWhat I hate most about fat people is trying to get around them in stores; they literally block all passage in any given isle. Seriously! :x
Two words: cattle prod.
See that's the problem.  For the uber fatasses their fat actually insulates them from that or they're too stupid to notice.  And god help you if you miss cause you'll be right in their eating path.  It's a lose lose situation.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/27/2009, 02:02 AM
QuoteIn 4th grade my grama gave me two options from the toy catalog

Do you want an N64 or a Playstation?

I looked at the catalog and saw FFVII and CD games and went "Playstation. The n64 is for retards"
Haha did you actually say that to your Gramma?  That would rule.
Mario 64 doesnt count, because that games trash.
Oh you can go to the lowest levels of hell for that one man.  Mario 64 is awesome.  Especially when you get to the upper levels of the castle.

Resident Evil 1 was awesome.  I don't know why people complain about the tank controls.  You simply don't need to run and gun in that game.  The way they made the game to resemble a b-grade movie works.  I will say that the best version is the Director's Cut version on the PSX.  Also Goldeneye was only alright.  They f*cked up royally with the control scheme.  That little red crosshair still pisses me off till this day.   I swear this place is the only place I've encountered such N64 hate.  I'm still glad I got one over a Saturn back when it first came out.  If I didn't I would've missed my favorite Zelda game OoT.
Quote from: ceti alpha on 03/27/2009, 01:04 PM
QuoteMithos - First there was albinoMithos, then there was Mithos, then there was Mobius, then there was Mobiusclimber... I'm still not really sure if these are all different people, or the same person. Oh yeah, "mythos" is spelled with a "y."
I have the most obvious explanation for the misspelling - Mithos thought that "Mythos" was the Canadian spelling.

QuoteTatsujin - What kind of dipshit doesn't accept an offer of a brand new US Dynastic Hero in exchange for an ice cream? A FUCKING ICE CREAM?!?!
For real?!!!  :shock: Tats does like teh peppery though.
Bullshit you.  Mythos is the Hilander way of spelling Mithos.  Mithos is the way it's spelled in Tales of Symphonia which is one of the places I based my name on.  Both of these are so much more awesome than U-land.