@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Lorfarius

Quote from: guest on 02/17/2016, 06:06 PMI am in the UK and can probably RGB mod this for you using THS7314 based amp. I do them quite regularly and all work perfectly. I could keep the PS AV socket and connect the new amp to this so you can use your PS scart cable or remove it and replace it with a din 8 socket which will need a custom made scart cable.
 The only issue I have is whether the PS AV socket is stuck to the board with resin as this may be hard to remove. Does the substance feel slightly rubbery when you press it or is it hard?
Thank you! It feels hard to touch. Sounds like a new amp is the best way forward?
Damn! I've tried it on 3 TVs so far :(
No idea, its clear up close though.
I'll most likely stick it back up on ebay as spares n repairs then wait for another to pop up.
Sadly I bought it several weeks back on ebay and left the guy positive feedback. It's taken me ages to save up for an Everdrive to use with it, ordered on Sunday when Retrotowers finally had some in stock only for the damn console to fail :(
Afraid not and I'm in the UK so probably going to be a struggle to get anyone to sort :( I opened up the Scart cable as I was reading online that some need the caps inside twisting. I tried this but didn't do much good but when I looked at the older PS1 version it doesn't have any caps inside so I've asked around and someone has agreed to send another. 

Very frustrating as I thought it was a good deal at the time! They seem to be around £100 fully modded form what I can find.
Well I have no idea how to go about soldering stuff else I'd have done a mod myself! So that's out the window :(

I ordered another PS1 scart lead which arrived this morning, plugged it in and everything is dim. Even turning on the brightness really high and it's too dark to see. Wiggling the lead in the port of the console doesnt do anything :( All the colours are fine though.

Some pictures of the inside:

Just picked up a modded PCE Core Grafx 2 on ebay which has an RGB scart mod according to the description.  When I turn it on it mostly works fine but brushing the scart lead ever so slightly can add a purple tint to everything. Much jiggling and placing at just the right angle it comes back on but the slightest push and it reverts back to purple. Not sure if its the scart or the mod but when I look at what's been done doesn't seem like any I can find info on or even a replacement scart to try:


The wiggling hot spot seems to be just above the composite ports so I don't think its the mod on the console. I can't figure out what that mod connector is though. I did try connecting composite through that box to 2 different TV's but there's no proper signal and the screen goes black, zero sound too. Can anyone help?  8-[
The list is just taken from members on their forum posting. Most popular ones from those get included, I see the editor do it every month for these features.
Bit of a hectic week, all of the articles for PN3 are in (the PCE article looks fantastic!) and we are well under way with the design work.  Still amazed we have made it to a 3rd issue and I'm already starting to look beyond it for PN4!

Wouldn't be doing it if wasn't for you lot so thanks again everyone  :D
I'm sure Paul won't mind me mentioning that we are now hosting these over on U-Publish at Pixel Nation:

Still on the look out for a writer guys :)
Quote from: guest on 04/25/2012, 02:06 PMWhat kind of article do you want though....? lol
My earlier post:

We are looking for something special, a decent sized history of the system touching upon the games, call it a beginners intro to the PCEngine/TG. Basically looking for someone who can write well and go into some detail.


We are based in the UK but aren't focusing on just this country as its meant to have something for everyone, it isn't just a UK zine :) The first issue has been written from people across the globe and we are trying to cover as much as possible across...well everything.
Word count will depend on the article, will need a sample of course :)
Hullo! I'm involved with PN and recently been in talks with Paul about an article, sadly like he said earlier he doesn't have the time. We are looking for something special, a decent sized history of the system touching upon the games, call it a beginners intro to the PCEngine/TG. Basically looking for someone who can write well and go into some detail.

If anyone is interested then please drop me a PM.

If anyone wants to ask about PN1 then I'm happy to answer any questions :) We launched just under a month ago and the aim is to offer a retro book every quarter. Packed full of articles and interviews hopefully touching upon areas to appeal to all, pleased to say its been a great success so far.
I'm not one for soldering :( But I think I know a guy who can help so will see what he says :) Thanks.
Bit of a strange problem but the RGB connector on my Super CDRom is really sensitive. If I plug it in as normal the screen displays but with a yellow tint covering everything. Usually if I wiggle the connector around slightly it reverts to how it should be but so much as the slightest knock then the yellow returns  :-k Can anything be done?

I don't think it's down to the cable as I've plugged that straight into the PCE and dont have any problem when turning that on. It's only the Super  :|
Quote from: MXS on 05/27/2009, 05:33 PMI will not buy one, I was just wondering about 50/60 Hz. :)

I'm into to PCE! 8)
Doesn't matter which system it is, PAL is always 50Hz :(
Frightening times.  :shock:
I wouldn't risk it.
I recently picked up a copy from eBay and overall I'm impressed. It's a fairly decent arcade conversion and though its not the greatest of platformers its still fun to work your way through the levels.
This thread needs screenshots  :D
Quote from: Mathius on 05/16/2009, 11:55 PMI noticed, spida1a, that you did an awesome(as always :D) review of Dungeon Explorer II for the Duo. This is a U.S. release but I can't find that dang thing anywhere! The awesome group of people here recommended the japanese version but I kind of like the story of the first game and would like to continue it. I guess there are walkthroughs but I'd rather just read english. Do you or anybody else know a place to pick this up and how much?
eBay is probably the best bet. Think I saw it recently for about $20.
Thanks for the responses all  :D I think what surprises me the most is just how little support it did receive. I'd have at least expected a bigger number of games which makes me wonder if that was one of its biggest failing. No developer support whatsoever.
Been watching a video of the few games that were released for the SG as well reading the Wikipedia page but there doesn't seem to be any detailed explanation of what actually happened to the system. Why did it fail and why was it never programmed for besides the 5 or 6 games it did receive?
Looks like an Ultima game with those black gates  :D
I think this is the highest priced games collection I've ever seen.....or at least read about. The lack of pictures is laughable  =D>
Good, good  :D Dont see many sites that cover pirates.
I've been doing a few PC Engine game playthroughs on my Youtube channel (see my sig). Not proper reviews just myself fumbling through games  :)
That's a great site with some pretty decent content  :D Consider me subscribed.
For me its the Popful Mail conundrum. The MegaCD version was pretty expensive (still is as far as I'm aware) I'd seen it on Youtube, heard good things on various forums but everytime I saw it with an uber high price point I could never bring myself to spend so much money on a single game. In the end I decided to take the plunge and forked out, thankfully it was a bloody brilliant game. Now I'm faced with the same problem on Dracula X except this time I've played it for several hours and love it to bits.
I have PC Kid 2 but can't say I'm overly fond of it. I take it the 3rd game is much better?

Also been giving serious thought to Dungeon Explorer 2. Look's like a great game but is quite expensive. Decisions, decisions.
Whats so good about it besides the fact its probably one of the longest game titles I've ever seen  :P
I've got a region modded Core II hooked up to a Super CD Rom2. There's a good luck at my setup on my Youtube channel  :D
Having heard a lot of love for the Dracula X game I decided to see what it would cost to get my hands on a copy. I was shocked to learn it cost anything from £100 ($180) to £130 at a time! Luckily I have a friend who lives a couple of town's over who had bought a copy many moons ago. Thankfully he agreed to let me get my mitts on it for a short time and I was quite happy to find it was actually a pretty decent game whether or not it's worth the high cost I couldn't say but it's a lot of fun to play.

Anyway's ignoring my ramblings for now it did make me wonder if there were any other games on the PCE (or even the TG) that are of such high value and can even be classed as being pretty decent games?
Quote from: Lorfarius on 04/16/2009, 11:48 AMThe Pro card is cheaper than the Duo one  8-[ Do they effectively do the same thing (with one having the System 3.0 software on as well) or are both compatible with the Core ?
The Pro card is less common and usually more expensive, but not this time apparently, so buy whichever you want.  They would both work with your Super-CD; the only difference between the two is that the Duo card has only 16mb o' memory and the Pro card has 16mb plus the extra 1.5mb not found in the original PCE-CD.
Ah ha that makes more sense, thanks  :lol: Its such a minefield trying to work out what's what for these systems.
The Pro card is cheaper than the Duo one  8-[ Do they effectively do the same thing (with one having the System 3.0 software on as well) or are both compatible with the Core?
Quote from: guest on 04/16/2009, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Lorfarius on 04/15/2009, 02:03 PMI also noticed this and thought it might make a good investment for any future game purchases:

You might be able to save yourself a few bucks by getting a Arcade Card Duo.  The Pro card is only needed if you have the original PCE-CD system, as it lacks the additional memory found in your Super-CD.
So if I buy this one then I can effectively play any of the CD games:


I'm most confused with these add on cards  #-o
Nothing happens when I switch it on though :( The Core plays Hucard games just fine when its on its own but when I plug the two together I just get a blank screen for cards. My Core is a region modded unit though with a flick switch right next to the bus bay on the back. I'm going to buy a TG game and see if that makes any difference when I fire it up.

Edit. Problem solved! Just slid the two apart at the bus connector and eased the tension on the region switch. All working now. Phew!
Have a few more questions  :oops: Thinking I might need some sort of memory card for the system (I'm hoping to play a few RPG's on it) I decided to invest in one of these:


I also noticed this and thought it might make a good investment for any future game purchases:


Both seem to be compatible with the setup that I have but with the Super CD Rom 2 plugged in and switched on whenever I add a card (of any type, game or the above) I just get a blue or white screen. When I take them out the system runs fine. Am I missing something really obvious? Having said that is there a way to load card games without unplugging the Core from the CDRom system?  #-o
Quote from: guest on 04/13/2009, 12:56 PM
Quote from: Lorfarius on 04/13/2009, 08:43 AMHussah! It worked just by pressing the Run button :oops:
Mwuhahahaha!  Dontcha just hate those 'senior moments'?  :lol:
](*,) Fraid so. I recently bought a MegaCD which tends to boot the games once they are in the drive so all I can say is that I was expecting the same to happen with the Super.  :oops:
Hussah! It worked just by pressing the Run button :oops:
Sorry forgot to mention that! But yes the lead that links the Core to the CDRom is there.
Quote from: guyjin on 04/06/2009, 12:53 PM
Quote from: Duo_R on 04/06/2009, 02:07 AMReally Joe? What is this then?

As others have already pointed out, there are two discs in the box, one 32x, the other plain old sega CD.
There are plenty of 32X and SegaCD crossover games. Night Trap for one has a much better version with higher quality video and different interface that only works with the two hardware parts combined.
The mag no longer has the disc every month and has been taken over by a completely different editor. However its all good and it's a damn good read much more so than it ever was. If you have chance I'd recommend picking up a recent issue just to see what has been done.
Hello everyone

First time to the forums and effectively the first time into the world of the PCE for me. Up until a retro gaming show (Byte Back) in the UK I had no idea what the PCE/Turbo etc was even about but after seeing a few on display I was hooked and simply wanted to get my hands on one. I was able to pick up a PC Engine Core (the blue one) with an RGB Mod for that better picture display and a region switch on the back. After a few weeks playing various card games (my favourite being R-Type so far) I was offered the chance to get my hands on a Super CD Rom 2.

It came fully boxed with the standard Jap adaptor and a few games so I thought I'd be in for hours of fun. However after taking it home I plugged it in (using a Jap to UK adaptor) but nothing happened. I then visited a few forums and someone recommended this adaptor:


Sadly this didn't do the trick either and there seemed to be no power getting through and no lights on the Super CdRom to say it was working. So basically...I'm stumped. Does anyone else have any suggestions?