Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - tlaloc

Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
07/22/2017, 03:05 AM
Suth'n Drah's
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
06/30/2017, 10:47 PM
[Above the] RIM BlackBerry™Bebop Doppler-o-maticonspiraliciousness
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
06/30/2017, 03:52 PM
she's a bad mama jamma harness
Please consider me for the raffle. I had a bunch of these pc-engine games stolen from me years back, and i've been thinking about rebuilding.. Thanks for putting these up.
McUcScCcLcEr + pErMrPrHrArSrIrSp $ fTxAxBxLxExTxS
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/25/2015, 08:52 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/22/2015, 12:00 PMLol, that's not actually Falcom's Youtube music channel, just a fan collecting/posting stuff.  However, the person has probably just misspelled it, since I think the instrument is spelled fagott not faggot.
Thanks for your correction. My error in judgement.
I feel you might be mistaken in your presumptions as well, xcrement5x.

Firstly, I didn't think it was an official site since they grabbed the liner notes straight from
But you wouldn't have known that, since I didn't get to post this pic example on the initial post (forgot to add BBcode link):

I didn't include this pic from the video game music database website in the original post (only a link), but it clearly shows that whoever wrote 'Faggot' with two 'g's & one 't' wasn't the originator of the [granted] fan-made 'Falcom' youtube channel (which is amazing, btw), so i think you might be wrong (presuming you actually were inferring that the person who 'probably' just misspelled it was this same fan who was behind the youtube channel that you thought i thought was 'official'.. ('pfft'.. & 'lolz' right back@cha yah, xcrement5x, btw).

Also, wikipedia shows in thir page  describing the 'Bassoon' their spelling of the word 'Fagott' is wrong and that it shows it spelled as 'Faggot'. This must be stopped, right?
Isn't it a considered a hate crime now to use such profane language on such a large commercial site as wikipedia?
Let's work together on this, xcrement5x. Let's bring wikipedia down as an example to others. An example to not use their filthy profane language of the profane any longer, or else! How dare they imply that that word 'Faggot' has anything to do with Bassoons [wiki=baffoons] or even have that word on the same page as Bassoon [i don't care that it says (disambiguation) in parentheses next to the link... they must be stopped!].


All joking aside, now.
Even still, your feedback to my post was and still is muchly appreciated xcrement5x & Nightwolve Thanks out to the both of you for providing non-occulted feedback through letting me know what's up in a direct manner to this here Jerry Jelly
I've gotta be honest and fess up that, yeah...  it [the youtube pages' layout]  really could've fooled me into believing it was actually Falcoms' official youtube channel. So, 'touché' on discerning correctly that i was speaking on false presumptions on that there front, my turbo-compadres, 'touché'!
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/22/2015, 04:05 AM
I found a slightly out of place (or random, perhaps) alternate use of the word bassoon while doing some research after having read a Yuzo Koshiro interview in which he mentioned the one Ys arrangement that stood out to him the most:

I took a guess that when he was transcribed as saying "The orchestral arrangements Kentaro Haneda made are particularly great", he was referring to this 'Symphony Ys' CD from 1988:

but what's this now....?!


Looks like third times' a charm for liner note trolls from '88:


Verify for yourselves, it's even on Falcoms' youtube channel [and]:
The words bassoon and f-ggot are the same, so why be so inconsistent? Perhaps Kentaro Haneda was disturbed by the performance of his bassoon player, Shinkichi Maeda, during the '3rd Movement'?!

i don't know, just chit-chattin' is all.
Please, place my name in the raffle. Thank You  [-o<
 8-[ ...Tender People (from Ys 2, written by Mieko Ishikawa). It's a great song to have stuck in your head, i think.
Plz sign me up. thanks!
 [-o<"so... [in a post]" [-o<
Quote from: mrjingles75 on 04/28/2012, 08:05 AMI wonder, would one of these new 4" screens give better picture quality? I'm assuming that the image persistence you get on a regular LT screen must be down to the more primitive LCD tech of the time?

So many questions  8-[
Better picture quality out of the new 4" LCD, as opposed to the stock NEC LCD? If you feel like doing it yourself, first, ask yourself the following three (3) questions:
1.) "Do I know what the difference between composite and RGB video is?"
2.) "Are my hands steady?"
3.) "Do I know how to use a soldering iron?"

If you answered 'no' to any of the above questions, then I would kindly advise you to consider looking into what PunkCryborg suggested and follow up on that, making sure to note the difference between RGB out as opposed to composite out going to the 4" screen before asking what you need of the prospective PC-Engine LT repair specialist. Here is a link to a video that provides a visual example of what I am referring to:
If you absolutely want the best picture quality, and you feel comfortable tinkering around with a rare PC-Engine LT, you're probably going to have to read this doc:

Then re-visit the PCEGT LCD replacement project page, read it and see if you can do better than that. According to my perception of how it was done on the PCEGT LCD replacement project page, the poster, woshizyt, used the replacement LCDs' stock driver board to convert the HU6260 chips video signals to what would appear as a composite video signal on the new screen. I could be wrong but that is what appears to have happened to me. My guess is that it is possible to get true RGB out to the replacement LCD screen.

Safe Care and Take Travels,
Quote from: mrjingles75 on 04/27/2012, 06:46 PMHi folks. Does anyone here know of a good place or person that can repair an LT screen? Is it possible to replace them? I have an LT that's perfect except the screen is on it's last legs. I'd like to be playing it for another 10 years :)

Best place to look to repair anything is yourself, of course. At least, look into what it would take to repair it, then decide what to do.
Here is a link to a PCEGT LCD replacement project page (not an LT, i know, but I imagine it wouldn't be too different of a process from a PCE GT screen repair/replacement):

I would recommend you buy the replacement screen yourself (LT takes 4inch screens, i think):

Test it to see if it works, then find someone willing to repair it for you, if you do not feel capable of handling it yourself.

Is it possible? yes.

If you don't feel that it's possible to do it yourself, then I feel that referring you to this page might be of some help (someone else asked a similar question in regard to repair, and got answers):

Hope this helps.
Quote from: nat on 04/03/2012, 09:31 PMTechnically, it's two games not one. They just glued them together and removed your ability to JUST play the second one for the TG-16/PCE release.
Not entirely true:

Enter this password and you get to watch the cinematic segue outro/intro between the two games, as the following link showed me:


Ys BOOK I AND II - Password

Darm Tower 25F:
all you need to do is hit button 2 to read volume fact
Check out this link. It is, basically speaking, a chronological mirror from late-1996 on:*/

Look, it even mentions Bomberman and [the late] Hudson Soft.
Quote from: Flare65 on 01/07/2012, 02:14 PMUnless you can read Japanese, how are you getting around the language barrier?  I'd love to bid on a few of these auctions, but I can't read the auction pages.  I'm stuck at ebay's mercy when I want to buy games.
Looks fine from here, check it out:

you should proably use babelfish if you don't understand japanese
* tlaloc <---same
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
12/21/2011, 02:51 PM
Crocker, Betty
If I could only keep one single PCE game, I'd be mad and would only want to play the types of games that have reminder words related to attacking or are fighting-related, so as to allow me to vent my frustrations about the fact that somehow I'm not allowed to have more than one game [one of each format, that is]:

HuCard: Street FIGHTER II Champion Edition


SGX: 1941 - Counter ATTACK
Hi everyone

This is my first post, and I have been in the background just reading all the forum posts to do with repairs and hardware mods (I would still like to see someone pull off a Turbo Express to SUPER-CD-ROM2 mod, if that is even possible). I used to be subscribed to the 'Turbo List' Digest 'way back when', I even made a contribution to their cheat file:

I was credited for adding Shinobi stage select to their cheat file [my old email is at the very bottom of the link].

I used to own a PC-Engine LT and had modified/shaved plastic off of a SUPER-CDROM2 unit to 'accept' the PC Engine LT. It was so nice being able to play Arcade Card games on an LT screen, and it was also a nice thing being able to use as it as an external moniter. I bought it off of a guy from Corpus Christi, Texas who used to be a seller on the old 'Turbo List' back in '98. If you're still around 'the Turbo scene' [and happen to read this], I regret to have to tell you that the PC-Engine LT I had purchased from you had been stolen from my home a couple years later and it was devastating to me (saved up for weeks to have $850 for a PC-Engine LT and it was a big deal to me at the time). I still have the instruction manual for it as well as the box. Is there anything I can do to get this back if I have the serial number? Please tell me there is a way to get it back, help me find a way to get this back.

Thank you for reading my first post here on the forums.

Bye, for now! :-({|=