OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - dingsbums

Perfect game for christmas  :D.
I wish everybody on here happy christmas holidays.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 07/04/2016, 10:36 AMNice. I thought the GBA was considered a 32 but system though.
I didn't mean it in technical way - more like a lot of sequels, ports & 2D games that could have been released on the SNES also.
Thank god I have the 2nd Battle Mania already (Korean version though) - I thankfully got it when it was way cheaper  :dance:.

I'm really on a GBA kick lately - to me the GBA is the successor to the SNES.
The games with the stars are Densetsu no Stafy 1 + 3 (missed the 2nd part  :( ). Really nice 2D platformers.
Video of the first one:
Games of the last couple of months  :D.

Probably a long shot but I'm looking for an original Zunzunkyou No Yabou (Sega, 1994) PCB.
If you have it and are willing to sell it => please let me know  8) . Even if you know a place that sells it => please let me know  8).
Games,PCB & console  :) .

QuoteAny Sega System That Isn't the Genesis
Wow just wow.
But the good thing is - maybe it keeps more people away from collecting for the Sega Saturn  :D.

The complete article is pretty bad but what tops it is that they say: Avoid the Game Boy  ](*,)
There are great GB games that can easily compete with NES games.
Here you go mate:
312000 Yen = 2440 Euro = 2630 $

The sad answer is: People pay a lot for this game as it is a really rare title.
Quote from: guest on 11/08/2015, 09:49 PMThat looks pretty badass man, is it already working at least?
Yes it works perfectly  8) - the only thing that has a problem is the force feedback (could be the drive board / the force feedback motor / the wiring => I have to check what is causing the fault).

I have it completely disassambled already  :dance:. Off to clean the thing  :P.
I finally got one of these  :dance:  after a 1200 km tour 8).


I haven't done anything to it yet - but I plan to do a complete restore on it 8) .
Quote from: tknjin on 08/28/2015, 07:56 AMWow you got a lot of nice pick ups there.  Although I am surprised you barely got super tempo because I would have thought you would have had that some time ago lol.  Also I am glad to see you finally got hihou densetsu chris no bouken with spine and Aurelia.  Definitely some really hard games to find with spine.  I actually did really well with my pc engine pick ups, but just need to wait for it to come in the mail, and show the peepz :)
Super Tempo complete & for a good price is a bitch to track down - took me a long time  :roll:.
I'm still missing about 50 Saturn titles that I want and there a (sadly) a few heavy hitters in there - most notably Hyper Duel (all auctions I have seen on that one in the last couple months ended between 350 - 450 Euro  ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)).
The PC Engine titles were also hard to track down.
I'm curious what you picked up - show us  :D.

Yeah Frankenhooker is great. If you like that one you should check out Brain Damage / Elmer for
sure (if you have not seen it already  :wink:) - I always thought this is Henenlotter's best movie.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/14/2015, 02:02 AMAwesome dude! I just got the same thing, but the Gun Force 2 version. Mine would randomly freeze, though. I was like "WTF?" But then I looked between the boards and a little sticker that had some shiny stuff on it had fallen in there. Apparently it was enough to short some points. Removed it and all is good.
The game was on my search list for a long time  :wink:. It's an awesome game.
If you have graphic problems on a M92 PCB there are usually two problems:
- a bad connection between the top and bottom board
- a missing or wrongly placed jumper on the top board
Glad your PCB is fully working again  =D>.
Finally  :D .

Now on Ebay  :dance:
Pricedrop  :dance:
Yes I only sell the complete set.
But I prefer trades and I'm willing to break the set if you have something to trade I'm looking for. Just let me know what you have and we go from there  :).
Voted for:

Hana Taka Daka
Parasol Stars
Rainbow Islands
Fight Club
Survive Style 5+
El Milagro de P. Tinto
One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Taxi Driver
Bad Taste
Braindead / Dead Alive
Dawn / Day of the Dead
Robocop (1987)
The Thing (1982)
12 Monkeys
Oh Brother, where art thou ?
Life of Brian
The Blade (1995)
Green Snake
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
King of Kong
Hard Boiled
Hana - Bi
The Swordsman
Army of Darkness
Drunken Master II
Evil Dead 1 + 2
Life is hot in Cracktown
Kill Bill 1 + 2
Shadow of the Vampire
Ed Wood
Reservoir Dogs
From Dusk till Dawn
Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction
Ninja Scroll
Battle Royale
Team America
Giant Claw
Tetsuo 1 + 2
Blue Velvet
Starship Troopers
The Big Lebowski

and a whole lot more if I would think longer about it  :D.
Finally  :D .

New (and repaired) PCB's  :)


"Ring of Destruction" looked like this before  :| .
After years of "dead PCB" status it finally is back alive  8) :


I read that a Madcatz MC2 is good for hacking it to a Model 3 PCB - problem is - does anybody know the analouge / Racer PCB / Scud Race Model 3 Pinout ?

And sadly these two are not working at the moment  :? :cry:.
General Gaming / Re: cosmo tank discussion
03/14/2015, 02:25 AM
I didn't order it because of the timeline thread - I already had it (and still have it) before  :).
Really interesting to see all your picks.
I have to reply to this:
Quote from: poponon on 03/11/2015, 04:30 PMReally interesting to see how everyone's different tastes have developed. I've noticed not alot of people have been explaining the current state of their gaming though.
That has to do with the fact the OP wanted to hear the games that had the most impact on us. I can only speak for myself but games impressed me way more at a younger age - nowadays I have my "gaming taste" - I love Arcade style games, preferebly in 2D. Sadly 2D games are way to few nowadays - which is a shame since todays consoles are so powerful you could do awesome / beautiful 2D games easily. Of course I play newer games also - Rayman Origins/Legends, Bayonetta 1/2, Super Mario 3D Worlds and Dragon's Crown are a few examples and they are great games but they didn't have an impact on me as the titles I listed  :).

PS: Cosmo Tank on the GB is great  :D.
Wow the games that had the most impact on me - have to think about that one  :lol:.

1. Wonderboy (Arcade) - this was the first game I remember playing in a restaurant before / after soccer training in 1987.
2. Rainbow Islands (Amiga) - this was the first game a school friend showed me at his home to show me the Amiga 500 in 1988 - excellent port and game, the PCE version is one of my favourite games to this day  :).
3. Super Mario Bros. (NES) - I remember since our little town had no big shopping centre at the time - 1988, whenever we drove in the next big city, the supermarket there had a little electronics isle and there was a NES with Super Mario Bros. - from that moment on I was hooked on consoles  :P.
4. Super Mario Land (Game Boy) - Since the Game Boy was my first own gaming system in 1989 and this was the first game I got with it this had to be included  8).
5. Probotector / Contra (NES) - Shortly after the Game Boy I started to beg for a NES  :P - it took a year (christmas 1990) to get it and Probotector (the Europe version of Contra) was the first game I got  =D>.
6. Super Mario World (Super NES)- At that time (1990) German video game magazines started (and I was hooked at all of them  :P) - and they had an article about the Super Famicom (which was already out in Japan) and tests of the first games and of course Super Mario World was one of them - I wanted the game from the screenshots alone and read the test over & over again.
7. The PC Engine / Neo Geo - in that time period (1990 - 1993) as I said I was hooked on video game magazines and the import scene was really big at that time. Being 10 - 13 years old I could not buy the games / consoles. But the PCE & Neo Geo always had that mystic aura for me from that point on - I was fascinated because you could not walk in a store and buy them since they were not released in Europe and at the same time I was really mad at NEC/SNK because I wanted to see the machines in action. I know not a game - but I dreamed about having these consoles so they made an impression on me   :P.
8. Super Probotector / Contra III / Contra Spirits (Super NES) - After reading two years about the console I finally got it at christmas 1992 along with Super Probotector - this game blew my socks off  :dance:.
9. Truxton 2 (Arcade) - We went to a family fest around 1992 / 93 in a Jugoslawian restaurant and there were two arcade cabinets in the entrance hall and in one of them was Truxton 2 - needless to say, eating was not that important that evening  :D.
10. Ridge Racer (PS 1) - I made a summer praktikum to get the money for a PS 1 and Ridge Racer and played it for months  in 1994/95 8).
11. Bonus point :wink: Spriggan (PC Engine) - Started to work in 1996 - and slowly but shurely I got into import gaming through private ads in gaming magazines and it was also the year I finally got a brand new Duo-R along with the first game which was Spriggan - it left me speechless because I couldn't believe this game runs on 8 Bit Hardware.

Of course not everything was great back then  8). I remember to this day about the first game I really hated => Wing Commander. A friend of mine was absolutely hooked on that game and told me excited about it. I found it extremly boring, slow & not a very good game at all - I could never understand why it has such a following & so many sequels (and even a horrible movie).
That was not what I meant.
It's not the smartest idea to let the enemy know your steps in advance.
You guys are aware that he is a member here  :?: and it's likely that he also reads this thread. So a open discussion how NightWolve should handle this situation is in my opinion not the smartest move - just sayin'  :wink:.
Off-Topic / Re: Favorite Horror Movie?
02/17/2015, 01:02 PM
Quote from: InfraMan on 02/16/2015, 06:41 PMA really great film that I don't hear talked about much is Cronos by Guillermo del Toro... that's one that I go back to again and again.

Other slightly obscure-ish stuff that's worth seeking out:

House (1977) - really weird Japanese movie... crazy stuff
Matango (1963)
Martin (1977)
Maniac (2012) - Elijah Wood is awesome in this!
Cronos is awesome - top choice.

Hausu / House - Is just pure insanity but in a good way.
Matango - Great movie.
Martin - It's one of Romeros underrated movies from a time when he still made good movies, Knight Riders is another one.
Maniac (2012) - I really don't like most Horror Remakes but this one is really good.

I have to check out your other suggestions.

A few of my movies who missed my top 10 (+ movies already mentioned in this thread):
Re-Animator & Bride of Re-Animator, Evil Dead series, Hellraiser 1 + 2, Mausoleum, Torso, Shock, Shadow of the Vampire, Possession & City of the lost Children.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: A few PCE CD titles
02/17/2015, 12:18 PM
UP  8)
Off-Topic / Re: Favorite Horror Movie?
02/16/2015, 05:47 PM
I try and go with a top ten (which is hard to do  :wink:)

1. Suspiria - Just love the older movies of Dario Argento and this is one of his best.
2. Zeder - Really underrated movie.
3. Eraserhead - I always thought that movie is about the fear of marriage / family + the atmosphere of that movie is so unique and scary = brilliant movie.
4. Maniac (1980) - One of my favourite slasher movies ever.
5. Bad Taste - The first time I seen this movie it left me speechless  :wink: - I was used to big budget movies and "Bad Taste" is so different. The "I don't give a fuck attitude", the humor, the gore effects and the complete story of the movie could never happen if a studio was behind it. Classic movie - check it out.
6. Dead Alive / Braindead - Even better than Bad Taste.
7. Nosferatu - I really love the atmosphere of this movie. Honorable mention - Shadow of the Vampire is also brilliant.
8. Videodrome - Cronenbergs best film
9. Tetsuo / Tetsuo 2 - The first part could be seen as a Japanese version of Eraserhead and the second film is just insane.
10. The Beyond - Again I love the atmosphere of this movie - by far Lucio Fulcis best film.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
02/15/2015, 02:32 PM
One game I truly missed in that video was Gun Valkyrie.
Top seller guys - buy this man's games  8).
Obey  8)


No obey  :wink:. Finally bought a (Japan) N64 since I want Bangai - Oh again  :D.

When it would become a HU Card (who can make self made HU Cards around here ?) I would change the front cover, no problem  8). I would still make the manual but instead of of the spine card / back cover I would make a HU Card case spine side & a round sticker for the backside of a HU Card case.
I would love to have Bubble Bobble on the PC Engine.
In anticipation I made a cover for a SCD version  8). When the project is hopefully done I could make a full manual, spine card & back cover also.

Quote from: guest on 01/02/2015, 02:36 PMI always thought PANG was from Capcom, not Mitchell
It was developed by Mitchell and distributed by Capcom as far as I know.
Kidou Soukou Dion
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Nothing
12/30/2014, 02:25 PM
Gone  :P.
Quote from: pulstar on 12/21/2014, 11:03 AMThe only real problem I see is that the board requires +24v.
The +24 volt are just for the coin counter which isn't necessary to get the PCB up & running.
Yes 6 Euro if you buy games seperatly.
When you buy all of them it equals out at 120/26 ~ 4,62 Euro each game.

I made the pictures yesterday  :D.

Just a couple more shots  :wink:.
I had to get these  8)


Also I had to get this  8)


Finally some games   :wink:


And some PCB's

I was after this one for an eternity   :dance:

And a nice shooter  :)
Great games that no one seems to play  :wink:.

Puzzle Boy
Sokoban World

and Battle Lode Runner is an awesome Multiplayer title.

And a second shelf  :D .