OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - tsuran

Two Air Fresheners, 3 college parking passes, and about 5 lanyards from different anime/gaming cons.... I'm too lazy to clean it
Awesome! I'll have to check it out!
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/02/2014, 02:47 PMAnyone else getting pumped for the Phoenix Wright and Professor Layton cross-over coming out?

The Professor Layton games may be the most underrated games of this generation, I am a big fan of the series.  I kept crossing my fingers for Layton's including in Smash Bros. 3DS, but it is looking less likely at this point.
I love the Phoenix Wright games, and have always wanted to play the Prof. Layton games, but never got a chance. So they're pretty good? Every time I see them they're still like 30 bucks, and I have never felt right dropping that on a game I know nothing about.
I love watching movies on LD, i think the quality is pretty good. Whenever I go looking it's not that easy to find any around here though. I did find Raiders and Home Alone two about 3 months ago though!
Quote from: TR0N on 06/15/2014, 02:30 AMIt is though ive struggle online some races i get can get 2nd or 3rd place.Then i start losing like crazy.....
Yeah, that happens haha. one shell and you're gone most of the time, but it seems if you can get way out front you can keep your position. the 2-12 racers almost always seem to be in a solid pack
I have it, would love to play sometime! It's great!
Tiny dogs that will NOT shut up
Nice! Boy I got to this topic late, but I love magic! I've played since darksteel, and don't really plan to ever get out. Limited is my favorite, and I can't wait for GP Atlanta next month!
Sigh, scratch that, won't be in for a while, and now i need new tires. Dang priorities.
Thanks for Sharing! If I happen to get some of the rarer titles for my collection as disc only, i'm sure this would be great for shelf storage!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Looking for a few things.
12/28/2013, 04:57 AM
Hey all! I'm looking for a few random odds and ends at the moment to complete games etc, and was checking to see if anyone happened to have any of it! I'll update the list whenever I remember something else. Pm Me if you will, and thanks to everyone who happens to look!

Currently looking for:


Red Octane Dance pad (foam) for Ps2

Sega Saturn:

Magic Knight Rayearth, preferably complete.

Rear case insert for Guardian Heroes

Case or Manual/Insert for these games:

Nights Into Dreams
What would yo be willing to do for the Konamix case, and the Panzer Dragoon Zwei Manual?
I have heard that the WII Nights isn't too good, but I know I sure love the saturn one. Played the regular one so much when I was a kid
Recent Pickups! :)
Yeah, I happened to have both when I was a kid, but since it was just a little after all the games for saturn left the shelves, Unfortunately, I had to make due with just a bunch of the more common virtua fighter/ racing games. I loved it, and it always seemed a little more special to me than playstation. That might be why I'm collecting for it now.
Oh man, that was a good find! Yeah, I wanted to pick it up like two years ago, when the prices were "more reasonable", but my wallet wouldn't allow it.
ah, alright then. Thanks anyway man! So still looking!
What trades are you looking for? I'm interested in the lot
I got it a few days ago, and it is amazing! Hoping to be able to upgrade my main street soon.
kk, no prob
I am currently away for an internship, but will be back home at the end of the week. I do have dc and Ps games, but not sure exactly of my inventory till then. Any specifics you're looking for? I don't have anything dazzling, but some ok stuff.
Yeah, It's going crazy on evilbay these days. I would definitely be interested in a loosie, Ark, but not sure what trades you were looking for. Anything in particular? And if you wanna just sell it, I can do that too. Thanks!
Hey all! Pulled in a bit of extra cash, and was wanting to see if anyone had a copy of MKR US that they would part with. No real idea of what it's going for these days, but feel free to shoot me a price! Nothing can hurt!
Haha, yeah  :P I got both psp 3000's 3 mem sticks(2 8 gig, and 1 16 gig) 2 extra batteries, and all 6 games for 60 bucks. One of the psp's works flawlessly, but the other one has a busted memory card slot which makes it pretty much useless :roll: Still a great deal, and I figgure I can find someone to replace the slot sometime.
My recent acquisitions. Got a great deal on the psp lot, and 200 of the universal game cases to nice up the collection a bit.

Hello all, I have come upon some duplicate games of mine, and have decided to spread them far and wide, with raffle time! The only thing I ask is that whoever would like to enter actually want the game to play , not just to flip away! I'll give it about two weeks, so I think I'll close up on the 3rd of September.

The games are:
KHII Greatest Hits NTSC
Grandia Jsaturn
Myst Jsaturn
Daytona USA Jsaturn

If anyone Is interested in any game, just name it, and I'll enter you! Have fun!


Winners have been found!

KHII                    Grandia                    Myst                   Daytona USA
Roflmao!!           Roflmao                    Roflmao!!           JibbaJabba
Csgx1                  FireBomber7              Csgx1                 Knight Warrior
                          _JoshuaTurbo                                    Duo_R!!

Congratusalutations to all the winners! Pm me with your info, and I'll send it out as soon as I can get to a post office. If I don't hear from you in a few days, I'll drop you a line.
A friend of mine shared this with me earlier today, and it seemed a bit hit with the shoutbox. These are some of my favorites, and you can access all of the rest from the left. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I have

Not much, but I am excited to play some of these!
Mmmhmm. Back when I was A child, I saw an ad, and begged and begged my mother to get me one when she went to new york for business. I don't think they were sold anywhere in the us other than what used to be the Pokemon center up there if my memory serves me.
It sure is! I really wish I could get a few more games for it, but the multicart it comes with has some super fun games! Even if they are just little mini games its such a blast if you like Pokemon.
Super Nin, both original and jr.
Super Famicom
Nintendo 64
Virtual Boy
Genesis I/II
Sega CD
JVC X'eye
Game Gear
Ps2 Fat/Slim
Atari 2600
Neo Geo AES
MVS cab
NG Pocket Color
PC-Engine Duo
3D0 FZ-1
Commodore 64
Wonderswan Color
Pokemon Mini
I know what you mean lol, it's almost impossible. The only inserts/manuals you can normally find are like... virtua fighter two and the like, but I feel as if there must be someone somewhere, if there is a manual without a back haha.
Off-Topic / Re: Ouya game console?
07/16/2012, 03:05 AM
This looks..... eh. Pretty much like the OnLive, and as far as I know, that didn't do too well. I was talking with a friend and reading up on it and there was a good point: this console is doing the moonwalk. Seeming to go forward, but actually going back.  :lol:
Just wondering out of curiosity if anyone happens to have the back case insert for guardian heroes (US). I found a copy possibly and has the manual, but no back insert, and was gonna see if I could come up with one. Also, I'm on the lookout for a copy of Magic Knight Rayearth in the not-too-distant future if anyone has a copy they might wanna someday part with. Thanks for any help guys!
Quote from: nectarsis on 04/19/2012, 04:57 PM/0c4f3406.jpg
Disgaea 3 FTW! I picked a copy up too, it's fun to play it again!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/12/2012, 05:53 PMThe North America release was the X-Eye.  The CD-X is something else.  The X-Eye lacks the s-video and I believe also lacks the useless karaoke functions.
It actually still plays CD-G, and has the mic input as well, but yeah, just as useless. Except for parties of course!
General Gaming / Re: Favourite Game Name
03/02/2012, 09:31 PM
Most definitely has to be Revengers of Vengance for SeGa CD XD
Just a few recent pick ups  :P . I would like to one day do a custom genesis case out of a george forman grill, and use that game for display, heh.
Valis arrived, thanks much Beemer!
Most of my favorites are meh on your list too lol! Most of the best and most well known shooties on the saturn are import only, so you can't do wrong with a card, as for us games, a lot of the really good ones tend to be expensive, but there are lots of good platformers like rayman and astal, and some good fighters a la the street fighter series, xmen children of the atom, and even streetfighter the movie the game for some laughs.
My recent purchses :D
Stephen Colbert and The Roots cover of Friday:
Off-Topic / Re: The worst pop song ever?
03/24/2011, 12:16 AM
Wow, that is SO lame, but its worth a few lulz~
Quote from: Mathius on 03/16/2011, 12:22 AM
Quote from: tsuran on 03/16/2011, 12:17 AMIf you're counting old old school, then space invaders for me, other than that it was Ikaruga on Gamecube.
That's one hell of a time gap! :)
Yeah, lol it was one of the genre's I had never gotten into before i got older, I was always into platformers when I was young
If you're counting old old school, then space invaders for me, other than that it was Ikaruga on Gamecube.
I found Ar Tonelico 2 premium pak at my local gamestop today. Pretty excited
Off-Topic / Re: Anyone attending PAX East?
03/13/2011, 07:23 PM
Aww. Pax jax is really cool.Didi yo have fun? It looked like there were a lot of cool events
Off-Topic / Re: Anyone attending PAX East?
03/12/2011, 06:39 PM
I really wanted to this year but couldn't make it DX. Couldn't get off work for the weekend Hope you have fun, and try to pick up some extra league of legends promo codes!
Very cool! I'm sure this will make a lot of people happy!