RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - turbogirl

Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 02/27/2011, 09:47 PM
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
LOL wow I would of killed for that job as a kid.  good for you!
It was fun while it lasted!  : )  Thanks!
Quote from: turbogirl on 02/27/2011, 09:43 PMI first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )   
Quote from: nat on 02/27/2011, 10:37 PMWas it level 4? I got stuck on that level 4 boss for ages when I was a kid. Summer of '91 I wrote a letter to your customer service department (probably the same department you worked in) asking how to beat him. While I waited for a response, I actually figured it out on my own.
Yes, it was level 4, and gosh I hated that game!  Sorry to say, but it wasn't the best game to showcase the graphics!  I do remember that occasionally we did get letters when the system came out, and I actually remember someone bringing a letter into the dept, with that question.  I don't know if anyone ever replied to it...but I remember some staff talking about how to respond, and I remember that if someone put their phone number on their letter, someone from our dept. would call them back with the hint, when we were still the 1-800 number.  Did you ever get a response?
I first played TurboGrafx 16 when I applied for a job at NEC Technologies in Wood Dale (IL).  A friend and I both applied for the job and both got the job for a new Customer Service Helpline that was going to offer customer service for its newly launched game system, called the TurboGrafx 16.  I had played Nintendo before, and had Customer Service background, so I thought, how cool is that? On the job interview they asked all sore of questions, but I will never forget hat one of he questions was "What is a boss?" in a video game.  I remember thinking what a weird question, but I guess I answered correctly because 5 minutes later they invited me to work there, and my training day was going to consist of playing the game that came with the system, Keith Courage.   Wouldn't you know I came to hate that game because I got stuck on one level and couldn't pass the level.  One of the Gamer Guys secretly put in a code they knew , probably taking pity on me, since I was new.  He opened up a whole new world to me because I didn't know about codes before that!I realized that our job was to play all the games!  I was like, how wild is this?  Best job ever! I will never forget playing my first game, even if it was Keith Courage because it was the start of the best 3 years of my life!  : )