OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Damon Plus

One of my fave TG-16 games. It is easy enough to sit back and play relaxed without having to worry about losing your ball too easily (like in Devil's Crush). Graphics are really cool. It's too bad that the bonus stages get annoying quickly.
I just used som post it notes below the cards. No more scratches.
Sure, I'll try. But because, as interested as I am in the game,  I, m even more curious about which adress would appear in the envelope, you being and alien and all.
One of my absolute favorite strategy games ever. I played it non-stop when I first got my TG-16.  Nice challenge, long, with 4 campaigns, and a polished gameplay.

This, along with Legendary Axe, Alien Crush, Blazing Lazers and Dungeo Explorer are my recommended starter pack for the system.
Wow, thanks! Now I can finally see for myself what the fuss is about this game! I have the feeling that I'll like it. I find Kung Fu Kid on the Master System quite entertaining in its simplicity and this seems to be similar.
With a kid coming, raffles are one of the only ways for me to get new games, so, raffle me in your enter!

As for my favourite game, they cycle between what I always call the perfect starter pack: Military Madness, Alien Crush, Blaxing Lazers, Dungeon Explorer and Legendary Axe. Five games of different genres, normally cheap, that constitute a good example of the TG-16 library. But there is Bonk's Revenge too, so my favorite game is... Military Madness.
I haven't bought a TG game since like, 2014. I took a look yesterday in Ebay and there were almost no games being sold, and even the most common games start now at 15$, loose. I would've wanted to get some more games, but I guess I'll have to settle with the 30 or so I have already.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE BONK 3 REPRO
09/08/2016, 09:23 PM
Congrats to the winner! And thanks to Mart_Jo-ing for including me even if I was way too late.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE BONK 3 REPRO
09/05/2016, 07:02 PM
Count me in please!
Neutopia 2. I had to emulate it because this one is truly expensive. First one was a great little adventure, and this one seems more of the same.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free Game: Vigilante
08/25/2016, 09:07 PM
I like the Sms version, but the TG-16 looks really nice. I have entered China Warrior (my main preference), but I guess it wouldn't hurt to enter this one, just in case. Count me in please.
I wanted to get that Vigilante copy, but I'd much prefer to get China Warrior. I haven't tried it more than a few minutes and I think it gets bashed too much. These simple move right and hit enemies have a very fun and adictive qualities to them, like Kung Fu Master and Black Belt.

Count me in please.
Well, I don't know what to say about this. But one thing is for sure, we'll see Blazing Lazers prices skyrocket.
McUcScCcLcEr + pErMrPrHrArSrIrSp $ fTxAxBxLxExTxS

Talespunch!!... Excuse me... "closes door slowly"
Quote from: grolt on 10/22/2015, 08:13 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 10/22/2015, 07:16 PMGod damnit, I thought this thread was being bumped because there was a new video.
Same here.  :cry:  Love spida's work, I've pretty much watched all of them and usually check them out again after I make it through the game in question.  Hope he can find more time to get through more of the library, since there are a lot of classics still left waiting in the wings.
Which are the best games not reviewed yet?
I'd like to enter in this one. Talespin games, while average, always give me a strange feeling of being more fun that they look, and I didn't even like the show they were based on.
Like the game quite a bit in the Atari Lynx. Is this version any different?
Congratulations Bernie! And thanks to Sparky for letting me participate in this.
Quote from: guest on 09/24/2015, 01:02 PM
Quote from: Damon Plus on 09/23/2015, 04:35 AMNightmare Creatures. It has some interesting ideas, and it's not easy to find an adventure game for the turbo, but it definitely has some quirkyness in its controls. It's not well polished in that area.
I'm pretty sure you mean Night Creatures, it's a common mistake haha. The cover art gives me a "I SAY HEY WHAT'S GOING ON" vibe.
I think my mind played a trick on me, but hey,  the game is a nightmare to play at times
Welcome to the turbo family! You'll soon see it is a very special system and it has the charm of the underdogs. If you want a TG-16, just get an everdrive and play whatever you want. If you get a Pc Engine you'll still be able to find cheap games.
Quote from: guest on 09/29/2015, 01:55 PMdo you have a duo system? you will have to send me your ebay handle as collateral :)
I wish I had one. I've never even tried a Cd game, because I couldn't make emulators work!
Not one of my favorites, but I can understand its greatness. Also, a perfect pack-in for the turbo, IMO.
Can I enter? I'm just lacking a few messages. I'll try reaching 300 for tomorrow, but it will be considered flooding surely.
Nightmare Creatures. It has some interesting ideas, and it's not easy to find an adventure game for the turbo, but it definitely has some quirkyness in its controls. It's not well polished in that area.
I agree to some extent, but the game is still fun for some 20 minute playthroughs.
Its name might be misleading. I mean, you can try Chase HQ, Chase H.Q, Chase Hq tg-16, etc... There might be more than 2 available.
I've been a bit busy lately, but with the release of MGSV, I've finally decided to play through the Metal Gear Saga. I had the games (except for 4), but never got around to playing them. I'm about halfway through the first one, and, while it is a great, great game, it's not as mind-blowing as I would've hoped.
General Gaming / Re: Never Played NES
09/18/2015, 07:29 AM
Quote from: Mathius on 08/28/2015, 07:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/28/2015, 05:32 PMI meant as it is. It obviously could have been spruced up to be a good retro-style NES game. I don't think that was within LJN's capability, though.
As stated above this fish 'em up was developed by our good friends at Westone, creators of the Wonder Boy series. Shocking right!? :)
That's some very surprising info to me. Jaws never seemed so bad as people say, just a bit too short and simple. It seems its gameplay mechanics were more akin to a 2600 game (not that they are bad, just simpler than what Nes games could have allowed to do).
Love these type of games but sadly, never got to try this one extensively. I just played the first levels, it seemed like a very cool commando game, but I find it odd that it doesn't support 2-players. I hope to get the Turbochip someday.
Oh, didn't remember that. I took out the AV switch and never looked back.
One of the countries where it was released was Spain. Magazines reviewed games, though strangely, in its original japanese versions, and sometimes, they mentioned games like Final Match Tennis and Operation Wolf needed adapter (were they released as such?).

Anyways,  I bought one cheap a few years ago and is the one I use to play. What intrigues me is that the system didn't have RF antenna, and not much TVs had AV back in the early 90's.
General Gaming / Re: Mighty Final Fight
09/17/2015, 03:54 AM
River City Ransom for the Pc Engine is like the x68000 version with the added stuff, or just an upgrade graphically?
One of the games that push the Nes limits most is being scavenged ti make Mr Gimmick's repros... until the point where ROTJ becomes an even rarer game.
Quote from: guest on 09/14/2015, 07:06 PMFinally beat Dragon's Curse. I never finished the master system version, but then I tried this one. Very good game, though grind heavy at times.
Unless they changed the gameplay, WB III wasn't grindy at all.
Blazing Lazers, R-Type woul've been excellent choices. Great graphics, sounds, and shooters were still more or less popular at the time. As for R-Type specifically, it was the best looking port and was a popular game with wide appeal. It doesn't matter that it was difficult, back then no one cared, you just played whatever you had as much as humanly possible!
I always heard about this port back then in magazines, and I must say I was amazed when I tried it. What they did with this port is nothing short of mind blowing. And the Hu-card looks great too. S for the game, not much more to add: it's the Street Fighter we all love and have played to death.
I agree with everything said about Blazing Lazers. Also, Legendary Axe gets noticeably tougher at level 5.
Didnt notice this ended already. Congratulations Punch, I hope you enjoy the game.
Militay Madness. I'm always thinking in getting thr remade Nectaris, but it seems those graphics made it lose its charm.
Quote from: johnnykonami on 09/07/2015, 12:58 AMIs Neutopia considered expensive now?  I am feeling more regret about my once owned copy being turned over in some reseller's filthy hands.  Thought I might even buy it again one day.
Sorry, I meant Neutopia 2.
Quote from: ccovell on 09/07/2015, 05:44 AMBoth games are great.  Both games also have wildly different musical styles, but I love them both.

A little little-known trivia for NeutII:  If you enter "KOALA" as your name, you'll be a really ugly girl (but get bonus potions).

Also, passwords: "Music_From_Neutopia___ (etc)" gives you a sound test.
"Thats_Entertainment_Neutopia___ (etc)" gives you an enemy viewer.
Any passwords like those for the first Neutopia?
Magical Chase or Neutopia, probably. Or that Bonk Rpg if it made past Alpha Stage.
Military Madness, again. I put it for a quick Round 1, and before I realize it, I'm halfway through the game.
I don't have the Turbo original. However, I managed to play it and understand why so many people were disappointed by Dracula X. The name is very appropiate, as they rollaly f***** up the game! The original version was one of the best castlevanias in the entire series.
Love Bonk's Revenge. I'd even put it up there with the best 16 bit platformers. It is very long, has fun gameplay, and lots of varied stages. If you like collecting items for points you're in heaven. Has a lot of secrets too, and technically is pretty good looking and sounding. The only flaw I can find is the lack of passwords or a stage select code.
Doing my annual playthrough of Neutopia. In summer, I like to bring my TG to the place I went with my parents as a kid. I never had the TG back then, but it gives me this old school warm feeling nonetheless.
This is the one they call Best of the Best in other systems? If so, add me please, as I have always liked the fluid movements of the fighters, altough I've never played any version extensively.
This is one of the games I'd really like to have the outer box for. Sign me up please.
Turbo sports games have a lot of charm to me, in an old-school kind of way. They are usually arcade-like, with no long seasons and such, cute and clean graphics, and to the point gameplay. Of the ones I've played:

-Power Golf: Just one course, and a choice between 3 golfers. Power bar cursor moves a bit too fast, but otherwise, a really good pick up and play for 20 minutes.

-World Court Tennis: Very easy to play, although I'm still not sure why there seem to be huge differences between some players, even after reading the manual. Quest mode adds a nice distraction.

-World Class Baseball: Not a fan of these games, but this one plays really good, one of the only ones I find fun to play.

-Davis Cup Tennis: Just played 10 minutes and didn't get the controls, but many people think it is good, so it should be.

-Tv Sports Football: I'm an European, so outside of Tecmo Super Bowl I find football games hard to play.