Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - allyourblood

Congratulations Joshua! Thanks for the chance, Sparky. Very kind of you.
Are these prices shipped in the US? I'm interested in Exile for sure. I'm at work but I'll PM in more detail when I get home tonight if that's okay.  Thanks!
I have both already, but thanks for the giveaway. And congrats on the 1-year!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Bomberman '93
07/08/2013, 12:17 AM
I'd like to enter the raffle, Sparky. Thanks!
Congratulations, csgx1! Thanks for the chance, vette!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Bomberman '93
07/02/2013, 09:05 PM
I have Mega Bomberman for the Genesis. Are they the same title?
Quote from: PikachuWarrior on 06/30/2013, 09:12 PMThe only bad thing is you need one of the early PS1 consoles that have the defunked Parallel Port on the back (that wasn't used), which was dropped on all later models.
Wasn't this thing still on the console all the way up to the 75001? If so, it should be pretty much everywhere. I know I've got at least 4 or 5 Playstations lying around and I'm almost certain they've all got it. Shouldn't be too hard to run into one, I figure.
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/30/2013, 08:00 PMi have my golden sun box, open it up, manual is there... but no cart....whereabouts unknown fml
Nooooo! Hopefully it hasn't run off too far.
I don't know if it was this thread or what, but I started playing Golden Sun again a week or two ago for a few hours and now I'm up to my eyes in it. Love this game. I'm entertaining the notion of dragging my Game Cube into the living room so I can play it on the big screen. In fact, the only reason I haven't played it as many times as my other RPG favorites is because it's on a handheld. I much prefer viewing on a TV with a controller in hand. Okay, I've convinced myself.
Quote from: turbokon on 06/30/2013, 10:14 AMWell it wasn't me. My tgcd quit working a couple of months ago. Don't have time to mess with it. I might have to send it to Keithcourage to look at it.
I think I'm gonna have to hit him up myself and just go full-bore for a Duo. I've got a US Duo that apparently just needs the usual fixes but I'm wondering if it wouldn't just be cheaper to buy one already spruced and modded.
A thousand apologies for not doing so sooner, but I just wanted to say that Jason shipped out my games fast and everything arrived in fantastic shape. Very pleased. Thanks, Jason!
Argh!! Who's the lucky duck?
If this is still available for shipping to the US (and not already spoken for by one of the above members, of course), I'll take it.
Neither of my CD systems work, but I plan on rectifying that ASAP. If that passes muster, I'd like to enter, please!
I choose the Sega Genesis. I enjoy the TG16/PCE immensely, but the Genesis was the first console I bought after a few years of playing mostly NES and it captured my time and attention more than any other generation. The leap in graphics and sound were significant and I built some of my fondest gaming memories during that era.

Game series like Sonic the Hedgehog, Toe Jam & Earl, Shining Force, Phantasy Star, Thunder Force, Streets of Rage, Road Rash, Lunar, the Strike games, and some excellent single entries (Castlevania: Bloodlines, Dynamite Headdy, Gunstar Heroes, Strider, Aladdin, Herzog Zwei, Crusader of Centy, Liberty or Death, General Chaos, way too many more to list) kept the Genesis fresh and interesting over the years and I never ran short of great games to play on it. The Genesis library boasts literally hundreds of games that appeal to me. Likely no other console, except the original Playstation, bears this distinction.

Due to its FM chip, the Genesis wasn't a favorite for many when it comes to its sound, but it is for me (I dig the quirky, mechanical, and oftentimes cold and brash sounds of it). When I realized what it takes to coax a particular sound from this type of synth, I began even more to appreciate a lot of my favorite games' soundtracks and effects, as well as the effort put forth in creating them. He's sited a lot, and with good reason, but Yuzo Koshiro was creating sounds on this thing that really stood alone at the time. But even the more simplistic and "vanilla" sounds (by comparison) from other Genesis games still sound great to me and my ears always perk up when I hear a Genesis track or sound effect!

Finally, I love the controller and its evolution over the years. The 6-button Genesis game pad stands side-by-side with the 2nd generation US Saturn 'pad as the two best and most comfortable controllers I've ever used. It's quick, responsive, and I find it works well in all genres, including fighting games (never had any trouble executing 1/4 circle and half circle moves, etc). If I could, I'd use one on every console I own, when appropriate.

I don't discriminate. I own all of the wide-release (and some not so wide-release) US and import consoles from the 80s to the 90s and I play all of them at some point or other. They all have their place and each has games that rank among my favorites, but the Genesis was "it" for me for a long time and has permanently captivated 11-year old me, somewhere in my subconscious.
Picked up a trio of PCE games from Jasonbar, Aoi Blink, Energy, and Gomola Speed. Energy was purchased simply to see if it was as bad as they say.

It is.

Right off the bat, it starts with a "cinema" opening that cannot be skipped. Even after the game is loaded and you've just died, it starts all over again. Bizarrely enough, you have to press a button to get past certain bits of dialog in the game, but half the time it doesn't work! You just sit there, mashing buttons randomly until the game decides to advance you to the next part!

Once you're in the game, it gets even more broken. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the jumping mechanics of the game, and a lot of moves stutter, causing your character to move around in a really herky-jerky sort of way. When you get hit by enemies (at least, these early ones), there's no visual or audible clues; you just lose some of your life bar. That makes it hard to tell when my sprite is getting too close to enemies. Sometimes it seems like I passed by one safely but then I'll notice my lifebar has depleted slightly. Bleh.

I'm gonna play it a bit more, mostly because I'm a glutton for punishment, but that's about it. What a weird train wreck of a game.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 06/19/2013, 11:46 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/19/2013, 11:30 PMOne of these I just had to see for myself. And yes, it lives up to its reputation quite well.
Yep! And wow, this game is horrendous. I'm goofing around with it anyway, but mostly just to marvel at it.
Like some others here, I just received some games from Jasonbar, here on PCEFX. One of these I just had to see for myself. And yes, it lives up to its reputation quite well.
Oh, and Gomola Speed is fantastic. This game should have come to the US. I'm not that far into it yet, but it is unique and controls surprisingly well. Can't wait to put in more time with this one.
General Gaming / Re: Xbox One
06/19/2013, 08:44 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 06/19/2013, 05:52 PM
Quote from: TheOldMan on 06/19/2013, 05:44 PMSorry, guys, but I won't be buying either one.
As for M$oft reversing its position, all I can say is .....
"Hey sony! Where's my ps2 compatibility other OS?"

In 3 years, once its -in- your house, a firmware update will put it back in....
Fixed that for ya.  They never took away the backwards compatibility, they just quit selling it.
It still never sat well with me that they removed the option from their later iterations off the console. I didn't buy one near launch and I always wished it had this capability. Still gotta have my darn PS2 under the TV next to my PS3. Not the end of the world, but I wish they would've left the option in.
Well that wasn't very nice. If they were to be excluded from the raffle, you should've told them from the onset.

Quote from: DesmondThe3rd on 06/16/2013, 12:28 AMI played Military Madness recently.... for 6 hours straight!
You did the right thing. I only wish I had your resolve.

Great game.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle time again!
06/15/2013, 11:04 PM
I always wanted to get one of these and "consolize" it. Then I remembered I'm lazy. Then I bought an AES. Then I remembered the games cost too much. Then Maggie laughed. She's such a little trooper.

Not in, but wanted to say thanks Mishran, for your generosity. Some lucky Professor is going to be very happy I imagine!

I mean entrant.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
06/15/2013, 10:56 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 06/15/2013, 10:32 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/15/2013, 10:19 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 06/15/2013, 09:40 PMDungeon Explorer is definitely the superior game. I think Neutopia has some fine music and atmosphere, but doesn't hold up the imaginative standards set by The Legend of Zelda. The first three Zelda games have a soul.
I loved Zelda and LttP both (and the two Neutopias!), but when it comes to these types of games, I always pick Crusader of Centy first. A lot of people will disagree with me, but I love the FM tunes and the way the game controls. It's a reasonably long game and has lots of cool little hidden surprises and funny remarks from NPCs. To me it feels like a perfect mix of the depth of LttP with the lighter action-first vibe of Neutopia.
Crusader of Centy is a game that has always eluded me. I have never seen it for sale anywhere (aside from ebay). One day I hope to see what all the fuss is about. I refuse to emulate games in most cases.
When I started high school, I had given up on games for a couple years (girls, guitar, etc), and passed my 16-bit systems down to my little brother. By this time Genesis games were starting to appear at yard sales, swap meets, and thrift stores pretty regularly. My parents bought him a box of games that included Crusader of Centy. I saw him playing it and got hooked right away.

After I moved out, I was lucky and bought mine for cheaps, locally if I recall, but yeah, this one fetches a pretty high price online. I love the game and considering how short of a run it likely had, I'm not surprised that it's priced more than other games. But it's disappointing to see it going for such a high price since I always hear from folks who say they've never played it.

I don't care much for emulation either and that's why I haven't played any of my recent TGCD purchases or some of the more expensive TG games (MC, Tonma, Bonk 3) so I feel your pain. I imagine you'll enjoy it when you eventually get the chance.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
06/15/2013, 10:19 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 06/15/2013, 09:40 PMDungeon Explorer is definitely the superior game. I think Neutopia has some fine music and atmosphere, but doesn't hold up the imaginative standards set by The Legend of Zelda. The first three Zelda games have a soul.
I loved Zelda and LttP both (and the two Neutopias!), but when it comes to these types of games, I always pick Crusader of Centy first. A lot of people will disagree with me, but I love the FM tunes and the way the game controls. It's a reasonably long game and has lots of cool little hidden surprises and funny remarks from NPCs. To me it feels like a perfect mix of the depth of LttP with the lighter action-first vibe of Neutopia.
More J.J. & Jeff. This one is officially fun now! I'm still struggling a bit to get the jump kick down pat. Its range seems extraordinarily limited. When kicking bosses, you gotta find that "sweet spot"; close enough to connect but not so close that you take damage. I'll get it. Eventually.

Anyone else just have no luck with the slot machine? After probably two dozen sessions (with multiple coins), I have literally had a winning pull... once!!

Also played some Chew Man Fu today.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 06/15/2013, 08:37 AMNo obey = can't be any good
What? I always play TG/PCE while I play other systems.


I thought everyone did this.    ???
Quote from: guest on 06/15/2013, 07:55 AMYa sorry no obey this weekend for me, been looking forward to this release for awhile.
So i am playing this, getting drunk and eating chicken fingers later tonight.

Oh and home alone so my sound system is getting cranked til my dogs ears bleed.
Good day. :)
You lucky duck! I've been eagerly awaiting this one myself. I get motion sickness from certain games and the preview videos of it were gettin' me pretty good so I hope that doesn't happen when I finally get a chance to play it. It looks great.

Have fun, Sparky!
Quote from: esadajr on 06/13/2013, 12:56 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/12/2013, 11:48 PMI voted Turbo but I probably should've voted for Megadrive/Genesis. D'oh! Well, either one would be good.
IMHO, Duo's talents will be better used if he works on a MD / SFC cart.
Fair enough. Too late to change my vote, but okay; I'm on board.
Quote from: RoyVegas on 06/14/2013, 11:10 AMTwo arcade sticks?  #-o I wonder if he tested them in the system?
I once bought a Sega Genesis with a bunch of games and accessories from some dude on Craigslist. When I got to his place, I saw that he had two wireless Playstation controllers and a base in the box of stuff. I told him that they didn't belong to the Sega but he insisted that he had played it with them and refused to let me leave them behind. I tried to show him how there was no way to plug it in. He said something to the effect of, "I don't know what to tell you. I've used these to play it and I know they work." He absolutely would not take no for an answer.

I still have them. They're "Docs" brand and no, to this day, they still don't fit the Genesis.
I've got one of these beasts and it's quite the showpiece, but since my Laserdisc collection has been relegated to my closet, I just haven't had much need to hook it up. I really got a charge out of playing Sega CD games on it at first, and Triad Stone was entertaining for a while (my only LD game), but the thing is so massive and slow that it's more of a chore than anything else.

After 10+ years of searching for the TG pac (without resorting to you-know-what, of course), I've given up completely. I've got a Karaoke pac but I've never hooked it up to see what it does. This thread just reminded me about the ol' behemoth... it might be time to put her out to pasture...

Congrats on the purchase, BigusSchmuck! It's always a nice feeling to get your hands on that new toy you've had your eye on!  =D> :dance:
Quote from: esteban on 06/14/2013, 07:29 AMallyourblood: First off, I love when folks take the time to make more "substantial" posts like you did!  :pcgs:

Second, I'm not disagreeing with you, since I think everything you pointed out was valid. I'm just offering a different interpretation. For real  :pcgs:

Quote from: allyourblood on 06/13/2013, 09:13 PMI just don't understand why the game provides you with such a speedy character if you're constantly having to "brake" your way through the levels.
Yes, I think this constant sliding/braking turns-off a bunch of folks once the platforming requires precision. But, in the game's defense, it doesn't play too differently than the speed-run/jump found in, say Adventure Island AND the venerable Super Mario Bros. I play SMB on "permanent-speed", so I have to constantly "over-correct" during tricky parts (or when I forget what I am supposed to do and run blindly ahead. So, for me, this has always been an element of how I personally platform games (I acknowledge that this doesn't apply to everyone).

That said, I agree that the sliding/braking is a bit much (like an "ice" level with extra slippery physics).

QuoteAvoiding falling objects and jumping on or kicking airborne enemies is a pain; to that end, I don't care for the randomness of which items you can jump on and which you cannot: rolling boulders are fair game, but stationary ones do a ton of damage?
Ah, you can't argue with video game logic. I'll tell you this, though: I love jumping on enemies/objects in JJ & Jeff! It adds so much extra fun, especially because the designers incorporated serial bouncing..."chaining"...oh, I wish the game exploited this mechanic more it's so satisfying to pull off a "chain" of stationary bounces (rats) or bounce across the screen (wave of flies).

QuoteAlso, what is with some games (like JJ&J & New Adventure Island) that sap your health for no reason? That one really gets under my skin. It's bad enough you're dealing with dodging enemies that appear out of nowhere and getting hit by your coworker/friend/sidekick (with no rhyme or reason), but just standing around to catch your breath incurs a penalty? Bizarre. Just gimme a dang timer and be done with it.
LIFE/TIMER BAR: I love this Wonderboyboy 1 convention (perpetually depleting life bar) SO MUCH MORE than a simple timer: grabbing fruit allows you to ADD to the timer and build up a reservoir of life bars (time), thereby putting you under constant pressure to MOVE.


Constantly moving, ravenous for fruit... It is one of the best things about WB1/Adventure Island/JJ & Jeff. INGENIOUS! But, yes, it can be frustrating  :pcgs:

Anyway, I love that I must continually collect fruit (I like when a game allows you to build up a "reserve"...beyond the visible bar on the screen, such as Wonderboy III: Monster Lair, but it's not a deal-breaker if a game lacks a "buffer" of life/time).

Traditional "timers" only become "fun" when the time is about to expire and you have to "beat the clock"...Wondeboy1 puts you in a permanent "beat the clock" mode, under the guise of a "life bar".  BRILLIANT!

This prevents folks from exploiting a traditional timer (you can exploit a traditional timer by purposefully taking your sweet time to slowly explore/practice a new/challenging level. The game allows you to "waste" your time on tasks. JJ & Jeff doesn't allow you to do that; you don't have the luxury of slowly plodding through a stage and kicking every tree stump and trash can lackadaisically.


Thanks for the thorough reply, esteban!

I agree 100% with what you said about "chaining" jumps. It's a lot of fun and it makes sense, too. I also wish it was used more extensively. Stages built around the concept could've really pushed JJ&J to the next level. I find a lot of the enemies seem to fly in or jump at the perfect height for me to just clip them as I try to bounce on top.

I get what you're saying about the depleting timer/health bar. I've learned to live with it, but I don't think I'd consider myself a fan, per se. Perhaps if the developers had just slowed it down a bit. At this point with the game, I tend to slow down a bit too much to line up some of the tougher jumps (the ones that demand precise landing, of course) and I waste those precious health/timer chiclets. I do notice that my confidence increases with repeat attempts and the health bar becomes less of an issue. For whatever reason, it feels far more forgiving in New Adventure Island, but maybe it's just me.

I'm gonna play some more of this game tonight. It's really starting to move from "guilty pleasure" to "downright enjoyable"!
Giving JJ & Jeff a second chance. I played it a few times over the years and basically dismissed it after only a few levels -- I would come back to it, play for a while, smile at the silliness of it, and shut 'er down. Now I feel like it's not so bad and if I were 9 years old again, I probably wouldn't find too much to complain about. I always liked it, but never enough to try pushing through to the end. I think I'm gonna try to beat it this time.

Some observations: both characters slide way too much upon landing and move way too fast. After a while, I got used to it and learned to accept the "physics", after which point it plays okay. I just don't understand why the game provides you with such a speedy character if you're constantly having to "brake" your way through the levels.

Avoiding falling objects and jumping on or kicking airborne enemies is a pain; to that end, I don't care for the randomness of which items you can jump on and which you cannot: rolling boulders are fair game, but stationary ones do a ton of damage?

Also, what is with some games (like JJ&J & New Adventure Island) that sap your health for no reason? That one really gets under my skin. It's bad enough you're dealing with dodging enemies that appear out of nowhere and getting hit by your coworker/friend/sidekick (with no rhyme or reason), but just standing around to catch your breath incurs a penalty? Bizarre. Just gimme a dang timer and be done with it.

Oh, and if you haven't played this game yet, for the love of Pete, whatever you do, don't jump on the green spring!
Quote from: esadajr on 06/13/2013, 01:02 PMTMNT 2 and 3 NES
All MD Sonic games (except 3D blast)
Oh yeah, I can stomp a mudhole in the Genesis and Game Gear Sonics.

You know what's funny? I saw that you mentioned excelling at all of the NES Mega Man games except the first. Since the first one is the only one I ever owned, its the only one I'm really good at. I stink at all the others.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 06/13/2013, 10:02 AMIMG
I imagine this'll get old eventually, but not yet. Makes me laugh every time!
I voted Turbo but I probably should've voted for Megadrive/Genesis. D'oh! Well, either one would be good.
Quote from: munchiaz on 06/12/2013, 05:42 PMGot Animal crossing new leaf a few days go. Game is super addictive, and super charming
I played the tar out of the original DS Animal Crossing. Way fun. Have they updated the game in any significant ways? I was always hoping for more "goals".
Played some Cratermaze last night. Man, I don't know: I just really enjoy this game! It gets old after a long session and I hate waiting to see the score tally and the long lead-in for each new stage, but it's just so light-hearted and easy to get into. The control seems great and there's enough variety to hold my interest for a while. Also, the tacked-on storyline is stupid and bizarre... in a fun way.
Quote from: Mishran on 06/12/2013, 11:47 AMIsn't the PCE version cheaper still? Unless you need the US version, game plays the same.
That was gonna be my next question. I don't like missing out on the story (when there is one),  but if the PCE version is significantly less expensive and doesn't require any knowledge of Japanese,  I'm all over it!
Thanks,  esteban.  I've had my eye out for Somer Assault for a while now. Its starting to fetch higher prices now. I think I'll like it though for the reason you mentioned: its quirkiness. Looks weird enough to be fun!
Quote from: esteban on 06/12/2013, 07:30 AM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/11/2013, 08:56 PM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 06/11/2013, 08:00 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/11/2013, 07:01 PMYes! It's also the reason I bought PCE Batman, as that game also shares a similar vibe.

For anyone that knows, besides Bomberman, Cratermaze (Doraemon: Meikyu Daisakusen), and Batman, are there any other similarly-themed action puzzlers on the PCE that I should check out? You know, with the maze/Pac-Man style game board? I have Chew Man Fu, although that one doesn't really fill the same role, for me.
Pyramid Plunder on the homebrew front is a must try
Thank you! I'm gonna add that to my wish list. I don't have a working CD system yet, but I'm gonna keep that (and any other disc-based games) in mind for when I do.
I don't really count Boxyboy as it lacks the "action" aspect of those other titles (no enemies, power-ups, or random exploration necessary).
Quote from: turboswimbz on 06/11/2013, 08:00 PM
Quote from: allyourblood on 06/11/2013, 07:01 PMYes! It's also the reason I bought PCE Batman, as that game also shares a similar vibe.

For anyone that knows, besides Bomberman, Cratermaze (Doraemon: Meikyu Daisakusen), and Batman, are there any other similarly-themed action puzzlers on the PCE that I should check out? You know, with the maze/Pac-Man style game board? I have Chew Man Fu, although that one doesn't really fill the same role, for me.
Pyramid Plunder on the homebrew front is a must try
Thank you! I'm gonna add that to my wish list. I don't have a working CD system yet, but I'm gonna keep that (and any other disc-based games) in mind for when I do.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 06/11/2013, 07:07 PMMonster lair def. is one summer gem :)

Lol, most of le wonderboys and adv. Islands are :)
This is correct. Adventure Island games were made for summer. Alex Kidd too. And NES Bump 'n Jump!

(Oops! Don't kill me for mentioning non-Turbo stuff!)
Yes! It's also the reason I bought PCE Batman, as that game also shares a similar vibe.

For anyone that knows, besides Bomberman, Cratermaze (Doraemon: Meikyu Daisakusen), and Batman, are there any other similarly-themed action puzzlers on the PCE that I should check out? You know, with the maze/Pac-Man style game board? I have Chew Man Fu, although that one doesn't really fill the same role, for me.
Quote from: Mishran on 06/11/2013, 06:45 PMCratermaze isn't too bad. Played through it a few times over the years. I wouldn't attempt it in one sitting. Game can get a little repetitive if you play too long. Play through to the first boss, take a break, boss 2, break... Wash, rinse, repeat. Play a different game in between. It'll keep your interest a bit longer that way. At least that is how it is/was for me.
Agreed. Like I said, I already own the Japanese one and have played it quite a bit. I've never finished it but I love the game for a quick Bomberman-esque fix. I actually used to own Cratermaze but sold it along with everything else during the great "Abe's gone trout of his mind" sale-a-thon in '03.
Played some New Adventure Island last night. Gonna play some more today. I also finally got my hands on a copy of Cratermaze, so I'm gonna play that a bit too. I've had the Doraemon version for a year or two now, but I wanted to get the version I can read! (Not that there's a ton of reading required, but still)
Not entering. Just wanted to say great job, Black Tiger. Very generous!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Beball
06/10/2013, 06:20 PM
Is this the JP version of Chew Man Fu?
Off-Topic / Re: I love summer
06/10/2013, 12:24 AM
Quote from: psychobear on 06/08/2013, 04:29 PMYou wouldn't like summer if you lived in Vegas...
This year marked my first visit to Vegas outside of summer. It was really great! But by now, I'm used to being there when it's 108.

I loathed summer... until I lost 30lbs. Now, it's one of my favorite times of year (right behind rainy days and the reigning champ, Christmastime!). Can't wait for the June Gloom to clear up so I can hit the beach! (In Southern California, by the way)
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
06/09/2013, 10:59 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 06/09/2013, 09:14 PMI still might pick up the Jap release of Magical Chase one day if I can get a good deal on it. I really enjoy its tunes and bright colors.
I've been thinking the same. I know I'll never own the US version, and I really want to play it. I don't care for emulation much, but the going rate on the Japanese version is still way too high for me to buy it. I rage at its "rarity" (quotes on purpose), since I just wanna play the silly thing. Why couldn't stupid Gunboat be the crazy-rare release? Why something I actually want to try?
Quote from: Tatsujin on 06/09/2013, 09:31 PMOh yeah, very much. It's like 99% action and 1% RPG (if even), but be aware that it is one of the uberhardest and unfair PCE games ever (even with the use of the unlimited continue cheat).
Well dang.

Oh well, I'm a bit of a masochist. I'll probably pick it up anyway. Thanks, Tats!