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Messages - Samuray

QuoteAs soon as I found out there was a PCE release, I was pumped. But yeah, I had no luck finding a translation either. I doubt it's gonna get a translation anytime soon, more hyped up games need to be translated.
Aw man, what a shame. This looks too good. Hopefully something will happen with that one day, and if possible in physical form...I have neither an Everdrive nor a CD burner :)
I recently stumbled upon screenshots of this game, and MAN, did they speak to me! This gloomy city atmosphere is so my Never paid much attention to the game itself because I figured it's all in Japanese anyway.....but now I want it!!!  :dance:

So, uh doesn't seem there's a translated version of this game? At least not one that's being made available? What a shame, if correct. Is there any hope that might change? And would it be worth it not just for the cityscapes but for the game itself, i.e. is it good?

I posted that in here because, well, it's about the potential English version. Hope that's okay!

Ugh, got the games mixed up, so sorry. Thought this was only about "Atlantean" due to the thread title and didn't pay attention. :)

Okay, so seriously...if I ever find an oppotunity to get the game, what would be a fair price?
Just out of curiousity since I sadly missed this whole "Atlantean" thing......what is the normal price?

EDIT: Just saw the picture at the top...didn't load for me at first. So this thing is still available for 20 bucks? Huh? Where? When and if I ever have the monies for this again I'd love to know where to look. Apparently not on eBay.  :D
Ummmm.....uh.....did what I wrote? Or just the header? :-p

Please don't misunderstand....I'm grateful for the replies and will take a look at this Yamatoku. But I don't need emulation and I already have a system for myself....I want to gift this to my best friend who could really need a nice surprise. I'm well aware the timing leaves much to be desired on my part, yes.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Coryoon
10/31/2016, 06:25 PM
Quote from: blueraven on 10/31/2016, 02:39 PMBuy one of the repros
Huh? What repros?
Don't wanna buy one as I have the game already, but I didn't know there were "Coryoon" repros floating around? I only know of "Sapphire".

P.S.: Great choice on the playground stuff. Game sure is awesome know, priorities. :)
Quote from: pixeljunkie on 01/12/2016, 10:21 AMI also like TC2 quite a bit actually. I also, paid well under $200 for it eons ago. It's a neat one to pop in every now and then. Just keep your eyes peeled.
I will. Not the type to just drop a load of cash for some game because I "want to have it right now"...I know I would feel bad about the purchase in the long run. I'll just be patient and hope for the game to maybe pop up on here or somewhere else. The day will come.

Thanks everyone!
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 01/10/2016, 10:43 PMHonestly I quite like TCII.  Sure it's not as good as the original game, but it's a million times better then Terra Force....
Oh wow.....a positive opinion of the game! Nice. It's really good to hear that some folks even like it. :)
Quote from: EmperorIng on 01/10/2016, 09:11 PMYour only bet of getting it cheaper than ebay - and this is a big IF - is figuring out how to use Yahoo Auctions Japan, find a reputable proxy/middleman who can bid on your behalf and ship the game to you... for a fee.
Done that before, yeah....but it seems there are no copies available on Yahoo. Only ones I could find were on Amazon Japan, one loose card and one ludicrously priced boxed one.
Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMBefore people come in here calling you a collectard, let me ask you some questions. This will save some time, and time equals money after all.
Thank you for taking the time!

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMDo you have a lot of disposable income to burn? If so, go right ahead. If not, reconsider your life choices.
Well, kinda.
Not really, of course. Money's always something to watch out for when you have kids and a house, and I definitely cannot spend massive amounts without caring.
However: I do set aside certain amounts for game purchases. Right now I'm reeling a bit from buying a whole bunch of PCE games but as I said, I don't wanna buy TC2 right now anyway.
And gaming money is just that, so yeah, the funds are there, at least in theory. :)

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMHave you tried the game first on emulation or an Everdrive?
Wouldn't do that. Never touch emulation (don't even have a proper PC, just a Mac Mini) and Everdrive's just not for me.
It would be a reasonable suggestion, of course, if I were in doubt about the game. But I'm not. Actually I'll try to get my hands on every PCE shmup out there save for three or four I prefer on the Mega Drive.
Not to "collect and display" but to actually play, by the way. :)

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMHave you even played the first one? Not that you need to.
Nope, but I was planning on getting that too, someday. NES, right?

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMAre you looking to buy just the HuCard or the full package? If you're more of a player than a collector, seriously consider saving your money.
Uh....well, this is getting tricky now.
I don't collect loose. Never. On no system, not even NES or Gameboy. IF a loose game comes into my possession I try to make some kind of case for it, as seldom as that happens. But I always try to buy boxed.
However: I wouldn't call myself a collectard. Well, who would...?  :mrgreen: But I'm pretty laid back about condition and don't necessarily need spines or manuals. And I buy the games to play them. Just wanna take'em out of their cases to do it.

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMAre you looking to add this game to your shelf? There are plenty of much better games that go for expensive prices as well, that would look much better on your shelf. Don't let Terra Cresta II taint your collection.
Thank you for the advice. But I don't think I would feel it would taint least I hope not. Here's another thing about me: When it comes to shmups I'm VERY easy to please.
I see the positives in games like "Rock On" and "Power Gate"....I bought those knowing very well about their reputations. Still glad I did. So I'm hoping "Terra Cresta II" wouldn't shock me quality-wise. Not expecting a gem here, but I'd still love to play it regardless.

Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:06 PMNow, $250 can buy plenty of things that are much better. Some examples are (...)
LOL :)
Yeah, sure, you're right of course. But it just popped into my head and I figured I'd ask about it.[/quote]
Quote from: guest on 01/10/2016, 06:07 PMTurbo Everdrives are cheap and plentiful. Terra Cresta II is harder to find than other games and is consistently selling on eBay, unlike other high priced games. So if there are other sources which are considerably cheaper, eBay sellers will be cleaning them out. But if ever there is a game not worth paying much for for a CIC copy, it's TCII. I hope you already own Magical Chase if you're considering buying this.
Good point about the eBay sellers.
I'm covered on the "Magical Chase" front though.

Well, thank you guys for the warning.  :D But as I said, since there are only very few Engine shmups I do not want to pick up due to their Mega Drive ports I am still interested in finding a copy of TC2 down the line, someday. :)
I'm sorry if this is a stupid topic but I'm seriously running out of ideas. And yes, I am aware that TC2 ist not well regarded....I don't care. :)

Anyway, prices on eBay are, of course, ridiculous.
There are almost no copies when searching through proxy services in Japan directly.
I could ask here but I already have a WTB in the TG16 sales & trades I allowed to have one in PCE as well?

I don't nevessarily want to buy it right now as it will be an expensive purchase, no matter where. But are there any other places I could check? And what would be a reasonable amount for it, approximately?

Again I apologize for opening a topic like this but I couldn't find one where this would have fitted in well.
Thank you!

I was finally able to strike off "Devil Crash".
Still hoping for someone to contact me with a couple of the other titles to sell. Come on! :)
Fighting Street / Re: It has happened...
01/02/2016, 10:31 AM
Oh wow.  :cry:

Just read through all of this after learning about this incident in the Turbob thread, and I'm pretty floored. Yeah, it was bound to happen, I suppose, but it still sucks.

Especially from my perspective. I'm really, really grateful I was able to get to games, "Dungeon Explorer II' and "Beyond Shadowgate", in spite of my low post count. I appreciate that very much and am totally happy with the games, but I'm also worried that "people" like that could ruin it for everybody in the long run.

Well, hopefully not. This was/ is a great thing for sure, and shows some real community spirit.
I got "Devil Crash" yesterday.
For free. o_O

There was some guy a bought a bunch of games from and he discovered he had a second copy of DC, next to the one he wanted to sell. And since he knew I was looking for one to fill the gap between my "Alien Crush" and "Jaki Crush", he gave it to me totally out of the blue! Very happy about that. :)

EDIT: It seems to be very awesome, by the way. Just played for 15 minutes or so so far but wow....visuals and music sure are nice.
"Dungeon Explorer II" and "Beyond Shadowgate" have turbobbed all the way (back?) to Germany and arrived today -- thank you so much, this is very very awesome!
Quote from: geise on 12/01/2015, 09:00 PM
Quote from: Samuray on 12/01/2015, 07:32 PMI even try to introduce people to the Engine who haven't heard of it before.
See.  There's your problem.
Huh? How so? It's a lot of fun, actually.
Quote from: seieienbu on 12/01/2015, 06:00 PMI'm relatively certain that most people who pay the current prices for games don't even bother playing them.  Maybe for five minutes to get enough footage of intro cinematics and gameplay for their youtube video where they brag about their collection but not through to the end to see what the game is actually about.
Well, it depends. Do you mean by "current prices" the contemporary eBay madness?

I, for one, am forced to pay current prices, but certainly not on eBay. Still, I want quite a few PCE games and what else am I supposed to do? I try to buy at reasonable prices and I am quite patient until I find some, but getting games for pocket change....well, not gonna happen anymore.

And here's the kicker: I do play them. :)  A lot. I even try to introduce people to the Engine who haven't heard of it before. Actually I'm doing a full introduction run with a friend of mine who loves retro games and shoot'em ups in particular but has never encountered the system before. And while we only play every title I have for a limited amount of time to get through all of them, we ARE of course planning on going back to play most, if not all, of them in great detail.

In between PC Engine Nights 1 and 2 (latter coming up on December 19) we kind of stumbled into almost finishing "Dragon Spirit". Just wanted to give it another quick spin....he wasn't too enamoured with it after the first PCE Night, but he now bumped it up on his personal score list, from 3 of 5 to a 4 of 5.

Wow, this was a lot more text than intended. Long story short, there are people still buying the games (albeit not on eBay) and actually playing them. :)
Ah, I don't know....I kinda like "Toilet Kids". Sure, it's rather simplistic in every regard but I'm glad to have it and I do play it every now and then. "Kato & Ken" is certainly the better game overall but I'm partial to shoot'em ups. :)
Quote from: Bernie on 11/17/2015, 04:14 PMAlmost out of Dracula X, MM3, and Shadowgate. 
That reminds me: Should I already pay for the Shadowgate you put aside for me while we wait for the Dungeon Explorer II batch? I know you send out the invoices and don't want people to send money, but we can do it anytime if you like. Or we wait.
Quote from: seieienbu on 11/16/2015, 06:35 PMdon't you hate it when your want list keeps getting bigger over time rather than smaller? :lol:
Well, you certainly did your part to help out....thanks again for that "Keith Courage" copy! It finally moved into its new "home" yesterday (a modified jewel case with printed front and back covers) and I even had a spare HuCard sleeve!

But you're right, I would be REALLY happy if I got a PM from someone offering me one or two of the titles from my list. On the other hand, my JP want list is about to be greatly reduced, so there's that. :)
Not many people seem to be selling TG16 games these days....well, at least not any of those I listed above. Well, I'll keep trying for a bit longer.
And I added "Time Cruise".

Thanks for reading! :)
That is FANTASTIC, thank you!!!!!
Quote from: Mathius on 11/11/2015, 06:41 PMThere should be enough for everybody from what I understand.

Hold off on the DEII for now until it's announced. Beyond Shadowgate is available now.
Well, I'm not in the US so I figured combined shipping would be better. But maybe not.
Anyway, don't wanna spam poor Bernie with PMs so I'll probably leave it as is. Maybe he'll contact me if he thinks I should do BS separately and wait for DE2. Don't wanna be that guys that writes half a dozen PMs :D

(Thanks for the reply, by the way!)
Quote from: Bernie on 11/11/2015, 03:29 PMYeah, hold off until we make a post about the next batch.  This first run was certainly a lesson for me.  lmao
Oh....I already PM'ed you about "Beyond Shadowgate" and "Dungeon Explorer II". So that wasn't wise...?

Shall I wait for DE2 to be ready or just go for BS for now? Don't wanna make things more difficult for anyone here, naturally. :)
But it would suck if BS was gone when DE2 was ready.
Decisions, decisions...
Hi everyone,

thanks to seieienbu I will probably soon be in possession of a loose "Keith Courage" (thanks again, mate  :dance:)

However, finding a front and back cover for a CD case to spruce this up a bit has been more difficult than I anticipated. I found a front cover but it has a questionable resolution, and I've had no luck at all with a back insert. I'm aware there isn't a real one since the game came in a cardboard box but I was hoping to find something I could use.

To make things even more difficult I don't have Photoshop or anything...whenever I needed to print a CD insert I just used GIMP, resized it and everything was A-OK.

If anyone could point me in some direction so I have a case for the game ready when it arrives, that would be really awesome!
Oh wow, "Paradroid"?!? I would love to have that on PCE since I don't have a C64.
Now that there are blank HuCards available, even a physicsal copy would be in the realm of possibility if someone can locate the code.
That would be sooo awesome!  :dance:
"Yo Bro!" added. How could I forget about that?!  :D

And I need to emphasize that I really don't need those outer cardboard boxes....would rather just have a lower price.

Thank you!  :dance:
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2015, 03:15 PMI want it, if you want to get rid of it.
I do, so thanks for your reply!
MotherGunner had signaled some interest before you so he kind of has dibs, I suppose...but he only wants to trade. If he doesn't have anything from my Want List, I'll get back to you, ok?
Well, I like to avoid eBay whenever possible so I was hoping I could find someone in a community who would need it. But I figured pretty much everyone here has one or a Japanese system or whatever, so no surprise there. :)

Also keep in mind that I'm in Germany so my eBay audience is either rather limited or, if I decide to ship internationally, probably scared off by the shipping costs. I wouldn't mind int' shipping within a community like this one, of course, but it tends to be a hassle on eBay. Doesn't even have to be transatlantic....even eBay transactions within the EU can take strange turns, I"m telling ya.
Hi everyone,

I got this adaptor to play Japanese Hueys on my Turbo Duo back then when I bought it, and as I don't really need it anymore I would really like to sell or trade it. But....can I? Maybe nobody wants it?

I think a short while ago a similar looking device was offered here, and I'm not sure it even sold. So I'm guessing there's no real market for these thingies anymore?


Oh, and yes, the text on mine is German since it was assembled by a German store that imported Engines and Duo back then.

Any thoughts?
Thank you!


I thought PAL systems were an urban legend and that it was simply US consoles that were sold over here. Not that I cared back then....I don't think I was even aware of official systems in Europe. :)  Just bought that US Duo but was soon distracted by PSX and Saturn....unforgivable, I know, but I am making amends as you can see.  :D
And yes, I was late to the party, so to say, getting my Duo late in the life of SNES and Mega Drive.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 10/19/2015, 03:07 AMalso keep in mind to find out if USA games are playable on Pal Systems since you are in Germany. Unless you have a US system.
Thanks for the pointer! However, I have a Turbo Duo with US/JP capability, and I THINK there never were any real PAL systems anyway. May be mistaken though.
Quote from: seieienbu on 10/18/2015, 07:49 PMIf you want a copy of Kieth Courage to play, I've got extras and can just send you one with manual sans case.
Seriously? That would be awesome! I'll PM you!
Sure, but for those low-priced titles it would be best to find someone who can sell me a couple of those....otherwise shipping would be more expensive than the game. :)

And I like buying from forum members a lot more than from eBay in general, so there's that. Anyway, it does seem like no one is willing to part with any of these games. Hmm. Well, I won't give up yet.  :dance:
No one? Come on, guys....someone MUST have a few of those for sale....
Added "It Came From the Desert" since I missed the copy in the other sale thread, together with a ton of other games. :(

Well, always a chance someone here may have a game or two of my Want List, right?

Oh, and I added "Deep Blue" since I didn't get the other copy I mentioned in my initial posting after all.
Hey guys,

so I recently missed out on a couple of TurboGrafx games, and since most of them seemed to be rather common, maybe I have a chance to find them again.
Looking for games in their cases but no outside cardboard boxes....don't really need those, the standard plastic cases would do just fine.


Yo Bro!
Tiger Road
Victory Run
Boxy Boy
Devil Crash
Keith Courage
Military Madness
It Came From the Desert
Somer Assault
Deep Blue
Time Cruise
Final Zone 2

If you have any let me know how much you"d want for them, and if you'd be willing to ship to Germany.
I had only one or two deals on here but I have positive feedback on other boards and on eBay so talk to me for details on that.

Thank you!
I love how it's clearly a reproduction and doesn't try to pass itself off as real!
If I ever came across one of those, I think I would maybe even consider getting it, just to tide me over till the day I can get the real one.

Quote from: guest on 09/23/2015, 03:27 PMThey're pricey compared to a flashcart that can play any game and not just the one, sure.  I don't think the boards are still available, but when they were they were $10 or $15 each plus the cost of the eeprom and someone's time to flash it, mount it, and make a nice sticker.
Asking who on here could do that would probably be an unpopular question, I suppose?

Anyway, thanks for the picture!
Thanks fellows, I'll take a look at that!

I'm still surprised though there aren't any faux "Magical Chases" flying around, whether with an actual bootleg of the game inside or an old potato chip.
Quote from: guest on 09/22/2015, 04:52 PMUnlike other systems, hueys aren't standard eeproms soldered to a pcb, so it's not a simple task to repurpose some common game into teh rarez.  Even if you could easily swap the eeprom, you'd still have one hell of a time disassembling/reassembling the huey and replacing the label.  It'd be easier to make all new hueys, but the investment costs would be in the tens of thousands.
I see. Although it seems those Chinese Mega Drive games are made of all new components, but...maybe not. Or they are easy to copy, hardware-wise.
It's really interesting that Hueys are so much more complicated.

Quote from: guest on 09/22/2015, 04:52 PMAs for 'players copies' that work but don't look original, they exist.  Of recent times, there's chueys;
And that's a term really tough to google. :)
CHueys....some kind of flash thingy, I suppose? Without any kind of label print on them?

Quote from: guest on 09/22/2015, 04:52 PMback in the day, there were several different styles of professionally made boots.
There were? But where are they now? Did they self-destruct due to low quality? :D
Or were there so few that they are all simply gone with the wind by now?
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/22/2015, 04:41 PMIt would be pretty hard to make an authentic looking fake HuCARD. "Player's copies", sure, but something that could fool the experts would be very tough.
Okay, sure, but why no "player's copies" then? There are boatloads of cheap Chinese bootlegs of Mega Drive shmups where the carts even feel different than the real ones....those wouldn't even have fooled my mom. Still, they exist.
Quote from: greedostick on 09/22/2015, 04:44 PMAoi means Blue in Japanese.

Oooookay.....that explains it.....

Thanks ^^
Is is very difficult to make repro HuCards? I wonder why....there are loads of bootleg GBA and SNES and Mega Drive carts....why no Hueys?

I would have expected to see a bootleg "Magical Chase" by now, be it JP or US reguon, but so far, I haven't. Too small a market?
Wow, what a coincidence! Jist a couple of days ago I finally played this game for the first time for real, after having popped it in for a few minutes right after purchase, and I ALSO was stuck in world luck finding that darned key. Ha!  :lol:

So thank you for this!
And a question: I know it says "Blue Blink" in the title screen, but when I bought the game the seller listed it in this thread as "Aoi Blink", and that's  also what it was refered to on some review site I checked. So....both titles are correct?
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 09/03/2015, 05:54 PMNo. They are two different games. Renegade on MS is a enhanced port of the original arcade game. Target, on Nes and Euro computers is just a eurotrash sequel.
Seriously? Wow....gotta get them both then!! :)
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 09/03/2015, 05:08 PMRenegade is def on MS, check on ebay. Target however is not I don't think.
I believe they're the same game, actually. Sometimes it's called "Renegade" and sometimes "Target: Renegade".

And wow, it's on eBay indeed. It wasn't when I last looked, but that was a while ago. Still hoping I'll find it on some forum someday but it's good to know that they do appear on eBay from time to time. Thanks!
Guys, I have a question:

I'd really like to get "Renegade" or "Target: Renegade" but I read the MS version is supposedly vastly superior to the NES one.
Problem: I've never ever seen it for sale. Does it really exist?

Granted, I don't check eBay too often since I much rather buy within communities and forums, but considering I've been on the lookout for it for what?....three years now? I think it should've popped up at least once.
Really strange.
I picked it up when it was offered on another forum, basically knowing nothing about it except its genre.
And I was pleasently surprised, by the visuals especially. Highly recommended!
I'll want to get this one too, sometime in the future.
Always thought it would be kinda moot having both the NES and the PCE copy but once I found out how different both games are, how different they feel, it was clear to me I needed both. :)