RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Nighttrate

I agree with the guy above this game look great keep it up
This games coming along nicely. Good job
Has anyone for photos of the full US Magical Chase Manual so I can make sense of the Japanese version . Not asking for a manual scan (unless you feel like posting one) just for photo so I can clearly see the text & make sense of it. Thanks
Quote from: SamIAm on 09/24/2016, 09:12 PMLol.  :wink:

Nighttrate, I'd love to have you. Please check back soon, because I really am going to post a list of roles and open up auditions soon.
will do mate
QuoteAnd sticking with American tradition in the movies are you making the baddie English ;)
I think antagonizing the British might not sit well with the other half of the translation team. ;)

But it doesn't really matter, because I don't think the bad-guys really call for unique accents.

Probably just due to availability of actors, I think American English will wind up being the "base" for the dub, but I have no objection to mixing in other accents as long as they're not too extreme. Whether a person can act is much more important than what their accent is.[/quote]
I'm british & do a lot of radio, so wouldn't mind giving the bad guy part a shot (if it not already taken) as we british do make a good bad guys.
PM Sent
Quote from: Aladar on 02/18/2015, 08:29 AMWIP 20150218

- Side borders of the platforms.
- Secret Rooms.
- Various power-ups effects.

- Today's record screen.
- EXTEND screen.
- Water and fire bubbles effects.
- Power-ups effects for potions, blu cross, yellow cross and skull.
- Level 100.
- Ending(s).
- Music and sound FX.
- Various little things.

All I can say is "WOW" this look amazing, when do you think your be putting this out?
Why didn't they press it themselfs then? That would avoid all that & if they got problem with keeping a profit from it donate the funds to a worthy charity
Whatever happened to the Neutopia III homebrew that The Frozen guys were working on?
Please tell me your finnish making this game as I love Bubble Bobble & the PC Engine so both together is a marriage made in heaven
Quote from: TurboXray on 12/16/2014, 12:45 AM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 12/15/2014, 08:34 PM
Quote from: TurboXray on 12/12/2014, 02:52 PMHave any of you guys tried out the stereo separation mode for MM, in the options? What are your opinions on it?

 I was toying with the idea of having an oscillating stereo separation feature, where you could control its rate. Basically, as if someone was turned the balance back and forth between left/right for each channel at a specific rate. Might sound trippy.

 Also, seems my music 'pak' on the site is corrupted. I'll have to re-uploaded it.
As a Dj / music producer I think it might do peoples heads, any chance we could get a version without the cd loading bit?

P.s Email me you address & ill send you a manual & thermal CD for you collection @
You mean the CD icon thingy? It's possible, but I use system card bios routine to call "play track" and this pauses emulation during the seek time (the bios routine only return back when everything is OK or and error has occurred). I'd have write my own CD handling routines, to avoid this. Given that I'm not that experienced with the scsi command system and status bits of the system, is why I haven't done it. Probably won't either. Though, I do want to make such a routine for hucard projects that could use a custom CD to play music, if the drive is detected. So, if I write and it's not a lot of effort - then maybe. Don't hold me to it, though :P It's very-very low priority. Ehh... so that's probably a 'no'. Heh. Sorry.
Yes mate I was on about the swelling cd looking thing that comes up every time the game loads a level or boss, but thanks for getting back at me. i see you doing a RPG, I pretty good at making artwork & would like to get involved if you fancied the help?
Quote from: TurboXray on 12/12/2014, 02:52 PMHave any of you guys tried out the stereo separation mode for MM, in the options? What are your opinions on it?

 I was toying with the idea of having an oscillating stereo separation feature, where you could control its rate. Basically, as if someone was turned the balance back and forth between left/right for each channel at a specific rate. Might sound trippy.

 Also, seems my music 'pak' on the site is corrupted. I'll have to re-uploaded it.
As a Dj / music producer I think it might do peoples heads, any chance we could get a version without the cd loading bit?

P.s Email me you address & ill send you a manual & thermal CD for you collection @
Try this

Scroll down to my post on the 5th Dec
Quote from: esteban on 12/08/2014, 06:43 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 12/05/2014, 11:23 PMBonknut get at me please, I wouldn't mind helping you with your RPG game I could design the Manual & CD, this is what I did for my son.
Damn, i want to see a clearer picture.
not sure if i can post a Facebook link but will do in the hope the mods don't get mad & kill me in my sleep lol
Bonknut get at me please, I wouldn't mind helping you with your RPG game I could design the Manual & CD, this is what I did for my son.

Bonknut get at me please, I wouldn't mind helping you with your RPG game I could design the Manual & CD, this is what I did for my son.

/Users/nighttrate/Desktop/untitled folder/MM4.jpg
so is the basics of the code from the SGX Games just PCE coding with extra coding for the second grafix chip in the SGX system

Could the games mechanics (game play) be used with modified (hacked) palettes & sub palettes like Fragmare made (if they Were already in existence)?
Quote from: ishiyakazuo on 11/05/2014, 05:01 PMTo be honest, I'm surprised that no one's said "buy the friggin' SuperGrafx, dude!"  People's time isn't free, and I think the amount of time and effort involved in this could pay for many SuperGrafx units.  Unless someone has a vested interest in doing something like this, it isn't going to happen.
Buying a SuperGrafx isn't a problem for me, Ive already had a SuperGrafx in the early 90's (along with the white PCE / Cd rom2 I have now) until the AV output broke so I binned it as Im based in the UK & I didn't know anyone that could fix it or even afford to get it fixed on my £5 pocket money back then.

My question wasn't even asking anyone to do it, but wether it could be done & use a few references & examples.

Quote from: ccovell on 11/05/2014, 06:14 PMWe're all too polite here.  But I did say this: "Easy?  Hell, no, but have fun doing it, Nighttrate."

Of course that means, "do it yer damn self."
I would if I could, What I was trying understand why something like this hasn't been done before also to get a better understanding of what the CD Rom2 with the added System / Arcade Card brings to the table & some of the hurdles from people that know what there talking about.
Quote from: guest on 11/18/2013, 11:42 AM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 11/17/2013, 10:09 PMOk hear you, so is there a conversion of the Nes version to PCE like the rock man / mega man port?
NES version of what, Ghosts 'n Goblins?  There is no Famicom/NES port of Ghouls 'n Ghosts.
Sorry I ment Snes for Ghouls n Ghost.
Hi guy just wondering how the translation was coming along?
Hi guys, How's the progress coming on this ?

also will there be a Legend of Xanadu I Translation Patch ?
Quote from: neutopia6 on 10/31/2014, 04:59 PMNo room mates or people staying with me, I'm rather seclusive, most people are too stupid to put up with, I'm in a relationship right now, me and my girlfriend have been living together about a year, it sucks too because I got her into TurboGrafx pretty good.
I was out game hunting, came back with about fourth games, ready to clean, organize and put into my collection only it wasn't there when I got back.
Nobody knew I was gone, as for suspects in not too sure, I have maybe three people I game with but they're mostly PlayStation and Xbox ''gamers'' so they're fucking clueless, I get them to play old shit but apparently nobody has patience for games requiring skill nowadays.
As long as it pops up eventually I'll be fine, hell if the person brought it back this second I'd hug them, I don't make much money so have $13,000 worth of my life's collection go missing feels like something I can't replace.
Thanks again for all the kind words, its hard to keep my fucking sanity lol.

How many pc engine / turbo grafix game were in you colection ?
Quote from: Lochlan on 10/28/2014, 04:17 PM
Quote from: geise on 10/28/2014, 03:30 PMNot true for me.  If I have a cdr of a game that I am playing it kinda makes me feel like I'm using roms on an emulator.  Sort of gives me an empty feeling cause I know I don't technically own it.  Same goes for an everdrive. 
I wrote a post about this a while back if you're curious (I have already linked it in this thread, but here it is again) that briefly addresses this ("some people can't enjoy ROMS for various reasons"):

I totally know exactly what you mean, I have a similar issue.  Being paralyzed by choice is part of my problem when seeing a million ROMs on my everdrive.  I've heard of other people feeling the same way.  But it's a personal problem that is possible to overcome and has nothing to do with the availability of the game for you to play.  There are lots of people who don't have this issue, too.

Responding to "just play a ROM" with "I can't, it doesn't feel the same to me!" is not unreasonable, but is hardly a refutation of the point that you don't have to own the game to play it.

When you went to the arcade you didn't own the game then, but you still put your money in & played it happily & the was plenty of choose there too.
Hi mate have they got Magical Chase or liquid kids?
Hi mate, hows the development of this coming along?
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/20/2014, 07:59 PM
Quote from: clackattack on 10/20/2014, 12:34 PMYa know, ive been told before that I have a good "voice-for-radio"
I don't think you can beat synbiosfan on that!

Check out the first youtube video. Now THAT'S a helluva radio voice right there!!
He does sound like your typical US radio jock / discovery channel host, ill give you that.
Hi guy I'm British so my voice would work well for a hero or villain (just putting it out there) Id be up for doing some voice acting as I actully do have my own radio show
Quote from: esteban on 10/01/2014, 06:13 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 10/01/2014, 06:05 PMSo now we got the name out the way, when do you think we will be able to play this bad boy?
Soon. Give or take some time.
Are you making a PDF manual or any artwork like a CD onbody to go with it? As I could help you with that if you needed help
Sam I'd be up for ding a test run when its ready
So now we got the name out the way, when do you think we will be able to play this bad boy?
Quote from: guest on 09/22/2014, 06:34 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 09/22/2014, 05:57 PMThe funs in the gameplay, not the name lol
Why not in both?
Why mess with perfection?
Quote from: guest on 09/22/2014, 01:24 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 09/20/2014, 01:35 PMI have a radical idea how about calling it "Bubble Bobble" I know it's a wacky idea but it might just work
Where's the fun in that?
The funs in the gameplay, not the name lol
What about Adventure Island Aka Dragons Curse (US) is there much text?
I have a radical idea how about calling it "Bubble Bobble" I know it's a wacky idea but it might just work
Quote from: guest on 09/17/2014, 08:37 PMSuper Bubble Bobble II Turbo PC Engine Edition' Plus.
Alader: Let me know If you want me to design the cd onbody (cd face) for you? I'm so looking forward to this game.
Quote from: guest on 08/29/2014, 10:09 AMBased on googlerins fro comptints and not personal experience: there are cheaper printers, but they're still a few hundred dollars, the 'ink' ribbons are expensive, and they're not very good in terms of reliability or print quality.
I've had experienced with both ink jet & thermal, the thermal is the best out of the all printers mine are factory standard & very expensive. Some printers say there thermal when they are in fact ink printers.

Also the thermal disks are some of the most reliable of all CD-R's my White PCE suitcase has no problems with playing them first time every time
Quote from: NightWolve on 08/29/2014, 02:00 AMInteresting, haven't heard about thermal printers.
They have been around for decades but the price has never really come down on them, I have a company that produce's CDs & DVDs for artist Dj's & record labels so have a few & used my grafix knowledge to scan / designs the above covers.

You got to admit they look good for a none glass mastered (pressed) Cd also the process would be a cheaper alternative for any home brewer looking to make a PCE / TG CD game.
Quote from: Sadler on 08/28/2014, 03:59 PMI meant machines, but I'd be open to finding people who would do so. Kinkos is who I usually go to for handling printing jobs I can't do at home, but I'm not sure they can do thermal printing on CDs. I've never checked though, to be honest I didn't know that was a thing. Your prints look significantly better than the lightscribes I've done.
I don't think there are any Themal printers @ that price but it kicks light scribes ass all day & gives the next best thing to a pressed CD
Quote from: Sadler on 08/28/2014, 03:20 PMThat looks great. Are there any printers under a few hundred that can do that that you recommend?
When you say printers do you mean Machines or people that will print them?
This is the one I made today with the Castlevania logo attached:

Quote from: guest on 08/28/2014, 01:57 PMThose look nice.  Are they done on a thermal printer or.... ?
Yes mate
Quote from: TurboXray on 05/05/2014, 02:29 PMWell, I retract my previous position. I don't care if my work is used for a closed community pressing, for PCFX members and such. I think I was overly worried for nothing. I just didn't want my name attached to something pirated (selling of), when I'm trying to get a career in CS/programming.

Of course, you still have other people's work in this project. Fragmare's title screen work, the translation text, ADPCM audio, etc. Though the text and audio can easily be redone, as a new project. But Fragmare's title screen is pretty awesome. Would be nice to keep that.
Now these are what my translated burnt CDs look like, I may take the time to swop the Dracula x logo for Castlevania as I hate plain CDs & have the resources note these are not ink jet printed cd & will last forever

Quote from: esteban on 08/27/2014, 05:19 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 08/27/2014, 03:57 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/27/2014, 11:16 AM..... crazy brits with their lifts, torches, fags, and biscuits.  :mrgreen:
We not crazy, we genius that why I knew there was suger in biscuits lol

Now back to the game what format is it being released on?
I'm hoping that this will be a SCD, with both PSG tunes and Red Book (can be changed at at any point in game via a menu).
I like the sound of that
Quote from: guest on 08/27/2014, 11:16 AM..... crazy brits with their lifts, torches, fags, and biscuits.  :mrgreen:
We not crazy, we genius that why I knew there was suger in biscuits lol

Now back to the game what format is it being released on?
Quote from: Niko49 on 08/26/2014, 01:14 PM
Quote from: Nighttrate on 08/26/2014, 11:11 AM
Quote from: esteban on 08/26/2014, 07:24 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/25/2014, 05:28 PMI think he should release it on biscuit format. Then we can eat it and play in our minds.

But don't go and make a biscuit release just for me...
I vote biscotti format, too.
That sounds tasty but I think the game will suffer from everyone getting high off the sugar rush & just crashing out half way thought.
Sugar rush from a biscuit?
How to make a biscuit
Quote from: esteban on 08/26/2014, 07:24 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/25/2014, 05:28 PMI think he should release it on biscuit format. Then we can eat it and play in our minds.

But don't go and make a biscuit release just for me...
I vote biscotti format, too.
That sounds tasty but I think the game will suffer from everyone getting high off the sugar rush & just crashing out half way thought.
Quote from: Aladar on 08/25/2014, 02:23 PMBy the end of this week I will add the remaining enemies.

- Title screen.
- Normal/Super selection screen.
- Today's record screen.
- Score system and record table.
- Start screen.
- EXTEND screen.
- Secret rooms.
- Water and fire bubbles effects.
- Various power-ups effects.
- Level 100.
- Ending(s).
- Music and sound FX.
- Various little things.
Your the man, what format are you releasing this on Cd Rom or HU Card ?