The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Messages - fratzengeballer

I just asked the guy who did the cards about what would be the smartest way of flashing, like with adapter to directly flash the hue card or flashing before soldering. He answered me, that flashing with hue-adapter will not work as he had to wire the write pin to vcc. He told me that he is on his way to redesign
Received my cards and they really look good, only drawback is, that you have to flash the chip before soldering it. Anyway, the cards are really cool. There will be a new designed one soonish
I just has a quick look and the test graphics I tried look the way I would likw to have them on screen. Nice work, keep going and a big thank you
I am not holding back anything but as I am new to this platform I have to find some solutions first, like how to play music, which format etc. When I have a clue about that, then I can continiue on the rest. It is a kind of action puzzle game
Looks really helpful and promising, hopefully the bugs can be wiped out and we will have a nice converter. Great work
Bought a bunch of those cards for a gameproject I am working on right now. Great to have some cards for not having to release on cd only