RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - mitsuman

Off-Topic / Re: I'm alive...
05/09/2018, 09:08 PM
Good to hear you're alive and kicking. You still rocking that TG16 shirt you win in the raffle I had under my old name of Mitsuman?
Off-Topic / Re: 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/04/2018, 02:43 PM
3.5" floppy....heh
Quote from: guest on 05/04/2018, 01:42 PMIt was a 1986 arcade title. It hit C64 only a year before the Turbo.
Oh, well damn.
I was thinking it was earlier. I keep forgetting the C64 ran games into the 90s.
Quote from: guest on 05/04/2018, 11:05 AMHeh, neat.  How's it compare to the Turbob version?
Oh that I don't know. It is just the manual unfortunately.
Maybe I'll stick it with my PCE version of Sidearms I have since it is the hucard only.  :lol:
I remember playing Sidearms at a local convenience store when I was a kid, a few years before the TG16 was launched in the US. But I had no idea it was on the C64 as well. I found this while going through a big lot of stuff I recently picked up.

Off-Topic / Re: NBA playoffs
04/26/2018, 11:25 AM
I saw the game the other day where Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sunk that awesome skyhook shot he took.
Quote from: TaoPaiPai on 04/24/2018, 10:44 AMI'm not super up to date on my TG-16 game rarity, but is there something in this lot that is super rare?!
That is coming out to be about $56 per game. $56 for Keith Courage? WTF?!?!
Got this with some other gaming stuff I bought and have no use for it. Box is pretty beat up, but the wheel looks to be in great shape, and really never used. Asking $20 plus shipping.

Or if you have TG16 stuff you'd like to offer for trade, that could work too.

I have pics, can text them/email them if needed.

If there is any hesitation in buying from a newb, I'm not a newb. I'm a member who has been around for a bit, but was FKA as mitsuman.
Looking for the following items. Please send me pricing shipped to 47712.

PCE Duo multitap
PCE controllers
Nectaris (JP Military Madness) — prefer CIC, but could be swayed for HuCard only if the price is right
Picked up a Sega Genesis, Xbox 360, PS1, PS2 slim, PS3; PSP(busted), and a handful of games for a few of the systems. Spent this evening cleaning them all up and trying to sort through the rats nest of cords and controllers. So far, the Genesis is the only thing that is complete.
Quote from: KingDrool on 12/29/2017, 07:24 PMIt's why I stopped participating in this thread; it's pointless. Internet troll antics won't convince anyone of anything, except that you're an asshole. Unless that's your intent. If so, congrats. Very effective.
Yeah, I'm doing the same thing. I'm bowing out.
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 12/28/2017, 07:08 PMIf you actually read my post I listed numerous things but I'm not going to waste my time writing a dissertation with "documented backup" when you didn't even read my post. It's up to you to do some research instead of watching MSNBC and looking at the Huffpost and Vox all day.

As for Obama not being a "maniacal, egotistical, racist, misogynistic, bafoon" he most certainly was egotistical, racist, and a buffoon. And moving the country backwards? Seriously? In what way?
I did read your post, or at least tried to. I'm not sure you made an actual point. You rambled about things that are going on and how someone on the left would perceive them.

I have done research. I don't take this shit lightly. I do not watch MSNBC, or hardly any TV for that matter, especially broadcast news. I don't read huff post or vox (whatever the fuck that is). I like to keep tabs on US politics from international sources mostly.

He (and when I say he, I am including his administration) have begun to DECIMATE rights for the LGBT community. He has pushed for a near theocracy. He has sold out what protected areas we have left so they can be developed. He is embracing fossil fuels while the rest of the world is moving on to renewables.

His tax plan has a slight silver lining. Maybe his cut on corporate tax will get some industries to move back to the US.

As for him taking credit for a lot of the prosperity in the US this past year...sure, right. The DOW was on the way up when Obama was still in office and Trump was daydreaming about ramming his daughter. Jobs were slowly making a comeback.

Politics is not an overnight thing. What ever he decides or signs off on today will not show fruition in the next week, month, or even year more than likely.

Not only is he poor at what he does, he surrounds himself by backwards thinking, ignorant people in his administration.
At least W had a decent administration, albeit morally bankrupt, they at least understood diplomacy and how to keep the country running decently.

I tried to give him a chance. It just seems eveytime he does something that I think "ah good, maybe we aren't totally fucked" he does something to change my mind.

Now, in closing, don't get me wrong, all politicians are shit. It's nit just Trump. Maybe I'm a slight anarchist, but I say dissolve the government, and start over. Set short term limits on all positions. Get rid of career politicians. Get a control over the money used in elections and all other things. Make lobbying illegal (which I know Trump has at least put a time period on when someone can go from politician to being a lobbyist, so yay him).
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 12/28/2017, 05:51 PMI could make a lengthy list of things he and those in his administration have accomplished but really, why bother?
Why bother? Because you have a fucking point to make. You can't come into a discussion, say "You guys are wrong, but I'm not going to actually give examples of why you are wrong. You just are!"

List five things that he has done to improve this country since he has been inaugurated. Five, with some sort of documented backup.

Was Obama fantastic? Nope, not even close. But he wasn't a maniacal, egotistical, racist, misogynistic, bafoon.
He is moving this country backwards, in so many ways.

I'm just glad to see they brought the Ewoks back.
Quote from: guest on 12/11/2017, 11:17 AMI'll give him credit for some of the stock market increases, but it's not like it was crashing before Trump.  If you followed the DOW trajectory from early in Obama's presidency, it'd be at ~22,000 anyway.
So what you are saying is, Trump hasn't fucked it up?
If these new cryptos keep showing up, I think we will have a world currency soon (within the next 30 years).
Since it is seen as earnings, it will be used more and more online, which is where everything is going anyway.
Then when we really become a global community (we are almost there) with the spread of internet world wide, we will need a currency that can easily cross borders (that really won't be there on the internet). That is where cryptocurrency will come in.

So then, all of these other cryptos will be worthless, because the dollar that they were valued at no longer exists.

Or we are all just going to get 3d printers/cornucopia machines and become a bartering community.
Quote from: guest on 11/23/2017, 08:09 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 11/23/2017, 02:22 AMWhen I think of collectors I think of guys on youtube with a wall of games behind them; games that they know little to nothing about actually playing.  I by and large can't watch the sort of youtube show which is just guys showing off what they bought.  It's even worse when there's no footage of actual gameplay (though if the footage is just of how they are bad at the game that's not a lot better).
I made a post about this once before

People like AlphaOmegaSin and them.

all that

*back to wall/shelf full of shit*


*insert tryhard angst/humor*

They're all garbage.

"content creators"

they suck.  they dont deserve money.   Nobody deserves money to film themselves rambling in front of a fucking shelf about games.
I'm on a retro gamers group in FB that is basically chocked full of people like this. Pristine set ups, TONS of cardboard every where, with multiple versions of the same box except for one small different colored call out on each box.
And generally no TG16/PCE stuff, or any other "oddball" systems. Just the main stuff from Nintendo and Sega.

WTF is the point?
Quote from: nopepper on 11/30/2017, 01:38 PMI'm sure you were aware of Sin and Punishment, but Bangaioh is another one to put in your radar. I think it's better than the Dreamcast version, simply because it feels much more natural to control with the N64 pad.
I was not aware of those games, so I'll add them to my list to check out as well.

And that is why I picked up the N64. For $50, I got a working system, with all hookups, 3 controllers, 12 games and an official N64 game cartridge holder. Not a bad price.
I also have goldeneye and Mario Kart. I like just being able to play a game for a bit, then walk away. I also own a PS4, and even on there, I really only get games that I can just play for a bit and then walk away (like Doom and MKXL). I have Elder Scrolls and Gran Turismo to play if I want to immerse myself in a game.

But I am not looking for something like that on the N64. Sure, I'd like to play a campaign, real time type strategy game, but they are so convoluted and involved that it would take me an entire afternoon just to get started.

And of course, nostalgia plays a small role in me buying it.
Yeah, I'm finding the N64 to have a very lackluster library. But I got a good deal on this one, so I jumped on it.

And thanks for the game suggestions. I all ready had command and conquer on my list, but will add star-craft as well.

And I plan on getting yet ANOTHER PCE Duo soon.
Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/30/2017, 11:05 AM
I think I've had more seller's remorse than buyer's remorse.

Every time I sell a Duo, I regret, only to be back a little later looking to get another one.
I'm looking for games like Military Madness or Lords of the Rising Sun, but for the N64. Any suggestions?
Fighting Street / Re: Well Fuck
11/13/2017, 12:34 PM
Sorry for your loss. I dread the day I have to deal with this.

I know it may be a rough thing to do, but keep an eye on your mother. Not knowing anything about her, she may be guilt ridden with the fact that the one time she left his side, he did not make it. Not saying she will blame you, but more look at it as it is her fault.

And take the bereavement. You may not think you need it, but you do.
And you got the stuff inside the shirt as well, correct?

Does it fit okay?
Quote from: KingDrool on 08/15/2017, 10:08 AMAlright, I wanna hear from some supporters. Where are y'all at? How're you feeling these days?

I will be picking a name at 15:35CST on Sunday 8/13.
I don't have any free cash at the moment  :-({|= , but would be willing to trade a Wii with games/controllers (normal and classic), OR possibly some of my Turbo games.
Quote from: glazball on 08/11/2017, 10:40 AMVery cool of your to rofl this game.  Which version of MS is it?
2nd print
Quote from: Groover on 08/11/2017, 09:10 AMThat shirt looks good on you. I'm in sign me up.
Are you hitting on me?  :oops:
Quote from: guest on 08/10/2017, 09:52 PMDoes it count if we registered before 2014, deleted our account, and signed up anew? Asking for galam.
Maybe with some proof/references.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: PCE Duo games
08/10/2017, 09:25 PM
Change of plans. Keeping everything, except for the raffles I've started.
Quote from: Dicer on 08/10/2017, 09:12 PMEnter me as I've never gotten around to grabbing this, and I am broke so a free game is always allrighty by me.

Thank you.

Oh crap I might not qualify for reg date, poooop
You're in. You beat me by 7 months.  :D
Quote from: crazydean on 08/10/2017, 02:29 PMDid you realize today is your three year anniversary?
Oh shit, I did not!  :lol:
Since I'm trying to unload my stuff, i did not feel it was right to try and sell this as the creator would not get any financial gain from it. Also, because I got it for such a low price.  So I decided to raffle if off.

Near perfect copy of Mysterious Song, manual, jewel case, all in great shape.

1) You must have more posts than me.
2) You must have been registered on this site before me (August 10, 2014, 05:59:36 PM).
3) You must not resell. If you do not want it, raffle or gift it to someone more deserving. I have a feeling though, if you were to win this in my raffle, and then try and flip it for a major profit, the locals here would deal you some vigilante justice.

So there you go. Who wants in?

I usually only get insertion marks when I go in dry...
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/07/2017, 02:17 AMYou must have a big ass or a 40lb cock, because I am 6' and 215lbs and i look bigger than you.  Or is this shirt magically slimming?
I think it is just slimming. All of my weight is pretty much at my gut.
Oh, and do you want in on this raffle?
Raffling off this t-shirt
I only wore it twice, and the pit stains are hardly noticeable (honestly, no pit stains).

It's an XL. I'm 6' and 265 pounds, and fit me pretty good.

I'll draw a name probably in a week or so.


Raffle entrants:
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: PCE Duo games
08/06/2017, 09:48 PM
Life has interfered, and I need some cash.


Vasteel (CIC) -- $15
Nectaris (CIC) -- $15
Power League II (Hucard only) -- $5

Feel free to haggle/make offers.

Also, I will not ship USPS on the big items, unless you absolutely insist. I have had them "lose" way too many high dollar items, and did nothing to find or reimburse me.
If you do insist on me shipping via USPS, I will, and get insurance if you like, but then the rest is on you. I remove myself from all responsibilities once I hand it over to them.
Sure, I'll give it a try.
Quote from: esteban on 07/30/2017, 08:46 PM..and I don't care, this is fun game.
Indeed it is. I loved playing it when I had it in my collection years ago.
Quote from: bob on 07/30/2017, 10:23 PMawesome
Looking at his other auctions, I think he has no method of coming up with prices for his stuff.
Nice work!
Have you played through it yet? Any issues anywhere in the game?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Browning raffle!
07/30/2017, 11:54 AM
Got the game, thanks exodus.
Played the game.
Glad I didn't pay for the game.

The intro is pretty cool, the talking is pretty good, and the little animation scenes are neat, but the

Quote from: guest on 07/19/2017, 02:16 PMPlayed this for the first time a few weeks ago, drove me crazy how you can't move/shoot backwards. Or at least I couldn't figure it out
You have to double tap backwards to turn around.
Oh man, that is awesome!
I'm off work today. I'm thinking I'll go fire up the Duo and get back at it with Kiyomori.

I watched the last part of the video. The ending sequences are pretty great.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
07/24/2017, 05:08 PM