@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - SmokeMonster

Getting any Bubble Bobble coding in?
Quote from: guest on 01/18/2018, 01:25 PMSomeone hacked the games off of the Human sports cd to run off of a hucard format, which is cool if you like that stuff
Thanks, I was able to get both games extracted from the Super CD to standard .pce files. If anyone wants those ROMs, just PM me.

Final Match Tennis Ladies: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3174/
Formation Soccer Human Cup '92: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3181/
Oh, duh. I didn't notice that Ootake was loading my resume data and skipping the intro  ](*,). Nevermind, then.
Quote from: guest on 01/18/2018, 11:37 AMDo you know anyone who has extracted any mini-games yet?
I thought that was what Twinbee Returns and Force Gear were.
Has anyone tried extracting the hidden shooter Dark Left from Tenshi no Uta II into a standalone game?

The original ROM had no Intro, it just went straight into the game.
I love that NE got an update and now has a nice Intro. So cool :D
Thanks, Chris. This is quite brilliant :D
Incredible game. Thanks for gifting it to us.
Thanks! Saru must have just fixed the Paypal system, so I was able to pre-order.
The Paypal/pre-order link at henshinengine . com doesn't seem to be working.
Voultar has a nice 7374 RGB bypass amp in the works for AES, and I believe that an MVS version will follow.
Yes, you should remove v1 Turbo EverDrives and use the Duo's system card to launch games. TED-V2 is perfect as long as you use elmer's modified bioses however.
Quote from: NichlasEk on 09/10/2017, 07:30 AMIf its not there i wouldnt add it. The board is marked + and withe for negative.
Thanks! thesteve confirmed to me that if the 100µF cap is not present, it should not be added. He also recommends using ceramics for everything but the audio section.

Could someone please identify which caps are part of the audio circuit?
Yes, I live in Brazil but have a trip to the US coming up in December. I'm trying to get a CoreGrafx/Super CD-ROM2 setup ready to bring back here with me on my next trip, although I might bring my Duo or Duo-R if I can't get the SCDR2 fixed before I leave. I've been living off one of my LCD modded TurboExpresses, which has been a lot of fun, but I do miss CD games.
Updated with new CoreGrafx want.
That is incredible. Can't wait to finally give it a play on real hardware.
If that missing cap isn't present, should it be added there regardless? Also, is the PCB marked with +/- for that cap's position? I don't have my SCDR2 in yet or I could answer that myself.

Also, does anyone have a list the caps that can safely be replaced with ceramics?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Arcade Card Pro
09/07/2017, 11:39 AM
Oh, that's perfect. Thank you! I've already got an arcade card duo for my duos so I'll just close this ad and hang on to it.
Buy/Sell/Trade / FOUND: CoreGrafx II or I
09/06/2017, 09:09 PM
Update: I no longer need the Arcade Card Pro --thanks NecroPhile!

Update 2: I found a CGII. Thanks!
Thanks for reposting, SamIAm. I have a SCDR2 coming and this will be handy for its obligatory recap.
I'd buy two 3.5" LCD mod screens. Glass would be insane, but plastic is excellent too. Thanks for taking this on! 8)
The doors are excellent. Considering how old these consoles are, I don't know how jelloslug was able to match the colors to perfectly, but they're exact.


I forgot to grab a picture of they grey door installed while I was back home, but it's exact too.
Incredible work, Elmer. This is extremely exciting to see unfolding.
Quote from: touko on 05/22/2017, 01:09 PMBut i started a shmup :
Oh, wow! That looks incredible. I'm happy to live in a world where there could be a new SFX shooter released one day.
Incredible work, touko. Have you had a chance to make any more updates to this since your last post?
It keeps getting better and better.
I pretty much left being active here over that thread too. At the time, it felt like a personalized group attack on Kevtris and Jason (Game-Tech), and those defending them. I definitely went overboard, but it was in defense of Kev and Jason at least. If you look back in retrospect, PP pissed us all off with his unique brand of ranting. Even those of us who never get involved in drama.
Liked and subscribed. Curious and brilliant channel you have Esteban :D
Another great cover! I own the Raiden II PCB and I definitely think this does it justice.
thesteve has installed LCDs in three of my TEs and I highly recommend him. He offers more than just screen replacements and recaps though. He's added controller ports to mine, an RGB amp in one along with a mini DIN-9 jack, and composite AV output through the headphone jack. He does extremely high quality work :D
How does the Hori Twin Commander fare? I've never used one.
Really interesting tool. I saw you posted this on the EverDrive forums too, could something similar to this ever be implemented into the Turbo EverDrive, or is save data simply not accessible from the hucard port?
Sounds pretty nice! Feels like it would fit right at home in a shoot 'em up now :D
Awesome prices, wow!
Just ordered one for my Duo and another for my Duo-R. Such an awesome offering, thanks jelloslug! :D
Beyond incredible. Thanks for making Force Gear available, Arkhan :D
I just received a response from jelloslug. He has Duo-R doors in stock and is making more Duo doors. So, I'm all set and will be buying both from him :)
Quote from: guest on 12/28/2016, 09:15 PMThis guy makes all of the different Duo doors:

Thanks for the link. I just sent jelloslug a PM. That is what I would like to order for my Duo. Did he do a run of Duo-R doors too? I actually need one Duo and one Duo-R door.
I would like to buy a Duo-R card door. Please PM me if you have one for sale and can ship to the US.

Actually, I need a regular Duo card door as well. This isn't as much of a priority since I could potentially buy a 3D printed one from the next batch. If you have a spare though, please drop me a line.
I don't know anything about the references going on in this beyond Super Star Soldier, but I can objectively say that I like the music. I also really like your recent C64 port of the SSS Area 1 theme: https://youtu.be/jidjb30PooI
I just listened to it and it sounds great. Well done Elmer.
Awesome release. Incredible work, Psycho Arkhan! :D
Incredible work porting Barbarian to PCE, FL!  8)
I use the Tototek PSX-to-PCE converter and Hori PS1/PS2 sticks on my PCE. It's a nice product and I don't notice any lag in games where that matters, like shooters.

Incredible work cabbage. I'm a big fan of your translation projects through the years. Cheers for taking on Energy! :D
Any news on this? :D
I had very similar issues, but luckily mine were resolved by cleaning the cart slot and finding the perfect way to insert it. I'm also using a regulated 9v (2A I believe) aftermarket power supply if that matters, and my SGX is recapped and RGB amped.

I'm convinced that the SGX problems are related to the PCB thickness of v2.4. The thickness of the v2.4 carts varied greatly due to some new supplier Krikzz was using. See the pictures here. My guess is that he might have standardized the PCB thickness again in v2.5.
Quote from: guest on 09/02/2015, 08:05 PMYou're pretty much contributing nothing to any point of any conversation going on in this thread.   You can't read, you miss points, you can't make points, and you're generally just an idiot.
A typical troll shouting, "lol but you didn't read my posts!!" every time someone disagrees with their lunatic-asshat opinion. I've read all of your posts and dissecting even one of them point-by-point was irritating enough. 

May god help those who continue on in the pile of shit that is this thread.