10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - chop5

just change the laser before pot tuning or anything else. they are still plentiful.
the pins from the controllers coming off is common. mines do that. just put them back in. unless something else happened. have a pic?
hi,its been a while since i posted any repair stuff and ive noticed more with this problem so i thought id share.
the cdrom rom laser has a plastic guide/holder for the spiral arm. it breaks alot during shipping or a hard drop. usually it can work with it broken but slowly the laser will droop and you will get read errors,music skipping or full shutdown.


both tabs have been broken in this picture only showing the metal slide which isn't strong enough to hold the laser in place.
i've tried gluing with no success. i guess a 3D printed option could be made but i veiw 3D printers as a waste and have no scientific use in making things. none.

this fix i use is a simple twist tie from my whole wheat loaf. this fix can be done with the laser attached to the mechanism but for this tutorial i will use the slide and laser removed.

unscrew and remove the arm guide

first you take a twist tie and remove its paper covering exposing wire and if you look closely under the laser you will see 2 unused holes under the guide. thread the wire over until you hug the spiral guide.


technically this is all you need. its strong enough to hold the laser in place and with the guide arm reattached it will move. i have many cdroms working with this alone but i took it a step further and added another twist tie

loop the tie over so it only catches one side of the first tie
tighten slowly like so

now you get the idea. tighten that twist tie first until it closes over the spiral groove then tighten the other twist tie. it should look like this when done:
twist tighten with small tweezers. tight but not too tight. adjust the wires where needed with something stiff like a nail.
the finished ties will look like this

all nice and snug and aligned with the slide gear. also technically this is more than enough and you don't need the metal guide arm but i screwd it back on anyway


clip away any excess and tuck so it doesn't scrape against the board

that's it. you get the idea. all this can be done with the laser still attached to the mechanism but the mechanism unscrewed from its mounting and the metal laser cover off. makes it easier to loop the wires.
the fix can be altered in so many ways,2 loops of wire or anything your imagination can come up with that can hold the laser in place and allow it to screw on the screw guide. this is just what i used at the time and thought id share so all can prosper.

i can do this for a small fee if your fingers aren't small enough like necromancers. he has very good hands.
got it yesterday!

thanks a ton


so purty and blue
got some in the other day. used a 29F080 i salvaged from a dead xbox1 console. takes some getting used to with the GQ4X in getting the card pins lined up just right with the adapter but works good once done. the gq4x wont recognize the chip id so i just ignore and it erases and writes pretty fast.
gonna try other roms and experiment with it a little.
thanks ichi,your shipping was incredibly fast.
i want to be entered! this would be my first raffle entry over a sea of countless ones over the years

dang just checked my post count *walks away in shame*
awesome work steve
the best lasers i ever got and  were made differently were from electronix.com. every laser i got from them worked fantastic. we need to bug that company to have more made wich i suspect they did. hire a private laser manufacturing to thier specifications.
i just ordered a bunch of lasers from ebay so im takin a gamble. my advice order from dalbani or liberty,usa seller,so at least you can get a refund or exchange if they dont work. but i gave up on them when shipping back costs were more than the lasers i was getting in. plus they are not very customer friendly. but i was ordering a lot from them.

but even so the lasers i got as bad im holding onto for the day i get a good oscilloscope,i get a feeling a good tuning can get them at least partially working. but without the scope im goin blind and will damage it or burn it out.
hi,if you have a volt meter with ohms you can try these settings that ive found pretty much close to all duos:

set meter to ohms at 20k or so
vr 101 7.29 & 13.26
vr 102 8.38 & 7.65
vr 103 13.44 & 4.75
vr 104 13.21 & 5.73
vr 105 0.00 & 0.38
also the pot on the laser is about 0.70 to 0.80.

but what concerns me is not the pots,make sure you didnt pulla wire from the fragile ribbon connector. i would check each wire with the meter for continuity.
also new lasers are a crap shoot. sometimes the rate is 3 bad ones before you get a good one.
you may need to send it to one of us to figure it. us being the techys here.
aye fidd.
gojira where did you get the ifu from? just curious. and the ifu with pce in it plays games sound fine? i wouldnt be surprised if the pce is related to this somehow.
what you need is another cdrom to trouble shoot with the ifu and change the laser with to scratch those possibilities off the list. but in all the cdroms ive worked on i have never encountered zero sound yet game plays fine. cdroms with no sound from the headphone or low sound just need the 4.7 uf caps changed. if the pots on either the laser or board have been messed with that can cause unpredictable,unknown  effects
power the cdrom by itself and play a music cd and put in some headphones. if you get sound its fine and its the ifu. the ifu caps may be fine so check for broken solder near the av plugs.
oh its that somamabeech jetblue instigating stuff again i see
tats is never cool
Off-Topic / Re: Octurbofest 2013
10/11/2013, 02:21 PM
i will have a small work space set up so if anyone  needs a cart battery changed,laser, or minor console work bring your stuff over.
if it takes too long to work on il take it home.
Off-Topic / Re: R.I.P. Snowkitty
09/18/2013, 11:43 AM
 it was not overdose in snowkittys case. oh and thank you nightwolf for such a lengthy AND detailed story about overdose in a place it doesnt belong.
Off-Topic / Re: R.I.P. Snowkitty
09/16/2013, 01:53 PM
he was a great technician. could do smaller solder welds than me. Ps1 and Ps2 were his specialty.
these are his last words.

21:15:15) ChatBot: SnowKitty logs into the Chat.
(2013.08.17 - 21:15:29) SnowKitty: anyone seen t2k?
(2013.08.17 - 21:15:39) SnowKitty: i found that PSP-2000 laser
(2013.08.17 - 21:16:23) GE0: damn
(2013.08.17 - 21:16:29) GE0: so game genie may not resolve this issue
(2013.08.17 - 21:16:34) GE0: is worth a shot tho
(2013.08.17 - 21:16:36) chop5: hey snowkitty
(2013.08.17 - 21:17:02) chop5: il let him know
(2013.08.17 - 21:17:26) chop5: il still send it
(2013.08.17 - 21:17:56) DragonmasterDan: GE0: Disable the NES 10 chip
(2013.08.17 - 21:17:58) DragonmasterDan: it's easy
(2013.08.17 - 21:18:12) DragonmasterDan:
http://youtu.be/L​LMCj2VosLc - Invalid ID
(2013.08.17 - 21:18:30) chop5: sai will end up getting his dick caught in it an dburning down th ehouse
(2013.08.17 - 21:19:16) DragonmasterDan: I suck at these kinds of things, but have disabled 6 or 7 10NES chips
(2013.08.17 - 21:21:55) ChatBot: SnowKitty has been logged out (Timeout)

one of the funniest stories he told me was during the first months he moved to Pennsylvania. he's a gun nut and carries his gun with him everywhere. well he told me it was late at night and was hungry so he and his friend went walking around the area they live looking for a food place. late at night  only place open is white castle. filled with homeless and college hippy dudes. one of the hippy dudes taunted him about his holsterd gun and wouldn't stop calling him all sorts of names till they got their food and left. and im thinking of all the places on earth where a man should be armed is a late night white castle when all the gangbangers,yakuza,crazies and hookers go to fill up on the cheapest burgers in town.
was funnier when he told it wich wasn't meant to be funny :)
later rey,till the next life.
Off-Topic / Re: R.I.P. Snowkitty
09/11/2013, 08:02 PM
i remember when snow first came to these forums,he was still a teenager. we hit it off right away with him being a techy and all. he specialized in ps2 and ps1 hardware. he could do welds smaller than i can to install the modchips and stuff. i use to send him so many ps2's and almost bought him one at the flea market last sunday. when he came into chat i would always say i would pet him till he purred. so much i can say. i will miss him.
 i will meet you on the other side ,goodbye my friend.
its very possible,i almost went that route to make replacements but it would have been too expensive so i developed the cheaper and most reliable of methods for the gear problem. but eventually i will be put out of business wich i hope.
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2013
07/15/2013, 01:19 AM
some pics. i didnt take as many as last time because i was super busy and cheap phone ran out of juice.

first gave offering to the local bird god idol for a successful festival:

setting up:

the big moment after,i forgot the camera:

chris booth i was loitering at:
the small area i had my repair station:

the event is at full swing now:

an intense contest of endurance and mental strategy, lode runner:
top left is brandon and his 2 friends,chany in the abercrombie shirt,seated  bardoly,bardolys sister jordan,cap jeff,and blue shirt bmw or josh i dont know. way in the back near the white screen is ash,mathius pearl jam t shirt,majors black tshirt with single white sentence.
another contest that tested the sanity of all,raiden:
i am seated on the floor like a samurai but mainly i was working on this thing:
got that sucker working with a genesis controller mod! those are hizays shoes.

dan helping me at the booth while chris is on break:

at the pizza place for drinking and pizza:
all the men with their women sat a table while us bachelors of the city had manly booths while we arm wrestled for drinks and slapped beer wenches asses.
outside after meal chat:

had a great time,thanks guys. met new friends and bought some games and played many. a summer festival to remember!
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2013
07/10/2013, 01:22 PM
jeff ive done it once before but failed,i think the drive was faulty. if you have a belt i can attempt it
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2013
07/05/2013, 12:55 AM
i will have a small repair station at cdamms table at vgs so if anyone needs something looked at,cart cleaned,etc bring it. service is free to all pcfx members.
aye,im spreading global bitches! divisions opening soon for africa,asia,south america and antarctica. penguins love the batman game for pce.
If anyone has trouble installing the gears i am here or any tg/pce question in general.  :D
i took a ton of pics and vids but alot didn't come out and i forgot  ](*,) to take a pic of my new bestestbestfriend keranu.

this is the vendors room,im sitting behind cdamms windy city gaming booth. or loitering behind cdamms windy city gaming booth


chany enjoyin a cold one


there were some patrons walking around with beers and nothings funnier than a buzzed person asking loud dumb questions about video games.

heres a quick semi hidden vid of the woman that everyone was talking about,she freakin knew i was taping as she passes. shes a mystery and is considered an annual nuisance. i noticed she had on a wiccan amulet so she may be a sister witch,who knows. perhaps more have stories to share of her or rumors. thats the back of bluebmw at the end.


you can see a cosplay female koopa in the distance in this video. dragonmaster dan has relieved cdamm so he can rest a bit


i choose you pikachu!


later we all gathered and walked like a small gang to the nearby mall where the movie Dawn of the Dead was filmed (evidence pending) to have lunch.
food court pics with non ignited fireplace  :(


on our return to the event i went to the arcade room:

back at the museum where turbo systems were set up a massive 8 player bomberman battle royale on saturn was being waged by many forum members and mgc patrons:


went back to help relieve cdamm a bit more and others gathered there:
mathius,ash and tggodfrey
bluebmw, tggodfrey and dragonmaster
mademoiselle ash

So ends my second trip to MGC (makes scrapbook) allah willing i will go again next yahren.
Lookin forward to VGS in july!
Off-Topic / boog/shawncarr2o has passed
01/18/2013, 12:52 AM
he lost his battle with Muscular dystrophy a couple of days ago. he will be missed. i spoke to him almost daily on msn,did many trades with him and console repairs. more on him over at neo geo as shawn was a member of every gaming forum.


a card is being prepared.
boog was very active in the shoutbox when it was still here and a little on the new chat on sunsteams site. im so sad that i didnt get to say goodbye to all these friends that have passed so suddenly. its like we were in a war or something.
Off-Topic / RR1980 has passed
01/17/2013, 11:49 AM

 i just heard back from a letter i had sent to RR1980's address:

Dear Jenny,
I am Arnold's sister, received your letter yesterday.
I am sorry to let you know that my brother passed away last February of Heart Failure.
As you are his friend, I know this news will be a shock to you as you worried him for this long time.
Sorry that since we don't know his friends so we are not able to let you know when this happen.
I don't know what to say, I am glad to receive your letter and know that my brother have a friend that care about him.
Please Take Care.
Best Regards,
Wai Ka

i always thought RR1980 was gonna log back on so i never thought of sending the letter sooner to see what happened till we spoke about him in chat last week. i still have one of his repair orders.
till next time RR1  *lays a flower in chat*
reminds me of judge dredd when a judge reaches retirement they send him on the long walk thru the cursed earth wasteland bringing law to the lawless. but instead of the book of law in one hand and a shotgun in the other you have a pcengine and jj&jeff.
bringing obey to the obeyless...
Off-Topic / Re: Breetai aka Firebomber7
12/30/2012, 02:29 AM
im still in shock. when you talk to someone on chat almost everyday it hits you hard when you realize they are never gonna come back on. i even bookmarked a restaurant to show him called bree thai,thai food. im sure his spirit is looking at this and is laughing. later blake ;) the man from the bay of thunder.
General Gaming / Re: Octurbofest
10/21/2012, 10:31 AM
had a blast! heres a few pics from my camera with only 10 mb storage cf card

General Gaming / Re: Octurbofest
10/16/2012, 05:48 PM
its possible a laser tweak might work. has the laser ever been changed?
General Gaming / Re: Octurbofest
10/16/2012, 11:54 AM
i will be bringing my doctors bag of tools and stuff so if you have a cart that needs opening to clean the contacts bring it and il open it for ya,quick laser change,security screws removed,dust blown out from behind a handheld screen, etc. real quick repairs can be done on spot but nothing major that can take days like a laseractive pak,you bring those to bmw ;)
Off-Topic / Re: Tatsujin
10/08/2012, 10:37 PM
im sorry if a bad word slipped out in chat that offended you or something. im sorry!  *places blade over finger*
Price changes coming this monday. those who have pm'ed me and those that do before monday the 27th of august at 7pm will be locked in the old rate.
General Gaming / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2012
07/24/2012, 07:57 PM
OH hell yeah im down for a fall meetup or even sooner!!!! an equinox meetup at midnight by a huge bonfire would be saweet!

heres a very rough draft of the character im making based on that heron statue from the vgs



i couldnt get the darn beak or eye right,did it a hundred times. originally wanted it to look like a juvenile allosaurus with a bigger jaw so it may change again when its done.

its a short story about a black kid from the ghetto that doesnt understand why he seems to faze in and out of reality. 350 years into the future and 65 million years in the past,inhabiting a body of what may have been his future and former selves. He thinks its the effects of crack from when his mother used when she was pregnant with him. Slowly he realizes hes part of a force that does its best to save the people from both times and learn that planet earth is no stranger to armageddon.
General Gaming / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2012
07/16/2012, 03:04 AM
I had tons of fun guys cant wait for another meet up. was like the chatbox come to life!
thanks chany for all your hard work in putting it together. I took a few pictures but my CF card is very small.

part of the setup. you can see a sack of burgers and fries courtesy of tggodfrey,thanks you were a lifesaver.
other side of setup. the gentlemen seated are elseven in the green shirt,roflmao in the white. next to roflmao is tggodfrey talking to his girlfriend jessica. the woman in the white shirt at the vendor table is ash next to mathius in the black shirt and bluebmw on the far right behind the atari pc. behind the vendor in the blue shirt is jeff from wisconsin. has on a red outrun shirt that was cool as hell. thats all i can remember whos in the pic.
a live internet broadcast of sorts with awards handed out by walter. no idea who the recipients are or what they are awarded for. perhaps someone knows?
this heron statue greets you at the door of the convention center. i took a pic and will be adding it to one of my comics about dino's. it will be a dino priest of sorts,an evil character.
friday after a visit to a video game store we went to eat here at superdawg. the whopsiedawg polish sausage was fucking great!

i also guarded arks fliers and hit anyone with a stick that tried to steal one. 8)
i will now poychase a larger cf card. yes i collect vintage cameras and use them. non hipster like.
Tutorial now added on first post! Many pictures  8)
Thanks guys  :D

Yeah I was gonna say why but thought you all didn't need to know all that but i USE to have paypal up until january.
I started getting hounded by the IRS. Suspect it was my ebay account that had flagged me to the feds so I cancelled my ebay and paypal accounts.
I am free of them and their monitoring.
There is more,lots more but again you guys don't need to know all this,its boring.

I will add to the front page console drop offs welcomed  :D
Should build a drive thru window on my house.
My email if you wish to do buisness thru that than on this site: jetblue7@gmail.com
Our european friends can contact member Fidde_se  or at   fidde_se@hotmail.com

Hi,before I start I have no paypal. Cash for any of these items is thru concealed letter in envelope,dvd case in bubble mailer or trade goods. For console repair cash hidden in the cd lid or slot door or where ever you think no one would look. I know its risky but I was sending/receiving cash all over in letters for years and never lost a one. Some were returned to sender because the address got worn off.
Also I do not do mods,just repairs. For mods seek others on this site. They will give you a good combo deal on a cap change and region/av mod combined :D
Many have these devices in their machines for over a year and are happy. Many months have been used in researching these and the science is sound. But as always I am not responsible for misuse,wrong installation or your console dying from these. But if something does go wrong I'm sure we can fix it.
Prices can change at any time. But probably wont,mainly if I dry up the supplier and have to get slightly more expensive stuff.
This thread will be updated as supply is replenished or new services added.
Locals in the chicagoland area drop off service available. Save some cash in shipping. Bus and L-train directions at request.
International orders welcomed. Shantytech is a world wide industry!
This is the Shantytech electronics repair division.

Im selling my cdrom gears and duo plugs for any that need it.

TG/PCE Cdrom gear fix $7 a set,because of the slow resupply I must limit 1 set per customer for 30 days.
They are soft brass and are loud when running. Some compare it to a dreamcast. There is no grinding as the gears are curved and polished so no sharp areas. Cannot find them in plastic. This is the difference between a dead paper weight of a cdrom or a working one.
Free install if you cant do it yourself but pay shipping back.
Here's a crude install sheet:


I will do a tutorial here on this thread later. And of course I can be contacted to help in the installation or questions at all hours either here,on msn or on the temporary pcfx shoutbox chat here:

Genesis to Duo ac adapter plugs $10:
Use a model 1 or model 2 genesis ac adapter on your duo,safely tested.
I also sell the duo male plug if you have a bad one on your ac adapter for $4.00


Tools needed,small screwdriver,pen,silicon lube,needle or small piece of thin metal. Please forgive the bad pictures. I only had one hand free so some scenes have unnatural positions. Use your imagination to how it would look properly please. If you are a robot access imagination file now.

First open your system like in the picture.
Use laser change tutorial to open your cdrom:
Unscrew the back case,the screw on the motherboard,unclip the two laser ribbons and unscrew the 3 screws holding the lasers mechanism in place. Just leave the mechanism partially out of the unit like in the picture. No need to completely have it free from the cd.

First you have to carefully remove the O-ring that holds the middle gear in place. I use a needle but you can use anything,small screwdriver,fingernail,etc,that can get between the split that's on the O-ring so it can be removed.
In this picture you can see the tiny split that allows you to remove it intact. Its made of metal and be careful of shooting it across the room. Sometimes I do it inside of a sandwich bag.

Here the needle pressed against the gear and it split,started to dissolved. Its like butter.

Here it is successfully removed. If you have lost it in the rug get a magnet and it will stick to it. If its completely lost don't worry its a common part and I have replacements I can send you for free.

Here is the whole unit apart for easy convenience and screw holding and parts.

Now take a small screwdriver or popsicle stick or finger and push the motor gear off its axle. Its not glued on but pushed in place. Slides right off.

Now clean the middle gear axle with an alcohol swap as there will be residue. Use a needle to get in the crevice if you have to. No need to clean the motor axle.

Now get your lube,I'm using silicon grease,you can use white lithium. This silicon cost me a couple of dollars off ebay for a tiny tube. Tiny tube is all you will need has lasted me years and lubed many a units. I apply the lube on the end of a toothpick. A little bit is all that's needed.

Lube only the middle axle from base to tip.

Now lube all areas of the middle gear,sides,inside,even the teeth.

Now carefully push the middle gear on the middle axle.
The way the axle is designed is its a little fatter on the tip like a mushroom and feels like the gear wont go through. You need to apply some pressure but BE CAREFUL not to push too hard and accidentally knick the teeth of the big laser gear. The knicking occurs when the teeth of the middle gear are not aligned with the big gear. I've seen some units where some have done this,caused a skipping problem.
You can use a twisting motion. Use a pen like in the next few pictures but on this unit it went right in with almost no effort.
When it slides down turn the big gear until its aligned and locks into place like clockwork.

Once its in add the plastic spacer and lock it all with the O-ring you removed earlier. If the plastic spacer I sent you is too big let me know and i will send another. These are new spacers so if a former customer has an old spacer and it rubs against the motor gear let me know and I'll send you one of the new spacers.

How it all looks put together.

Now push in the motor gear with the groove first. Do not use lube,its made to be tight so it stays on like the original motor gear was. If you look at this picture of the gear you can see the groove in the center of the gear clearly. Pushing in groove first makes it go in easier.
Push in as far as you can with your finger,it is tight.
Then use a pen to push it in the rest of the way.
If it feels too loose you can use a tiny drop of krazy glue on the tip of a toothpick to the gear where it meets the axel to hold it in place. RC car owners do this all the time and it holds. If your not comfy with the motor gear send back for a replacement.
Now align with the middle gear

Middle gear in place,no need to have it completely level with the middle gear.

Now lube all the gears lightly.
Now you are done. You can use that toothpick to move the gears. It should move fluid and easy with no effort. If when turning you get a stuck part you can move the gear away from that area like bending a tight shoelace,only way i can describe this motion,until you get fluid motion.
Now reassemble.

Sometimes,not always,when testing the new geared cdrom with a music cd you will get tracks missing,skips and other stuff. When this happens you need to adjust the pots while its playing. Turning the pot counter clockwise increases power I think. Use this chart as a starting point:
Most of the cdroms I've used have this configuration. Also take note of your original pot settings and the older the laser the more adjustment it will need.
The first 3 pots from the left I adjust the most. I think the first pot to the left is laser intensity and the second pot from the left is focus. Adjust one at a time until you get a sweet spot. Also if the cd has scratches and the laser is old it will skip not matter what. Find a near scratchless cd for adjustments. If it plays your whole cd with no skipping then it is done.

some findings:
if the old gear is stuck completely i found it is not swollen gear syndrome as i had thought,as a matter of fact swollen gear syndrome doesn't exist. what i thought was the plastic swelling from friction to a point it can no longer move on its axle is in reality the old lubrication used that has completely hardened and turned the same color as the gear. if the gear is not crumbly but looks solid i recommend a drill bit of 1.60mm or less run thru the hole to loosen and remove the dried lube. you will not remove gear material but the lube. it may look like your removing gear material but it will be powdery. do not force the drill bit,if it is too small use a smaller one. it will remove the lubes and leave behind a smooth hole that will fit perfectly and loosely on the axle.
 learned this from reading kieth courage's advice on another thread. thanks to him for this.

sometimes a axle is too big and the gear i sent is tight,if you get this send back and i will run it thru my drill a few times. symptoms are its not fluid on the axle or the gear motor keeps getting jammed.

if the gear is still getting jammed and the gear moves fluidly and loose on its axle then the  gear motor needs replacing. sometimes the cd is turned on with the damaged gear and since its stuck starts to over heat and get damaged loosing its power. consult with me for a replacement.

Enjoy your now resurrected cdrom.
If you completely loose your mind during this procedure throw all the parts in a box and mail it to me and I will install the gears for free. Hopefully saving your sanity.


I also do this thing:
Thats 8 duos,8 cdroms,4 supercdrom2,6 turboexpress/gt,5 game gears and 1 duo's sound caps,turbo tap,hitachi saturn, from an epic 4 month work sprint I finished last february. Most of the caps are leaking and smell of vinegar.

Turbo Duo $30 cap change. I have no lasers for these but if you get one I will change it free of charge.

PCE Supercdrom2 $30-I have lasers for these,$8 for just the sound board.

TGExpress/GT $15-Picture has a few regular caps in it because pads were lifted by another so a regular cap had to be used to span the large gap. But sometimes pads do get lifted and will be repaired.

PC engine LT $30,its tight in there and the motherboard is fragile.

Sega Game Gear $15

Virtual Boy $10-lines on eye fix.

CD-I time keeper battery clip mod $25. this is a very difficult mod so i must charge more. dremel is involved. CD-I cd drive rubber belt change $10.
It will look like this pic from cdi blog:

psp slim screen change or fuse for backlight work $10-i have no screens. if you have a replacement case,change free with order. case changed any order or poychase if you dont need psp work done.

gamecube laser change,cd switch change or spindle motor replacement $10-i have no lasers.

dreamcast laser change or spindle motor change $10. i have no lasers for these,a sac unit from ebay must be provided.

saturn laser change-$10,will provide link where to get laser.

neo geo bios-$10,provide socket and bios chip or will be straight thru solder. old bios will be preserved and returned.

Just about any console not listed is $30 cap change,handheld $15.

This is for a full cap replacement with ceramic and tantalum caps. This should fix any problems that are cap related.
Shipping back to be paid by customer.
I do not do mods.
The Turbo Duo is a finicky beast so 50% of the time what seems like a simple sound issue gets more complicated and more parts are needed so costs will go up. Security screws changed to regular philips screws done free with every order. Also take note it takes me time to return them depending if I can get a ride to the post office.

The virtual boy fix is different than the common method. Its chop's own technique which requires soldering.  Discount of course if you can open the unit yourself and remove the offending eye or eye's and mail it to me in one of those small priority boxes so I can service it. Many already have this fix for well over a year with no recurrence including my own unit.
This is covered by a special chop warranty if the scan lines return.

I also do work on other consoles. Sega cd work,fuse work,various other consoles laser procurement and change,etc.  Advice on DIY home fix and other stuff is always free to friends :)

and of course I have my little chopsados for a trade if any need them.

If you need references I have some on neo geo and digitalpress under the nickname jetblue and I'm in good standing here just ask anyone. No repair is late or order unfulfilled.  :D
this is the list i made that i carry a copy with me when i hit thrift stores and places. the label with the model number is usually on the bottom:

KSS-162a and/or KSS-220a

Sony Discman D-4
Sony Discman d-9 
Sony Discman d 15
Sony Discman d 20
Sony Discman d-30
Sony Discman D-34
Sony Discman d 40
Sony Discman d 90
Sony Discman d 100
Sony Discman d t20

Sony Discman d-2
Sony Discman D-11
Sony Discman D-12
Sony Discman D-33
Sony Discman d 22 
Sony Discman d 99
Sony Discman d 180k
Sony Discman d 800k
Sony Discman d 802k
just found out about this today,heres a video of it in action by the guy that made it famous. his hand in action is like a blur,watching a bullet pass by! something to behold:
at 5:22 if your impatient but watch the whole thing  :mrgreen:
if the data is weak and wont read it can be 2 things. bad laser or you need to adjust the pots. if its the unit you have pictured there sometimes after a belt or gear change you need to adjust the pots. i don't really have a general way to change the pots just turn the first 3 pots on the left until you get results. also before you adjust them take note where they originally where and work from there turning ne at a time.

this is how i take note and find is the best combination:
my humble collection you all helped me built:


the binder has almost 100 cards and a bunch of manuals and odd paper stuff. when i reach 100 hucards i will have a party. there is also some weird home made cases like that order of griffon one you can see. thanks guys  :)
farankoshan you can send the motherboard and slot only in a small necklace box or something to save on shipping. just pack it good in a static free bag. one of us can assemble it with one of our units and be able to service it. just an idea.  :wink:
rags gave me a rare treasure,a new copy of image flight. finally opened this 21 year old bottle of wine or aged scotch and savored it,the smell of a new hucard was intoxicating! this must have been how it was for japanese kids back in the day. So for the last 2 days this was the best i could do:


I cant get past that damn mothership!   ](*,)
chris the gears are 1.99 each at hobby stores and easily available,only problem is they do need to be worked on first. any fix i do must meet criteria where its cheap as possible,from easy to obtain materials,and easy enough a small chipmunk can do it. I will pm you later with deets and post them on here when i make my for sale thread.

zeta they are curved and polished at the teeth to prevent any friction whatsoever or biting into the plastic. The main reason i used soft copper gears because they are easier to work with than with plastic. heres a pic of plastic proto:


cons of using plastic gears are they are not found easily in the teeth,dimension and pitch of the hole. i had to make those 2 gears there. Ideally if 2 gears made this way professionally would be nice but i dont have the money to make any. but if they are plastic the third gear may shatter all over again after time. Alot of pressure is put on that tiny middle gear.
pros of using soft copper is i can drill each hole myself and all it needs is good lubricant and will last for years on end if not forever. the copper is a little more stronger than a hard plastic gear anyway. Ive ruined many a copper gear with just the brute force of my hands getting them to fit  :oops:
these are remote control car gears so they have to be able to survive much punishment. Its not unheard of mixing plastic with metal gears with the cars and other remote control devices. Thats what this basically is like a remote control car but it plays pce!
more info soon  :wink:

gears on sale in the sale thread  https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=11677.0
ive been keeping this under my hat for a while. but now with all the generosity being shown on here and sharing i feel like its ok for me to show it.
like bmw said these are new developments to fix a common problem. i had developed a 2 gear solution or zombie gear last year and only offered the repair to a couple of people here. i gave up on developing the second gear further as it gave me problems and was just difficult in general for me. if its difficult for me in the slightest i cannot offer it to clients. So i abandoned it and developed this,gentlemen behold......THE PHAT GEAR!


its already been tested for months on multiple cd/pce systems and for a handful of customers. this fix is ready to go.
this is a drop in solution requiring no modification at all and is not an improvement like the pully and belt drive or a second gear. its exactly the same as the old middle gear. This will solve stuck gears,fear of moving a stuck gear,broken gear and other problems. does not cure laser death. does make it sound a bit loud but it does no harm to the machine and is the price to pay for resurrection.

kits will be provided as well as the actual change service soon but i doubt anyone will be interested in this.

this may be my last project here as there's no more pce related problems to conquer. and of course as the universal law goes,the one who develops it will never benefit from it. almost kinda pointless because it costed me a small fortune and more important vast amounts of time to develop and get right but its done because i wish it so.
very nice chris,excellant tutorial.
come on over to the shoutbox were we techys talk for hours on end of the obscure technologies of mankinds past and how to restore them  :D
looks nice. you can see the pce graphics at their finest. back then that was the state of the art!
wow looks fantastic roflmao!
its like a store bought   :D
thanks for all your hard work. i will enclose one of these with each new chopsado order.
so cute plushie face huggers