RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - grahf

I'd wager that there is little to no chance of these being regulated. Due to the age of these adapters, you're likely to see a pretty wide voltage range even among the same model supplies.

It doesn't really matter a whole lot though, since like most older electronics the PCE uses the rock solid LM7805 linear regulator internally. As long as you're feeding it a good 6~7v+, you'll be fine. Any more than that is just extra heat.

I personally use a standard 9v 1.5A switching regulator with my PCE and SFC.
Nope. Still on the same set of Eneloops. If I remember I'll update the thread when I finally get the low-batter LED.
Any thoughts about bringing them to Steam or Desura?
Not sure, haven't had to change them yet. But people say you can change them while it's plugged into a powered on system.
I imagine it would work fine with a controller adapter.  In answer to your previous question about battery life: I've had mine going on the same set of Eneloop rechargeables since I started the thread. It's been a month and a half and the low battery LED has yet to come on. If I remember, I'll update this thread once it finally does.
I guess it won't surprise you that I got it today :)

Thanks to everyone involved!
Still waiting on mine to Japan, but I guess it'll be here after all you guys get yours.
I've been too busy to look at this. Let me know if you guys still want the rest of the screens translated.. Looks like your doing OK without them dba :)
I'll see if I can get to the rest tomorrow. Can anyone double check these?
Quote from: gbapalyer on 05/12/2013, 02:22 PMelder premises
Please search for possessions.
Quote from: gbapalyer on 05/12/2013, 02:21 PMchemist shop
The first bit is kind of "I want a prescription herb", I believe. Basically - buy herb.

I want an herb.
I want to sell medicine.
Quote from: gbapalyer on 05/12/2013, 02:19 PMbobs guild
I want to sell Arms.
I want to sell Rod(s).
I want to sell Armor.
I want to sell Robe(s).
I want to sell Shield(s).
I want to sell Ring(s).

I want to buy something.

Quote from: gbapalyer on 05/12/2013, 02:16 PMthese are the japanese town menus:
The "main" screen:

Where will you go?

Weapon and Armor shop
Magic shop
Medicine shop
Elder's house
King's audience room
Dojo (martial arts training)

I really like those Ultra Box disks. I have four out of six (still need 2 and 6). The programming on them is really buggy, but it's an awesome look into what was happening on the PCE at the time. There's cool stuff on them, like primitive digital scans of fan artwork.
Lookin' good!
If someone takes some screen shots of the other static screens, I'll give those a once over as well.
If I recall, the town has a list of places to visit. That might be a good next one to do.
Also, I guess the list of occupations is probably useful for people.

I haven't fired it up myself in a while, so I'm not sure what all is there at the beginning.
PCE main menu is a little different:


The left hand column:
Start Adventure     

View Party
Organize Party
Disband Party
Go To Town

Quit for Today

The right hand column:
Advance Time

View Character
Create Character
Delete Character
Change Occupation
Load Sample Characters (premade party)

What the hell, I'm in.  I don't have the time either, but I'll give it a shot.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/06/2013, 10:36 AM
Yeah no joke! I forgot how much space people have in America.
There surely is, but it most likely requires a few components for the mixing. Probably not worth the time or effort, since you can just mix it in the RGB cable.
Yeah, what he said.

On the left you have:
攻撃 (offensive/attack)
魔法 (magic)

On the right, you have:
集まれ (gather together)
作戦 (tactics)
I think I'll pick this up finally!  Apparently, if my long lost post above is to be believed, I was interested in this game in 2006.

Punkic, post a picture of the menu screens and I'll translate them for you.
I think the "theory" was that on a CDR that's barely readable, the laser will have to track more often, leading to more work, leading to faster breakdown.  I guess if you have a bad burn, and can actually hear your drive having to retrack often, then don't use that disk. If it works fine and sounds normal, probably not much chance of damage.

Edit:  Also, I would NOT recommend trying to use an older burner just to get slower burn speeds. I've tested two different 1x burners years ago, and the newer 8x burner I had always produced better disks. Slower does not always equal better. It's mainly the quality of the burner itself.
Quote from: guest
Quote from: Bernie on 04/25/2013, 07:03 PMDoes this one operate the same way?
It appears to be slightly cheaper than this one.
If they both operate in the same manner, I may go ahead and get it.
I believe that internally they're identical.
I've noticed that the MemoryBase 128 has a pretty massive capacitor inside it, which is not unlike the Duo save capacitor. I wonder if it would allow you to change the batteries (quickly) even if it's not connected to a Duo... Anyone brave enough to try? I don't want to risk losing my current saves!
Off-Topic / Re: Learning Japanese
04/23/2013, 11:20 AM
I haven't studied katakana in years, but I would just grab a few with high ratings. I actually used to make my own decks back then, but that can be pretty time consuming.
Super CD-rom has the same 2k as the others.
Wow nice. I didn't know Emerald Dragon had that as well. I'll have to pick that one up too.  I've got a handful of games that support the MB, but most of them just let you work with save files.

It might be cool to compile a feature list.
Off-Topic / Re: Learning Japanese
04/22/2013, 11:49 AM
There is no better digital flashcard program than Anki:

I recommend just spending a few minutes a day with that, and get the kana memorized.
Start with katakana - it will let you read a lot of menus in games, and you'll feel like a king.
Quote from: guestNeat stuff - thanks for sharing. Does the memory utility let you see each individual save file in the bank slot (or on the Duo), or is it just the total being used?
Well, you can browse the individual save files on both the PCE/Duo and the MB128, but you cannot browse the BANKxx files.
What you see above is save file deletion screen. It's current showing the contents of the MB128. When you do an "ALL COPY", it just creates a save file named BANKxx (as shown above) which is the entire contents of the PCE/Duo memory. In order to browse the banks, you have to copy them back to the PCE/Duo first.

As far as I know, any BANKxx files that are created with Private Eye Doll can only be copied back using the same game. I don't know of any other games that can recognize them. Essentially they just look like normal save files if you were to browse the MB128 memory with another MB128 compatible game.
Mathius got it, it's Shin Megami Tensei.
I would imagine that the Memory Base would work fine with US systems, but maybe someone can confirm. It only works with games that have been specifically made to use it, and that list is pretty small.
I picked up a copy of Private Eye Doll recently, and noticed that it has a pretty cool "Backup Utility" built in. Part of the fuctionality is the ability to copy the complete PCE save memory into one of 63 banks in the Memory Base 128. Essentially it lets you use the thing like a giant TenNoKoe Bank, which is pretty damn awesome!

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, so I thought I'd pass on the info. For those that already own a Memory Base, it might give you a reason to pick up a copy of Private Eye Doll. The game itself isn't bad either, but won't appear to everyone. It's essentially a combat free RPG.

The Backup Utility option at the main menu:


Choose your source and destination:

Thats all there is to it. Besides the Copy All function, it also has one of the nicer memory management utilities. It's one of the few games that actually shows you how much space your saves are using. Notice that damn Shin Megami Tensei save that would take up the entire 2k save memory on a PCE!  At the bottom is BANK01, which is a copy I did.
I've been busy, so I haven't posted here in a while. Anyhow, just picked up some stuff. I got the Shin Megami Tensei a while ago, and upon playing it recently I saw that it takes up nearly all of the save memory. So, finally decided to buy a MemoryBase 128. I already had a bunch of games that supported it, so why not ? It serves its purpose well, and definitely saves you from lots of TenNoKoe bank swapping!

I also picked up Private Eye Doll the other day too, and noticed that it has one amazing feature - it lets you use your MemoryBase 128 as a MASSIVE TenNoKoe Bank. That's freakin cool! I'll start a thread about it.


Off-Topic / Re: Show us your desktop!
09/09/2012, 10:52 AM
I think he meant the Express/GT.
Ahh, that's too bad. A lot of dins match except for the two outer grounding pins, which can be changed....   Good luck finding a matching one.
If you look at the old and new DINs, you should be able to unclip them. The front two legs are the ones that don't fit, right? You may be able to swap them. Give it a look.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/05/2012, 01:12 AMThat just means the emulator isn't accurate.
Not exactly. When the first emulators were coming out, the only roms available were from the handful of game copiers that were around back then. None of them produced "pure" dumps - they all had headers, interleaving, etc. The emulators simply supported what was there.
Because a lot of emulators are resilient enough to play anything.
I agree with SuperDeadite - just go with an upscaler. It's a big chunk of change to drop, but it'll ensure you can play your games on any modern display. Add a nice RGB switchbox to it, and you can have everything hooked up at once.
Not worth it in my opinion. Most Duos hold save data for months or longer with the stock cap, sometimes longer. I think the ultimate mod would be to just replace the cap with a higher capacity one.
Still some of the coolest PCE CD artwork, IMO.
Those jrok encoders have been around for a long time, and don't seem to work with PCE stuff for some reason. Not sure if anyone ever got one to work, but there are cheaper RGB to Component options out there.
If you just want a storage case, it should fit in an old laptop PCMCIA card case. It should be thin enough..
I think gameofyou's flashcard is useful for devs, and those wanting to play translations and such. People who just want to play a ton of roms, will probably go with Krikzss.
Personally I will buy gameofyou's, as I don't really care about roms. Most of the hucards I want I already own.
Excellent! Looking forward to ordering one.
How about mixing the bleach with vaseline, or something similar? As long as the bleach doesn't react with it, doing so would allow you to slather it on without having to submerge it.
Cool buy. But that picture is the size of Saturn :D
Off-Topic / Re: Super Potato in Japan
05/16/2012, 07:43 AM
Super Potato has some nice deals on loose hardware, but it's really random. I usually visit when I'm there, just in case.

Actually though, I did buy my 1-chip SFC from there. It was the only place that had late model serial numbers in stock at the time.  3,000 yen for a console + controller, which isn't terrible I guess.
Probably not. I'm sure they didn't come from NEC directly though, probably "fell off of a Chinese truck".
I always like the Gate of Thunder bundle disk, and the bios screen that falls away.
Are the workings of the memorybase known?