OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Gypsy

Mine still hasn't shipped...
Off-Topic / Re: Divisive Topic.
11/20/2018, 04:22 PM
I'd say it's pretty obviously morally wrong to steal the code. I wouldn't do it.

Old games and older movies.

Digging into the Dreamcast shmups again. And yes I have the Gigawings, those never left, heh.

Criterion was running a flash sale at their webstore and everything was 50% list. I am now caught up on their BD releases of Japanese movies I really wanted to own. There are like 2-3 that I would try if I got them on an Amazon Warehouse deal for like $13 or something but otherwise not even at sale prices. Of course they will inevitably get more that I want out on BD but it's nice to be caught up. Gonna watch Ikiru later tonight.
Gameshark (it's finicky, but it works)

I feel like this is every N64 Gameshark, provided they work at all. So damn finicky.

Divine Sealing (NTSC-J) [fairly certain it's a bootleg)

This is an unlicensed game if you didn't know. So is it a bootleg of an unlicensed game? That would be kind of hilarious.
Master bait.
Quote from: pdiggitydogg on 09/08/2018, 08:55 AMI don't know why so many of these threads don't have prices listed up front...
It's typically either laziness or because the thread creator hopes they can squeeze more out of a game than it's worth by doing a pricing dance. A common and disingenuous question is "What do YOU want to pay for it?" The seller almost always has a number in mind but why post it when you could get more money from a rube.

I almost never message sellers that don't list prices, it's not worth my time to do the tango when I can just go to eBay and buy what I want immediately.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/30/2018, 06:54 PM
Quote from: exodus on 08/30/2018, 12:07 PMNot through Limited Run, but we're definitely keeping options on the table there... we're gonna try to eventually do a physical switch version, but there's nothing set in stone yet. Our first option was a "X-in-1" indie game collection we'd be a part of, but that's a little less exciting to the collector. Our 2nd option is a new company looking to package physical switch games with vinyl soundtracks. I'm still into that idea, but I think they're waiting to see how our LRG sale pans out. I talked to LRG about Switch too, but they're also waiting to see how this PS4/Vita sale works.

So now you've got all the info I have :P
Thanks. Unfortunately last I saw LRG still had stock. I don't think it's indicative of the quality of the game though, but people burning out on LRG.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/30/2018, 03:02 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/28/2018, 09:53 AMExodus do you think a physical Switch copy will happen through LRG? I'm converting pretty hard to Switch. God I love Nintendo. The Wii U almost made me forget.
I happen to agree at the moment because I happen to be playing through Metroid Fusion on a GBA SP (Mk1) and it's hard not to notice how great it all is. Like my original rechargeable battery still giving hours of play after FIFTEEN YEARS of use/neglect. No loading, no tutorial, no logging in, no obvious bugs despite no updates, and it's far too short to ever get bored of. I need more shit like that.
I made that Wii U comment but Mario 3D World and New Mario Bros U are actually two of my top mainline Mario games ever. Both are freaking great. Other than that and a few other titles that are mostly on Switch now the Wii U was a bomb.

Metroid Fusion is a great game no doubt about it.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/18/2018, 07:22 PMI'm late to the party but, yeah, converters suck and for the stupid prices people pay for them you could just get a Core Grafx II. Internal mods are the best though since you'll probably want to waste $1000 on pirate copy of Sapphire and that needs an Arcade Card. Another option would be to trade the US Duo for two JP Duos and mod one of those...or maybe even not. If you're a noob there is no reason to buy a US version of a HuCARD other than the text heavy ones, of which there are like a half dozen, maybe. Save %50 one more by how buying JP ones and get way better cases as well.

I had access to playing US hus and gave it up w/o a second thought. I basically never played US hus. Japanese hus I play frequently...
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/28/2018, 09:53 AM
Exodus do you think a physical Switch copy will happen through LRG? I'm converting pretty hard to Switch. God I love Nintendo. The Wii U almost made me forget.
Huh, I never knew that was on KS.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 08/20/2018, 05:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/18/2018, 01:17 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/12/2018, 02:13 PMDiscotek day!

Highlights for me are Kimagure Orange Road and Giant Robo BD.

All announcements can be found on their twitter:
They are really doing a good job satisfying the older anime watcher.
I have a lot of Discotek releases, they definitely are the elite vintage anime Publisher in the US.
It's not even close.

Quote from: guest on 08/20/2018, 10:29 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/20/2018, 07:53 PMI thought I heard somewhere that they were responsible for %35 of the release schedule after that last wave. I just hope they don't screw up and go out of business like so many others. At least not before they release everything ever.
Lol, and admirable goal.  If they could license and release all of Lum as a box set I'd be ecstatic.
It would be multiple sets, but I'm sure they want to do it.

Quote from: guest on 08/22/2018, 10:09 PMThe later DVDs had insane prices actually, it was pretty crazy.
Basically unbuyable. Another release was sorely needed.
Nexzr fucking rules.

The only issue with Star Parodier is that it is too easy. Still great fun though.
The best adapter is just buying a Japanese hucard only system (so a white pce or core grafx) honestly.
Discotek day!

Highlights for me are Kimagure Orange Road and Giant Robo BD.

All announcements can be found on their twitter:
Been on a Criterion kick lately.

Lone Wolf and Cub (6 movie set), Tokyo Drifter, Gate of Hell, High & Low, Zatoichi (25 movie set) and Rebel Samurai: Sixties Swordplay Classics (4 movie set). I wish the Samurai set was on BD but at least Criterion dvds are pretty decent.
Sometimes they just wait too. It was 9 years before the US got Rosario Vampire on BD. The funny thing is that's just a stupid boob anime where nothing happens.

Anyway, I would assume they will be the same exact BDs from the individual releases. Either way that should be quickly confirmed. Actually I'll contact MJ about it.
It wouldn't surprise me if some US BDs were worse on purpose due to reverse importing.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/02/2018, 12:48 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/02/2018, 09:58 AM

Just discovered this upcoming release, and pre-ordered it.
That's a suspicially good deal. Is it SDBR or some half-bit rate bullshit for gainjin?

I guess that third Patlabor movie isn't going away, ehh?
Lol. My guess is they figure they already made their money at the current individual release price points. I think you are joking but afaik only Discotek does SD blus.
Off-Topic / Re: Famicom Collection.
07/31/2018, 06:18 PM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 07/25/2018, 03:52 PMWhat are some of he games you have or would recommend?

How do you store/display your fami carts that are loose?
I have like 10 games or so coming in, but most are extremely well known games. At this point I think the knowledge of the Fami's library is pretty much all out there. No real HIDEEEEEN GERMS anymore.

As for my carts I have a three level cart thing in front of my CRT. I keep a lot of carts on the bottom level of that. It has glass door on the bottom level, the other two levels are open on all sides.

Quote from: Medic_wheat on 07/29/2018, 10:13 PMI have never liked the design of the famicom. Now the looked of a twin famicom?  That looks great to me.  I do greatly prefer the look of the famicom game carts.
I had a twin. It was too damn big. If you have the room for it, it's okay. Reliable enough disk drive once you replace the belt. My biggest issue is the built in controllers slaughtered my thumb playing Tetris. I really like the AV Famicom. Really compact and it has NES controller ports plus the Famicom accessory port.
Vintage Stock is doing their B1G1 coupon so I picked up a Criterion DVD and a random two pack BD. Only $8 so not too bad...

So yeah for anyone with those in their area, definitely worth dropping by with the coupon.
Off-Topic / Re: Famicom Collection.
07/25/2018, 01:05 PM
I love how cheap good games are for the system. Plenty for $5 and under loose.
Unfortunately the license to Funimation expired and it reverted to Aniplex. They released a BD but it's now oop too. I got all this for well under eBay sold rates of course as I've known the couple I bought it from for about 9 years now (wow times flies).

Speaking of which this has impacted Darker Than Black S1 as well. I am importing a dvd copy of the first season from the UK, only about $20 US w/ shipping within England and then reshipping to me. If this show interests anyone here, I'd be sure to pick up Season 2 + OAVs BD before the license expires.
Someone I know was clearing out some of their old anime and I am dumb enough to buy it.

It's all shelved now, which took a lot of reorganizing but these are quick and dirty pics from the day I got all of it. Lots of old releases here for the most part.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/27/2018, 03:22 AMI think it's on Saturn in some way, isn't it?
There is one on Saturn but it's not this game. It is on PS1 though in one of the Sunsoft Memorial volumes.
It's really good. A nice Metroid type title, quite polished. And yeah it's like $80 for a loose famicom cart of it.
Traded some PS1 imports I didn't really play anymore for these. Hebereke is an awesome game.

Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 06/16/2018, 03:15 PMAnyone else get the Robot Carnival Blu-Ray that came out not that long ago? I must say it's one of the best BR anime releases I've ever seen due to the all the extra content. They really went all out. Wish they did that with more old school anime releases. Picked up Vampire Hunter D and Golgo 13 The Professional on BR hoping for more extras but was let down a bit. Also, anyone here a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho? Just picked up the full series on DVD and getting ready to jump into it for the first time. Heard some good things about it so I decided to give it a try.
Castle of Cagliostro is excellent in this regard. Discotek generally tries but sometimes licensing issues get in the way. Yu Yu Hakusho was always one of my favorite shonen fighting animes. I wonder how many people kept watching after the DT to the conclusion. I did, but I know many people that did not.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/19/2018, 12:12 AMIt exactly the same. Its an "SDBR". They only put it on on BR to save them from pressing dozens of discs.
Correct. It's convenient but there are issues for children that use video game consoles as a media player (they don't like to play nice on PS4 in particular from what I remember of the complaints, though Discotek is working on this).

I started on Lupin Part IV the other day. The Papik music took some adjusting (think I will end up getting the sub release) but otherwise this is just great in general. Feels like it's going to end up being a favorite.
PCE is dying. :(

Soon only the facefuck groups will be left. *shivers*
Yeah not loading for me either.

Someone I know is purging their old anime and selling it on the cheap. The sheer bulk of what I am getting will take me quite awhile to watch.  :shock:
Yeah it is not the original one on the recent BD release.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/04/2018, 05:59 PMWell that's f*cked.

Similarly f*cked: did Zeta Gundam ever get it's real music put back for the US? It was missing from the OG DVD, and I'm pretty sure it's still gone. f*cked.

Weird part? Neil Sedaka wrote the songs. They don't even use them in Super Robot Wars, not even in the new games that come with the option to pay %50 just to get real music. f*cking rights bullshit...
It's a real kick in the shit. I can check Zeta for you (I have the BDs), is the original up on youtube? I assume it would be but you never know...
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 05/31/2018, 12:47 PMMy Lupin Series IV Blu-Rays arrived earlier in the week, I've been making my way through that. Unfortunately, it's an English dub only release
Sub only release coming later. Weird licensing thing.
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) and The 400 Blows

Both very good flicks.
Off-Topic / Re: 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/17/2018, 09:40 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 05/14/2018, 04:58 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/04/2018, 02:06 PMAnybody have any use for this stuff?  I've got 30 floppies that appear to be new/unused and 2 x 256mb PC2-4200, 4 x 512mb PC2-4200, 2 x 512mb PC2-5300, and 1 x 4gb PC3-12800.
I might have some use for the ram, I will double check tonight and get back to you.
Don't need em, best of luck finding someone who does.
Dunno if it's on the sites you use or not but Ranma is good, funny, mindless entertainment.
I did not click the link so I have no opinion either way. Hopefully you like your game set-up though.

I not too long ago put my switches away (including a big extron) and only leave a handful of consoles out at a time. I just like that there isn't such a cord pit that way.
I've kind of wanted to play this but every time I have the time to play anything it ends up being Yakuza 6. :/
So I was looking into picking up the old Arslan OAV and unfortunately it's all CPM trash. I was wondering if anyone here had experience with the discs. I would assume they all just use the same exact master but I was curious enough to try and confirm that.
Off-Topic / Re: 3.5" floppies and old ram
05/14/2018, 04:58 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/04/2018, 02:06 PMAnybody have any use for this stuff?  I've got 30 floppies that appear to be new/unused and 2 x 256mb PC2-4200, 4 x 512mb PC2-4200, 2 x 512mb PC2-5300, and 1 x 4gb PC3-12800.
I might have some use for the ram, I will double check tonight and get back to you.
Can't wait for Zeta to find this thread, or maybe Ark.
Off-Topic / Re: I'm alive...
05/11/2018, 02:35 PM
Great to read you are doing alright. What a wild story, life is crazy sometimes.
Grabbed a nice LD lot off eBay. Robin Hood w/ Errol Flynn, Five Easy Pieces, Arsenic and Old Lace and The 400 Blows. All Criterion of course.
Some interesting recent gets

Old plasma tv, the de-interlacing sucks but otherwise good, pq is nice on it.

Another fight stick with ps360+ in it so I can play all kinds of consoles with a friend for two player fighters and such.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
05/02/2018, 08:03 PM
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
04/28/2018, 05:31 PM
Dark you might like the podcast.I usually only listen if I'm more interested in the subject matter, but I've enjoyed the episodes I've listened to.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
04/28/2018, 01:20 PM
Internet friends if that counts. Talk daily usually on discord.
My bought near release copy of Order of Ecclesia has French and Spanish on the back of the case. Don't have the other game you are worried about so I can't check that. It's...probably fine though. I've seen bootleg Pokemon ds carts and they were pretty obvious.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Super Air Zonk
04/28/2018, 10:31 AM
Quote from: johnnyvs on 04/28/2018, 04:33 AM
Quote from: geise on 04/27/2018, 06:50 PMSo, what other games do you want besides Super Air Zonk? What games do you like to play on the Turbo?

Sometimes it's nice to start a little "Hello" thread introducing yourself. What made you get into the turbo? Do you have history with the system?
As I was posting int he wanted/sales section, I didn't post an intro. It didn't seem like a breach of etiquette but It looks like perhaps that was incorrect.

Other games I want besides Super Air Zonk, Bonk 3 CD, Cotton, - mainly CD games. I am close numbers wise to finishing the Hu-Card set but pretty far away in the money department as I am missing Magical Chase. I am also missing Legend of Hero Tonma but that's it. I have mainly been working on getting the boxes I am missing, which is many.

What got me into Turbo, Splatter House, a kid had it down the street and I after that I wanted my own. I debated getting into Turbo collecting for a solid 10 years, and after being pretty well decided I wouldn't I one day looked at my collection and realized I had slowly acquired like 40 games. When I realized I was that deep I decided to go for the set.  I am primarily a set collector when I decided to collect. I have a large number of games, I do a podcast on game collecting and I mainly hang out on Instagram for video game stuff, @Johnny_iucci if anyone cares.
Oh hey you podcast with my homeboy. Welcome.