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Messages - True Puffer

OK guys i will cease and desist. I will be watching your progress.
Quote from: guest on 02/24/2016, 05:21 PMSo go start one and quit sitting on the sidelines, pissing and moaning that the world isn't catering to your whims.
I will be the first one to support such a campaign but the people like elmer, Sam or NightWolve should start such a campaign with the marketing help from the big youtubers like the guys from who are all members of this forum. In this video between 6:25 and 6:35 Happy Console Gamer mentions NightWolve:
So he obviously knows about you only if you manage to persuade him to make a video about your future gofundme or kickstarter translation campaigns. He also could  persuade the rest of the finalbosses youtubers to promote the campaign.

Quote from: NightWolve on 02/24/2016, 05:41 PMOnly if some bilingual Japanese/English speaker translated information about it to Japanese and emailed them.
In the translating community i think this shouldn't be much of a problem doesn't it? You are a insider, right?
Yes, it is  truly my hope that Tomato gets the credits from Nintendo and set a precedent for future projects.

Quote from: NightWolve on 02/24/2016, 04:24 PMHow many times has this occurred in history, an official videogame publisher deciding to acquire fan translated results in the last 20 years ?
Well, Virtual console existed only for 10 years but it never reached it's full potential. Virtual console and Steam are still untapped markets for japanese game developers.

The first real successful story of unpublished game in the west was Earthbound Zero on NES and the Mother 3 could be the smashing success which could open the door to other games such Secret of Mana 2 etc.

I still think that Gofundme and Kickstarter are untapped sources for retro game translators and it is sad that nobody has even tried it!

P. S.
I am wondering if people at Falcom are even aware of your translation/dub of Ys 4?

Quote from: guest on 02/24/2016, 04:53 PMJust ignore Puffer. He's a repro collector who has already encouraged people to stab translation team members in the back, the way that Nightwolve described. He also refuses to donate towards any of the projects he demands be completed, until he is provided "Working Designs" style packaging. Because "donations don't look good on his shelf".
I am amazed that you still remember what i have written so many months ago. This proves that my thread didn't go unnoticed.
I am glad to hear that you remember my thread on "repro/translation" thing.

The reason i am asking is because there is a rumour that Mother 3 could be published on Virtual console and if they make use of Tomato's work he could get a nice paycheck from Nintendo. The same thing could happen with yours and Sams work provided Falcom is aware that such a quality translation even exists. I would suggest to inform people at Falcom about your work before the patch is released because there is a better chance of success.
Does this rapid progress means we could see the release of this game in 2016 on NX Virtual console?
Quote from: SkyeWelse on 07/27/2015, 02:19 PMTrue Puffer, I'm not sure if you are trolling or not as it does seem like you haven't made too many friends here with your posts so far, but I'll assume that you are being serious about finding a real solution for collectors, translators and copyright holders alike. Reading on what you've stated so far, to really do this correctly so that all parties involved are happy and compensated, an entity "We are the next Working Designs" publisher would need to be established.
But, all negativity aside, I would honestly love to see something like this happen actually, if it really could be done correctly. A rise of a new publishing entity geared toward releasing physical retro-games and unreleased localizations of software, perhaps only in limited quantity. With the publisher's blessing as well as the team working on bringing the translation forward being able to work with this entity to secure the rights and release their projects as new official releases. This could actually be a positive news story for the developer as well: "Developer's game gets new release in the United States after 20 years!" and other developers / copyright holders might want a piece of that action once it became popular / trendy enough.

I guess I would kind of envision it as a similar concept to how IndieBox does it for indie games today.

But if you ask me, I don't think we are quite there yet. There still needs to be a successful publishing entity out there willing to make that kind of bold move first, and that all takes capital and likely a huge loss, before any real profit or breaking even is met. Ultimately it is a bit of a gamble. It may even be more of a risk than releasing the RetroVGS in this day and age.

Beautifully written. The best reply in this thread. Bravo!

I didn't joined this forum to make friends only to get my point across concerning repros which i did. I had chance to hear opinions from Sam and NightWolve directly despite their negativity. I had great time. PC Engine FX is a good forum but it is not for me.

Thank you guys and i am wishing you well.

Quote from: guest on 07/26/2015, 03:37 PMIn 2015 there are people still salty about Working Designs localizing games that would never be released in the west otherwise, did you know?
As EmperorIng pointed out their localizations were hit or miss but still all their games are highly sought after and very pricey!

There are many solutions to all those problems (to give yet another example) if translators and hackers unite with PCEWorks and PCEWorks gives them a cut for their work. This could be accomplished if translators like Sam offers them exclusivity for his still unpublished work and in return demand payback for XAK III to NightWolve.

If PCEWorks is smart they could expand into Super Famicom library and take the crown from Timewalk games by simply giving a cut to people like Aeon Genesis and he could stop publishing his work for free. I have no doubt that everybody would support them. They could rule the retro/repro gaming market like nobody ever did.
There is an interview with the creator of Wonder Boy series Ryuichi Nishizawa in which he talks about the relationship between Hudson and Westone.

and here is the second interview (English translation is halfway down the page):
Quote from: esteban on 07/26/2015, 09:33 AMBoth games are great. Both soundtracks are excellent. I am glad that MD and PCE are not identical, because it is fun to have variations on a theme.
This is a good argument. I would say thank god for Mega Drive version.

Quote from: esteban on 07/26/2015, 09:33 AMThe loss of a little parallax in PCE  is lame, but not major, since the game is clearly fun as hell, regardless.
This is something i don't get it, Super Air Zonk had the same problem. Air Zonk had beatifull parallax scrolling and CD version almost none! Was it developed by different studio just like Dynastic Hero?
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 07/26/2015, 10:09 AMMarvel, more like disgusted. I'm pretty sure the fan translators that translated those games aren't receiving a single penny from those repros and if anything (as others have stated) this deters these fan translator groups from doing anymore.
My thoughts exactly!!!

I have offered few solutions for this problem in this thread so i will highlight them now:

1) Kickstart your translation project and use the money to obtain legal licence to publish the game. Proclaim that you are the New Working Designs and include (if possible) physical copies of the game and you will get all the collectors behind you which are the most important group when it comes to financing your Kickstarter campaign. They are the main purchasing power, the big spenders!

2) If the Kickstarter option is too big of undertaking for some of you then don't release translated patch to the public for free but make a deal with some repro cart manufacturer and they can sell all the physical copies exlcusively through their online store.

a) You can ask for percentage and collect your money that way;

b) or you can ask for a down payment in advance before you hand over the patch

3) Become a repro seller and do everything yourself!

4) Release a patch for free to everybody but don't complain when you get ripped off because you will!
I am playing Wonder Boy 5 - Monster World 3 for the first time on the Genesis and i am comparing it to the Hudson Soft port of Dynastic Hero. I hate to say it but Hudson Soft dropped the ball on this one. Character designs are less appealing and music is not good as the original version which is surprising to me. Dragon's Curse and Monster Lair versions on TG-16/PCE were so much better than the SMS/Mega Drive versions so it is really a big surprise to me.

After i finish both of those i will move on Monster World IV which is only to be found on the Mega Drive. For some reason Hudson never ported this game and it came out only in Japan. Crazy!

Now i must buy i repro copy for this game ...
Quote from: guest on 07/24/2015, 05:47 PMIf I ever get to release a homebrew for any classic console I'm going to unseal them all before sending to buyers... or maybe put in a piece of paper shaming collectards clearly visible behind the sealing. It certainly would be funny to see a VGA graded case with something like that inside lol.
You are so funny like the other guys on this forum.

There once was a repro cart manufacturer known as Timewalk games and they used to seal their repro carts before shipping them. Their customers believed that this was a special little touch from Timewalk games to impress their customers because they didn't understand that this was deliberately planned to please sealed game collectors like my friends at:

Sealed game heaven are elite conglomerate of big spenders and cream of the cream collectors. If somebody manages to impress them with the quallity of packaging, like the guys from Timewalk did, they will soon become looked upon and honoured in the retro game market and also very rich. This is something that even Tobias doesn't get it!

Here is a Mr. Big Mike, a famous collector:
Marvel at those heavenly prices and compare them to yours donations accounts:
I am looking at this from collectors viewpoint.
All we want is new Working Designs and PCE Works is like a substitute for us but unfortunately translators and hackers are still getting screwed out of their work.
The other thing is the most money in the retro community is to be found in repro physical releases and i think translators and hackers should tap this source. That's all!
Quote from: guest on 07/24/2015, 12:43 AMBravo True Collectard. =D>

We really need to start updating the Hall of Shame.
Thank you CrackTiger i am honoured. It's a shame Vic never released it and NightWolve never got a cut for his hard work.
Quote from: SamIAm on 07/23/2015, 10:54 PMI'm not going to lie: If I could do this work legitimately for a living, I would. However, achieving true legitimacy is incredibly difficult.

Translations of any written work do not qualify as original works themselves; permission must be obtained from the source's author. So even free translation projects are well in the legal grey area.

Setting aside whether its really ethical to make money off of someone else's work like that, though, there's also the uncomfortable fact that you risk attracting some dubious bedfellows. I'm speaking, of course, about repro dealers.
The legal responsibility is on the person who sells. If you strike an exclusive deal with Tobias (before you release both patches for free) if anything happens, it's on him. He is responsible!

Xanadu II and Anearth Fantasy are the two hottest pce rpg's and i am sure they could generate 10k+ profits. You can use these funds to hire a hacker of your choice and finish the work but if you want to do it legit you can use the Kickstarter to fund the project. I am the first who will support that!

Imagine if Xanadu II and Anearth Fantasy get retro release like Pier Solar did. I didn't get a chance to even purchase Pier Solar back in the day they were all gone before i could type in my credit card information!
Quote from: Mathius on 06/19/2015, 11:33 PMI was seriously tempted to get one of those boxsets until I heard Nightwolve's story. It would be great if someone else was more realistic and started doing booties of these "rare" and expensive games. Whether that be the folks on these forums or some outside force anything is better than Tobias's Bloated BS.
I agree. Someone has to do it!
Quote from: elmer on 07/23/2015, 01:57 PMYou can read all about it here ...
I didn't go through all 26 pages but i found few interesting points.

Quote from: NightWolve on 02/20/2015, 09:20 AMXak III is my issue and the fact that this f--k is likely getting ready to press Ys IV down the road, and so my hopes of eventually doing it myself someday, the right way (partly), by contacting members that can be, taking votes, working out deals, redubbing any voice actor who refused inclusion (e.g. like BurntLasagna's brother for a soldier character I'd definitely have to redub), etc. that's all dashed as I don't think I could ever catch up to this guy's expertise in doing this and I'm far too busy to even try this year!
If he couldn't do it himself he could strike a deal with some repro manufacturer before releasing it for free.

Quote from: Dicer on 02/20/2015, 11:22 AMHe does it because as we have seen, there is a demand for these...

Not everyone can recreate a disc like this, and sure he is making a tidy profit, but that's only because people are paying.

I love this system and I am eager to see the coming translations...however either they need to be done in secret or done without worrying about one shitty profiteer.
There always will be people who want to profit from this because there is a demand for it and instead of hiding and doing it in secret just do it yourself and give people what they want, a nice packaging and use the money to fund other projects!

My wholle point is that donations and charity are not sufficient if someone publish his work for free. Imagine if Nintendo gave their games for free and expected to make a profit from donations.
You guys are funny but i am serious.  [-(
I am not Tobias by the way. I am from Vienna, Austria.
Quote from: guest on 07/23/2015, 09:49 AMTranslation: prettys sitting on my shelf are worth hundreds of dollars, but the translation itself is essentially worthless!
Exactly! Who pays for patches anyway? I have a 3ds and every game i bought was a physical copy and i love buying video games! Same goes for retro games! What these guys need (and by guys i mean translators) is a way to the market. The most profitable market in retro gaming is collectors market dealing with tangible items. I cann't wait to put it on my shelf along with my other games. Imagine the Working Designs style packaging of Ys 4!

My wallet is opening by itself!

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/23/2015, 09:49 AMYou are in luck already however. If you look around these forums, you'll find both of the games you're interested in (Anearth Fantasy Stories and Legend of Xanadu II) have had fan translation work done so you might get them eventually! Here go some of the links:
I have checked both links and Sams last update was in 2014! It is clear that Sam has lost all motivation for finishing both projects and it is completely understandable since he works only for the communitty (or slave labour).

Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 07/23/2015, 10:06 AMPuffer great idea! I say if you want to help out in the mean time, give directly to the guys as they bust their ass off trying to get these fan translations out the door.
I will give full game price directly to anyone who can provide me Working Designs style translation and packaging of Ys IV or Legend of Xanadu II. Donations and patch purchases doesn't look good on my shelf.  [-X

If the Kickstarter is too big for hackers and translators then make an exclusive deal with some repro cart/CD producer and sell physical copies only through them before releasing the patch to the communitty!!! The communitty usually waits couple of years before a patch is released for free anyway so let them wait 6 months longer!

In this way everybody wins at the end!
Hey, SamIAm how much motivation will it take for you to finish the game? The same goes for Anearth fantasy?
I am glad to hear that you came to the same conclusion. Translating rpg's for free is not sustainable. Actually work for free is form of slavery.

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/23/2015, 05:49 AMIt seems like it could be a good workaround to not selling the software after completion, raise cash in advance to produce a free patch in the end is basically the idea. I wonder if that is permissible with either of the websites...
Another option is to not release the patch to the public right away but to strike an exclusive deal with some repro cart manufacturer and sell the translated game that way until certain number of carts are sold let's say 1000 carts and then dump the free rom on the internet for the community. Usually i try the game on the emulator first but i always buy me a physical copy.

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/23/2015, 05:49 AMYou are in luck already however. If you look around these forums, you'll find both of the games you're interested in (Anearth Fantasy Stories and Legend of Xanadu II) have had fan translation work done so you might get them eventually without donating a dime!
I have heard that some groups have worked on them but i think nobody had finished them but i will use the search function to be sure. Now it is not only translation that i want...

I am Super Famicom cart collector (and as of now PC Engine) and i am really into repro carts and many games that Aeon Genesis had translated for free i have payed for anywhere between 30 and 120 Euros (depending on the packaging) but Aeon Genesis hasn't seen a dime from it. Honestly i also never donated to him but it is not because i am a greedy a**hole but because i have only so much money for the things i want. If he had put his translated games into nice packaging i would certainly bought it from him!

I have heard about Xak III controversy from the Game Sack episode and actually this is how i found this forum. It was just a matter of time before somebody took your work that you published for free and put it in a nice packaging. You need to consider that most collectors love to pay for physical copies of the game not patches! Look at how Shenmue 3 Kickstarter took off when they introduced a physical copy of the game!

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/23/2015, 05:49 AMThing is, the vicious % that I mentioned might try to go in Copyright IP troll mode and report the campaign to the website if it's raising money towards the cause of producing an unlicensed fan translation.
If this happens it would also provoke huge debattes and much publicity. It depends on how you look at it!

Quote from: NightWolve on 07/23/2015, 05:49 AMCertainly using your own website to solicit donations wouldn't be a problem, but yeah, it wouldn't be that easy, etc.
I think it is easier than translating japanese games in english!


Thank you for the link!
So many projects get funded by Kickstarter today but why nobody has tried to kickstart translation projects?

If someone like NightWolve, or Aeon Genesis kickstarted english translation of Far East of Eden series or my favourites Anearth Fantasy Stories and Legend of Xanadu II i will gladly contribute 100 bucks for each translation project.  I know there is a donation option but my 100 bucks wouldn't help much but 20k or more will certainly do the trick. Actually nobody is even trying to translate those games!

Imagine if people like Johnny Millenium (pce fanatic) or Joe from Game Sack embrace the project and do a review of the game in Left in Japan or a hidden gem prior to Kickstarter i have no doubt 50k or more would be possible!