RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - nopepper

Quote from: tbone3969 on 10/18/2018, 03:11 PMI don't think the controllers are 8 bitdo for this.  They aren't bluetooth but 2.4 Ghrz or some shit.
From their webpage:
"You can finally play Sega wirelessly and lag-free with 8BitDo's high quality retro M30 controller. We partnered up with 8BitDo to offer matching controllers for Mega Sg, including a wireless 2.4g receiver at discounted price."

I don't see a USB connector anywhere in their mocks (other than for power), so I'm assuming the receiver will connect to the controller port and will be compatible with OEM consoles. It'll be interesting to see if that is the case and if so, how this will compare performance and price wise to Krikzz wireless controller offering.

Quote from: tbone3969 on 10/18/2018, 03:11 PMAlso, what do you like better the OSSC or Framemeister?
I generally prefer the OSSC as it just looks better (the colors in particular) and introduces no lag, so it feels more like playing on a CRT to me. It also has VGA input (missing from FM), so you can connect your DC and output a digital HDMI signal.

On the flip side, some of its modes (such as 5x) have incompatibility issues with some displays when paired with certain consoles (mainly SNES), although thankfully, not with any of my monitors or tvs. It's also missing an SVideo input and 480i deinterlacing is lacking in comparison to the Framemeister (although you are probably better off letting your TV do this instead of an upscaler/FM or line doubler/OSSC).

I currently only use the Framemeister for PSP, as it does a decent job of zooming the tiny component input screen that console provides. The FM can cover pretty much any console you throw at it and you will know it will be compatible with your display. There are also profiles you can download that makes system specific setting changes at the flip of a remote controlled button a snap. The OSSC also has memory settings, but you have to do the setup yourself (AFAIK). The OSSC seems to work better OOTB, with less tinkering then the FM, so this last issue is mostly a mute point, at least to me.

You really can't go wrong with either, but if you can live without SVideo support and/or zooming features, I'd say go for the OSSC. It is also cheaper, so there's that...
I think it's great that one of the greatest consoles ever is finally getting some FPGA love and open up its awesome library to a new generation of hipsters/gamers. Just like with the Super NT, I don't need this, as I have multiple CRTs, an OSSC and a Framemeister, but I really do applaud this offering.

With that said, I am very excited about finally being able to buy a wireless dongle for the Genesis, as I love 8bitdos implementation for the NES and SNES. Now, we just need one for the PCE and all will be good in the world.
Years ago, I read a review in Gamepro of Zombie Nation and the weird screenshots and premise were intriguing enough to put it in my mental todo list. Fast forward some ~30 years later, and thanks to the magic of everdrive, I was able to give this one some burn.

Right off the bat, as soon as I heard the sound effects and music in the opening story text, I thought of my favorite obscure PCE huey, The Lost Sunheart. As I kept playing, the more similarities I could find, not only in the music and sound, but also in the art direction and overall style of the games.

Did some research, and found that this gentleman seemed to have worked on both games:,235763/

I'm sure you love Lost Sunheart too, and you were curious about this, so here it is - confirmed by the interwebs. Now you can carry on with your day.
Mind sharing who this is?

Here, I made a little ghetto video cdr'ing Snatcher on the CDX: Thumbs up bitches!
I still can't think of any shooters that have elaborate scoring schemes besides the shoot everything, collect everything, don't die and perhaps milk some bosses (and be bored to death) "mechanics". The only games in the PCE library that I play for scores are Alien Crush and Devil Crash, which of course are pinball games, but they are twitchy enough to appease shooter sensibilities. So those are what I would recommend.
I currently only own a CDX (used to own a model 2), and while it has been reliable, it does have what appears to be shielding issues that display as wavy lines that can only really be noticed in some dark backgrounds. From research I've done, this seems to be prevalent on these units and cap replacements won't fix the problem. The other issue is that the sound is not nearly as nice when playing cartridge games as on a high def genesis with model 2 attached. To me, the latter is a much bigger deal, so I keep a genesis hooked up, which kinda defeats the purpose of having the compact CDX in my setup.

Quote from: TR0N on 09/06/2018, 12:25 AMKeep in mind the model one isn't to reliable and they break easily.The CDX,most i've heard there a pain in the ass to repair if it does break plus they can't play burns.Really the best setup is a model 2 with a model one genesis.That's my setup and it works for me plus when i wanted to play snatcher again i went with a burn and i was set.
You can play burned discs on a CDX, not sure what makes you think you can't. Supposedly it damages the laser, so it is not recommended, but to be honest, this could just be an old wives tale just like with the Duo and other cd based systems. I've used CDRs for about 5 years on mine with no issues.

The one thing you absolutely want to make sure is that you use the OEM PSU, or one that is rated accordingly, as using the wrong one has been confirmed (as much as the internet can "confirm") to damage the CDX. Also, pay attention to the battery slots for any signs of leakage and corrosion, as this could have damaged the unit permanently.

And yes, they are a pain to even open, let alone repair, but thankfully nowadays there are lots of tutorials and videos that can guide you through the process.

With all that said, and not having ever owned a model 1, if I were to do it all over again (and space was not an issue), I would just go for the model 2 with a high def genesis. Yeah, it's an ugly as sin setup, but it is the best to play games with optimal picture and sound quality, and isn't that what it's all about in the end?
So you wanted a converter that could also play SGX games? If so, then yes, getting a SGX is definitely the best (and only) solution. I've often been tempted to get one of those beasts, but man, there are literally 3 games I would like to play in it, and one of them I've played to death in its Sega Genesis incarnation, so eventually sense gets the better of me.

In any case, if your original question was sincere, then the best approach (by best meaning most cost effective, practical, straightforward, etc.) is to have your Turbo Duo modded. Then you don't have to fiddle with finicky or expensive converters, you save space in your setup and have a single elegant solution to play all PCE games (sans the handful of SGX titles).
I might be wrong, but the PCE doesn't seem like the right system if that is a priority in your shooters (or 16 bit shooters in general), as they generally have simple scoring mechanics and AFAIK, nothing akin to Cave, Raizing or the like (besides some having rank).

With that said, and sorry if this is old news to you, but this guy's blog goes over scoring mechanics of pretty much every shooter he reviews:

I would just do a search for PCE games there and see if anything piques your interest based on his descriptions.
Great job with the drop down and I really do hope we can get all of them hosted here, as the wayback is slow AF.

Not only are these really well written, but the screenshots are second to none.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/16/2018, 06:48 PM
Quote from: segasonicfan on 06/29/2018, 03:52 AMNone of these are the correct way to make the connections. They are missing proper decoupling capacitors and other parts. Yes, it "works" but it is still incorrect (and somewhat unsafe for your television).  The Core Grafx II has these parts coming from the expansion bus and creates a proper AC-level composite and audio video signals in line with proper NTSC standards.

I wanted my original PCE to have a proper output /exactly/ like the Core Grafx II.  Happy to post info for others that might be interested in this.

So you're saying the CGII has the composite coming from the expansion bus buffered but the OG PCE does not? Doesn't that mean that when the CGII is used in an IFU-30 it will be double buffered and have a dimmer output?
Man, that is a good point. I wonder if anybody has compared outputs between the IFU30 and Super CDROM2 with a CGII?
I originally used the expansion port hack back in the late 90s/early 00s to connect my TG16 and had never heard of it being unsafe or incorrect in any way, so I think you bringing this up is great for the community. So I reckon the turbobooster is more than just some conductors terminating in RCA? I've never owned one, but always assumed that's all they were...

In any case, like NW says, the audience for this will be small, since the majority of peeps that are going to open up and mod (or ask someone else) will go RGB/Component/SVid route.

Still, thanks for sharing.
Awesome price on one of the few games that warrants the price.
Just 1CC Nexzr since got the itch to play it after the thread on lesser known great games. This is easily one of the top games for the PCE and deserves to be mentioned among the Rondos, Ys I & II, Ys IV, GoT and LoT. It's a bit of a bitch on the 3rd level, but once you get past that, it's very manageable, as it is oddly magnanimous (thanks Duomazovs) after the third level, so it's fairly easy to recover. I would say that the unbalance in difficulty is one of my knocks against it, along with some of the tunes sounding way too lounge-y, especially the title and opening level songs.

Then proceeded to 1CC Star Parodier, since I remember reading somewhere it utilized the same engine as Nexzr and wanted to check that out. Not sure I saw the similarities, although both games are beautifully drawn and are among the technical showcases of the hardware. I had beaten this one before, probably 15 years ago, and was unimpressed, and still am. It's a bit of a fun ride, but it just lacks any tension as it's just too damn easy. I like all the references and some of the levels are quite cleverly designed, but again, the lack of tension had me close to turning it off towards the end.

I think next up will be Darius Plus, as I just recently beat Darius Gaiden on Saturn (not 1CC mind you, had to use 7 lives...) and am hankering for more Darius. I've always shrugged off that series, especially since I found Gaiden to be unbearably difficult. But after giving it some time, have grown to appreciate it (especially the weird music!) and want to get to its roots.
I don't think the issue is specific to SCART, as I think the symptoms the OP described (and that I corroborated) are more akin to the last note "sticking" when a previously played note is stopped into what you would expect to be silence. If you go into the Ninja Spirit sound test, turn the volume up, start playing a song, then press II to stop, you should hear what is being discussed here. This happens in my RGB modded Duo R through SCART, as well as in my virgin Coregrafx through composite through different TVs and speakers.

Image Fight (coincidentally, another Irem game) exhibits the same behavior and can easily be heard through the sound test as well.
I just tried Ninja Spirit both with the original chip and on an ED 1.1 in a black gonk of doujindance-death Duo R through a PVM and a receiver. Also tested it on the ED in a Coregrafx 1/blue through a Sony Wega using the set's speakers (don't have the PCE version, so can't try the og there), and they all have the hum when you stop the music from the sound test. I then tried Image Fight, both original and ED in both systems, and also heard the hum after a death, just as you described.

As Zeta indicated, a lot of games have that hum, where the last note gets "stuck" after a reset, transition, etc. AFAIK, this is just normal and just an idiosyncrasy of the system. I'm not sure if there are any differences between the Coregrafx 1 and 2, but at least on mine, that hum is clearly there.
I have zero interest in turning my wired pads into BT controllers. Considering how many BT controller options are out there, this seems absolutely pointles and if anything, I might be against it since there will be legit vintage equipment being sacrificed.

Instead, I would like 8bitdo to focus on creating wireless adapters for the Genesis, Neo Geo and Turbo, as I really like their NES and SNES adapters, which I pair with a Wii classic controller. I like the simplicity of having one controller, turn the machine on, press the sync button and you are up and running. I have not noticed any latency either, but I'm not a pro speed runner or any of that shit. If they had one for all the classic systems, I would basically just use that one controller for all of them, except for games that require the 6 face buttons. Yeah, I generally agree that we are moving backwards in regards to all the extra waiting time associated with new tech, but in this case, given that I'm one of those crackheads that has multiple consoles connected, the convenience of using one pad for all of them (even if its just NES/SNES right now) makes up of the press of the sync button.
Off-Topic / Re: Famicom Collection.
08/01/2018, 04:35 PM
$59?!? I think I did not pay more than 5 bucks total for these.

You can find these things at garage sales, swap meets, thrift shops for peanuts. I found mine without even looking for them...just saw them when riding my bike around the neighborhood and people at garage sales are basically giving them away. Granted, that was through a span of like 3-5 years ago, so now that everything retro is cool, you will probably have to pay a premium for the wood grain.
Off-Topic / Re: Famicom Collection.
08/01/2018, 03:48 PM
I use old audio cassette cabinets for storing famicom and genesis games. Works much better for the latter, since stupid nintendo did not put spine labels, but it's still a great, cheap way to store them.

Quote from: majors on 07/20/2018, 09:50 AM
Quote from: nopepper on 07/18/2018, 01:18 PMFormation Armed F - ...
Armed F always reminded me of Cyber Core, do you have any love for that? I'm not a fan of either, so they do not make my "under appreciated" list.
Gave Cyber Core some time this weekend, made it to the Stage 8 on my first playthrough, but have not been able to crack that level due to those damn blue enemies with the super fast erratic patterns.

My impression is that other than being shooters, Cyber Core and Armed F have very little in common. The former is more akin to a much more spastic Dragon Spirit, while the other is a slow plodder more reminiscent to Image Fight, although neither is as good as their inspirations. I am glad to finally have given Cyber Core some attention, as it is quite fun and it looks like beating that last level will take some dedication. I will say that it seems like more of a casual romp than Armed F, and perhaps more fun as a pick up and play type of game. I guess once I beat it (if I do), I will know if I will get the same satisfaction as with Armed F, which is a big part of the reason why I like it.
Quote from: majors on 07/20/2018, 09:50 AMArmed F always reminded me of Cyber Core, do you have any love for that? I'm not a fan of either, so they do not make my "under appreciated" list.
I've never really given Cyber Core much play time, but when I did, it did not give me the same vibe at all and did not click with me.

I'll give it a real try next time I decide to beat a game.
Quote from: benlefou on 07/19/2018, 01:25 AMAmen to Nexzr, it's an absolute gem! But I would argue that it's pretty well known amongst all PCE fans and definitely talked about a lot!

I actually picked up Formation Armed F recently to give it a try, haven't seen any gameplay but just heard it's super difficult. Love the artwork!
I took some liberties since you did not really define your parameters in your OP, but I did mention that Nexzr is well known among PCE aficionados. Other gamers, that perhaps know the Turbo/PCE, and know games like Bonk, Gate of Thunder, Rondo, Gunhed, Splatterhouse, heck, even Sapphire and Sylphia, seem to always ignore one of the best games in the system.

Armed F is difficult because, by default, it has no continues and it's a memorizer in the vein of Image Fight and Dragon Spirit, so imagine trying to learn the game while having to start from the beginning every time you die. I don't have time/patience for that, so I use the continue cheat to memorize the levels, then the game opens up and becomes enjoyable instead of a slog. Also, I find the art kinda ugly, sans the bullets...the bullets are definitely pretty! Just curious; what do you like about the art in this game?

Oh, and another awesome game rarely discussed, The Lost Sunheart. I've also gone on about this one in the past, but I just love this little game. The enemy patterns are so different from any other shooter I've played...the game just has a distinct rhythm and I especially like how those said enemy patterns seem to "dance" in sync with the catchy music.
Totally on topic:

Formation Armed F - I've written about this one before, and I know I'm in the minority, but this is a fantastic shooter with great level design and tough but rewarding gameplay. I use the continue trick to memorize the levels and then 1CC. Feels great once you beat it and the ambiance always keeps me entertained.

Nexzr - this one is well known among PCE and shooter hard core, but unknown and hardly mentioned by others, which is a shame, as it's right up there with the best of the best when it comes to the PCE catalog.

Stretching it a bit:

New Adventure Island - this is high profile by PCE/Turbo standards, but I still feel this game doesn't get enough love.It is one of the technical marvels of the system (on chip) and the gameplay is smooth as butter. Great music, great graphics, fantastic level design and responsive controls. The only downside is the lack of save/passwords, but this can be compensated with the level select cheat.

Cadash - another fairly high profile game that doesn't seem to get a lot of love. It's such a flawed game, with clunky controls and uneven level design making the whole thing feel kinda clumsy. But that is made up with colorful chunky graphics and sprites, awesome music that screams of PCE sound chip and much better gameplay than the arcade original. It is one of those games that once you crack, keeps you coming back for some reason. I've beat it like 30 times and will still have runs with all 4 characters until the day I die.
Yeah, once you have used SSMS or the like, going to more rudimentary GUIs or command line can be hard. I do like PostgreSQL and PGAdmin, which doesn't feel too much like going back to dark ages, and that DB is fast.

Back on topic, yes, I think it's a worthy tradeoff, provided the majority do not use the search function too often. Also, I'd rather have the Duomazov site hosted and easily linkable, google searchable, etc., instead of having to use the wayback, as it will be easier to find for noobs and get more people exposed to the wonderful Turbo/PCE library...but I might be in the minority on that topic. :P
Would be great to have that site perpetually available, as it has some of the funniest, most well written reviews in all of gamedom (although I don't agree with a lot of their tastes).

I rarely use the search function here, but I'm assuming you meant the full text index and if so, will that mean slower searches since it will have to do full table scans? (I'm a SQL Server guy, so I'm not sure if those apply to whatever DB this site is using).
It absolutely is compatible and not like Axiom Verge that supposedly works but is unplayable due to lack of touch screen controls being mapped to PS3/PS4 controller. Curse of the Moon works 100% of the time 100% of the time.

Very addicting game; everyone that likes classic gaming should give it a try.
Got it for Vita, as it's PSTV compatible and I am enjoying it quite a bit. Nothing gimmicky about it, just good, solid level designs and quite inspired boss battles. The graphics are well done, and very pleasing, with good utilization of the limited NES like palette. The music is nice as well, although it doesn't give me the Castlevania vibe. Maybe it's the instruments used, but it sounds very Shovel Knight to me.

Always enjoy your videos, especially the Neo Geo stuff. Keep it up mate.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/07/2018, 11:57 AM
I still prefer the 6 button genesis controller over the Saturn, because it feels less plasticy when you press the buttons. I dont find the pad mushy at all, and think it is extremely precise for any type of game.

In regards to the Game Sack controller episode, I learned that Joe has girl hands that Seinfeld would approve.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
05/01/2018, 01:00 PM
Quote from: Pfloydguy2 on 05/01/2018, 11:49 AMOn that note, I don't care much for the D-Pad.  Like the Genesis D-Pad, it's effective, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as something like the SNES or Dualshock.
Hey now, please tell me you are not talking about the 6 button Genesis dpad, because there is no way the Jaguar (or any other) controller can approximate the perfection that controller's pad achieved, especially compared to the the SNES's or Dual Shock's dpad. I guess that can be subjective, but man, that dpad just feels soooo good in comparison to everything else pretty much, ever (yeah, even the Saturn). The only one that comes close, oddly enough, is the Gameboy Micro.

Quote from: Pfloydguy2 on 05/01/2018, 12:03 PMGame Sack is entertaining.  I have nothing wrong with somebody evaluating something and coming to a different conclusion than me.  My biggest issue with Game Sack's take on the Jag is that right from the start, they treated it like it was a joke.  It didn't seem like they were giving it a fair chance at all, based on their snickering, the goofy faces they make when they mention the Jaguar, and their sarcastic comments about the quality of the system.  It's clear their minds were made up before they even played the games.  It's a bit like the difference between constructive criticism and playground bullying - the problem isn't the criticism, but the way it's delivered.  I've watched probably 20-30 Game Sack episodes, and they don't usually treat their subject material that way unless they're making tongue-in-cheek stabs at each other about Sega vs. Nintendo.  Dave even acknowledges at the end that he knows he probably pissed off any Atari fans watching the video.
Game Sack has taken the same snarky approach towards other beleaguered consoles/handhelds and have come away impressed after actually playing them (such as the Game Gear). So it might just be that the Jaguar is simply not that good in their eyes...and that they are aware that the Jaguar's fan base is emotionally attached in such a way to get defensive about their stance on it (something I was not until now).
I have been playing Cruisn USA on the N64, which I got for a dollar at the Mile High Flea Market. I remember this game getting panned by critics back in the day and me also looking down upon it when I played it at my dentists office (!) , as the frame rate and music were absolutely awful when played through that 13" CRT he had.

Well, I started playing it, and kept playing, and couldnt put it down. WTF?!?

This game is absolutely awesome. I wonder if I would think differently had I payed more than a dollar for it, but I'm almost tempted to say that it would be worth retail. It just has such a great sensation of speed, and the music eventually grows on you, and the little random elements, such as weaving cars and weird screams here and there, to keep things interesting.

I'm now going through the races at the highest difficulty and the game is still keeping me engrossed. This is probably the best "bad" game I've ever played. It just seems like the game is very self aware about it's cheesiness, and it never loses track that it needs to be fun. It reminds me quite a lot of Road Rash on the Genesis...the controls are similar, the sense of speed, the choppy frame rate, the twanky super catchy music...yeah, this game is great and a ton of fun just like Road Rash.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/25/2018, 10:57 AM
Quote from: Pfloydguy2 on 04/04/2018, 09:48 AMI wouldn't consider anything on the Jag a system seller today.  I thought Alien vs. Predator was phenomenal back in its time, but that's the closest the Jag has to a system seller.  AvP really hasn't aged well.  The framerate is really choppy, but it was incredibly immersive in 1994.

So ignoring that and Tempest 2000, Iron Soldier, and Raiden, I'd recommend the following:
Sorry for the super late response, but missed your reply until now.  #-o

Frankly, there is hardly anything there to warrant excitement towards the Jaguar; the majority can be played in other systems and the few exclusives do not appear to be groundbreaking or essential (as you concede in your post).

Going back to Game Sack, I think their take on the Jaguar seemed pretty fair. They only missed a couple of your recommended games, so I'm not sure why you have such strong negative feelings towards them, but to each their own. I find their show entertaining, well paced and with high production values. I also really enjoy the music chosen for each section. I don't always agree with their opinion on games/systems, and they do make mistakes from time to time, but I don't expect everyone to share my opinion on everything or to be perfect (especially for a 2 man operation...), so it's all good for me.

I do appreciate you taking the time to make that list, as there were a couple of games there I had never heard of.
That thing is unnecessarily awesome.

I'm too old and wise to splurge on such things, so here's the obligatory GLWTS.
Quote from: esteban on 04/11/2018, 03:29 PMI never found a TG-16 in the wild... but I woke up one morning with a HuCARD in my boxers. I'll let you guess which HuCARD it was.

Needless to say, I felt violated.
Takin it to the hoop?

Hope this was not in prison...
Quote from: guest on 04/03/2018, 01:50 PMI think that one'd pair nicely with a Genny game.  :mrgreen:
Wish I had actually meant that! Total savant moment...
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/03/2018, 11:29 AM
Quote from: guest on 04/02/2018, 10:51 PMIt has the kind of library that ignorant people insist the PC Engine needed.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/03/2018, 01:26 AMEDIT: I could just see someone complaining "The PC Engine sucks because it needs more games like the Jaguar had". That legit wouldn't surprise me. And it absolutely amuses me!
I'm not sure if these statements compute...You mean to tell me that some of these "rabid fans" actually think the Jaguar library is superior to the PCE?

Quote from: majors on 04/03/2018, 10:42 AMProbably not the best forum to ask that question.

MGC was started out for "Jagfest" and there is always a small outpost of rabid fans with a few systems running, I bet they would tout the Jags merits. Personally, T2K is the only reason to own one.
Man, I will not join another forum just to ask this question, as I have very little interest in the Jaguar. Besides, there is at least one of these fans in these forums (Pfloydguy2), who can hopefully answer my questions.

Right now, my curiosity has been piqued as to why there are "rabid fans" for a system that has always looked like almost complete garbage to me. Am I missing something? Are these rabid fans just mostly peeps who grew up with Atari and thus migrated to the Jaguar? Is it because its very easy to develop for and has a healthy homebrew scene (which has been my impression since the early 2000s).

Also, I was never a huge fan of the original Tempest in the arcades, so the excitement for Tempest 2000 was lost on me. Super Burnout looks like a decent super scaler ripoff...that is probably the most appealing game I've seen for the Jaguar so far. <shrugs>
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/02/2018, 07:22 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 04/01/2018, 08:52 AMSo I watched the Jag episode and felt it was fair. Couldn't find the Lynx episode.
Yeah, they covered Raiden, Iron Soldier, Tempest 2000 and AvP. So serious question, besides those, what are the "good" Jaguar games? Protector, Missile Command 3D? Anything that somebody would consider a system seller?
I have 4 Hardcore Gaming 101 presents books:

-Konami Shooters
-Sega Arcade Classics 1
-Taito Arcade Classics

I think all 4 are sub par, with amateurish art, low quality paper and poor writing/editing. I think it's great to have printed stuff about these topics, and thus would still recommend them, but they are really not very good.

I can vouch for the Pixellence Turbo book by Sunteam, but I'm not sure if he'll ever reprint those. Now THAT's a labor of love.

I also have the Mega Man and X Complete works by Udon and that thing is a monster and very high quality. If you like Mega Man, it comes highly recommended.
Quote from: CrackTiger on 03/30/2018, 12:05 AMHere's another bonus one to hold people over.
Wow. Next up, Utopia!
Quote from: gilbert on 03/26/2018, 12:49 PMYes. It sucks.
Yes it is the awesome.

Nice job!
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/30/2018, 04:42 PM
Metal Jesus has actually gotten a lot better once he started bringing in guests that at least knew a little bit about what they are talking about. He has also gotten better in front of the camera, so I don't immediately skip his videos when they autoplay like  I used to do when I just couldn't bear his awkwardness and general ignorance towards console gaming.

It is a channel geared more towards collectors, so I don't relate to most of those peeps very much, but it has definitely gotten more likeable recently.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/28/2018, 11:28 PM
I personally wouldn't make any parallel between the Turbo and Jaguar. During the dawn of 16 bit, the decision between Genesis or Turbo was a tough one...heck, I remember the Turbo just having more (good) games to begin with, but the future of the Genesis seemed more promising (even with Turbo CD on the horizon). Hardware wise, it was close, with each system having its own strengths and weaknesses, but being somewhat comparable.

All of my serious gamer friends at the time wanted one as well, so if we had been rich, we would've gotten both. Being poor teenagers, you had to make those choices... Anyway, Sega won that battle due to already having some brand recognition and once sports games with big names started to come out( and later, with Sonic and SNES). It wasn't due to bad hardware, lack of killer apps, complete gamer apathy, etc.

Basically, even with the modest sales numbers, the Turbo wasn't a complete failure in the West. It was the victim of a much smaller user base of serious gamers having to make decisions in order to move to next gen. Younger kids stayed with Nintendo, while most older kids/adults decided to go with Sega (or hold on for SNES).

The Jaguar came out and immediately seemed like a step down from all other next gen systems, either already out or in the pipeline. Even at the cheaper price, it was obvious that it was going to fail. No killer app, no software that showed off the hardware, an unappealing, backward thinking controller, lack of 3rd party support and excitement. You name an area, and the Jaguar was underwhelming in that front.

The Jaguar might be cool if you like esoteric consoles, might have a lot of untapped potential, heck, it might have some good games and we should all add it to our collections. But it was a failure, perhaps one of the biggest in console history. The Turbo, besides having underwhelming sales numbers in the US, was not a failure in any way, shape or form.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/28/2018, 10:29 PM
The problem with the Lynx is more with the hardware than it's games. Sure, it was cool upon release, but even then, it was bulky and the awful battery life, along with it's price, didn't do it any favors. I hope to one day own another one, but have it modded, as it really is powerful hardware that can do some impressive stuff for it's time, and has a lot of fun games.

I've never had the Jaguar, so can't comment much there, but I remember always thinking that I'd rather wait for real next gen hardware than get one. There was nothing exciting about it, and even today, when I have pretty much every console ever released (sans current gen), there is nothing that makes me feel like I'm missing out.

In any case, boycotting a show, just because they don't share your same opinions seems very obtuse to me. IMO Game Sack is just fun, and not meant as a definitive source for anything. It's just a couple of relatable nerds talking about need to take it more serious than that.
Since I grew up with the Sega Master System, Phantasy Star 2 made the Genesis a necessary choice for a starving teenager. But back then, I knew the Turbo was still a worthy adversary and that, some day, when I was a grown up and shit, I would get one.

Toys R Us was the ONLY place I could peruse the catalog so intimately, as magazines could only do so much, and I did not know anyone with one (and my passion for gaming).

For that, it will always hold a place in my heart. It's unfortunate for them that Amazon is just so convenient in comparison...
Quote from: OldRover on 03/05/2018, 07:18 PMThe master has been mailed, so now we sit on our thumbs and wait for the snail to do its thing.

Congrats and thanks for all your efforts! Must feel great after all the trials and tribulations.

Looking forward to spin this in the ole Duo.
General Gaming / Re: Super Nt
02/17/2018, 07:47 AM
Quote from: Flare65 on 02/16/2018, 10:15 PMLet me add this up...

$200 for the console
$30 shipping (from what I was told)
$30 for a blutooth controller
$200 for a SD2SNES cart.  (Still need to find a rom set)

Am I missing anything else?  This is just getting a bit to pricey for my taste.
Look a couple of posts above for info on firmware that allows you to play ROMs from the SD card, thus making the SD2SNES redundant.

The console itself is $220 including shipping, and as TRON indicated, you can use any SNES compatible controller instead of the 8bitdo, although their wireless dongle and controllers are highly recommended (I use their dongle in a real NES and SNES coupled with a Wii Classic Controller).
Quote from: Winniez on 02/08/2018, 07:22 PMOne PC-engine game that I never get tired of is The New Adventure Island. Been playing it almost daily again. It has that great pick up and play quality to it, like having an arcade game at home. Its not that common with platforming games. I like all the Wonder Boy/Adventure Island games (and have beaten pretty much all of them) but this one just might be my favorite.
Its so simple and fast that it just begs to be played again and again. I usually pop it in quickly and see how far I can make with a single life. Feels almost like playing a good shooter but within the platforming genre, it has the same flow in it.

In fact, just reading your post makes me want to play it. It's sooo good.

I also love the soundtrack and find myself humming its sugary tunes quite often.
General Gaming / Re: Super Nt
02/12/2018, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/11/2018, 08:31 PMI get where you are coming from on this however I think the big thing with this is how super easy plug and play it is for the very good results. Just one HDMI cable from the unit to your display. That's it, that's the entire chain. This aspect has an undeniable appeal. If we get to the point where every relevant pre-gen 5 system has an FPGA clone, I might just go that route and shelve all my original consoles tbh.

I've seen comparisons with the OSSC, I couldn't tell you if one is better than the other. Both are excellent.
Yeah, the convenience factor definitely makes it enticing, and as I mentioned in another thread, I was ready to buy upon hearing of the reasonable price and wanting to experience one of these FPGA machines. It's just that the shipping leaves a bad taste, as it's obviously a mark up that was done to keep the price at "only" know, gotta hit that sub 200 magic price.
General Gaming / Re: Super Nt
02/12/2018, 01:26 PM
Quote from: CZroe on 02/12/2018, 09:12 AMSNES + OSSC is notorious for not being compatible with every TV. This is because of the SNES' 60.09 refresh rate and the OSSC not being equipped to correct it. The Super Nt deals with this using a frame buffer or by changing the speed of the SNES for exactly 60.00hz output (user's option). The SNES in particular needed something like this and Kevtris/Analogue gave it to us.
At the expense of lag. I know its not a big deal, but a deal nevertheless.

I'm sure the Super Nt is a banging machine, just wanted to point out the $30 shipping shock that I'm sure will catch potential buyers off guard, plus mention an alternative.

Thankfully, I've not experienced any issues with any of my tvs/monitors and the OSSC/SNES combo, even on 5X.
Although thankfully I dont recollect ever using the term towards Asians, it's also news to me that Oriental is derogatory in that context. I moved to CO in 99 (from Puerto Rico) and had never heard anyone point this out either, but there is not as big an Asian population here as in the CA and Pacific Northwest.

With the growing number of words that are added to the nonPC list, I wouldn't be surprised if soon we will all be using a form of newspeak, for chrissakes.
General Gaming / Re: Super Nt
02/11/2018, 03:09 PM
Still bothers me that these guys are charging $30 for shipping this little unit. Add to that the cost of the controller (if you decide to go that way), and we are talking about 260 bucks.

For that, you can buy a non 1chip with an RGB cable and an OSSC, which will also allow you to use a Genesis, Saturn, Neo Geo, PSX, PS2, etc. through HDMI, out of the box. If you already have a SNES, it makes even less sense to go through this as opposed to just spending the money on the OSSC and an RGB cable. Not to mention you are playing the real thing and not have to deal with the growing pains of something that was reverse engineered, regardless of how accurate.