The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Messages - Dracula

Quote from: guest on 08/31/2015, 01:16 PM
Quote from: esteban on 08/31/2015, 11:37 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/31/2015, 10:37 AMI've always read that the white cable should be used to provide mono audio.  Have i been living a lie?  All this time, missing out on one channel?
That is left-channel-only, and it has been a rule of thumb  (since the intro of stereo?) to use the left channel if only mono input-output is available, I think. But, you lose the right channel.

Hmmmmm....I wonder if a "balanced mono" output is activated by some circuitry? None of the devices I've ever used ever had this (I simply lost either L or R channel, but perhaps fancier gear could detect for mono-out and switch to balanced mono via left channel?)
I had a TV that if you just did video and the white input it would provide "dual mono" to the speakers when in use.  But it would not work the same way if you just used the red input with video instead of white.
I have actually tried this, incidentally. It just flip-flopped the side of the screen where the SFX were muted.
Quote from: guest on 08/31/2015, 09:39 AMWhen the TurboDuo came out, I had to run the video/audio through a vcr when playing in my bedroom. I got all of the sound with a 2-RCA to 1-RCA adapter.

I'd suggest getting a small pair of speakers or a speaker bar though.
Yeah a small speaker bar wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm usually fine with the sound output on my old Zenith but every now and then there's a game like this that actually has issues.
Just curious if this is possible. I use an old CRT to play my retro games and it just has the one speaker. I inflict this on myself by choice, but usually it doesn't make much DE's case, though, the sounds get weaker on one side of the screen depending on how I have the component cables arranged.

I noticed that sometimes the word "STEREO" pops up on the right side of the title screen for a few seconds, and I was wondering if there was some way to mess with that.

Incidentally, my setup goes Old TV > Coax > VCR > Component cables. My system is a Core Grafx in a briefcase.

My entire PC Engine collection, all of which arrived this past week. So impressive! ;)

It'll be even better when I actually have a PCE to play them...

(I have one coming in the mail. And Dracula X has been my gaming holy grail for probably 15 years, so this is a very happy time for me!)
Quote from: MotherGunner on 08/11/2015, 01:44 AMVon! TWO POSTS!! Ah!ah!

Welcome!  Would been hilarious if the greetings were from Romania though!
Eh! I left Romania a hundred years ago. Honestly there were too many people trying to find me there.

No one expects Dracula to live in Arkansas!
NEC Console Resource / Greetings from USA
08/10/2015, 11:20 PM
Hi PC Engine fans!

I've been a fan of 8- and 16-bit games since they were new. My main system is NES/Famicom, but I've wanted in on the PCE scene ever since I learned about a certain Castlevania game back in the early days of the Internet. Hopefully soon that goal will be reached :)

I go by Zycrow or Dracula in other parts of the internets.