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Topics - Arkhan Asylum

I think I got it from on accident.  Its in my way, anyone wanty it?

make a sane offer and you can have it!

So, I'm retarded.  I use RF and Composite still.

There's a SVIDEO jack on the PC-FX.  Can that go RGB or no?

next, would RGB modding an IFU for Super Grafx be the ideal route?  I have a duo-r, and the US TG+CD setup also.  I figure doin the US mod wouldn't be hard either.  The Duo-R scares me though.

finally, do they make like a 3 RGB input switcherdoodad to go out to one single RGB?

Right now IMG

The systems are all going into a 3 way composite switch, into the back of the 1084.   The composite doesn't really look that bad on a 1084 though.  (see the crispy looking zeroigar highscore shot or something).

If I were to RGB mod the systems, I'd like to not have to mess with plugging db9's in and out constantly.  I hate that crap.

You can see my stash of cables up top in the little cubby hole.  Thats my MSX rgb cable.  It works with a 1084S DIN.  That one died though.  The ones I have now (1084S-D1 and 1080) do DB9.  Dang. 
Off-Topic / FFXIV
02/11/2011, 01:20 PM
Anyone giving it a shot now that the reviews are improving on places like Amazon?

I mean, free trial til like, July.  Why not!
#205  <<< Go read

also , if you're a facebooker: Like the page (bottom of homepage), and check for updates there too!

Should be some good stuff together and ready for demonstration for CCAG 2011.  If you're local, SHOW UP OR I WILL STAB YOU.

This guys funny as fuck and he is local.  I don't think I ever shared these here. :D

Also "bunifords burger" is him making fun of Rally's Big Buford burger.  so you get that more.
Ok, I have played this game on countless frigging old computers and shit. 

I tried the PCE one the other day.  It looks really nice and cool, but still...

after all these years of playing the game, I would like to know something

What is the frigging appeal to it?  Am I missing something?

You just grab treasure, dig holes, and run away from all the other goons?
Which one of the 3 do you guys prefer. 

So far for me right now, I am going with the Atari 2600.

This Inellivision shit isn't so great outside of Tron Deadly discs and demon attack, lol
I played this through.

I officially don't think it's that bad.

Am I retarded?
I suck at video editing.  We knew this already.

Enjoy anyways.
Its stiff and retarded

I have 2 of these now.  Anyone want to trade up something of equal value?  The case is cracked as you see.

I am also contemplating trading Anime Freak 6.  I have a sealed one with a tear in the packaging, that I might as well just rip open and play.  But I have an unsealed one tooo......

so if anyones got anything....

General Gaming / Hydlide!
01/17/2011, 07:35 AM
Someone was all "Hydlide is impossible.  The combat has no guaranteed way to win"

and I was all like "You're dumb, have a movie!"
=3  Hydlide rules. <3
Off-Topic / Ouch
01/01/2011, 02:48 AM
Off-Topic / Tron Legacy
12/17/2010, 04:10 AM
General Gaming / X Men arcade on PSN
12/16/2010, 04:20 PM
Is a giant disappointing abortion.

The D-Pad has the same like 1ms delay that the new MegaMan games have.   You want responsive movement, but get jerky nonsense.    Theres a pause between direction changing that is just enough to piss you off.

Nightcrawler is still pretty hood though.

If you have it on MAME, screw paying 10$ for this one.  unless someone knows a solution to the input latency!?

Alot of games have this issue.  I got some PS1 games (Gaiaseed) that do it also.  Its annoying.
Anyone got any examples?  I tried and couldn't find one.
General Gaming / Hydlide
10/27/2010, 12:31 AM
kicks ass.

That is all.
I unearthed a box of C64 games that I don't need, but I know some of you probably do!  Even though all the games are crap except Mail Order Monsters, and Gauntlet.  :)

They're all in pretty damn nice shape (pictures pending, if you're interested e-mail me at and I'll give pictures there)

I have...

Bop n Wrestle
Archon 1
Archon 2
Realm of Impossiblity
Pinball Construction Set
Hard hat mack
Psi 5 Trading Co
Strike Fleet
Star Rank Boxing
Lords of Conquest
Racing Destruction Set
Quake Minus One
Mail Order Monsters

Non album cases:

F15 strike eagle
Star League baseball
Crusade in Europe
World Class Leaderboard

Make some legit offers on them if you are interested.

I got a few Vic-20 games also... like the count, and mole attack or something. So, I will be selling those too if anyones interested.
THe thought crossed my mind yesterday.   My first one was Dinoriki for NES.

fuck was that game a bitch.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: A duo
10/15/2010, 12:13 PM
I need a Duo.   Of any variety.  One with gimped sound capacitors would be fine.  Preferable even, because this things basically going to be used as testing hardware. 

or, an ugly, yella'd up Duo-R would work.

anything really! GO GO GO , whos got one.
General Gaming / The MSX computer
10/06/2010, 12:51 AM
I keep seeing more and more people ragging on the MSX line of computers, saying the games scroll like shit and are garbage because of it.

Has anyone else played around with MSX?  Any other "Its not really terrible" people around?

Heres some games I play alot... anyone else got any they're fond of?

Gall Force
Star Soldier
Penguin Adventure
Metal Gear
nemesis 3 (Uses SCC which sounds like a PCE)
Psycho World:
Other games I didn't feel like linking videos for:

Fray in Magical Adventure (Better delivery of the story over the PCE CD one)
Hydlide 1,2 and 3
Golvellius 1 and 2
Emerald Dragon
Seed of Dragon
Tir Na Nog
Illiusion City (OMG amazing)

I can't be the only person who likes the MSX around here.

Hell, Hudson made BeeCards for it and they're basically HuCards.. :)
I may have an idea coming up.

What I need to know is, who still doesn't have a copy of Insanity on this forum?

If theres enough of you I have a funny idea.
So, I will have a pretty big job ahead of me doing music for Retrocade.

I was wondering about a few things...

Pyramid Plunder, as it stands may not have CD music at all.  I think the PSG will suit it nicely.

I have some music ideas coming for Defender clone as well, mainly some power metal sounding PSG stuff.....

but here comes the big question:

How many people just have to have CD music for everrrrry game?

I planned on some CD music for the Skate or Die 2 ramp for sure, and revamped Insanity stuff...

but what about the other stuff? 

and bearing that in mind, the PCE never got any FM, so would anyone be strongly against the use of FM instruments for the CD-Stuff?

I am mostly just trying to get feedback here to see what people want.  Fire away with the suggestions!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Need me some PC-FX
09/14/2010, 01:57 PM
Due to some recent lol-ness, I need a new source to get my PC-FX fix.  and probably PCE CD and saturn and some other stuff I was hoping to get... lol

Before I hit up play asia and whatnot,

anyone here besides Thibaut (PM already sent), have any PC-FX games for sale?

I'm looking for nice ones in cases preferably with spine cards.  No loose nonsense or banged up discs.

I recently came into the set of 4 captain Harlock pistols.  They were UFO prizes.  I only wanted Harlock and Emeraldas' ones and don't care about the other two (Tetsuro and Tochiro's pistols).  Each one has a number on the chamber.  #1 and #2 are the ones I don't want.

Is anyone here a Harlock/G.E. 999 fan?  I was going to try selling them off-ebay before ebaying them.  It's like this one.  Only I am not a raging fuckface and I don't want 999$ for a frikking toy.

I can get pictures up here later today.  the two I am selling AFAIK were not opened, but you can't really tell since there is nothing in the way of seals on these things.

I was looking at 200$ each for them based off of a broken one going for 175$ off ebay, and a good one for 400$ on ebay.  They seem to fluctuate around the 150-300$ range.  and then some dipshits go overboard and ask 999$ BECAUSE IT'S COOL TO MAKE THE PRICE THE SAME AS THE TITLE OF THE SHOW.

Oh man.  Starsoldier/Desmond.



Best artwork ever.  <3 thank you.  This is being framed
Hey look, something non dramatic.

The Pac Man clone is coming to a complete state.  Lord_cack was kind enough to do some nice tilesets so my shitty graphics wont mess things up again.

There are 5 worlds:

Mummies, Snakes, Bats, Skeletons, and Scorpions.  The worlds each have a different theme.

There are some things that make the game better than Pac Man feature wise, so it should be pretty good, and then the rest of the games can be tackled, and should oddly enough probably be less work.
Lets try this again minus the lolwar

I think we need to keep the Insanity train rolling.

So here is a little contest.

A high-score contest of sorts.

5 lucky weeners will get I'm Insane for Insanity copies of Insanity.  Scribbled on by yours truly.  You can then love them, burn them, ebay them for a retarded sum, or be like "I don't want that crap, keep it"

All you have to do is the following:

Play the game in predator mode, and see how far you get.

To get to predator mode, hold one of the 4 cardinal directions down while pressing Run to start the game.

I am not telling you which direction to press, only because now you get to try them all and see the other hidden stuff: Arcade Mode, HyperMode (good luck), and an early Pyramid Plunder Prototype!

To prove you are playing Predator mode, either:

1) film the whole thing with a camera and upload it to youtube! (cutting the video if you manage longer than 10 minutes)
2) Play in Ootake and use the video recording option and send me the file or use some other PC video recording thing and YouTube the video!
3) Take pictures (pause it or something) or Screenshots in an emulator.  You can pause it when you get shot and killt that last time and see your final score before the screen blacks out.
It is sort of lurpy, since theres that whole "I forgot to deal with high scores" thing, but I think we're all smart enough to handle it!

and the good news is, the Retrocade has highscore stuff.  No forgetting this time.

Keep checking for news on the Retrocade.  Pyramid plunder is turning out excellent thanks to new graphical work.  No more of my crappy artwork.

I like chicken, I like liver, meow mix meow mix PLEASE DELIVER.


Jasonbar: 30,030
NecroPhile: 28,640
Roy The Sunderer: 23440
TheClash603: 20760
Tablet: 8100

I think we need to keep the Insanity train rolling.

So here is a little contest.

A high-score contest of sorts.

5 lucky weeners will get I'm Insane for Insanity copies of Insanity.  Scribbled on by yours truly.  You can then love them, burn them, ebay them for a retarded sum, or be like "I don't want that crap, keep it"

All you have to do is the following:

Play the game in predator mode, and see how far you get.

To get to predator mode, hold one of the 4 cardinal directions down while pressing Run to start the game.

I am not telling you which direction to press, only because now you get to try them all and see the other hidden stuff: Arcade Mode, HyperMode (good luck), and an early Pyramid Plunder Prototype!


To prove you are playing Predator mode, either:

1) film the whole thing with a camera and upload it to youtube! (cutting the video if you manage longer than 10 minutes)
2) Play in Ootake and use the video recording option and send me the file or use some other PC video recording thing and YouTube the video!
3) Take pictures (pause it or something) or Screenshots in an emulator.  You can pause it when you get shot and killt that last time and see your final score before the screen blacks out.

It is sort of lurpy, since theres that whole "I forgot to deal with high scores" thing, but I think we're all smart enough to handle it!

and the good news is, the Retrocade has highscore stuff.  No forgetting this time.

Keep checking for news on the Retrocade.  Pyramid plunder is turning out excellent thanks to new graphical work.  No more of my crappy artwork. :D

RoyVegas, if you're reading this, you are barred from the competition.  Any entry you make will be laughed at, and deleted.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Amiga 4000
07/21/2010, 01:48 AM
Its an 040 model w/16mb fastram and 2 mb chip ram.  CDRW, FDD, hard drive with OS3.9 (and upgraded kickstart roms), scandoubler card (hook up to VGA screens), PCI NIC w/ ethernet adapter (Goes on the interwebs!)

Loaded with WHDLoad (unregistered) and some games.

You can plug this beast into a router , go to the WHDLoad site ON The amiga and install games.   Pretty good stuff.

Because of all of the upgrades it has, I was hoping to get 500$ for it or best offer.  This is some serious Amiganess right here.

It works perfect, and I played a bunch of games (A500 era, A1200 era, AGA stuff...) it was all solid.

comes with keyboard and mouse too.    Only problem it has is that because of the NIC, the internal fan is external now.  Might need longer/better screws.   Might also not even be needed at all really.

I wouldn't mind trading stuff.  I'm looking for a nice MSX Turbo R.  If you have other trades, lemme know.
Off-Topic / Terminator movie series
06/30/2010, 01:29 AM
Ok, I need explanations, cause I think my answer right now is "James Cameron is a retard".

Terminator 1: Skynet sends Arnold back to stop John Connor from being born.  John Connor sends Kyle Reese back to stop Arnold, and unintentionally, makes him (Connor) get born in the first place.

So, Skynet tried stopping him from being born which prompted him to send stopmeasures which made him be born in the first place? .... whaasfasdf;kjaa;s2390oiwkegdag.   How did he exist before the events in the future that made him send his father back to make him.  O_o

Terminator 2: Somehow it is OK.  Arnold melts, Skynet is prevented from being made.  It's still based off T1 making no sense though.

Terminator 3: Skynet (which was prevented in T2), sends bitchbot9000 back in time to kill John (who rather than be the badass 10 year old budding resistance leader, is now a total pussy) .  How.  They were prevented from existing in T2.  There should be no Skynet to do this.

Terminator 4: John Connor is like Lol@Kyle Reese.  He bangs my mom 30 years ago in like, 5 years.  Or something like that.  This is technically a prequel to the first movie, even though its in the future! WOO :)

and then if you think about it, if Skynet was prevented from existing in Terminator 2, NONE of this crap should happen, period.  So its just a big mess.  I was given the answer that "all 4 movies are happening at the same time", except that makes no sense either!  How can the past be happening at the same time as the future.  and how can either be happening at the same time as the present.

My friends TG-CD won't spin discs.  It starts to spin the disc.... like it goes *thunk* and the disc spins a few times but that is it.

I opened it and checked, the gears look brand new, and the lens moves back/forth properly.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?  I was thinking it is the motor but I don't know much about that stuff
General Gaming / CCAG Show, Cleveland OH
04/22/2010, 02:42 PM

If you live in the general cleveland area, come!

there will be some Aetherbyte homebrew going on, so you can catch some peaks at that, and check out the other stuff, and buy mass quantities of retro games :D
Not trying to detract from the PCEFX community, but has a forum set up now.

I encourage people interested in talking about our projects to register there!


also if you cant access the forum, or the site in general, let me know.

some countries block it apparently.
I'm tired of all these gouging ebay magical chase nonsense threads!  We need some new topics! :D

I was thinking about games I wish would've been ported to the PCE.  Alot of games could have done really well the system.

My first two are Faxanadu and Battle of Olympus

Faxanadu would have been great.  Better music/visuals, and probably more fluent controls....maybe a CD release with some cutscenes!  Man!

Same goes for Battle of Olympus!  There would have been some extremely awesome cutscene possibilities with a game of that style. 
There is a test of the new and improved Squirrel.  Anyone who's MML savvy should be able to pick up and go with ease, and anyone new to MML will see that it is not as scary as everyone claims (Most of that is thanks to HuSIC).

As the description says, working out some kinks before the public release, but there is proof of concept for you all :)

It'll come with a pretty solid instruction manual
Off-Topic / How To Kill Your Business!
02/18/2010, 07:37 AM


Seriously, is that what its coming to now
OK.  The PCE Retrocade Pac Man clone is turning out badassedly.

However, it needs a theme that is not Pac Man

General idea of each:

Dinosaurs::  You are an egg eating dinosaur.  The pellets are eggs.  The power pills are meat, and the ghosts are raptors who are pissed that you're eating their eggs.

Cat/Mouse: You're a Rat (mice aren't BAMFs like rats), pellets are crumbs of food! power pills are cheese! Ghosts are cats!

Fish: Kinda like dinosaurs only you're fish... You're a fish, you eat littler fish, the power pills are shrimp, and the ghosts are sharks, who are obviously bigger than you!

These are the ideas so far .  I personally like the dinosaur one.

If you have something suggestion wise, post it here!  Lets see what we get out of this.

I came across this on YouTube today, and thought it was pretty cool.

now im curious, has there been any other stuff I've missed? :)
I was torn between Pia Carrot, Boundary Gate and Yuna FX.

I went with Yuna.   Something about the blend of PSG tunes, mini-games, and the fact that it's Yuna.....

and does anyone think there is an actual BAD game for the PC-FX
In lieu of recent tragedies, I decided this thread is appropriate.  Plus every other forum has one, so why dont we!

whats everyones favorite episode

im partial to the battletoads one because of the funny exchanges between the nerd and the guy behind the couch.

and the disastrous 2 player nonsense, which is entirely correct as far as sucking is concerned. 

Contra didn't stop you if your partner ran out of lives!!!

Here is a nice teaser 5 player light cycle thing.   You'll need at least two people to test it out.

Its pretty crude, its pretty clunky, and not too much work went into the graphics.  It WAS originally just white lines flying about the screen.  The tron knockoff was just a nice added bonus!

but heres the important part:

5 player input works! (We hope).   If anyone notices any problems, alert me please :)  Its kind of hard to test 5 player stuff.  I await some feedback.

Why 5 player stuff you say?  Whats so important about this?

Insanity Deathmatch, that is why!  Who doesn't want to have yourself plus 4 others running around the screen shooting at each other?! 

in other news the Joustaroo ideas are meshing out well and will work great with the early prototype we've had put together.

and of course, everything else is meshing out as well!


now I need to get a turbo grafx and turn it into a guitar just to show these bitches what for.
Off-Topic / ROBO POP!
10/31/2009, 08:26 PM

Just wait, in a year we will probably have a fully robotic J-Pop band.

imagine the possibilities.  USER DEFINED BREAS.... I MEAN... SONGS.
I was playing a bunch of games yesterday and couldn't decide if I like the warm chirpy PCE style PSG music in games more, or the synthy FM stuff like you hear in Genesis games.

The games I played were Rtype, Bonk, Final Soldier, and Sinistron on PCE


Streets of Rage 2, Aleste for MSX (FM music), and Undeadline (MSX).

I just couldnt decide which sound of music I like better!

Keep in mind by PSG, I specifically mean the PCE or the SCC (konami) chip ones, I don't mean the NES or SMS.  Those two PSGs are in a league of their own especially since they're at a slight disadvantage when you compare them to the PCE/SCC PSG.
More work on PCE Retrocade has begun'd

There is a prototype of Joustaroo going.  Its turning out alright.

On top of the nearly done PacMan, and start of Jungle Hunt.

Expect some visuals after Insanity launches, and the website is redesigned.

For now though:

The list:

Jungle Hunt
Skate or Die 2 Ramp
Insanity Deathmatch <<<<<!!!!!!!

seems to be the list.