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Topics - Michirin9801

I'll assume you already know what a Wonderswan is and what it looks like, if not just look it up...

You know, what first attracted me to the Wonderswan was its sound, it's basically the same kind of sound as the PC engine's PSG, except with only 4 channels instead of 6 and the waveforms are only 4 bit as opposed to 5 bit, but it still sounds fairly close, and I'm just glad to be able to play more 16 bit games that I hadn't played before with a similar sound to the PCE!

The first game I've played on the system was Guilty Gear Petit 2, which if you know me wouldn't be surprising at all, and oh my gosh what a start! My first impression was: "I should have tried this sooner!"
Needless to say I loved it! The controls are very responsive, it's really easy to combo in this game, but it's still fairly challenging, and the CPU will catch on if you spam the same move over and over and act accordingly! I've managed to beat it a few times and I'll definitely be playing this again and again!
The only problems I've had with this game are that the music isn't great, but it's passable, and the backgrounds are kind of ugly with an excessive use of dithering... The sprites are pretty nice though, I think they could be better-animated, but they're pretty cute!
This is an uncommonly good handheld fighter, very much worth playing if you're a fan of the genre!

After that I've played the first Guilty Gear Petit, and let's just say that it's basically the same game as the second, but worse in almost every way, it's not bad at all, but the sound effects are weaker, the controls are stiffer, it's harder to combo, but it's somehow a much easier game than the second because the CPU AI isn't as good... I'll give it this though, the backgrounds in this version are better than in the 2nd game! They've used dithering more sparingly so it looks much cleaner and more pleasing to the eyes, it's still there but its use makes much more sense now... Just stick with the 2nd game...

The next game I tried was Gunpey EX, which is the colour variant of the most famous game on the system, and you know, I'm not a big fan of puzzle games, but this one is pretty fun and very addictive! The concept is so simple, you just have to connect the two sides of the screen with lines by swapping tiles around, but the tiles move up and you have to keep them from reaching the top of the screen, you get extra points by connecting the two sides with multiple lines, this is one of the games that you have to play with the system in portrait mode, nice music too, even if it's all just pulse waves...

I'll try to keep the next few impressions brief for the sake of not bloating this post too much:

Pocket Fighter: Another quality fighter on the system! Shame it's not in colour... This is also one of the better-sounding games on the system, very nice music! (Even if it often relies on square waves) Loved it!

Rainbow Islands: It's played in Portrait mode, and it's not in colour (kind of ironic considering the title)
It's basically what you'd expect gameplay-wise, except you play as an anime girl instead of Eric Cartman, and there's a lot of dialogue that I can't read in between stages... Not bad! But they could have used more waveforms than just Square waves...

Makaimura: It's not a straight port of Ghosts and Goblins, it's its own original game in the series, and it's pretty good! It's only in black and white though, and the music could be better... It has parallax scrolling though! Did I mention the system has 2 BG layers? Yeah, but they often used the 2nd layer for the HUD so you still don't see parallax very often...

Rockman & Forte: Again, not a straight port of the SNES game, it's another original game in the series, and it's fine I guess... I'll certainly pick it over the NES games but I don't see myself returning to this one anytime soon... If you like Megaman though, you might like this one! B&W only, and it has parallax as well...

Star Hearts: A beautiful-looking and very nice-sounding Zelda clone where you control a native-american-looking boy or girl, there's a little too much dialogue for my liking, but I could still find my way to the first dungeon even without reading any of it... I wish the screen scrolled though, yeah it's flip-screen kinda like Zelda 1 and Neutopia, but it's still pretty good!

Mr. Driller: This was my introduction to the series, it's pretty nice! You just drill downwards as much as you can while trying not to run out of air or get crushed by falling blocks...

One Piece Grand Battle Swan Colosseum: It's an one-on-one platforming fighting game with VERY smooth animations! Very well-done graphics, don't remember the sound very well... It's fun enough, I'd rather it be a traditional fighting game, but it's not bad at all...

Beat Mania: No, I'm not kidding, they've ported this to the WonderSwan, and it's actually really damn impressive! They're playing relatively high quality PCM audio on the WonderSwan, and it sounds good! This is another one that's played in portrait mode, B&W only, I sucked at it, but yeah, it's a thing that exists, and I like it!

Final Lap Special: Impressive graphics, amusing for 2 minutes... If you like Final Lap Twin you might get a kick out of this, I don't think there's an RPG mode though... No music during gameplay, what a bummer!

Golden Axe: Sucks... But then again, I've never liked Golden Axe so I might not be the best person to judge this one...

Final Fantasy IV: This is basically the closest we've got to Final Fantasy IV on the PCE, everything you'd expect from a PCE port of that game is in here, it's only in Japanese though so of course, I couldn't go very far, but the music is nice! (Not SNES nice, but then again, what is?)

Not just that song, a lot of the show's soundtrack was covered, which means I had an unhealthy amount of fangasms, eargasms and nostalgiagasms in quick succession... Can you blame me though? This was my childhood anime! I just LOOOOVE Sakura~♥
Anyway, the game is basically Galaxy Fraulein Yuna but with a (black and white) Cardcaptor Sakura coat of paint, in other words, a text/graphic adventure game with barely any meaningful interactions where you just play to see the characters that you loved from the show doing their thing, except you can't read anything if you don't know Japanese, and you're gonna win anyway because the closest thing to a fail-state is losing a battle, which I haven't yet... I still love it though, but for the same reason why I love the Yuna games, not because it's a good game, but because I get to see more of the characters I was already attached to, and hear awesome music while I'm at it~♥

I've played some more games, but none that are note-worthy as of the time I'm making this post... I'd post some videos with soundtracks as well but there's barely any Wonderswan soundtracks on YouTube...

Oh well, just check these videos if you wanna see the thing in action:
So yeah, I've only just had a couple of days with the WonderSwan, but I feel that I've just found my new favourite non-Nintendo handheld! Not like there was much competition anyways... (No, I'm not counting the Nomad and the TurboExpress, those are a different can of worms)
For the record, I've also played the Game Gear, the Neo Geo Pocket Colour and the PSP, and of those the PSP was far and away the best one, but you know, the Wonderswan has that 16 bit appeal that I love so much~
Off-Topic / Michirin's PCE Music Thread
07/29/2017, 02:19 AM
It's been a few months, and a few hundred posts, I think I already have enough of a presence in this forum to warrant promoting my work on its own thread...

So, I've just uploaded a PCE cover of Detana!! TwinBee's Stage 3 theme that I made in Deflemask, check it out:
"But doesn't this game already have a PCE version?" Well, I already demonstrated my dissatisfaction with that version's soundtrack on the PCE Pixelization thread, so I took it upon myself to cover my favourite song from the game on the PCE using Deflemask, I hope you like it ^^

I also made this playlist here which has all of my PCE covers, but it starts with my old stuff which really hasn't held up well, if you wanna listen to the good stuff skip to song 25...
Or even better, you can check out my albums on Bandcamp and help support my work ;3
(They have more than just PCE though, but PCE is the bulk of my work)

Whenever I make new songs I'll post them here in this thread instead of making a new one for each song, I think that's better...
Jun Chikuma is a genius!
I hope you like my cover ^^
This is my cover of Cloudman's theme from Megaman 7 on the PC engine!
I hope you like it!
Some of you may already be familiar with this phenomenal PC-98 Doujin Shmup, personally it's one of my favourites in the genre, easily my No. 1 on the system (not like there's much competition)
For those who aren't, here's a little video of it:
So, since the PCE is the king of shmups, it would only make sense for me to imagine what would this game look, sound and play like on the system right?
Well, anybody who's listened to my album (Which btw can be found here: already has kind of an idea what this game could sound like on the PCE, but then there's the whole rest...

As far as I'm aware, the PC-98 is even more limited than the PCE in terms of parallax scrolling, the thing can't even smoothly scroll a background horizontally, it has to do that tile by tile, or do some witchcraft like C-Lab and Melody did when they were making Rusty, Totsugeki Mix and Night Slave, that said though, the system has no issues with vertical scrolling, most likely because it was meant to scroll text... It also only has 1 BG layer btw, and its "sprite layer" isn't technically a "sprite layer" per-se, it's complicated and I don't know the specifics...

Anyway, with that in mind, this game pulls off loads of parallax scrolling on the system, which is a bit of a rarity in case you couldn't tell by the aforementioned limitations! Well, being able to show a whole load of sprites on-screen without flickering does help it pull that off, but you know, I was wondering how that could be done on the PCE, because well, the limited amount of sprites on-screen and per-scanline would certainly bottleneck what you could do without flickering... As you can see in the video, this game throws bullets and enemies at you like there's no tomorrow, add the BG sprites on top of that and it will certainly flicker, but still, I'd really like to see the PC engine doing something like that...

The parallax isn't the only thing I've been thinking of though, but also about the resolution, you see, this game runs on a mode on the PC-98 that cuts the horizontal resolution to 448 pixels as opposed to the usual 640, and that allows this game to run at 60fps, or at least I'm assuming it does, because every PC-98 game I've ever seen running at 60fps uses this mode (Rude Breaker and Touhou come to mind) but you can still display still graphics and text on the unused horizontal resolution which is nice and is how they did the HUD for this game (and for Touhou too), so I was thinking of different ways we could port the graphics, parallax aside, to the PC engine, and I have 2 ideas:

1 - We could use the 512 pixel mode to do a near-perfect port of the game's graphics (side-bar HUD aside, unless you'd be okay with making it only 64 pixels wide, which honestly, isn't enough), but well, I don't think that would be the best idea, because that would mean more flickering and we'd only be using 16 colours for the graphics, which honestly, sounds like a complete waste of the system's colour potential, not like we need to make it hyper colourful or anything, but with just a few extra colours we could make the PCE version look even better than the PC-98 one at half the resolution, which leads me to:

2 - Use the 320 pixel mode, remake the graphics to better suit the PCE (but still keep them somewhat close to the original) why the 320 pixel mode and not the 256 one you ask? Because that way we'd be working with exactly half the PC-98's horizontal resolution, so we could make the gameplay take place on a 224 pixel play field on the left and have a 96 pixel side-bar with the HUD on it on the right, so it would look just like the original! That bar would of course be rendered as a vertical stripe of the BG and no sprite would ever be on top of it, that way we'd be able to cover the entire horizontal length of the 'background' with only 7 sprites, not that it would be needed very often, but still...

I imagine you could also flicker some sprites by priority, like for example stars behind the BG, they wouldn't be missed too much in case of there being too many sprites on the same scanline, and of course, we'd have to tone down the amount of bullets some enemies throw at you, and the number of 'floors' the buildings in stage 2 have, (the ones in stage 4 and the end of stage 3 could be done with vertical BG stripes) there are also some clever zooming and rotation effects that could be done by moving different vertical stripes of the BG apart from one another and moving sprites around respectively...

Back on the topic of sound, this game has 2 versions of the soundtrack, there's the MONO version for the YM2203 (OPN) soundchip, and the Stereo version for the YM2608 (OPNA), and some of the compositions are actually different depending on which version you pick, and even the ones that aren't sound pretty different depending on the soundchip, so I was thinking, wouldn't it be awesome if this theoretical PCE port also had 2 versions of the soundtrack?
Like, we could do PSG covers of the MONO version for the regular old PCE, and covers of the Stereo version for systems with CD attachments and the DUOs, those would take advantage of the ADPCM channel to play percussion and free up a channel to do some phasing, reverb or play a triad instead of a power chord! But of course, both versions of the soundtrack would be in Stereo, so the versions would need to be renamed "PSG" and "CD" as opposed to "MONO" and "Stereo", also yes, we'd do this on a Hu-Card... (There goes my dream of making a Hu-Card game with support for sampled percussion on the CD ADPCM again)

I think I've already rambled for long enough, keep in mind this is all hypothetical, it's probably never gonna happen, and even if it did happen it would most likely be just a 1 stage demo, this is all just some food for thought, but yeah, I like to imagine what this game would be like on the PCE...
Heyo! Some of you may remember my last album that had Metal Orange and Carat music covers on the PC engine (and a few other systems)
Well, I'm glad to announce that I've made a new one! This time with everything else other than Carat and Metal Orange that I've covered on the PC engine! Or at least the better ones, as well as a few PC engine songs covered on the Game Boy, among others... It's my "Best of" Album, as of the posting of this thread, you can get it here:
It's only $1 or more!

Not to mention it includes Music Roms that you can listen to on your real PC engines, TurboGrafxes and Game Boys ;3
The .pce Roms were courtesy of elmer, all thanks to his Huzak sound driver for the PCE, Thanks elmer! You're a good pal ^^
Also, sorry for my bad timing >w>

I hope you all enjoy the album!
See ya!
So, are there any X68k fans in here as well? I'd love some game recommendations, I'm a big fan of all sorts of action games, Platformers, Shmups, Beat'em ups, Racing games (so long as they're not top-down) and Fighting games, Especially Fighting Games, the more fighting games you can recommend me the better!
Not a big fan of puzzle games, adventure games, visual novels and eroges though...

Here's what I've already played on the X68000:
After Burner II
Akazukin ChaChaCha
Akumajou Dracula
Arcus Odyssey
Asuka 120% Burning Fest (Probably my favourite game on the system)
Bomber Man
Chase HQ
Etoile Princesse (My other favourite game on the system)
Final Fight
Gradius II
Granada (My Other other favourite game on the system)
Mad Stalker
Sol Feace
Space Harrier
Star Trader
Star Luster
Street Fighter II
Strider Hiryu
Super Hang-on
Super Star Shooter
Tatakae Konyako EX
Thunder Blade

If you know a really good action game that's not on this list, particularly if it's a fighting game, please let me know about it, I'd love to play more on this incredible machine!
Thanks in advance!
^Here's the video

My second-ever song made using Deflemask was a cover of the stage 1 theme from Sega's arcade game Quartet, 'meh game, great soundtrack! But that was almost 2 years ago, I've learned a whole lot about not only the tracker itself but also about making music since then, so the original cover hasn't stood up very well against the stuff I've made afterwards, so I figured it was a good time to remake the song, this time really taking advantage of what the PC engine soundchip can do! (In other words, better waveforms, lots of phasing effects and reverb)
Enjoy! ^^
Alternate Title: Super Lazy Soldier - Stage Number One

Hello there, I'm pretty new here and have only posted on the PCE development threads until now...
I make PC engine/TurboGrafx-16 music on Deflemask, and I've covered Super Star Soldier's Stage 1 theme, but with the melody from We Are Number One instead...
I hope you like it!
I sure enjoyed making it...
Hello everyone, I'm new here...

First and foremost I want to get this out of the way: I'm not a collector, I'm not looking for shelf-candy, I'm just an artist who discovered the TurboGrafx 16 through the Wii's Virtual Console a few years ago and have since fallen in love with it! It has become one of my favourite game systems and it has my favourite soundchip to make music for (But not the favourite soundchip in general, that would be the SPC-700), it's so easy to use and make awesome music with it, and it sounds so GOOD!

So a friend of mine who's an active Famitracker user has shown me some of the tricks that people like to do with the NES expansion chips, most notably the Namco N-136, which does up to 8 channels of 4 bit wavetables, (but the more channels you use the worse it sounds) which is pretty similar to the PC engine (only the PCE does 5 bit waves of course), and the trick that really stuck with me was Wave-Phasing, basically you change the wavetable a whole lot of times really fast in order to make instruments that sound just like Samples!
Yeah I know, the PCE can already play samples natively, but the advantage of doing that is that you can freely pitch up and down your instruments, yeah it doesn't sound quite as good as a proper sample, but it's really impressive none-the-less!

So I've downloaded some Famitracker modules that use the trick and copied the wavetables over to Deflemask in order to try and reproduce the effect, and here's a couple of songs I've made that use the effect:
And here's another one that's still unfinished (and I'm probably never gonna finish it):Now hear me out: I know Deflemask isn't the best method of making PC engine music, I know its .hes exports are crap, you don't have to tell me that, but I can tell you that it's definitely the easiest way of making PCE music, especially for someone like me who only has experience making music on trackers, I can't use piano-roll programs, nor do I know MML, but I do plan on learning MML eventually so there's that...

The point of this post, and I'm sorry for taking so long to get to the point, is that I want to know how feasible is this trick in real hardware? Could you make a song using this trick in more than one channel and still be able to do regular samples for drums and split the BG layer for parallax scrolling? How complex of a game could you potentially make using this trick, if you could at all?

I'd love it if some kind-hearted and experienced developer gave me at least a rough idea on how well the system could handle this stuff... Thanks in advance!