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Topics - Tenchi-no-Ryu

Greetings Citizens,
Some of you may know that RIGG is supporting NightWolve's "Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence" Localization Project.

It's a pretty ambitious project and it's one we want to finish, but we NEED your help. Since RIGG is sponsoring this project, we are willing to reimburse the translator(s) that help us COMPLETE this project with honorary RIGG-Op status (i.e. UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE GREAT LIBRARY AD INFINITUM). Anyone with at least 2 years formal Japanese language experience would suffice, though we would prefer volunteers with 5 years or more. This is a MAJOR undertaking and a groundbreaking attempt for the PC Engine Community.

If anyone wishes to be a part of something great, please respond to this post, our messageboards at, or our IRC channel (US DALnet #turboduo). Remember, only serious applicants please. This is a very intense project and we cannot afford to hire any translators who are not willing to see this through. This is your chance to leave your mark on the emu scene, and help RIGG redefine the Duo for future generations. All applicants should be prepared to present proof of their credentials.

Thanks for everyone's kind support,
Edited by: Tenchi no Ryu at: 2/21/02 7:22:30 pm
Heya dude, my listed ezboard email-addy is hardly ever checked. I responded to your inquiry about RIGG but I've not heard back from you. I thought this would be a more direct route to reaching you.

For everyone else....
I've been a big fan of the PC-FX page for a while and just realized that i've not made a post yet. For everyone who knows me from Tru's messageboards "Wazzap?". For those who don't know me, it's my pleasure to visit your messageboard.
Heya bro, myself and the rest of the RIGG crew would like to extend our congratulations on the great job you guys have done with the emu thus far. We've been watching your progress with much elation. I've been asked to offer a proposal to you and your crew. RIGG would like to exclusively handle verifying, archiving, and distributing PC-FX images, labels and covers, for use with your upcoming emu. Myself, a few of our Ops, and some of our private contributors would love to donate bin/cue's of our originals for serving to the community. I'd like to throw the idea around with you a bit next time your on IRC, but I think this can be hugely beneficial for all parties concerned.
Edited by: Tenchi no Ryu at: 2/21/02 7:39:19 pm