The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Topics - Cyborc

Hey guys, my grey Super CDROM2 unit is having some trouble with cd-rs. After changing the lens and messing with the pots for what seemed like hours, the unit is loading cd-rs fine initially, but at random intervals the music will either abruptly stop playing, or will make some garbled sounds and stop playing. Also, on occasion, the game will completely lock up and pressing select+run will not soft reboot.

The random nature of the problem is the most troubling. I can play a game for an hour and no problems at all, and other times I get 10 minutes into the game and the music cuts out or the game freezes. I know cd-r usage on these old machines are frowned upon sometimes, but these cd-rs are Taiyo Yudens burned at slow speed and they worked just fine on my duo-r (why oh why did I sell my duo-r!!  :cry:)

I only have one real game at the moment, Cosmic Fantasy 2, but I haven't encountered any problems with it so far, but I haven't played the game much as I don't really care for it. The Super CDROM2 unit has been recapped so I don't think it's a cap issue.
I have a grey Super CDROM2 and Core Grafx II unit. I'd like to RGB mod them. However, From my experience I always get audio buzzing when using scart cables with other RGB systems. Shielded cables help but the buzz is still noticeable while wearing headphones so I usually try to separate the audio by adding separate audio jacks or other methods.

Can I do the RGB mod on the core grafx II unit itself and run a cable from the core grafx II to my monitor and run a cable from the super cdrom2's av output to my stereo? I'm hoping if I do the mod this way there wouldn't be any buzzing since the signals aren't travelling together in the same cable.
I purchased an RGB modded duo-r from ebay (from doujindance) and it works fine, however there is a strange sound problem. Redbook audio and chiptunes sound fine but most sound effects have this strange popping or crackling sound to them. I tried 2 different AV cables and had the same result.

It happens in hucard and cd games. I have heard many stories of the black duo's sound problems but I thought that with the duo-r/rx those problems were eliminated. I recorded the pause sound in dracula-x hopefully this will illustrate the problem because it's kind of hard to explain without hearing it yourself

any ideas or am i just hearing things??  here is a link to the WAV