OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Topics - BlueBMW

UPDATE:  This first and second batch are basically gone.  A few copies of JP Dracula X, Godzilla, Bonk 3, and Dungeon Explorer 2 remain.

Also, PLEASE please read the instructions when it comes time for requests. Send PMs to Bernie, not me to get on the lists for these.

Dynastic Hero
Godzilla - few left
Bonk 3 - very few left
Dungeon Explorer 2 - very few left
Dracula X (PC engine original) - few left

Batch 1 info + history
Greeting all!

We've all watched as our hobby has been impacted (positively or negatively) by the incredible inflation of game prices.  I think many of us can agree that it is quite frustrating when we want to play some game on our original hardware but cannot justify spending $100, $200 or even $500+ for that game.  Most of us have families and responsibilities and just cannot spend that kind of cash.

A while back a group of us got together and discussed possibly having discs pressed for various expensive but desirable games.  Many of us are aware of PCE Works / Tobias and his offerings.  This post is not here to question the ethics, motives, or merits or lack thereof of what Tobias offers.  I think many of us can agree that his selling of translations was in poor taste to the community but he has since offered the translations free of charge. 

In our search for a viable method to reproduce / press discs we reached out to Tobias as he has proven he can get discs pressed that work in our original hardware.  We weren't sure what sort of response to expect from him as our intention was to offer an alternative / cheap solution for people who just want to play the games and aren't as concerned with something looking pretty on the shelf.  To our surprise, Tobias was quite accomodating and upon further discussions by our very own hair dryer specialist Bernie we came to an arrangement with Tobias that we believe you the community will appreciate and benefit from.

When Tobias produces his games he must order a set amount of discs.  He also produces the packaging etc for those discs but not always in the same quantity as the discs themselves.  As a result there are usually extra loose discs.  Some of you may remember when I handed out about 400 loose disc misprint Sapphires a while back.  This will be a similar situation.  We have made arrangements with Tobias to acquire and distribute this extra stock of discs.  The goal here is not profit but rather to get the games into the hands of people who want to play them but cannot or prefer not to use CDRs on their original systems.

There has been much controversy as of late over the PCE Works bootlegs, and we do recognize the concerns relating to such, but we feel that a compromise can be made.  Tobias is offering us the discs to distribute, and we in turn are offering them to you the community.  We don't any money for them, just a donation to cover the cost of shipping / packaging and maybe a few extra to fund the shipping of future discs.  These are loose discs, but they are pressed discs and should run perfect in your original hardware.

As a side note, we reached out to as many people as we could who have worked on translations and the like and have come to an understanding with as many as we could get a hold of.  I would certainly welcome them to chime in on this operation but I believe we have the support of most of the translation / hacker teams in the PC Engine scene.  This is just another opportunity for people to enjoy their hard work.

Ok now that you've read the background on what is going on here lets get to the meat of it.  At present time we have spindles of three different game discs to distribute.  These are going to be done in waves so as to not overwhelm the person in charge of handling them.

Regarding distribution, we are going to offer an amount of these to these forums first, and then later offer some to a few of the facebook groups also.  No minimum post count is required but there is a caveat.  If we discover that someone we sent discs to is reselling them, that person will be excluded from all future discs we may offer.  Initially we will prioritize long time members, but even newer folks will be on the list and hopefully we can supply everyone in time.  We just ask for your patience in this.   Limit one of each disc per person! All we ask for is some money to cover the shipping / packaging costs.  Any extra proceeds will go to pay for shipping of more discs from the source.  We've done the calculations and feel like the following would be appropriate within the United States.  Outside of the US would have to be a little more:

Figure on $5 each

Without further ado, he is what we have right now:

Dracula X - English translation
Beyond Shadowgate
Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra

Since these are loose discs, you will be responsible for providing your own jewel cases, inserts, etc if desired.  User brraap has expressed interest in offering quality inserts.;u=5917

Please direct your requests to Bernie.  He will handle them in order and as quickly as he can.  As requests are filled, I will update the next post to reflect such.;u=10632

The Turbob Xpress Team
Only a few games left!

Hey guys, as part of my "I dont want to be a collectard" movement, I'm cutting out the stuff that I havent played and really honestly wont play.  So you all can benefit from it!  Prices are best guesses and are negotiable of course.  All are in good gamer condition or better.  Some cases may have some cracks etc.  If you're worried about condition on a specific item I can get you some better pictures.  Prices dont include shipping since I suspect many of you might want more than one item.

Pics are at the end

PC Engine Hucards

Final Blaster $20
Heavy Unit $10
The Lost Sunheart $20

World Court Tennis $3
World Jockey $3

Dragon Egg (loose) $7
F1 Circus $2

Armed F $10
Blodia $1
Jigoku Meguri $20
Out Live $3
Populous $8
Mizubaku Adventure Liquid Kids $50
After Burner 2 $12
Volfied $5
Operation Woof $12
Bikuriman World $3
Burning Angels $45
City Hunter $25
Coryoon $190
Don Doko Don $15
Dragon Saber $15
Galaga 88 $5
Genji Tsushin Agedama $15
Hani in the Sky (loose) $5
Magical Chase (loose) $170
Makai Prince Dorabocchan $25
Metal Stoker $14
Ordyne $5
Psycho Chaser $10
Rabio Lepus $12
Rtype 1 (+ r type 2 loose) $10
Son Son 2 $15
Space Harrier $5
Street Fighter 2 $7
Tennokoe Bank $5
The New Zealand Story $10
Valkyrie no Densetsu $12
Wonder Momo $1


Brandish $10
Doraemon Dorabian Nights $15
Efera and Jilora $10
Emerald Dragon + CD Book $20
JB Harold Murder Club $10
Macross Eternal Boredom Song  $10
Pomping World $10
Therons Quest $3
Vanilla Syndrome (no case) $3

Neo Nectaris $12
Dragon Knight 3 $5
Golden Axe $5
Hyper Wars $5
L Dis $10
Legion $8
Psychic Storm $20
World Heroes 2 $12
Burai 2 $3
Dekoboko $5
Advanced VG $10
Ai Cho Aniki (w/ spine) $25
3x3 Eyes  $5
Anearth Fantasy Stories  (w/spine) $25
Arcade Card Duo (case + manual only) $5
Asuka 120% Burning Fest $12
Browning $5
Cho Aniki $18
Cosmic Fantasy $3
Cosmic Fantasy 2 $3
Daisenpu Custom $12
Dokyusei $3
Dragon Half $5
Fatal Fury 2 $3
Fatal Fury Special $5
Final Zone 2 $12
Flash Hiders $12
Hawk F123 $10
Human Sports Festival $2
Kabuki Itoryudan $10
Kunios Soccer $2
Langrisser $3
Legend of Xanadu $10
Motoroader MC $3
Pachislo and Pachinko (w/spine) $3
Puyo Puyo CD $3
Red Alert $10
Sidearms Special $12
Snatcher (w/stickers) $12
Steam Hearts (w/spine) $130
Strider (w/ faded spine) $55
Where in the World is Carmen San Diego $3

US Games
Last Alert $30
Super System 3.0 (loose) $80

Bloody Woof (hucard + manual) $8
Buster Bros $25
Exile Wicked Phenomenon (case + manual only) $20
Final Zone 2 $20
Magical Dinosaur Tour $12

Turbo Express $250 (boxed but bar code has been cut out.  Includes styrofoam and lanyard and manual + baggies.  Great shape, has been recapped.  One stuck pixel.)
TV Tuner has been sold separately and is not included anymore!

Sega Saturn
Ghen War $5
Heir of Zendor $5
Shining Force 3 $80 (case is cracked in back)
The Lost World $5

Albert Odyssey (loose) $35
Dragon Force (loose) $40
Shining Wisdom (loose) $30

1st Mariokart Bash - Sunday December 7 @ 6pm MST / 8pm EST

Alright, so Mariokart 8 is pretty awesome (see Mariokart 8 is the tits thread)  So what we want to do is get a list of peeps together who want to play online multiplayer together.  I guess you can play with up to 12 people!  So post your Wii U nintendo id and then also what days/times you might want to play.  Hopefully we can schedule a weekly mariokart game

List of People:

BlueBMW:  BlueBMW - SAT 6pm-Midnight  SUN 4pm-Midnight
Muchiaz:  Munchi -  Weekdays 7pm - 10pm (MST) weekends - anytime
TRON:  Progrearspec - any time early as 8:00 pm est
DragonmasterDan:  DragonmasterDan - tbd
lukester: JZimino - Weekdays: 4-7 pm (no Tuesdays) Weekends: all day
EVERYTHING HAS SOLD.  That was pretty fast... kind of scary what the turbo market is these days...

Slimming down the collection to just the stuff I play.  Since I'm about to move, this is a good time to eliminate some extra stuff!  I had a full US Hucard set minus Magical Chase but honestly I'm just over the whole collecting thingy.  I'm more into obscure stuff (Laseractive, X68000 etc)  but I'm also wanting to be more of just a gamer and not so much a collector.  I separated out the games I wanted to keep and so here are the rest!  Also I've got a lot of stuff on PC Engine and for some reason I seem to play it all a lot more...

All are gamer condition with some being better.  If you're worried about condition on a specific item, just ask.  Prices are best guesses and are negotiable of course.  Package deals welcome.  I'll admit I'm a bit dismayed at how pricey US stuff has gotten... 

Note, some of the games that never had cases have cases with sparky labels.  A few labels may have been replaced with Sparky labels due to damage etc.

Chase HQ  $40
China Warrior $5
Falcon  $10
Galaga 90  $10
Samurai Ghost  $35

World Sports Competition  $30
Darkwing Duck $30
Takin it to the Poop  $3
Tiger Road  $3
TV Sports Basketball  $2
TV Sports Hockey  $2

CIC (unless noted)
Battle Royale  $11
Double Dungeons  $11
Gunboat  $15
King of Casino  $8
Legendary Axe  $12
Moto Roader (no manual)  $10
Super Volleyball (x2)  $5

Hit the Ice (generic case)  $20
Night Creatures  $25
Somer Assault (no spine label)  $40
Space Harrier  $20
Ghost Manor  $50
Jackie Chan  $90
JJ and Jeff  $11
Legendary Axe 2  $22
Order of the Griffon  $50
Silent Debuggers  $15
Ballistix  $15
Bloody Wolf  $20
Bravoman  $18
Chew-Man-Fu  $45
Devils Crush  $35
Veigues Tactical Gladiator  $17
Andre Panza Kick Boxing  $5
Champions Forever Boxing  $12
Davis Cup Tennis  $5
Dragon Spirit  $12
Klax  $12
Ordyne  $15
Pac Land  $8
Power Golf  $5
R Type  $20
Sonic Spike  $10
Timeball  $12
Tricky Kick  $8
Turrican  $25
Bomberman  $11
Boxyboy  $12
Cratermaze  $15
Fantasy Zone  $15
Impossamole  $10
Ninja Spirit  $20
Sidearms  $8
TV Sports Football  $3
Vigilante  $5
World Class Baseball  $3
World Court Tennis  $3
Yo Bro  $8

CD Games:
Dungeon Explorer 2  $240
John Madden Duo CD Football  $40

Prince of Persia  $20
Shape Shifter  $30
Sim Earth  $12

Dungeon Master Therons Quest  $25
JB Harold Murder Club  $30
Sherlock Holmes  $10
It Came From the Desert  $12
Loom (sealed)  $25
Sherlock Holmes 2  $20
Forgotten Worlds  $80
Jack Nicklaus Turbo Golf (no rear insert)  $50
Lords of the Rising Sun  $10
Vasteel (no outer slip)  $60 (not pictured)


Trimming the horde again...  Getting rid of stuff I dont play / use.

Atari Jaguar + CD

Atari Jaguar complete in box.  $140 shipped
--Box is fair, cardboard tray is deteriorating.  Works good and has A/V cable instead of RF.  Original PSU brick and controller.  Includes cybermorph

Atari Jaguar CD unit.   $250 shipped
--Good shape and works good.  Genesis power adapter.
--Includes three CD games
--Blue Lighting - Great shape, complete
--Baldies - Great shape, complete
--Hover Strike: Undiscovered Lands - Great shape complete

Iron Soldier - Great shape, complete  $10
Hover Strike - Great shape, complete  $10 SOLD
Wolfenstein 3D - Great shape, complete  $10
Zool 2 - Great shape, no controller inlay  $10
Tempest 2k - Fair shape, no controller inlay  $15
Super burnoout - Fair shape, no controller inlay, rental sticker residue on cart $10  SOLD
Dino Dudes - Fair shape, no controller inlay, generic cart case  $10
Theme Park - Good shape, no controller inlay  $10
Cybermorph - Cart + Manual  $3
Cybermorph - Loose cart  $2
Raiden - Loose cart  SOLD
Alien vs Predator - Loose cart  $10
Looking for any non turbo original pc engine pads.  What I do with them is blasphemous....  I rewire them into msx/x68000 pads and then reuse their cable to make x68000 keyboard adapters...  Ive run out of em so I need moar!  Let me know if you have some for sale cheap. :)
Everything is sold!

Hey guys.  Looking to unload some extra stuffs here.

Jamma Sega Genesis
  $???  Offer?  I dont know what something like this is worth.

I believe RobIvy built this one.  Seems to be set up only for one player.  Sound volume is controlled by the volume slider on the console.  Also has cable to plug in and power a model 1 Sega CD off of the same Jamma connection.  Doesnt work on my supergun but worked great in my cab.



Laseractive PAC-N1 (PC Engine)  $300

Fully recapped and in good condition.  You know you want it... :)

Laseractive PAC-S10 (Sega Genesis)  $150

Not recapped but I inspected the caps and found very little sign of leakage (YET!)  Would actually be an easy one to recap because of the lack of corrosion.  Works fine, but do get it recapped someday...


Inside the PAC-N1:


Inside the PAC-S10:


Not sure if anyone would be interested on here...  I'm building a new PC so I'll be needing to unload the old stuff.  Its going on five years old now I guess but it runs like a champ.

Asus P5Q-E mainboard
Intel Core2Quad Q6700 2.66ghz
4gb Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800mhz RAM (2x2gb sticks)
2gb some other brand DDR2 RAM (2x1gb sticks)
OCZ Air Cooler + AS5

These core2quads were fantastic overclockers.  This one has run 3.3ghz no problem.  The mainboard actually has an IDE header on it if you still need to run legacy stuff.  I could run this system a while longer but the geek in me demands I build a new PC every 5 years or so.

No idea what to ask for it (I mean it is 4-5 years old after all...)

Here's some really bad dusty pictures:


Quick, need this gone!

Complete minus spine card Ys 4 for PC Engine Super CDROM2

Anyone can enter.  I'll draw a name tomorrow night and mail it Tuesday if I can. Only requirement is that you say one good thing about the Nintendo 64...

I'll start....  The N64 has four controller ports and made great use of them with so many excellent four player games!

Slowly slimming down the collection to something more manageable (aka movable) and also looking for some extra cash to tie up loose ends before I jump head first into the poor college kid (adult?) life next year.

Everything is negotiable and doesnt include shipping.  Anything marked $Free is free when you buy anything else.  I'm guessing on most of the prices so if they're too high / low etc, let me know.

Pics are at the bottom in order of how they're listed here, horizontal lines are breaks between each picture.

Video Game Related Laserdiscs  $40 each?
- Air Combat 22 w/spine
- Air Combat w/spine
- Twinbee Paradise w/spine

Arcade PCBs
- Soul Edge (first version I think?) $45
- Soul Calibur $50
- Columns $35

Sega Saturn
- Tomb Raider 
- Virtua Racing 
- Ghen War
- Heir of Zendor (case is cracked)
- The Lost World

$22 Shipped for the lot

Sega CD
- Dungeon Explorer $24

PC Engine
- Ys 4  $20

- Zapper $14
- NES Satellite $14

- Team Tap $10

- FF8  $15
- FF8 (just discs) $10

Playstation 2
- Metal Gear Solid 3 $Free

Playstation 3
- Eternal Sonata (also includes strategy guide not pictured) $35

- Midway Arcade Treasures  $7
- Grand Theft Auto LCS  $10
- Lunar SSH (new) $70

- Soul Calibur 2  $15
- Mario Party 5  $20
- Lord of the Rings TT $Free

- Thunder Force 2 CB $12
- Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle CB $10
- Shining Force CB $20
- Dragons Fury CB $15
- Pirates Gold C $12
- Streets of Rage 3 (label poor) C $15
- Master of Monsters (rental) C $15
- Daimakamura (Mega Drive) CB $15

- Virtua Fighter $8
- Moto Cross $Free

Super Nintendo
- F1 RoC $Free
- Animaniacs $6
- Super Star Wars $8
- The Pagemaster $8
- C2 Judgement Clay $8
- Radical Dreamers  $45 (repro by bust3d, played through it.  Pretty neat but short hehe)


Sold Items:

Mega CD
- Final Fight CD (Mega CD) $13

- Aerofighters $50
- Gunbird 2 $125

Master System
- Phantasy Star CB  $25

- Fire Emblem PoR  $50 Sold to Opie

- Final Fantasy  $8 Hold for t2k
- Final Fantasy 2  $8 Hold for t2k
- Cube  $Free Hold for t2k

PC  Engine
- Double Dragon II  $70 Sold

- Yuna FX  $12 Sold to LK

Xbox 360 (Japanese)
- Pink Sweets / Muchi Muchi Pork (new)  $45 Sold to DMD

- Shining in the Darkness CIB  $15 Hold for Ark
- Sonic and Knuckles CIB  $20 Sold to xel
- Ecco 2 CIB $10 Hold for Ark
- Feary Tale Adventure CIB $9 Hold for Ark
- Might and Magic GtaW CIB $10 Sold to xel
- Mega Turrican CIB $30 Hold for Tats
- Wonder Boy in Monster World CB $12 NG
- Ys 3 CB $12 NG
- Exile CB $12 NG
- Herzog Zwei CB $20 Sold to xel
- Valis CB $20 Sold to LK
- Ghouls N Ghosts CB $12 NG
- Shining Force 2 C $18 Hold for Ark
- Fatal Labyrinth C $8 Hold for Ark
- Gauntlet 4 CIB $20

- Chrono Cross (new) $15 NG
- Xenogears $30 NG

Super NES
- Earthbound $125

- Tomb Raider
- NFL 2K1 (in 2k case)
- Web Browser
- Space Channel 5
- Dead or Alive 2
- NHL 2K
- Shenmue
- Coaster Works
- F1 World Grand Prix
- Test Drive 6
- Feet of Fury
Sold to xel

Sega Saturn (Japan)
- Wing Arms (no jewel case)
- True Pinball (no jewel case)
- BreakThru (no jewel case)
- Gungriffon
- Xmen vs Streetfighter (w/ ram cart)
  Sold to DMD

Neo Geo Pocket / Color
- Neo Geo Pocket (clear)
- Neo Geo Pocket Color (stone blue)
- Match of the Millenium
- Card Fighters Clash
- Gals Fighters
- Pac Man
- King of Fighters R2
- Derby Champ
- Sonic
- The Last Blade
- Metal Slug 2nd Mission
- Metal Slug 1st Mission
- Neo Turf Masters
- Bust a Move Pocket
Sold to Sy
Buy/Sell/Trade / All sold! Thanks!
07/24/2013, 09:42 PM
As part of my goal to collect less and play more, I've decided to unload these titles.  I have pc engine versions of Cotton and Godzilla, so there's no reason for me to have both versions.  Exile 2 is too hard for me to spend the time to slog through.  I've got too many other RPGs that I can play.  So have at em!

Cotton (complete, excellent shape) SOLD
Godzilla (complete, excellent shape) SOLD
Exile 2: Wicked Phenomenon (CD + rear insert + crappy copy of manual) SOLD

I've no idea what to ask for on any of these.  I cant find much recent precedent for fair forum pricing.  Make a fair offer if you're interested.  I'll be trying to ascertain what fair forum prices are for these.

Alright here's the deal.  No impending family crisis or anything like that here... but I've made a decision...  As some of you know, I am originally from Colorado but I now live in Tennessee.  About every four years I take a vacation back out west.  Every time I visit Colorado I am reminded of how awesome it is (sorry TN) Well I went this last June and had to ask myself... "WHY AM I NOT LIVING HERE!?"  So my goals have changed.  

Since I'll end up having to move everything and moving isn't free I've decided that my moving back to CO is more important than some pieces of the collection.  Besides, I've basically hit the end of what I want to "collect" and am a little tired of the chase (and the expense!).  I spend more time talking about and looking for games than I do actually playing them!  I miss playing them!  So I'm wanting to convert the "collection" into something that's primarily just the stuff I want to play.  I'll probably hold onto most of it, but some of the duplicate or redundant hardware needs to go.  Why do i need 8 different systems to play the same game??!

So anyways, here's some stuff to sell!

Neo Geo AES console.  Awesome system, but the truth is, when I go to play Neo Geo I pull out the MVS or CD first.  AES games are just too pricey and I've already got all I want to play on the other two systems.

AES Console (Component/Svid modded, Unibios 3.0, light up reset button)
AES Joystick
Generic AC Adapter
Riding Hero (US, case is rougher)
Magician Lord (US, label seems to have been replaced maybe?  Seems off for some reason)

Asking $450 shipped, but you guys tell me what's fair.



Arcade Card Pro + Kabuki Itoruyudan $50 shipped
Super System Card 3.0 (PCE) $15 shipped
New Zealand Story (loose) $8 shipped

PC Engine Core Grafx 2 + Super CDROM2 system

Includes original PSU + AV cable and the little adapter power cable and original controller.  Super CDROM2 has NOT been recapped or serviced in any way, but it works fine.  Lid switch is a little wonky, but I rigged it with a little piece of paper lol.

Asking $175 shipped

PC Engine Duo R console

Includes original pad, original box (serial number matching) with styrofoam, original power supply and a/v cable.  No instructions though.  System is tapped for RGB and has a DIN8 jack instead of the normal DIN5, but it is not amplified so you'll have to get an amplified SCART lead to work on most RGB displays.  Or get someone to add an amp to the lines inside.  Works great!

Asking $200 shipped

Sharp X1 Twin system

Works fine as a PC Engine.  I havent fully tested the X1 side since I have no X1 floppy games, though it does load up to the bios screen.  Basically a collectors piece, nothing more :)

Asking $250 shipped for it

And as a little reminder... mostly for me... A nice pic from Colorado!

Who wants a cheap x68000?

Original model with 2mb ram (1mb onboard, 1mb internal expansion)
No cables, no keyboard, no video adapter. I'll throw in copies of the disks for Dracula (seen running in the pics)

All I have done to this one is replace the SRAM battery, everything else is still original (including the power supply) It runs fine, but I suspect at some point you'll want to do something with the power supply. Though these power supplies don't seem to fail as much as the "tetris block" power supplies in the ace/expert/xvi/030 models. Bottom line, I've got too many x68000s to fix up and I'd rather spend my time on the newer units. I'll be happy to try and answer any repair questions down the road, but I don't have time to offer repair services later. There is a lot of documentation etc available at nfg games / should you need help down the road.

Asking $150 + shipping. Its cheap because its as is and its 26 years old.

If you want an original keyboard with it add $60.


The year... 1998 or so...  location... Littleton, Colorado:
  Here I was, a nerdy kid just starting high school.  I had my fancy TI-85 calculator.  We didn't have internet at home so what we did was use a 56k modem to dial up network to my dad's office.  This netted me an actual connection speed about about 10k or so.  It was dreadfully slow but it was enough to access sites such as to download games for my calculator.  After spending some $80 or so on a TI Graph Link cable, my calculator gaming career began.

I took my fancy TI-85 and downloaded a "system backup" image to it which contained Usgard, an assembly "shell" that would allow me to run assembly programs.  After that I could download as many games as that little z80 based glory device could hold (which wasnt many).  So while the math teacher was rattling on about pythagorean theorums and area formulas for various polygons, I was striving to beat my high school in Ztetris or saving the galaxy in Zmercury.  Yeah sure I could have played game boy color or game gear for some portable fun, but I couldnt do that IN CLASS...

As time went on, I eventually picked up a TI-82 at a pawn shop and later a TI86 and TI89.  At one point I had four graphing calculators in my backpack.  Each had different games on them (well the TI82 had just one huge RPG on it that took all its memory)  Even at lunch I'd play games.  You have to remember, we werent exactly allowed to bring portable games to school and this was before cell phones had anything more than maybe Snake. (crazy I know!)

Here's a few screen shots of some of my favorites:

BomberBloke for the TI86.. excellent Bomberman clone:

Super Mario 86 for the TI86..  very good mario game that featured GRAYSCALE. I cant remember for sure, but it may have also been this game that had SOUND.  You had to get a 3.5 to 2.5mm headphones adapter and connect headphones to the link port.  Sound was very basic, but it was there!

Sqrxz for multiple.. a good mario clone

Ztetris for multiple.. a perfect Tetris game.  This one was available on pretty much all the TI calculators and supported two player via a calculator link cable!

Boulderdash for the TI-89..  I loved boulderdash on my Atari 800, so playing it on the go was great!

And now looking up some stuff on (which I might add looks the same as it did when I browsed there as a kid!)  some people have made some pretty awesome stuff in the last 10 years!

Even better mario games..

And I also just learned that someone made a full out game boy emulator for the TI-89/92/92+ series.


ANYWAYS,  any of you goons play any of this stuff while you were in school?
I've got an extra one of these so I'll offer it up to you folks.

Here's what all is included:

Turbo CD Hardshell Case -- One hinge is missing the metal bar, but both lock clips are intact)
Turbografx16 -- Decent shape, dusty lol
Turbo CD base + CDROM -- Works great
Radio shack power supply
Two Turbo Pads
One Turbo Tap
CDROM System 2.0 card
Monster Lair CD game -- Sealed, canadian version... please open this when you get it, its not that valuable lol. one corner crunched.

CDROM has the original gear / laser etc, but works just fine.  If and when it fails, there are several of us here that can fix it.  I figure dont rip it apart til it actually quits.  As it is, it starts up every time no problem.  No warm up, no grinding, nothing.

Asking $250 shipped.  I'd like to do it cheaper, but there are too many people who just buy to flip so I have to price it just high enough to discourage that.




Buy/Sell/Trade / Selling some extras :)
12/24/2012, 01:19 PM
I'm too lazy to copy it all over again, but this is my sale thread over at gametz.  If anyone wants anything, let me know!
I grew up a PC gamer.  At around age 6 I started playing video games.  I first played games on an Atari 800/810 and a 386 DOS PC.  I did not get a regular Nintendo until around 1992 and a Super Nintendo and Genesis until around 1994.  So basically I grew up playing PC games, and have always like PC gaming a bit better than console gaming.

Some reasons why I like PC gaming better than console gaming:

1. Graphics:  PC games always seemed to have sharper, more detailed graphics than most of their contemporary consoles
2. Sound: Give me a Sound Blaster 16 or give me death!
3. Controls: I personally thing the Mouse Keyboard input is the best out there!  FPS with a controller?  :x
4. Strategy games: PCs seem to be king of strategy games like Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic.  Console versions of such games just dont stack up

So what do you guys think?

I should point that I do love console games too, so dont take this post the wrong way  :twisted:
Sale closed for now, will be cleaning up and relisting stuff soon!

As some of you veteran collectors know, at some point you find that you've got entirely WAY TOO MUCH STUFF.  And as a bad side effect, you have a lot of stuff you like having, but know you'll never play.  That's what this sale is about.  I'm eliminating the stuff I just know I'll never get around to playing.  It sucks, but there are just entirely too many good games out there, and as someone who likes to replay some of the same games over and over again, my problem is twice as bad.

I'll be adding stuff to this as I sort it out.  There will be stuff from most every system except the turbo / PCE since I basically already purged what I didnt want from that collection.

Prices are guesses, if they're too high (or too low) let me know please.  Prices dont include shipping, but if you buy enough stuff I'll probably just ship it free.  Figure single games will be a few bucks for first class, up to 5 games or so maybe $5.

If you are super concerned about condition on a cheap item, shoot me a PM about it.  I try and mark them if they're ex rentals or something or just horribly damaged.  I havent tested most of these in a long long time, if you'd like me to test one before sending I will, or if you get one and its dead for some reason, I'll take care of you.  You guys know me lol.

If there's stuff left over in a few weeks, I'll have to freebie raffle it!

All Gone

All Gone

SMS: (C = Cart, I = inst, B=Case)
Kenseiden C $1
Rambo III C $1
Joe Montana Football C $1
Maze Hunter 3D C $2
Action Fighter C $1
Great Ice Hockey C $1


Monster Truck Madness C $3
Duke Nukem Zero Hour C $3
007 The World Is Not Enough CIB $5
Midways Greatest Hits CIB $8


Genesis / Mega Drive / 32X
NFL Quarterback Club 32X C $5
Toughman Contest 32X C $5
Star Wars 32X C $7
Tazmania CB $2
The Great Waldo Search CIB $2
Global Gladiators CIB $4
Dynamite Headdy CIB $8
Bubsy II CB $3
Spiderman CB (ex rental) $2
Joe and Mac CB $12
Jungle Strike C $2
Taz Mania C $1
Saint Sword C $5
Revolution X C $1
Desert Strike C $1
Eternal Champions C $1
NBA Jam TE C $1
Williams Arcade GH C $1
Primal Rage C $2



Jaguar: (O=overlay, Im not sure if every game was supposed to have an overlay though)
Air Cars CIBO (Mint KA version, numbered + custom overlay)  $80


PC-FX: (S=spine card)

Princess Rolfee  CIBS Sealed $20
Graduation 2 CIB $10

US Saturn:
Creature Shock C (writing on CDs) $1
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 C $2
Tomb Raider C $2
NHL 97 C $1
NHL 98 C $1
PGA Tour 97 C$1
Decathalete C $2
World Series Baseball C $2


Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL CIB GH $8
Grand Theft Auto LCS CIB $8 (If I remember right, I got this to do one of the old homebrew exploits lol)
Assassins Creed Bloodlines C $3
Mind Quiz C $2

Game Boy:
Turtles III C $15
Galaga/Galaxian C $5


Sega CD
Mortal Kombat CIB $5


Dreamcast US
Dead or Alive 2 CIB $7
Sega GT CIB $4[/s]
World Series Baseball 2K1 CIB $2
NFL2K1 C $1
World Series Baseball 2K1 C $1
NBA 2K1 CI $1


Fifa Soccer CB $1
Family Fued C $1

Robocop 2 MOVIE $3
Silence of the Lambs MOVIE $3
Mystic Midway: Phantom Express CB $2
Wacky World of Mini Golf CIB -$1 (this game is SOOOO awful)
Rocky Balboa CIB $2
Itnl Tennis Open CIB $2
The 7th Guest CIB $5


Japanese Saturn:  No idea how to price any of these lol  S=Spine card
All gone!

Playstation, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Gamecube:
PSX Kartia CIB $10
PSX Chrono Cross CIB GH Sealed $10
PS3 Eternal Sonata CIB + Guide $20
GCN Tales of Symphonia CIB GH $25
GCN Phantasy Star Online 1+2 CIB + Broadband Adapter $65
GCN Phantasy Star Online 3 cards  CIB $10
GCN Pro Rally CIB $5
GCN Baten Kaitos CIB $10
GCN Robotech Battlecry CB $2
GCN Bomberman Jetters CIB $3
GCN Evolution Worlds CIB $5
GCN Sega Soccer Slam CIB $3
GCN Resident Evil Zero CIB $5
GCN NFL Street CIB $5



Strider  $2
Rygar  $2
Captain Skyhawk $2
River City Ransom $18
Section Z $2
Tecmo Bowl $1
NES Play Action Football $1
Castlequest $1
Jaws $1

After Burner $1
Dragon Warrior  $2
Legacy of the Wizard $1
Legendary Wings $1
Crystalis $5
Double Dragon 2  $3
Faxanadu $2

Super Ghouls N Ghosts $8
Lufia 2 (CIB) $75
Secret of Evermore $15
Drakken $1
Darius Twin $3
Lufia $25
Stunt Race FX $3
Mickey Mania $1
Top Gear $1
Pitfall $1
Animaniacs $1
The Pagemaster $1
C2: Judgement Clay $1
F1 ROC $1

Super Star Wars $1
Turtles 4 $18
Super Return of the Jedi $1

Ghost House CB $1
Great Baseball CB $1
Hang On/Safari Hunt C $1
Great Football CB $1
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?  CIB  $3
Ghostbusters CB $1
Time Soldiers CIB $5
Golvellius CIB $5
Double Dragon CIB $4  (cart label is blue?)
Cyborg Hunter CB $5
Choplifter C $1
Rocky CB $2
Monopoly CIB $2

Blast Corps C $3
Ogre Battle 64 CIB MINT $50

Genesis / Mega Drive:
D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun CB $2
Phantasy Star III CIB $12
Phantasy Star IV C  $12
Race Drivin C $1
Warsong C $8
Phantasy Star II CIB $10
Double Dragon C $1
Toe Jam and Earl: PoF CIB $8
Mortal Kombat CIB $3
After Burner 2 CIB $2
Robocop vs Terminator CB $1
Toe Jam and Earl CIB $15
Chinese Legend? CB $1
Castle of Illusion $1

Golden Axe C $1
Shinobi III CIB $8
Skitchin CB $1
James Pond II CIB $4
Comix Zone C $2
Light Crusader CIB $4
Ultimate MK3 C $2
Risk C $1

Shining Force C $5
Xmen 2 C $2
Spiderman X-men CIB $5
Mortal Kombat 2 CIB $3
Mortal Kombat 3 CIB $4
Asterix CB $3

Ariel the Little Mermaid CIB $2
Jungle Strike CIB $4
Road Rash 2 CB $4

Batman Returns C $1
Hard Drivin C $1

Bubsy CIB $15
Syndicate C $5
Pitfall CI $4
Power Drive Rally CB $7
Doom CIBO (worn) $18
Flip Out! CIB $10
Brutal Sports Football CIB (worn) $7 -- ON HOLD (T2KFreeker)
White Men Cant Jump CIB $8
Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story CIB $8
Jaguar Team Tap CIB $6
Double Dragon V C $25
Kasumi Ninja $5
Checkered Flag C $5
Val d'Isere Skiiing and Snowboarding C $5
Ultra Vortek CI $5 -- ON HOLD (T2KFreeker)
Supercross 3D CIB $8

Farland Story FX  CIBS $12
Nirgends CIBS $20

Blue Breaker CIBS $15

Defcon 5 C $2

Dark Savior CIB $12
Soviet Strike C $2

Sega CD:
Road Avenger CB $8
Chuck Rock CI $1
Sewer Shark CB $1
Vay C $5 (deep scratch to cd label, outside of game data area though)
Double Switch C $1
Willy Beamish CI $1

Sherlock Holmes Vol 2 CIB $5
Thunder Strike CIB $8
Fahrenheit CIB $8
Eternal Champions CIB $5 (case cracked)

Rise of the Dragon CIB $5 (case cracked)
Cliffhanger CIB $5 (case cracked)

Industrial Spy: Op Espionage CIB $3
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver CIB $3
Time Stalkers CIB $5
Resident Evil Code Veronica CIB $5
Phantasy Star Onilne V2 CIB $2
Marvel Vs Capcom CB $3
Power Stone CIB $12
Gauntlet Legends CIB $4
Monaco Grand Prix CIB $3
Test Drive V Rally CIB $3
Sonic Adventure CIB GH $4
Sega Bass Fishing 2 CIB $3
4x4 Evolution CIB $2
Sega Bass Fishing CIB GH $2

Test Drive 5 C $1 (ex rental)
F355 Challenge CI $1
Shenmue C $1 (4 discs)

Quarantine CIB $3 (box is rough)
The Last Bounty Hunter $5
Demolition Man CIB  $3
Drug Wars CIB  $3
Creature Shock CIB  $3 (box is rough)

Mazer CIB $5
Space Pirates CIB $5

Blade Force CIB $5

PSX etc:
PSX Final Fantasy Origins CB $1
Buy/Sell/Trade / Sold Remove :)
07/21/2012, 06:14 PM
I just want this stuff gone. Make an offer. Lowballs welcome.

17 GBA game boxes (some have manuals / inserts) no games
1 GBC game box
3 GB game boxes (F1 race has manual and 4 way tap)

4 GBA game manuals
4 GBC game manuals
16 GB game manuals
4 GB system manuals
8 GB precautions booklets

1 Lynx manual

4 cases

1 Pink DS lite box (fair shape)

Lite boy (missing battery cover)

GB 4 way tap

Selling to pay for shipping a huge lot of 68000 stuff from Japan.  Prices are shipped!  Make offers if I'm screwed up on pricing lol.


PCE Hucard games, make an offer on the whole lot! lol SOLD!


Wizardy V $7 SOLD
Ys 4  $10 SOLD
Doukyusei $7
Prince of Persia $7 SOLD
Burai 2  $7
Therons Quest $7
Double Dragon 2 (Spine has been sold separately!)  $65 SOLD
Asuka 120% burning fest (w/ spine) $17 SOLD


Murder Club $7
Shanghai 2 $LOL SOLD
Mamono Hunter Youko SOLD
Kagami No Kuni No Legend SOLD
Valis 2 $7 SOLD
Hihou Densetsu - Chris no Bouken SOLD
So as some know I bought a huge lot of 68000 stuff off of yahoo jp.  While I paid for the lot, I need to fund the shipping of it!

If you are curious, this is the lot :twisted:

Prices are shipped to the US.  And some of this stuff I just guessed at a price.  If I'm high or low, let me know!

Stuff for sale:


PS2 Ace Combat 4 and 5 w/ Flightsticks  (box is rough/written on, games are fair to good)  $45


Neo Geo Pocket Color (some scratches, dead backup battery, overall fair shape)
Metal Slug
Metal Slug 2nd Mission
Sonic Pocket Adventure
Bust a Move Pocket
Gals Fighters
Match of the Millenium

Whole lot for $90


Neo Geo Pocket (good shape, backup battery dead) $22


PSX Final Fantasy 8 - complete but discs need resurfacing and case is cracked $8
PSX Resident Evil 2 - complete good shape $8 SOLD
JSAT Deep Fear - complete good shape $10 SOLD
DC Shenmue - complete fair shape $8


PSX Final Fantasy 7 - missing disc 1
PSX Parasite Eve - missing disc 1
PSX Red Alert Retaliation - no disc lol
PSX Shadow Madness - missing disc 1
Free with any other purchase


PS2 Kingdom Hearts - fair shape  $9 SOLD
PS2 Final Fantasy X - fair shape $7
PS2 Final Fantasy X2 - fair shape $7
GCN Megaman Anniv - fair shape $9


Sonic 1
Sonic 2 - Complete
Sonic Spinball
All for $15

Pirates Gold! $10


Doom - cart+manual
Zool 2 - cart+manual+box (no overlay)
Wolfenstein 3D - complete
Iron Soldier - complete
All four for $20

And lastly....


X68000 Compact XVI system (PSU, Mainboard, Sub Boards and Floppy drives have all been recapped)
VGA Adapter (still needs a monitor that supports down to 31khz input)
MD / Genesis controller adapter
USB Floppy Drive (for writing your own disks, can be used to write preformatted disks on Win 7, but you'll need XP 32bit to format disks)
Original Keyboard
A few disks written with some homebrew games to get you started :)

Asking $500 shipped (have never seen one of these sell stateside, except for the broken one I bought lol)
Here's a chart showing the sizes/locations of the mainboard capacitors of the PCE LT system.  Note, clearances are very tight in this system so choose the smallest correct rating capacitors you can find.


Backup: pcelt_cap.jpg
Hey guys.  I've got a bunch of this stuff, but I honestly just NEVER use it :(  Its a cool system, but I just dont play it.  Maybe its because I'm not a big fighter fan, and maybe its because if I'm going to play Metal slug or Puzzle Bobble I'll do it on an MVS cab, not a portable hehe.  I know some of you love these things (and their super cool clicky thumsticks!)  So here's all my Neo Geo Pocket Color stuff!

Based on the inquiries I've received, I'll break this stuff up if desired.

Neo Geo Pocket Color Stone Blue - CIB US - Good shape, some scratches on the screen, not horrible, but not perfect.  For play, not collection.
Neo Geo Pocket (B/W) clear - CIB JPN - Good shape, fewer scraches than the color.  Again gamers unit, maybe not collection

Both systems need memory backup batteries...

Boxed Games:
Gals Fighters - US - NEOP00931
SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millennium - US - NEOP00691
Pac Man - JPN - NEOP00550

Loose Games:
Derby Champ - JPN - NEOP00170
King of Fighters R2 - JPN - NEOP0023
Sonic - US - NEOP00591
Bust a Move Pocket - NEOP00201
Last Blade - US - NEOP00951
Oekaki Puzzle - JPN - NEOP00810
Neo Turf Masters - US - NEOP0035
Metal Slug 1st Mission - US - NEOP0021
Metal Slug 2nd Mission - JPN - NEOP00610

Make an offer on whatever :P  I'm not a stickler for money, so lowball away!

Sold Items:

AC Adapter - boxed original SNK w/ instructions
Cool Cool Jam - JPN - NEOP01000
Ogre Battle - JPN - NEOP00850
Fatal Fury First Contact - US - NEOP00111
King of Fighters R2 - US - NEOP00231
Pocket Tennis - EU - NEOP0028
SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters? - JPN - NEOP00560
Puyo Pop - US - NEOP0041

Sold within a minute to someone on the shoutbox!

I've got too much hardware here, so here's an extra duo up for sale.  Its been fully recapped and cleaned by thesteve and the laser has been tuned properly. (might have been replaced, cant remember)  but it works perfect on both the CD and hucard sides.

Includes system, power cable, duo pad and a/v cable

Asking $200 shipped to the USA
Add a few bucks for international

It seems that PC-FX systems are now having issues related to failing capacitors... so here's a chart in the typical Red Ghost style


I've got one unit I'm trying to fix that has a bad controller board.  So if anyone has a unit that's beyond repair but has a good controller board, I'd like to buy it :D
The threads concerning this unit are sparse and scattered, so I decided to start up a single thread detailing everything I know about this unit.  Having just acquired it, I am still learning its ins and outs.

Apparently in the late 80s, the company United Amusements produced these "Turbo Grafx 16" arcade units.  They were designed to be retrofitted into an existing cabinet and allowed an arcade operator to run Turbo Grafx 16 games in an arcade coin op setup.  I'm not sure how many of these units were built, nor do I know how many still exist today.  I speculate that at least 100 maybe even a few thousand of these were produced, though I have no information to back this up.  They dont look to be prototype quality, but on the flip side we don't see too many of them out there, so they must be pretty uncommon.  The serial numbers on the units and Warranty cards dont seem to give much indication on production numbers either.

Ok now about the unit...


The unit is mounted on plate that can be mounted in an arcade cabinet like any other PCB.  Its not a particularly large unit.  It consists of three main parts, the PC engine, the interface board and the harness.


Its not truly a plug and play JAMMA unit.  Though it uses a JAMMA harness that has been customized for the unit.  In other words, you cant simply plug the unit into a jamma harness of any arcade cabinet and have it work.  The other end of the harness has loose wire ends for coin input, speaker + and -, ground, +12v, +5v and -5v.  It also has two large "AMP" connectors for the player 1 and 2 control panel connections.  This unit has wires for two players, though only player one is functional.  Perhaps they were considering making a two player version later on.  The instruction manual for the unit told of how to install this unit into several different popular cabinets of the time.


I wired the ends of this harness to a JAMMA fingerboard to make it plug and play JAMMA capable.   While not the original intended method of installation, this allows the unit to be installed and uninstalled like any other arcade PCB.  Notice I only wired the 1st player control panel wires in.


The unit uses a standard white PC Engine mainboard.  It has been removed from a shell and mounted with screws and posts onto this unit.  You can tell its an original white PC Engine because of the RF out.  Interestingly though, the unit was advertised as a Turbo Grafx 16 unit.  Apparently the company that distributed this also distributed games for it.  From the pictures I've seen, they look like custom PBCs with ROM chips installed.  I can assume the ROM chips held the game data and the PCBs served to convert US games to Japanese.  I havent tried US games through a converter board yet, so I dont know if the region lock pin is desiabled or not.

The PC engine can be removed and used externally with a power cord, controller and RF unit or IFU.  Inside the unit, three connections are made.  The controller input, the power input, and the expansion port.



The controller input is a standard mini DIN8 cord that goes to the interface board (more on that later).  It plugs in like a controller would.  The power port has a custom plug that is wired to the JAMMA edge at one of the 12V pins and one of the GND pins.  The other 12V pin has a wire running from it for connection to the cabinet power supply.  Lastly, there is a custom made connector that plugs into the rear expansion port of the PC Engine.  The connector looks to be the same connector as is in an IFU base, Super CDROM, or other accessory that plugs into the expansion port.

From what I can tell, there are the following connections made:

A1: Sound Right
21A: Ground
22B: Reset
22C: Sync
23A: Red
23B: Green
23C: Blue

The Sound Right connection goes to the JAMMA edge of the interface board at the pin labelled "TEST"

The Reset pin is connected to the JAMMA edge at pin "KEY"

The 21A ground and the three video signals are connected to the JAMMA edge pins "V GND" "V-BLU" "V-GRN" and "V-RED"

So basically, the Interface unit inputs the Right channel audio, and the video data in via the JAMMA edge of the interface mainboard.  The audio goes through an amplifier circuit complete with a volume pot and then goes out the JAMMA edge on the +/- speaker connection.   There is some additional sound circuitry that adds sound to the sound output.  Noteably, when you turn the unit on, there is a loud beep sound through the cab speakers, and a chime.  I understand these to be self test sounds.  When a persons credit time reaches 30 seconds remaining, another chime will sound through the cab speakers to tell the player to insert more coins.  

If no more coins are inserted, the system resets and locks out the RUN button.  I'll assume this is why there is a wire connected to the RESET pin on the PC Engine rear interface.


The video enters the unit and is amplified with what looks like a transistor amp setup.  There are trim pots for each color line also.   It is output via a connector that plugs into the interface board.  This connector has the standard arcade monitor input plug on the other end of it.  In the picture above, the video out connection is on the right and the controller input connection is on the left.  Notice there is no red wire on the controller input...

Speaking of the controller input,  I traced back much of the circuit for the control panel connection.  Basically the control panel buttons and joysticks connect to the JAMMA edge of the interface unit.  All the buttons / joystick connections except the start button connect to an NTE74157 chip which is the same chip that is use in TG/PCE controllers to convert 8 inputs into 4 wire output.  The start button takes a different path...  It goes to a switch chip of sorts.  From what I can tell, it is connected or disconnected based on the coin op status of the unit.  The unit uses a timer for gameplay.  When you dont have play time, the start button is disconnected and is thus locked out.  The start button is the RUN button on the TG16/PCE.

Here's a general diagram I drew up of how it connects.  I've cut out the start button's control circuit and connected it directly to the final pin on the NTE74157 chip it ends up at.


It looks like this same setup could be used to connect an arcade style controller to a TG16 / PCE

Here are some scans I made of the interface board:



All in all its a neat setup.  The coin operation stuff is particularly unique!  As far as a unit to use for regular play.... it may not be the best for a few reasons...

One player only... What is the fun of playing on a cabinet if you cant squeeze a second person in there for some two player action!
Mono sound...  In keeping to JAMMA standards, the unit is only setup for mono sound
Turbo?  There does not appear to be any circuitry to support turbo switches on the buttons
Rarity...   These seem to be pretty uncommon units, and they are quite old.  While it seems a robust setup, regular use may shorten its usable life.

Here are a few videos I made of the unit installed in a cab:
Seeing that the connection to the PC Engine is the standard interface... I tried to connect a Supergrafx to the unit.  The onboard power cord didnt fit, so I had to power it separately... but it worked fantastic!
I seem to forget sometimes what I already have an end up somehow acquiring duplicates quite by accident!  So here are a few duplicates up for sale:

No spines, some scratches on CDs, but nothing bad.  Good gamer's copies all :P

$25 Macross 2036 SCD - awesome shooter!
Pending Sale
$25 Star Parodier SCD - interesting shooter! Pending Sale
$10 Valkyrie No Densetsu HuC- nice little adventure  SOLD to Munchiaz
$10 Ys 4 SCD - in Japanese, but still neat :D Pending Sale

All prices shipped (international add a $1)  And if they're too high, please tell me!!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :dance: :dance: :dance: =D> =D> =D> :dance: :dance: :dance: =D> =D> =D> :dance: :dance: :dance: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:dance: :dance: =D> Congratulations are in order for none other than Lilgrafx!!!!! You'll be playin Turbo Duo by Christmas!!!   :dance: :dance:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :dance: :dance: :dance: =D> =D> =D> :dance: :dance: :dance: =D> =D> =D> :dance: :dance: :dance: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry to those who didn't win, but I'm sure more raffles will come in the future!


First I took all the names and randomized them.  Then I took the top 8 and did a second drawing.  Think of the first drawing as a semi final... more suspense!  I'll post the first list now, so you all can know who the top 8 are... then In about an hour or so I'll post the second drawing.  The name at the top of the list of the second drawing is the winner!

So here's the semi finals list:



Ok folks, I've talked about it, I've hinted at it, I've been wanting to do it, so here it is....

The Ultimate freebie raffle!!!

Some lucky person will get a FREE US Turbo Duo system!

The system has had a full capacitor change and laser replacement.  It can be region modded if the winner so chooses.

Rule #1: The winner of said item will be asked to not sell this item on ebay.  While I can't enforce this, we'll just have to trust you.  If you decide it must go, please offer it up on the forum for a reasonable forum price.

Rule #2: If you own a working Super CD capable system, I'd ask you to refrain from entry unless you just really really really want a US duo for nostalgic reasons.  My goal is that this would go to someone without a good working Super CD capable system.

Optional Rule #3: If you own a broken CD system of some sort and wish to enter, I'd ask that if you win the raffle, you would consider donating your old broken system to me so I can fix it and re-raffle it off to someone else.  Not required, but encouraged.

I will close the raffle to new entries Friday December 16th at 11:59PM  A winner will be drawn the next day most likely.  I will try and make it a youtube video instead of just a pic.  The hope is that the winner will be able to receive the Duo right before Christmas.  Yes it will be gift wrapped by me!  Also, anyone can enter from anywhere in the world.

List of Entrants:

Bloody Wolf
Neo Rasa

Ok here's a pic of the unit!

A Winner has been drawn!  I laugh everytime I read this username...

Its ROFLMAO!!!!  Congrats!!!


Ok so I was digging through the attic today, cleaning up stuff and putting other stuff away, when I found a box of some old Nintendo collectibles I forgot I had.  Here are a few of them.  I'll be giving these away raffle style like we've all been doing.  If you want em, throw your name into the hat!

Winner will be drawn Friday evening this week.  (October 28)

Winner gets all 3 items!  Free shipping to anywhere in the world.

And no, you cannot take JUST the lunch boxes... you must take all three items :lol:



Bazzy Bond
Hey all, I picked these two up out of curiosity, but honestly I'm not that impressed.  Hi-Leg has a little too much Japanese for me, and rather than muddle through it, I'll play another RPG :P  Steam Hearts' is an average shooter with creepy hentai cutscenes.  Not really my thing either :P  But I figure some of you might want them!  Here they are for exactly what I paid shipped for them.  If you want both, I'll make you a deal :D

Hi Leg Fantasy (no spine/no reg card)  $90  On hold!
Steam Hearts' (no spine/reg card)  $80   On hold!

We all know our buddy Trev likes freebies, so here's the question of the day for you guys :P  Should I send him a Sapphire or not? :lol:
Version 3 of the region mod chip is now available! This new chip does not require that you run wires to each hucard slot pin.  It fits directly on the pins for easy slim installation.  Installation time is around 15 minutes (compared to previous models which could easily take an hour or more)

Pricing is  $18 for the mod chip and $3 for postage
Switchless confirmed working.  Available soon!

Contact Turbokon for more information.

OG: wayback://93e39fe175e1bc99a4e8a5b730232da0.jpg

ARCHIVE -- Old information for the 1st and 2nd version region mod chips.

 Version 2 of the region mod boards are now available and can be purchased from Turbokon directly via his website:

Region Mod Chip   $16 + $2.50 shipping to US
Switchless Control Board   $4 extra

Any questions, feel free to PM either myself or Turbokon.


I wrote up an installation manual that can be downloaded here (~15mb)

As some of you know, thesteve and I have been working on making up some nice new region mod chips for these consoles.  Well the boards and parts have all arrived, and I have started to assemble chips!  I've tested these in a US Turbo Duo and a US Turbo Express.  They work perfect!

These chips will work with a SPDT slide switch just like the other IC based region mods.  These require that you cut 8 of the connections going to the hucard slot and run wires to them.  If you don't feel comfortable soldering very small connections, you should probably have this done by someone experienced.

Optionally, a second control chip board can be used to run the mod 'switchless'.  By 'switchless' we mean there will be no switch mounted externally on the device.  This was designed for the portable systems so one doesn't have to cut up their Express or GT (or maybe even LT  :shock:) to perform a region switch.  In this setup, the original region is default and the second region is selected by holding the select button while powering the unit on.  NOTE: This doesnt not work on console systems!  It still requires a button press on boot which cannot be done on consoles like it can on portables!

The pricing on these chips will be as follows:

Region Mod Chip   $18 shipped
Switchless Control Board   $4 extra

If you need a switch or wires with your chip, let me know!

I wrote up an installation manual that can be downloaded here (~15mb)
Please send me a PM if you are interested!

Dimensions on the chips are 0.70" x 0.850" by 0.15" for the main chip, and 0.70" x 0.65" x 0.15" for the switchless control chip.

And now some pictures!

Installed in a Turbo Duo:

Installed in a Turbo Express:
UPDATE: Its over!  The raffle has been drawn, see below to see where you fell into the list.  PMs will go out soon
UPDATE:  I have combined the info etc from the thread at the temp forum with this thread.
I recently got a big lot in from a purchase a few months ago.  After sorting everything out, I've ended up with some duplicates from this lot.

The lot in question was from this thread:

I received numerous PMs, posts, requests, begs, you name it for some of the games in the lot.  Everyone wants the same games (of course!) so I needed to figure out a fair way to give everyone a shot at buying what they want.  So what I'm going to do is a raffle of sorts...  Basically I'll have all the games listed with prices and I will start a list of interested parties.  I will close the list next Sunday Nov 27th at NOON EST I'll draw a name.  That person will then get to pick ONE game they would like to buy.  Then I'll pull another name and that person will get to choose, and so on.  Of course anyone is welcome to pass their turn (if the game they wanted is already gone for example)  If anything is leftover after everyone's name has been drawn, we'll open it up to first come first serve.

RAFFLE OVER!  Here's the list how it came out random!  Congrats to those higher on the list, my apologies to those lower...

Prices are shipped (international too)

So here's the list of games:

US Hucards:
Lengendary Axe JIC   $5
Double Dungeons JIC   $10

Dragons Curse JIC   $14 <--- chosen by neoxeno
Splatterhouse JIC   $12 <--- chosen by incrediblehark
Chew Man Fu JIC   $25 <--- chosen by Mishran
Neutopia JIC   $12 <--- chosen by roflmao
Order of the Griffon IC   $18 <--- chosen by elabit / PunkCryborg
Neutopia II C   $23 <--- chosen by MasonSushi


Last Alert  $12 <--- chosen by Munchiaz
Ys 1/2 (duo packin)  $18 <--- chosen by Lilgrafx
Valis 2  $14 <--- chosen by tsuran
Exile (w/ box)  $8 <--- chosen by Necromancer
Shape Shifter  $12 <--- chosen by T2KFreeker
Gate of Thunder 3in1  (cd only)  $20 <--- chosen by EdoJapan76
Final Zone 2  $12 <--- chosen by Duo_R
Ys 3  $22 <--- chosen by jasonbar
Lords of Thunder  $20 <--- chosen by blueraven
Forgotten Worlds  $18 <--- chosen by Superplay
Cosmic Fantasy 2  $10 <--- chosen by Gao

So recently I acquired an RGB modded Duo-R with a DIN8 to SCART cable....  then this week, Opethian hooked me up with a SCART to Component converter board.  The result is that I can finally utilize the RGB mod on this Duo-R!  I have always been a bit skeptical about the true benefits of going through all the cost and hassle of getting RGB out of an old system like this, but now I am a believer!

Please excuse the horrible picture quality as they were taken with my only camera (a smartphone)  And the screen shots were taken of the actual TV screen, not from a video capture device of some sort.  Even with the poor pictures, you can definitely tell the difference!

The setup:

Supergrafx + SCDrom via Composite
Duo-R via RGB -> SCART -> Component

on a 56" DLP HD TV  (Samsung HLS-5687w)


And the Results!



Another Composite closer up:

And RGB of the same spot:

I probably need to adjust some settings on the TV to accommodate this RGB signal better, but so far I think it looks awesome!
It seems that none of this hardware is safe from leaking capacitors as some of these Super CD-ROM² units have started to exhibit issues relating to failing capacitors.  Note that both RF shields must be removed and the laser assembly must be removed before all the capacitors can be accessed. Below is a chart mapping all the capacitors in the Super CD-ROM² unit.

The laser installed in the Super CD-ROM² is the Sony KSS-210B and the unit has the same 5 adjustment pots like a Duo unit.


Some units have an additional 100µF cap installed right above the 4 sided Sony chip next to the 22µF surface mount caps beneath the laser assembly.  Others just have an empty pad without a cap.

Also, the RF shields MUST be reinstalled for this unit to work properly.  It looks like it links some grounds to one another.


Thanks once again to Red Ghost for the chart format!
As someone who does repairs and modification work, what do you guys think of modifying our Turbo / PCE systems?  They are becoming rarer and rarer as time goes on, so I can understand wanting to preserve factory original hardware.  But there are also a lot of benefits to the player when you have a system that's region switched or RGB modded.

Personally, I dont mind most modifications that dont significantly alter the appearance of the console.  I like tasteful clean mods that improve functionality (like region switches and A/V jacks etc)

Tell me what you all think.
There are a few major failures that occur with Turbo CD and PCE CDROM2 units.  Historically, the most common failure has been the laser deteriorating to the point where it will no longer read.  The repair for this has been to replace the laser assembly which is still readily available for a reasonable price.  

Recently however, many have been experiencing two related issues.  One is a CDROM unit that will not start up at all.  Meaning the disc wont spin, the laser wont turn on, nothing happens at all except for a "0" on the readout.  The other issue is that some units will require a significant warm up time.  These two issues have been traced to the now infamous "middle gear" on the laser sled mechanism.  The gear will either seize up on its axle causing the warm up issue, or teeth will break off the gear rendering the entire unit inoperative.

In a unit where the gear has not broken yet, it has been determined that a relubrication using a safe plastic lubricant on the middle gear axle can extend the life of the unit and correct the warm up issue.  This however is not a permanent fix as the gears are still deteriorating and will inevitably break.

Many efforts have been made to find or manufacture replacement middle gears.  As of yet, none have succeeded in providing a cost effective solution.  Recently however, the tech crew here at PCEFX have been considering alternate methods of repairing this problem.

Finally, just today a completely new solution utilizing a not so new idea has been developed.  This process is currently undergoing extensive testing, but so far has proven reliable....

Introducing the CDROM3 Upgrade

This system eliminates the gear system completely and replaces it with a smooth and quiet belt system.  The major parts have been sourced.  The total cost of this repair will be under $10 for the parts.  This repair requires some skill to implement, and so should be done by one of the tech crew here.  We are currently testing this solution and also searching for better components, although the components we are using now are proving to be effective!  

Soon this repair service will be officially offered at a very low cost to PCEngineFX members in good standing.

Here are some pictures!


I recently replaced the capacitors on two of these units.  There is no difference as far as the capacitors go on the N1 (PCE) vs the N10 (TG16).  Below is a chart outlining what capacitors you will need and where they will go.  You will also need a security bit to open these PACs.  Its the same bit as used on Duos.

Backup: Pac_N1_Main.jpg

Thanks to Red Ghost for the inspiration on cap chart format! :P
Hey all!  I have two Turbo Expresses, one good and one.... well not so good.  It would work sometimes, and other times no go.  This evening I tried to do a region mod on the flaky unit.  Alas, after all the hard work hooking up all those little wires etc....  the system decides it doesn't want to work.  Not sure whats wrong with it... and I'm not really worried since it was a flaky unit to begin with.  So....

Does anyone have a Turbo Express (or PC Engine GT) with a bad / broken screen they'd like to sell? :P  I'd like to chop this one up and hopefully end up with a second good unit.  If anyone has one, please let me know!
UPDATE:  These are all gone!  Thanks to all who donated!

I have removed the original posting here just in case "the man" decided to give me grief over what I've done. :P  But if anyone would like to read the original posting, I have saved a copy of the text and can PM it to you.


Also, here's the inserts for download if someone wanted them:
Winner has been drawn!  We had 25 entrants total, and of those 25 the one lucky winner is...... 




Ahh the holidays... a time for giving... a time for receiving... a time for obeying...

I'll keep it short and sweet this time :P  I've got a US duo with a region mod switch, so basically it will play anything I want to play!  As a result, I have this other piece of hardware that sadly gets no love anymore...  so it needs a new home!

So, here's the freebie....

A PC Engine Core Grafx I console
Original NEC A/C Adapter
Original NEC A/V Cable
Original NEC PI-PD6 Controller
A Tennokoe Bank 2 add on unit
A random PC Engine hucard :P

So, to enter.... tell us the coolest thing you ever got for Christmas (or whichever holiday you choose to observe)


ceti alpha
Joe Redifer
Official Ninja

I think I'll do the drawing Saturday December 11th so that hopefully this can get to someone by Christmas!

A winner has been drawn in the legendary Sapphire freebie!  We had 23 entrants to this raffle!

And the winner is....


Congratulations!  And thanks to all that entered!


So what do I have to be thankful for?  Well lots of things....

My job: Pays for a lot of Obey
My folks: Giving me a place to stay while I go back to school (and Obey)
My TG/PCE Collection: Which now outnumbers any other single system I own besides maybe PC games.
The pcenginefx community: Which has turned out to be a vibrant, interesting, and all around friendly lot of good folks!  (with a few quirks and lulz added in for spice)

So, what does all that have to do with a freebie?  Well, there seems to be a problem in the picture below...


So what's the problem?!??!  Lots of good games there!!  But.... what's this???  There are TWO Sapphires???? What ever shall I do with that spare one?!?!

Give it away of course!!!   But there's a catch... you gotta post what you're thankful for in order to be added to the raffle!  So tell us all what you're thankful for this year and Sapphire could be coming your way as an early Christmas present!

Drawing to be held the evening of Thanksgiving (US holiday, so for those not in the USA, its November 25th!)


Official Ninja
Ceti Alpha

And just to clarify, this is not the REAL deal, but one of the ol bootlegger copies.  Great for Obeying without breaking the bank!

It is sealed, but you had better open it and play it!

We seem to have a pretty big variety of usernames here.  Some are pretty obvious in their meaning... others maybe not so much.

So what does your screen name mean, and how did you come up with it?

BlueBMW - I like BMWs, and I like blue, plus the two "B" sounds seem to flow nice :P  My personal BMW is actually white.
Winner Drawn!!!

The winner is..... Arkhan! Congrats!!!!


What's scarier than not obeying the PCE????  Watching the now non-existent ANALOG TV on your Turbo Express!

Ok so maybe its not that scary... its actually kind of cool!

Anyways, to be raffled off on Halloween.. a Turbo Express Turbo Vision!

The unit is a little bit cracked by the antenna, but it does work ok.  Its great at picking up snow and local preachers!

Post here if you want to be in the raffle!


- bartre
- Duo_R
- Arkhan
- blueraven
- Obfuscate
- TheClash603
- DesmondThe3rd
- csgx1
- DragonmasterDan
- TurboStar

Here are some identifications I have made on the US Turbografx CDROM PCB.  This was mostly for my own reference, but maybe someone else has some use for them.


Over time I will be putting together a more complete collection of technical information concerning the Turbografx CDROM unit.
Rumors told me that there was a great game out there.  But there were a few catches... one it was very expensive, and the other was that it required a Japanese Arcade system card to play...

That game of course is Sapphire!

So what do I do if I have a US Duo and I want to play it?  That has been my quest over the last several weeks!

Step 1: Bought a cheap copy of Sapphire from Tobias...


Step 2: Bought an Arcade Pro card from Henrycsc... (and later an arcade duo card from Opethian!)


Step 3: Sourced region mod parts from Digikey, Radio Shack and a local electronics store. Also bought some nice shiny new tools!


Step 4: Construct region mod chip as per


Step 5: Opened my precious US Duo and hacked away!


Step 6: Switch the region mod to JP region!


Step 7: Insert Arcade system card AND Sapphire CDROM.....


Step 8: The moment of truth....










Unlike some here, all I have is a lowly loosie PC Engine copy of Magical Chase.  Which is fine for me!  But, I can't for the life of me figure out how to use the spells.  I've tried every button combo I can come up with.  I know I've used them on accident before, but I cant reproduce what I did.

Does anyone have a scan of the US manual detailing the controls for the game?
Although not nearly as nice as the ones some other members have made.... here's a cap chart I put together for the PC Engine Core Grafx I.
